Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2008 You are out of luck

Langxing went back and said hello to everyone, saying that he and Su Wan were going out to do something, and then left the Xuanfang Sect on the Linghe.

If they stay any longer, Huang Ying and others will definitely ask if they haven't seen their master. Now that they are leaving, Huang Ying and others trust Lang Xing, so even though they haven't seen their master, they won't have any suspicion.

Langxing rode the crane leisurely toward the southeast, which was the direction of Tianqing Cave. Should he just go to find Tianqing? Lang Xing was a little undecided. On the one hand, he was worried about Su Wan's safety. If something happened to him, Su Wan would be trapped and died. On the other hand, he was a bold and arrogant person. No one could be so bold. It is inevitable that a certain amount of heroism will arise from his abilities, and the other party's great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage are no longer enough to make him fearful.

During the hesitation, Linghe kept walking toward the southeast. Langxing, who was lying on Linghe's back with his legs crossed, looked extremely safe and comfortable. In the world of cultivation, only those who have climbed to the top can have this kind of safety. Countless people The young monks, including Xunyi back then, had all dreamed of climbing to the top and living such a fearless and carefree life. Now Lang He has no worries about encountering any danger, because there are not many people who can threaten him.

Lang Xing is content to reach this stage at the age of a thousand years. For a person like him who doesn't want to become an immortal, as long as he takes a small step forward and reaches the level where he can defeat the Huayu monk. It was almost perfect. He was fully confident in taking this small step, and he was not anxious at all. After all, he was only a thousand years old, and there was still a long time to go. He knew well that haste makes waste, and he It is clear that the reason why you can make rapid progress all the way is precisely because of this state of mind that you don't want much. If you lose this state of mind, you will lose one of your biggest advantages.

What monks in the world strive for is cultivation. If they can be less troubled in this area, it will undoubtedly be too happy. It is like a child born in a wealthy family. As long as he can enjoy his wealth and not do those things that waste his family, You can live comfortably in this life.

Langxing has the wisdom to live a comfortable life. Even if others think that he is not seeking progress and has no ambition, he doesn't care. Being able to stick to his own ideas and not be swayed by others' words is also a manifestation of wisdom, especially It was when the people who persuaded him included Shen Qing, Second Senior Sister and many other extraordinary figures who were famous in the cultivation world.

In addition to his temperament and wisdom, the four words "act according to the heart" that Concubine Jing Shui taught him were also an important force that supported him in persisting in his own thoughts. These four words were the crystallization of his wisdom in his previous life. Once Concubine Jing Shui explained to him, he He has understood most of it, and his experiences over the years have made him understand these four words more thoroughly. He feels that everything he does now is in line with his sincerity.

There are not many people in the world who can live up to Lang Xing's level, but even so, his troubles seem to be no less than others. It's like walking on a road full of thorns. No matter how much ahead you are than others, But the thorns in front of everyone are the same, and there is no end in sight.

Trapped in this thorny land, you have to move forward, because you will soon be bored to the point of madness. Lang Xing once lived until he had no love left, and only after he established the goal of becoming neighbors with Yu Chan. He cheered up again, and now there were Su Wan and Bai Xiang, and each of these goals that attracted him seemed to lead him deeper into the thorns. He could realize that

This, but he still needs these goals, otherwise he doesn't know what's the point of living.

This is the power of heaven. Lang Xing still believes that it is impossible for all spirits to have the ability to escape from the law of heaven. This has been set by the law a long time ago. Anyway, if he were allowed to formulate the law, he would definitely not make such a stupid mistake to create this world. He believes that people who are several levels higher than him in terms of intelligence will never be worse than him no matter how bad they are.

Traveling all the way, letting his thoughts wander endlessly, Langxing only used half of his energy to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Within more than a month, several groups of people tried to get closer. It was obvious at a glance that they had bad intentions. They were already close to less than ten thousand feet away from Langxing, but the young monk's calm demeanor as if turning a blind eye to them made these people all choose to be cautious without exception, and some even said hello to Langxing politely. Leave.

But there is always no shortage of arrogant people in this world. Lang Xing's wandering days were interrupted by two fierce-looking monks in white robes. The two men looked quite similar, with leopard heads and eyes, black faces and curvy beards. At first glance, they looked like brothers. One of them even had a broken foot. Judging from their posture, it was obvious that they were gangsters who had experienced many fierce battles.

