Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2010 The Power of the Purple Sun

The golden-eyed monk's eyes are somewhat gifted. Not only can they capture people's hearts, but they also have extraordinary insight. Although the shining light and the light from the dazzling robes have some influence on him, it is not enough to make him panic.

After making that violent shout, he did not take action immediately. Instead, he stared closely at the swallowing sky on Lang Xing's shoulder and the purple sun sword hanging in the air. Although he did not recognize the swallowing sky and the purple sun sword, he could see it with his eyesight. Chu Tuntian is a very dangerous spiritual beast, and it can also be seen that the Purple Sun Sword is a terrifyingly powerful spiritual treasure. As the person with the highest cultivation level, his responsibility is to block the attacks of these two things for his subordinates. .

When Yiguang's mana burst out, he realized that he might have offended the wrong person today. The attacks of his four men would probably not be able to do anything to this defensive spiritual treasure. When the light of the dazzling Taoist robe came out, it was not good. His premonition became stronger, and he felt that the two people who died in front of him might not be the only ones who would be damaged today.

His premonition was soon fulfilled. When the colorful and strange light flashed out, the person who circled behind Lang Xing to attack couldn't hide his figure because his mind was taken away. In fact, the person was about to attack. , it didn't matter whether he was invisible or not, but the two flashes of light caused him to die immediately after being exposed before he could make any reaction.

It was Tun Tian who killed him.

Although there was interference from the two kinds of light emitted by the shining light and the dazzling robe, the golden-eyed monk still relied on the talent of his eyes to see Tuntian jump up from Lang Xing's shoulder after a red light flashed under his belly, and faced the man behind him. The man opened his mouth, and then fell back on Lang Xing's shoulder.

Join the chorus! Only the dead man heard the roar from Tuntian, but the moment he heard it, he turned into a cloud of blood mist. The strong wind brought by the powerful sound waves instantly covered the blood mist with the quilt. The shattered clothes were blown away without a trace, and the strong wind became stronger and stronger, forming a violent whirlpool behind Lang Xing, spreading tens of thousands of feet away.

Just as the violent whirlpool formed, a loud thunder-like sound exploded in the distance. It was the roaring and exploding sound of Tuntian, and at this time, Tuntian had already returned to Lang Xing's shoulder.

The golden-eyed monk watched the man who attacked him die in the roar of swallowing the sky. He had no chance to save, and he did not dare to save, because the purple sun sword pointed at him had already shown its true nature at this moment. The terrifying power, the purple sword light on the tip of the sword was so bright that even he didn't dare to look at it.

At this time, the sword light has extended back a layer of bright purple light, completely covering the dim sword body. This makes the Purple Sun Sword look like it has grown in size again, and the whole body is emitting a dark purple light, full of energy. The surrounding fields with a chilling atmosphere were dyed with a layer of purple with a stronger chilling meaning. The already dim sun in the sky also showed a lavender color under the cover of this purple. It is precisely because of this that the Purple Sun Sword Got the name!

The golden-eyed monk could clearly feel that he was being stared at by the sword spirit, which made him mistakenly overestimate this spiritual treasure, thinking that the spirit of this spiritual treasure had extremely high intelligence. Faced with this A piece of spiritual treasure made him hesitate in his heart. Should he take advantage of the chaos and attack with his accomplices, or should he take advantage of this opportunity to escape?

In fact, the weapon spirit of the Purple Sun Sword is not that high in intelligence, but any weapon spirit will appear to be somewhat agile under the command of Lang Xing. Those who do not know the inside story will naturally be frightened.

From the time both sides started taking action to this moment, it was less than a breath.

Yiguang's protective power helped Langxing block the loud shout of the golden-eyed monk.

Most of the mana was left, and the rest was no longer enough to affect him. He could resist it with his own cultivation. He activated the Xuan Shen Taoist robe, and after using his mind to instruct Tuntian to get rid of the sneak attack behind him, he immediately used his mind to say He commanded the Purple Sun Sword to attack the golden-eyed monk, and then urged Kaikawa to sweep towards the three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks who were in a state of confusion.

It was easy to use Kasukawa to kill three people who had temporarily lost the power to resist, so when he urged Kasukawa to sweep away, he summoned the Water Ting Sword. If the Purple Sun Sword could not kill the golden-eyed monk, , then use the Water Ting Sword to replenish the sword. The thunder contained in the Water Ting Sword can be used less once, so he is not willing to use it casually.

He told Jiang Xiao before that he was busy using so many treasures. That was not a big lie. He was really busy, and he had practiced it many times. For example, now, the defensive spirit treasure only needs one thought, and Yiguang can be there. It can hold on for a while without his urging, and it is even easier to command Swallowing Heaven. After the Purple Sun Sword is sent out, there is no need to worry about it. Anyway, it is only used to launch an attack. If it cannot be used, the Water Ting Sword can be used immediately.

