Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2011 Bad Soul Search

After hitting the two spiritual treasures, the golden-eyed monk moved his body and tried to escape, but before he could move, he let out a groan. He still underestimated the power of the Purple Sun Sword. His defensive spiritual treasure After a head-on confrontation with the Purple Sun Sword, the weapon spirit was killed in one blow. The destruction of the weapon spirit will cause trauma to the owner. The longer it is melted, the more serious the trauma will be. Only Lang can Star is an exception in this regard.

The unexpected blow caused the golden-eyed monk to stagnate. It was this moment of stagnation that caused him to lose the little chance he had gained in exchange for two spiritual treasures. The remaining power of the Purple Sun Sword stabbed him with the cold purple glow. On the body-protecting divine light that he hastily propped up.

Kaukawa failed to kill the first monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, because before the sword light could reach that person, the huge spiritual power wave generated by the confrontation between the two spiritual treasures killed the three monks in the middle stage of Yuanying and Kaukawa. Chuan was shaken open together.

When Langxing saw the other party shining a red light towards him, he didn't care about Kaokawa and hurriedly shouted at the red light. He didn't know if it was a spiritual treasure, but Yuan The treasure that a late-stage Nascent Soul monk would use to counterattack would probably be a spiritual treasure. To attack a late-Nascent Soul monk with his mind would take some time to gather the power of his mind, but it would be much easier to attack a weapon spirit. It doesn’t require too much power of mind.

"Hey!" Following the scream from his mind, the red light suddenly trembled and then flew out diagonally. Because the distance was too close, it almost flew past the edge of the light ball formed by the shining light. Yes, the main reason why he was able to scare away this spiritual treasure with a single shout was because the golden-eyed monk did not continue to use it after he played it.

At this time, the violent waves of spiritual power generated by the collision of the two spiritual treasures over there also came over. Under the protective power of Yi Guang, the power of this wave was not worth mentioning. The light ball was as solid as a sea rock in the violent waves. Not moved.

Lang Xing was so busy that although he was not in a hurry yet, he was almost there. After drinking away the opponent's spiritual treasure, he directly activated the Shui Ting Sword to point at the opponent without thinking. But as soon as he sent out his thoughts, he was in a hurry again. Drinking Life Water Ting Jian stopped because he saw the golden-eyed monk falling from the sky.

The golden-eyed monk was struck by the Purple Sun Sword when he stretched out his body to escape. Coupled with the impact of the weapon spirit being destroyed, the body-protecting divine light he hurriedly put up could not even reach 20% of his cultivation level. At this time, although the Purple Sun Sword failed to dissipate his body-protecting divine light with its remaining power, a ray of sword light penetrated in. His left hand was destroyed until only bones were left, and the entire meridians of his left arm were destroyed. , At the same time, the Qi Palace was also severely damaged, and the spiritual power in the body was completely scattered, and he fell straight after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

When he was about to fall to the ground, he forcibly gathered some spiritual power. When he tried to escape, Lang Xing finally came over and fired a God Binding Technique. The reason why Lang Xing came so late was because he was in a hurry to put back the Shui Ting Sword to kill him. He was a little embarrassed, and the Shui Ting Sword almost attacked Tuntian. He put away the Shui Ting Sword and Tun Tian before he rushed over.

After facing the golden-eyed monk who was lying on the ground and sealing his Qi and meridians, Langxing breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, his heartbeat was very fast. Although he had fought a lot of hard battles, but every time Every time he fought against a strong enemy, he always acted like a pig and ate the tiger. He always made the first move. As long as he got the upper hand, the opponent would have no chance.

This time, although the opponent was also deceived by his early Nascent Soul cultivation and had the intention of underestimating the enemy, when it came time to take action, he was already able to fight with dignity. Moreover, the opponent also had four helpers. Speaking of which, he did not take advantage of him. How much cheaper.

The first battle with the late Nascent Soul monk made him a little busy. There were many lessons learned in this battle that needed to be learned and reflected on. Now

Thinking that with Yiguang's protection, he didn't have to worry about the attacks of the four mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. If he had focused on getting rid of the golden-eyed monks first, this battle wouldn't have been so busy.

Of course, now was not the time to reflect. He took back the Purple Sun Sword, and while picking up the treasures dropped by the opponent, he eliminated the three gangsters in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. One of the three was directly shocked to death by the spiritual power wave, and the other two He was also shocked and fainted. After clearing the battlefield, he returned to the golden-eyed monk.

"Please spare my life, I can give you all my property." The golden-eyed monk looked at Lang Xing with pleading eyes and said.

Lang Xing had finally caught his breath and showed a mocking smile. "You killed more than two hundred people. Did you spare them when they were begging for their lives?"

"Not that many, only a hundred or ten people, and most of the people who came to this remote place are evil people, and they all deserve to be killed."