"Boy, you're out of luck. It's unlucky for you to come here. Hand over this crane and everything on it, and the Taoist Master will spare your life." The man with the broken leg said with a smile. Obviously malicious.

Langxing stopped the Linghe, and sat calmly on the back of the Linghe with one leg bent and the other crossed. He looked at the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks standing thousands of feet away, and said with a half-smile, "You really know how to let it go." Me? I don’t believe it unless you swear by the Tao.”

"Hahahahaha, you kid understands quite well, so let me tell you, today is the day you die. If you hand over all the treasures obediently, Taoist Master will give you a happy life, otherwise you will suffer the consequences." Broken foot The person laughed heartily at first, and then turned to a sinister smile.

His brother was more cautious than him, and said in a spiritual voice, "Be careful, this kid has no intention of being afraid at all, he looks very evil, don't prick his hand."

The man with the broken leg could naturally see this. Although he looked like he was eating Dinglangxing, he immediately activated his body-protecting divine light and was ready for a tough battle.

Lang Xing maintained his casual sitting posture and his half-smiling expression, but his eyes were dull. The two minor characters in the middle Nascent Soul stage really didn't interest him much.

"I will make an oath with my Taoist heart. I will never do anything harmful to the heaven and earth again. I will spare your life." At the end of his sentence, his eyes became sharp. He especially hated these gangsters who blocked roads and robbed people and also killed people. He wanted to Killing them, but still giving them a way to live, is what he does according to his heart, but his compassion for this kind of people only goes so far - to give them a chance and give him an explanation in his heart.

From the perspective of fate, these two people came to repay their debts. Langxing made a choice and gave them the opportunity to make a choice. Up to this moment, the fate of these two people is still in his own hands.

It's a pity that these two people failed to make a choice to completely dissolve this fate. The one who took action first was not the person who broke the leg but his brother. The man secretly made a magic spell and suddenly hit Langxing because he didn't want to He hurt Linghe, so he planned to use a restriction to trap Langxing and Linghe together. Lang Xing went back and said hello to everyone, saying that he and Su Wan were going out to do something, and then left the Xuanfang Sect on the Linghe.

If they stay any longer, Huang Ying and others will definitely ask if they haven't seen their master. Now that they are leaving, Huang Ying and others trust Lang Xing, so even though they haven't seen their master, they won't have any suspicion.

Langxing rode the crane leisurely toward the southeast, which was the direction of Tianqing Cave. Should he just go to find Tianqing? Lang Xing was a little undecided. On the one hand, he was worried about Su Wan's safety. If something happened to him, Su Wan would be trapped and died. On the other hand, he was a bold and arrogant person. No one could be so bold. It is inevitable that a certain amount of heroism will arise from his abilities, and the other party's great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage are no longer enough to make him fearful.

During the hesitation, Linghe kept walking toward the southeast. Langxing, who was lying on Linghe's back with his legs crossed, looked extremely safe and comfortable. In the world of cultivation, only those who have climbed to the top can have this kind of safety. Countless people The young monks, including Xunyi back then, had all dreamed of climbing to the top and living such a fearless and carefree life. Now Lang He has no worries about encountering any danger, because there are not many people who can threaten him.

Lang Xing is content to reach this stage at the age of a thousand years. For a person like him who doesn't want to become an immortal, as long as he takes a small step forward and reaches the level where he can defeat the Huayu monk. It was almost perfect. He was fully confident in taking this small step, and he was not anxious at all. After all, he was only a thousand years old, and there was still a long time to go. He knew well that haste makes waste, and he It is clear that the reason why you can make rapid progress all the way is precisely because of this state of mind that you don't want much. If you lose this state of mind, you will lose one of your biggest advantages.

What monks in the world strive for is cultivation. If they can be less troubled in this area, it will undoubtedly be too happy. It is like a child born in a wealthy family. As long as he can enjoy his wealth and not do those things that waste his family, You can live comfortably in this life.