Only activating Saikawa was the most demanding thing for him. In fact, he could have used Senjofu instead of Saikawa to deal with those three people, but everyone told him to use the violent treasure as little as possible, so this time he I am not going to use Qianchengfu anymore.

At this point, just a breath of time has passed!

The trace of hesitation in the golden-eyed monk's heart caused him to miss the best opportunity to escape. Speaking of which, even if he ran away immediately without hesitation, he would not be able to escape because he had misjudged the opponent's strength from the beginning. He was only about three thousand feet away from Langxing. In such a short distance, his speed could not be faster than the high-grade spiritual treasure Purple Sun Sword.

Lang Xing did not launch a mental attack on the golden-eyed monk. Firstly, it was to test the power of the Purple Sun Sword. Secondly, the mental attack required condensing the mind. When fighting against the late-stage Nascent Soul monk, everything happened in a flash of lightning. , there isn’t that much free time for him to use, so instead of attacking with his mind, it is far safer to calmly use the Water Ting Sword.

When the purple light that shrouded the surrounding area suddenly lit up, the Purple Sun Sword arrived in front of the golden-eyed monk. It did not draw a line of purple light at a distance of three thousand feet. Of course, it seemed like this to Lang Xing. The golden-eyed monk with gifted eyes The monk saw clearly that the Purple Sun Sword turned into a purple light and shot towards him.

He could see clearly, but the speed made him unable to avoid it. The golden-eyed monk activated a defensive spiritual treasure that he had already held in his hand. By this time, his heart was already a little panicked, because in front of him This person is activating a high-grade defensive spirit treasure and a high-grade offensive spirit treasure while also activating a high-grade magic weapon. This combat power is estimated to be around the perfection state of the late Nascent Soul, which is one level higher than him. Cut it off.

His cultivation level is not as good as others, and he has no advantage in terms of treasures. Now he has to worry about whether he can save his life. The situation has changed too fast. After mobilizing a defensive spirit treasure to resist the Purple Sun Sword, he He also urged a red light to hit Langxing, which was also a spiritual treasure. Sending out these two spiritual treasures made him extremely distressed, because it was just to give himself a chance to escape. These two beloved treasures If you fight it out, you can't get it back. The price is too high.

As soon as Kaikawa flew in front of the first mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, the Purple Sun Sword hit the green barrier formed by the opponent's spiritual treasure, bursting out with a bright and dangerous scorching light, followed by a dull There was a loud noise and a sharp whistle. Although the dull loud noise shook the ground, the sharp whistle was stronger and completely suppressed the dull sound. The golden-eyed monk's eyes are somewhat gifted. Not only can they capture people's hearts, but they also have extraordinary insight. Although the shining light and the light from the dazzling robes have some influence on him, it is not enough to make him panic.

After making that violent shout, he did not take action immediately. Instead, he stared closely at the swallowing sky on Lang Xing's shoulder and the purple sun sword hanging in the air. Although he did not recognize the swallowing sky and the purple sun sword, he could see it with his eyesight. Chu Tuntian is a very dangerous spiritual beast, and it can also be seen that the Purple Sun Sword is a terrifyingly powerful spiritual treasure. As the person with the highest cultivation level, his responsibility is to block the attacks of these two things for his subordinates. .

When Yiguang's mana burst out, he realized that he might have offended the wrong person today. The attacks of his four men would probably not be able to do anything to this defensive spiritual treasure. When the light of the dazzling Taoist robe came out, it was not good. His premonition became stronger, and he felt that the two people who died in front of him might not be the only ones who would be damaged today.

His premonition was soon fulfilled. When the colorful and strange light flashed out, the man who circled behind Lang Xing to attack couldn't hide his figure because his mind was taken away. In fact, the man was about to launch an attack. , it didn't matter whether he was invisible or not, but the two flashes of light caused him to die immediately after being exposed before he could make any reaction.

It was Tun Tian who killed him.

Although there was interference from the two kinds of light emitted by the shining light and the dazzling robe, the golden-eyed monk still relied on the talent of his eyes to see Tuntian jump up from Lang Xing's shoulder after a red light flashed under his belly, and faced the man behind him. The man opened his mouth, and then fell back on Lang Xing's shoulder.

Join the chorus! Only the dead man heard the roar from Tuntian, but the moment he heard it, he turned into a cloud of blood mist. The strong wind brought by the powerful sound waves instantly covered the blood mist with the quilt. The shattered clothes were blown away without a trace, and the strong wind became stronger and stronger, forming a violent whirlpool behind Lang Xing, spreading tens of thousands of feet away.

Just as the violent whirlpool formed, a loud thunder-like sound exploded in the distance. It was the roaring and exploding sound of Tuntian, and at this time, Tuntian had already returned to Lang Xing's shoulder.

The golden-eyed monk watched the man who attacked him die in the roar of swallowing the sky. He had no chance to save, and he did not dare to save, because the purple sun sword pointed at him had already shown its true nature at this moment. The terrifying power, the purple sword light on the tip of the sword was so bright that even he didn't dare to look at it. .??.

