Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2007 Who made this fairy treasure?

Thousands of miles away, Langxing held the little crescent moon and hesitated. He had been hesitating on this matter for many years. He had been hesitating since the second senior sister handed the little crescent moon to him. Firstly, I am worried that this fairy treasure will be destroyed. Secondly, after making the inside habitable, this treasure will lose its debilitating effect. After locking a powerful enemy in, we can no longer wait for him like a prisoner. weaken.

But if it can be made livable, the benefits are obviously greater. Then you can really have a world of your own, and you can take Shen Qing and the others with you, making it a safe place of refuge and a paradise.

After thinking for a while, he took out the Shui Ting Sword inside. No matter what, he could not damage this treasure.

After settling the Shui Ting Sword, he flew tens of thousands of miles away. If something happened, it would be a catastrophe, and the affected area could be tens of thousands of miles away. When sending Little Crescent Moon to the Qiankun Bag, Lang Xing's His heart beat faster, but he was not too nervous because he felt that there was not much trouble, and the second senior sister also held this view, otherwise she would not have given him the little crescent moon, just because this treasure was too valuable. High, that's why they are so cautious.

Just like putting in the first little crescent moon, this little crescent moon went in silently. Last time Langxing didn't make any preparations, but this time he used his spiritual consciousness to prepare for observation. But the moment the little crescent moon went in, His ray of consciousness was lost in an instant!

Langxing threw down the Qiankun Bag and desperately used his body skills to escape, because he saw a strong light before the ray of spiritual consciousness was destroyed. It was the most powerful force he had ever felt so far, so powerful that he could The first thought that came to my mind was that it was over, everyone might be over, and I should stay a million miles away from the Xuanfang Sect to do this!

The instinctive reaction only happened in an instant. The fleeing figure of Lang Xing was thousands of miles away in a flash, and then he flashed back even faster, grabbed the Qiankun bag and flew away desperately towards the distance. He figured it out. It would definitely be too late to go back and tell everyone to escape. Only by sacrificing your own life can you give everyone a chance to survive.

on return

At that moment, Langxing did not hesitate. There were too many people here who were worthy of his life. As he flew forward with the Qiankun Bag, his eyes were straight. Fear made it almost impossible for him to think. Faces that made him extremely reluctant to leave flashed through his mind uncontrollably. There were his parents, Shen Qing, Second Senior Sister, Bai Xiang, and the people he was saving...

He didn't know how far he flew, nor how long he flew, but his mind started to work a little bit, and thinking made the terror become more and more serious. He really wanted to throw away the Qiankun bag and escape, but he felt that he had to run away. It wasn't far enough. The huge fear made it almost impossible for him to activate the spiritual power in his body. It was quite like his legs were so scared that he was weak when running.


After exhaling a breath, he fell from the air. When he almost hit the ground, he used his spiritual energy to stagger to stabilize his body. Then he sat down on the ground exhausted. At this moment, his body was already It was all cold sweat and hot sweat.

What made him unable to hold on was that he finally had time to take a look inside the Qiankun Bag, and what he saw made him relax. There was no strong white light, and no violent and powerful force. A second little sun appeared in the sky. This was the most likely situation as he had expected. It seemed that it was just the powerful power shown by the little crescent moon when it entered the Qiankun Bag that made him mistakenly believe that something bad was going to happen.

Langxing gasped and looked up at the stars, and calculated the time. This desperate run only lasted a few breaths, and the flight was only more than ten thousand miles, but he felt like it had been a long, long time. Time, this false alarm really almost cost him half his life.

When Su Wan came over, Lang Xing hadn't completely recovered yet. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his eyes still had a look of fear that hadn't dissipated.

"Are you okay?" Seeing his appearance, Su Wan couldn't help but feel her heart tighten.

"It's okay." Lang Xing waved his hand feebly. After confirming again that the situation in the Qiankun Bag was stable, he pointed to the woods nearby, "Go and catch that deer. You need to use it to verify whether the Qiankun Bag is in the right place." Safety."

The deer was put in and then released. After repeating it five times, Langxing followed the deer in for the sixth time and sent the deer to the larger piece of land. He quickly inspected the land. After getting into the defensive formation, he came out immediately and said to Su Wan, "It should be safe, and I feel better than before, but you have to be extremely cautious about this. Wait a few more days and take a look at this one." Deer’s condition.”

Su Wan said, "Let me go in and take a look." She couldn't wait too long for seclusion. If the Qiankun Bag was not suitable, she would have to find other ways as soon as possible.

Lang Xing put her in after a slight hesitation. After this false alarm, he felt that he was a little too cautious about the Qiankun Bag. While observing Su Wan's condition, he flew back and found the Shui Ting Sword. Finally, he used his spiritual mind to ask Su Wan, "How do you feel?"

Su Wan walked on the land, raised her head and replied, "Very good. It feels better than the last time I came in. It's brighter and warmer." As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a piece of grass that was a hundred feet in size appeared. In the air, Langxing then used his spiritual power to hold the piece of grass and fall to the edge of the lake.

After placing the grassland, Langxing carefully felt the changes here, and said to Su Wan, "In the past, you could only stay here for one or two years, and after three or four years, your life would be in danger. Although it is better now, it is still It can’t be compared with outside.”

Su Wan looked at the two little suns hanging in the sky and asked, "How did you get the new one?"

"It's the crescent-shaped thing I took out before and put it in like this."

"It's so amazing..." Su Wan murmured, "What is that crescent-shaped thing?"

"It was taken out from a secret realm. It is said to contain as much spiritual power as a mountain of spiritual stones, a mountain as high as ten thousand feet."

"Is there any more?" Su Wan regretted not asking for the crescent moon just now.

"That's the only one I have in my hand."

Su Wan didn't want to ask too much about the secret realm, so she said, "I don't think it will be as bright and warm as outside if you put ten of them in."

Langxing nodded and said, "Yes, not even a hundred. I have already felt it. This fairy treasure is far more mysterious than I thought before. This kind of small crescent moon can only be used as a substitute. This fairy treasure It has not really been opened. It should be the same as the outside world, and it should be reincarnated by the sun and the moon, instead of hanging there all the time. "

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with somewhat confused eyes and said, "Who made this immortal treasure? Is our world also a universe bag?"

Lang Xing shook his head, "It's hard to say. I've thought about this problem, but I couldn't figure out the reason. As for who made this Qiankun Bag, a fairy concubine who is proficient in the art of refining weapons told me that this person Even if he is not a true immortal, his cultivation level should be above that of Hua Yu, which is beyond our comprehension."

Su Wan's eyes became more and more confused, and she gradually closed her eyes and said, "I'm going to retreat." After saying that, she sat down cross-legged.

Langxing reluctantly caught the deer, set up a trapping circle on the 100-foot-long grassland, and put it inside to prevent it from disturbing Su Wan.

After getting out of the Qiankun Bag, he put the Shui Ting Sword in with great care. Fortunately, nothing happened, and the two weapon spirits did not behave abnormally due to the change in the environment inside.

s?Thank you?My Hai?Senior Brother for your reward and monthly ticket. I didn't want to code today because I was not feeling well, but my senior brother's support and affirmation gave me the energy to code another chapter.

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