"I'd better take a look at it myself, Yitu Lingtai." Langxing sat down cross-legged and pointed at the golden-eyed monk's eyebrows. He hadn't searched for other people's souls yet. He really wanted to try it. He wanted to search just now. The soul of the man with the broken leg was interrupted by this person, so of course he had to practice with him.

"Don't! I..." The golden-eyed monk closed his mouth mid-sentence, because he saw that begging was useless, and hurriedly left the mourning platform for fear of causing trouble during the soul search, in which case he would be miserable.

No matter what he was afraid of, trouble soon appeared. When Langxing's spiritual power attached to his divine consciousness entered the spiritual platform, the golden-eyed monk was so frightened that he almost flew out of his mind. He was frightened by such a clumsy and unfamiliar technique. Yes, this is not the way a person who has reached the perfect state of the late Nascent Soul should behave? Has this kid never searched for a soul or has he overestimated his cultivation?

The real situation was much worse than what he had guessed. Not only had Lang Xing not done much searching for souls, but his cultivation level was so messed up that even he himself didn't know what level he was supposed to be in.

The invasion of the spiritual platform was a scary thing, and Lang Xing's clumsy tactics were even more frightening. The golden-eyed monk could not rely on his cultivation to stabilize his mood when he was seriously injured. The huge fear made him involuntarily start to resist. And this kind of resistance is not very firm, but more instinctive, which makes the resistance appear messy and weak.

The inexperienced Lang Xing could only send in more spiritual power and consciousness, and tragedy would inevitably happen.

The pain caused by the Battle of the Lingtai was indescribable. The taste made the golden-eyed monk even unable to make a sound of pain, but his teeth were gritted so hard that the sound sounded extremely terrifying. His His eyes soon turned blood red, and the golden-eyed monk became a red-eyed monk, and blood dripped from the corners of his eyes.

Lang Xing could still see some things clearly at first, but then various scenes became confusing and flashed, making him dizzy. In desperation, he had to withdraw his spiritual power and consciousness.

"What is the entry and exit method? The entry and exit method of your training place." Lang Xing asked with a guilty conscience as he looked at the miserable appearance of the golden-eyed monk.

Not long ago, the golden-eyed monk, who was as majestic as a god descending to earth, was now slumped on the ground like a lingering dog. His blood-red eyes showed no emotion, but his face was distorted and full of blood. Sweat, tears, blood.

"I'm asking you." Lang Xing said again and then looked away guiltily. After rolling his eyes twice, he didn't want to wait for an answer. After taking the person's Qiankun Bag, he spit out a stream of spiritual power to kill him. Then he burned his body with a burst of spiritual fire, and then left as if running away. After hitting the two spiritual treasures, the golden-eyed monk moved his body and tried to escape, but before he could move, he let out a groan. He still underestimated the power of the Purple Sun Sword. His defensive spiritual treasure After a head-on confrontation with the Purple Sun Sword, the weapon spirit was killed in one blow. The destruction of the weapon spirit will cause trauma to the owner. The longer it is melted, the more serious the trauma will be. Only Lang can Star is an exception in this regard.

The unexpected blow caused the golden-eyed monk to stagnate. It was this moment of stagnation that caused him to lose the little chance he had gained in exchange for two spiritual treasures. The remaining power of the Purple Sun Sword stabbed him with the cold purple glow. On the body-protecting divine light that he hastily propped up.

Kaukawa failed to kill the first monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, because before the sword light could reach that person, the huge spiritual power wave generated by the confrontation between the two spiritual treasures killed the three monks in the middle stage of Yuanying and Kaukawa. Chuan was shaken open together.

When Langxing saw the other party shining a red light towards him, he didn't care about Kaokawa and hurriedly shouted at the red light. He didn't know if it was a spiritual treasure, but Yuan The treasure that a late-stage Nascent Soul monk would use to counterattack would probably be a spiritual treasure. To attack a late-Nascent Soul monk with his mind would take some time to gather the power of his mind, but it would be much easier to attack a weapon spirit. It doesn't take too much power of mind.

"Hey!" Following the scream from his mind, the red light suddenly trembled and then flew out diagonally. Because the distance was too close, it almost flew past the edge of the light ball formed by the shining light. Yes, the main reason why he was able to scare away this spiritual treasure with a single thought was because the golden-eyed monk did not continue to use it after he played it.

At this time, the violent waves of spiritual power generated by the collision of the two spiritual treasures over there also came over. Under the protective power of Yi Guang, the power of this wave was not worth mentioning. The light ball was as solid as a sea rock in the violent waves. Not moved.

Lang Xing was so busy that although he was not in a hurry yet, he was almost there. After drinking away the opponent's spiritual treasure, he directly activated the Shui Ting Sword to point at the opponent without thinking. But as soon as he sent out his thoughts, he was in a hurry again. Drinking Life Water Tingjian stopped because he saw the golden-eyed monk falling from the sky.