At this time, the sword light has extended back a layer of bright purple light, completely covering the dim sword body. This makes the Purple Sun Sword look like it has grown in size again, and the whole body is emitting a dark purple light, full of energy. The surrounding fields with a chilling atmosphere were dyed with a layer of purple with a stronger chilling meaning. The already dim sun in the sky also showed a lavender color under the cover of this purple. It is precisely because of this that the Purple Sun Sword Got the name!

The golden-eyed monk could clearly feel that he was being stared at by the sword spirit, which made him mistakenly overestimate this spiritual treasure, thinking that the spirit of this spiritual treasure had extremely high intelligence. Faced with this A piece of spiritual treasure made him hesitate in his heart. Should he take advantage of the chaos and attack with his accomplices, or should he take advantage of this opportunity to escape?

In fact, the weapon spirit of the Purple Sun Sword is not that high in intelligence, but any weapon spirit will appear to be somewhat agile under the command of Lang Xing. Those who do not know the inside story will naturally be frightened.

From the time both sides started taking action to this moment, it was less than a breath.

Yiguang's protective power helped Langxing block the loud shout of the golden-eyed monk.

Most of the mana was left, and the rest was no longer enough to affect him. He could resist it with his own cultivation. He activated the Xuan Shen Taoist robe, and after using his mind to instruct Tuntian to get rid of the sneak attack behind him, he immediately used his mind to say He commanded the Purple Sun Sword to attack the golden-eyed monk, and then urged Kaikawa to sweep towards the three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks who were in a state of confusion.

It was easy to use Kasukawa to kill three people who had temporarily lost the power to resist, so when he urged Kasukawa to sweep away, he summoned the Water Ting Sword. If the Purple Sun Sword could not kill the golden-eyed monk, , then use the Water Ting Sword to replenish the sword. The thunder contained in the Water Ting Sword can be used less once, so he is not willing to use it casually.

He told Jiang Xiao before that he was busy using so many treasures. That was not a big lie. He was really busy, and he had practiced it many times. For example, now, the defensive spirit treasure only needs one thought, and Yiguang can be there. It can hold on for a while without his urging, and it is even easier to command Swallowing Heaven. After the Purple Sun Sword is sent out, there is no need to worry about it. Anyway, it is only used to launch an attack. If it cannot be used, the Water Ting Sword can be used immediately.

Only activating Saikawa was the most demanding thing for him. In fact, he could have used Senjofu instead of Saikawa to deal with those three people, but everyone told him to use the violent treasure as little as possible, so this time he I am not going to use Qianchengfu anymore.

At this point, just a breath of time has passed!

The trace of hesitation in the golden-eyed monk's heart caused him to miss the best opportunity to escape. Speaking of which, even if he ran away immediately without hesitation, he would not be able to escape because he had misjudged the opponent's strength from the beginning. He was only about three thousand feet away from Langxing. In such a short distance, his speed could not be faster than the high-grade spiritual treasure Purple Sun Sword.

Lang Xing did not launch a mental attack on the golden-eyed monk. Firstly, it was to test the power of the Purple Sun Sword. Secondly, the mental attack required condensing the mind. When fighting against the late-stage Nascent Soul monk, everything happened in a flash of lightning. , there is not so much free time for him to use, it is far safer to use the water sword calmly than to attack with his mind.

When the purple light suddenly shone all around, the Purple Sun Sword arrived in front of the golden-eyed monk. It did not draw a line of purple light at a distance of three thousand feet. Of course, it seemed like this to Lang Xing. The golden-eyed monk had gifted eyes. The monk saw clearly that the Purple Sun Sword turned into a purple light and shot towards him.

He could see clearly, but the speed made him unable to avoid it. The golden-eyed monk activated a defensive spiritual treasure that he had already held in his hand. By this time, his heart was already a little panicked, because in front of him This person is activating a high-grade defensive spirit treasure and a high-grade offensive spirit treasure while also activating a high-grade magic weapon. This combat power is estimated to be around the perfection state of the late Nascent Soul, which is one level higher than him. Cut it off.

His cultivation level is not as good as others, and he has no advantage in terms of treasures. Now he has to worry about whether he can save his life. The situation has changed too fast. After mobilizing a defensive spirit treasure to resist the Purple Sun Sword, he He also urged a red light to hit Langxing, which was also a spiritual treasure. Sending out these two spiritual treasures made him extremely distressed, because it was just to give himself a chance to escape. These two beloved treasures If you fight it out, you can't get it back. The price is too high.

As soon as Kaikawa flew in front of the first mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, the Purple Sun Sword hit the green barrier formed by the opponent's spiritual treasure, bursting out with a bright and dangerous scorching light, followed by a dull There was a loud noise and a sharp whistle. Although the dull loud noise shook the ground, the sharp whistle was stronger and completely suppressed the dull sound.

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