Langxing has the wisdom to live a comfortable life. Although others think that he is not seeking progress and has no ambition, he doesn't care. Being able to stick to his own ideas and not be swayed by others' words is also a manifestation of wisdom, especially It was when the people who persuaded him included Shen Qing, Second Senior Sister and many other extraordinary figures who were famous in the cultivation world.

In addition to his temperament and wisdom, the four words "act according to the heart" that Concubine Jing Shui taught him were also an important force that supported him in persisting in his own thoughts. These four words were the crystallization of his wisdom in his previous life. Once Concubine Jing Shui explained to him, he He has understood most of it, and his experiences over the years have made him understand these four words more thoroughly. He feels that everything he does now is in line with his sincerity.

There are not many people in the world who can live up to Lang Xing's level, but even so, his troubles seem to be no less than others. It's like walking on a road full of thorns. No matter how much ahead you are than others, But the thorns in front of everyone are the same, and there is no end in sight.

Trapped in this thorny land, you have to move forward, because you will soon be bored to the point of madness. Lang Xing once lived until he had no love left, and only after he established the goal of becoming neighbors with Yu Chan. He cheered up again, and now there were Su Wan and Bai Xiang, and each of these goals that attracted him seemed to lead him deeper into the thorns. He could realize that

This, but he still needs these goals, otherwise he doesn't know what's the point of living.

This is the power of heaven. Lang Xing still believes that it is impossible for all spirits to have the ability to escape from the law of heaven. This has been set by the law a long time ago. Anyway, if he were asked to formulate the law, he would definitely not make such a stupid mistake to create this world. He believes that people who are several levels higher than him in terms of intelligence will never be worse than him, no matter how bad they are.

Traveling all the way, letting his thoughts wander endlessly, Langxing only used half of his energy to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Within more than a month, several groups of people tried to get closer. It was obvious at a glance that they had bad intentions. They were already close to less than ten thousand feet away from Langxing, but the young monk's calm demeanor as if turning a blind eye to them made these people all choose to be cautious without exception, and some even said hello to Langxing politely. Leave.

But there is always no shortage of arrogant people in this world. Lang Xing's wandering days were interrupted by two fierce-looking monks in white robes. The two men looked quite similar, with leopard heads and eyes, black faces and curvy beards. At first glance, they looked like brothers. One of them even had a broken foot. Judging from their posture, it was obvious that they were gangsters who had experienced many fierce battles.

"Boy, you're out of luck. It's unlucky for you to come here. Hand over this crane and everything on it, and the Taoist Master will spare your life." The man with the broken leg said with a smile. Obviously malicious.

Langxing stopped the Linghe, and sat calmly on the back of the Linghe with one leg bent and the other crossed. He looked at the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks standing thousands of feet away, and said with a half-smile, "You really know how to let it go." Me? I don’t believe it unless you swear by the Tao.”

"Hahahahaha, you kid understands quite well, so let me tell you, today is the day you die. If you hand over all the treasures obediently, Taoist Master will give you a happy life, otherwise you will suffer the consequences." Broken foot The person laughed heartily at first, and then turned to a sinister smile.

His brother was more cautious than him and said, "Be careful. This kid has no intention of being afraid at all. He looks very evil. Don't prick your hand."

The man with the broken leg could naturally see this. Although he looked like he was eating Dinglangxing, he immediately activated his body-protecting divine light and was ready for a tough battle.

Lang Xing maintained his casual sitting posture and his half-smiling expression, but his eyes were dull. The two minor characters in the middle Nascent Soul stage really didn't interest him much.

"I will make an oath with my Taoist heart. I will never do anything harmful to the heaven and earth again. I will spare your life." At the end of his sentence, his eyes became sharp. He especially hated these gangsters who blocked roads and robbed people and also killed people. He wanted to Killing them, but still giving them a way to live, is what he does according to his heart, but his compassion for this kind of people only goes so far - to give them a chance and give him an explanation in his heart.

From the perspective of fate, these two people came to repay their debts. Langxing made a choice and gave them the opportunity to make a choice. Up to this moment, the fate of these two people is still in his own hands.

It's a pity that these two people failed to make a choice to completely dissolve this fate. The one who took action first was not the person who broke the leg but his brother. The man secretly made a magic spell and suddenly hit Langxing because he didn't want to He hurt Linghe, so he planned to use a restriction to trap Langxing and Linghe together.

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