The golden-eyed monk was struck by the Purple Sun Sword when he stretched out his body to escape. Coupled with the impact of the weapon spirit being destroyed, the body-protecting divine light he hurriedly put up could not even reach 20% of his cultivation level. At this time, although the Purple Sun Sword failed to dissipate his body-protecting divine light with its remaining power, a ray of sword light penetrated in. His left hand was destroyed until only bones were left, and the entire meridians of his left arm were destroyed. , At the same time, the Qi Palace was also severely damaged, and the spiritual power in the body was completely scattered, and he fell straight after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

When he was about to fall to the ground, he forcibly gathered some spiritual power. When he tried to escape, Lang Xing finally came over and fired a God Binding Technique. The reason why Lang Xing came so late was because he was in a hurry to put back the Shui Ting Sword to kill him. He was a little embarrassed, and the Shui Ting Sword almost attacked Tuntian. He put away the Shui Ting Sword and Tun Tian before he rushed over.

After facing the golden-eyed monk who was lying on the ground and sealing his Qi and meridians, Langxing breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, his heartbeat was very fast. Although he had fought a lot of hard battles, but every time Every time he fought against a strong enemy, he always acted like a pig and ate the tiger. He always made the first move. As long as he got the upper hand, the opponent would have no chance.

This time, although the opponent was also deceived by his early Nascent Soul cultivation and had the intention of underestimating the enemy, when it came time to take action, he was already able to fight with dignity. Moreover, the opponent also had four helpers. Speaking of which, he did not take advantage of him. How much cheaper.

The first battle with the late Nascent Soul monk made him a little busy. There were many lessons learned in this battle that needed to be learned and reflected on. Now

Thinking that with Yiguang's protection, he didn't have to worry about the attacks of the four mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. If he had focused on getting rid of the golden-eyed monks first, this battle wouldn't have been so busy.

Of course, now was not the time to reflect. He took back the Purple Sun Sword, and while picking up the treasures dropped by the opponent, he eliminated the three gangsters in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. One of the three was directly shocked to death by the spiritual power wave, and the other two He was also shocked and fainted. After clearing the battlefield, he returned to the golden-eyed monk.

"Please spare my life, I can give you all my property." The golden-eyed monk looked at Lang Xing with pleading eyes and said.

Lang Xing had finally caught his breath and showed a mocking smile. "You killed more than two hundred people. Did you spare them when they were begging for their lives?"

"Not that many, only a hundred or ten people, and most of the people who came to this remote place are evil people, and they all deserve to be killed."

"I'd better take a look at it myself, Yitu Lingtai." Langxing sat down cross-legged and pointed at the golden-eyed monk's eyebrows. He hadn't searched for other people's souls yet. He really wanted to try it. He wanted to search just now. The soul of the man with the broken leg was interrupted by this person, so of course he had to practice with him.

"Don't! I..." The golden-eyed monk closed his mouth mid-sentence, because he saw that begging was useless, and hurriedly left the mourning platform for fear of causing trouble during the soul search, in which case he would be miserable.

No matter what he was afraid of, trouble soon appeared. When Langxing's spiritual power attached to his divine consciousness entered the spiritual platform, the golden-eyed monk was so frightened that he almost flew out of his mind. He was frightened by such a clumsy and unfamiliar technique. Yes, this is not the way a person who has reached the perfect state of the late Nascent Soul should behave? Has this kid never searched for a soul or has he overestimated his cultivation?

The real situation was much worse than what he had guessed. Not only had Lang Xing not done much searching for souls, but his cultivation level was so messed up that even he himself didn't know what level he was supposed to be in.

The invasion of the spiritual platform was a scary thing, and Lang Xing's clumsy tactics were even more frightening. The golden-eyed monk could not rely on his cultivation to stabilize his mood when he was seriously injured. The huge fear made him involuntarily start to resist. And this kind of resistance is not very firm, but more instinctive, which makes the resistance appear messy and weak.

The inexperienced Lang Xing could only send in more spiritual power and consciousness, and tragedy would inevitably happen.

The pain caused by the Battle of the Lingtai was indescribable. The taste made the golden-eyed monk even unable to make a sound of pain, but his teeth were gritted so hard that the sound sounded extremely terrifying. His His eyes soon turned blood red, and the golden-eyed monk became a red-eyed monk, and blood dripped from the corners of his eyes.

Lang Xing could still see some things clearly at first, but then various scenes became confusing and flashed, making him dizzy. In desperation, he had to withdraw his spiritual power and consciousness.

"What is the entry and exit method? The entry and exit method of your training place." Lang Xing asked with a guilty conscience as he looked at the miserable appearance of the golden-eyed monk.

Not long ago, the golden-eyed monk, who was as majestic as a god descending to earth, was now slumped on the ground like a lingering dog. His blood-red eyes showed no emotion, but his face was distorted and full of blood. Sweat, tears, blood.

"I'm asking you." Lang Xing said again and then looked away guiltily. After rolling his eyes twice, he didn't want to wait for an answer. After taking the person's Qiankun Bag, he spit out a stream of spiritual power to kill him. Then he burned his body with a burst of spiritual fire, and then left as if running away.

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