Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2013 Don’t pretend to be like me

Langxing couldn't let go of Yu Chan here, and he couldn't let go of Su Wan on the other side. Although these two beauties were completely different people, and Su Wan was quite different from Concubine Chan in all aspects, but Su Wan can make Lang Xing feel even more excited for no reason.

Could this be love? I remembered that Princess Chan always said that she was the concubine she abandoned in her previous life. If so, could Su Wan be her lover in her previous life? If this is the case, then these two people cannot be allowed to meet together, otherwise they will have to fight. Then...should I be nicer to Concubine Chan in this life? If Concubine Chan was treated badly because of Su Wan, wouldn't Concubine Chan be pitiful?

When his thoughts drifted to this point, Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh dumbly. Where is all this? Concubine Chan’s words were just a joke to tease her. It’s ridiculous to think about it on her own. If she wants to tease herself with this next time they meet, she must give her a few words and imagine the next time she meets Concubine Chan. In the scene, Lang Xing's mouth curved into a sweet smile.

Just when Langxing opened his eyes and was daydreaming, he suddenly felt the warning from the small clouds. He hurriedly and quietly dispersed his consciousness and used his mental power. Then he noticed that someone was quietly hiding. The figure came closer, and to his surprise and joy, the person who came was Tian Qing!

It's really effortless to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere! Seeing Tianqing's attitude is undoubtedly to attack him sneakily, that's great. As long as he dares to take action, he won't have to show mercy. With this handle in his hand, he can explain to Su Wan, even if he kills this kid Su Wan. There is nothing to say. If Tianqing can be killed, it doesn't matter whether the Zuiqing Palace gang has any conspiracy. As his obsession with Su Wan deepens, he now completely regards Tianqing as his love rival. What he hopes most is to be able to kill Tianqing. Seize an opportunity to get rid of Tianqing. .??.

When Lang Xing secretly felt cruel, Tian Qing showed up hundreds of miles away and said with a peaceful mind, "Lang Xing, why are you here, alone?"

Langxing was greatly disappointed and jumped up pretending to wake up suddenly. Looking at Tianqing who had already flown thousands of feet away, he asked without replying, "Why are you here?" The canyon was already nearly 10,000,000 miles away. , it is not normal for the two of them to ask questions like this.

Tianqing didn't answer Langxing's question. He stopped five thousand feet away and watched Langxing break the window paper and said, "Are you here to find me?"

Lang Xing hesitated for a moment and then nodded slightly and said, "Yes, if you don't tell secrets, I'm just here to find you. As for the reason, I think you know it yourself."

Tianqing said with a smile, "If the reason you mentioned is Su Xianzi, then I can understand it, but I don't want to use force to solve the matter. It depends on Su Xianzi's choice. If she chooses you, I will quit on my own, forever." I won’t bother you anymore, you are a person with real insights into relationships, and I think you will respect Fairy Su’s choice.”

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "Don't pretend to be like me. Your tricks can fool others but not me. I'm just here to peel off the skin of you people. Your cultivation is not just the middle stage of Nascent Soul, right?"

Tianqing put away some of his closeness and said calmly, "Do you suspect that I am hiding my cultivation? I think you are the one who is hiding my cultivation, right? Although you are a Nascent Soul cultivation base at the moment, you have reached this level with such a small cultivation base." It’s already unreasonable to come here, and you’re here to seek revenge from a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. I’ve long seen that you’re hiding something, but I just don’t want to expose Su

The fairy just points it out, because I think you can't win Fairy Su's heart even if you rely on some unfair means. Fairy Su is much smarter than you think. "

Lang Xing smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't be so self-righteous. I've told her all about myself. Now let's talk about your cultivation. What's the purpose of hiding your cultivation?"

"Why do you say that I hide my cultivation?" Tian Qing looked unhappy. It was difficult for him to judge whether Lang Xing had really told Su Wan all the details. If so, the relationship between the two would definitely make great progress. , he was a little uneasy.

"Because I have clever methods that you don't know about. If you don't hide your cultivation, then do you dare to swear an oath to prove your innocence? I bet you don't dare." Lang Xing just wants to take advantage of Tianqing and reveal his flaws, so that he can I gave Amelia Su an explanation, but Tianqing was obviously on guard against this, and kept her words to the letter.

Tianqing said solemnly, "Do I need to prove anything to you? Langxing, I have always been polite to you. Although I know that you are interested in Fairy Su, I still treat you with courtesy. You'd better have some grace, otherwise No, you are not only unworthy of my respect, but also unworthy of Fairy Su."

"I don't need your respect, and you have never really respected me. You are just talking nonsense. You just don't dare to swear." Lang Xing said as he leaned towards him. He was five thousand feet away and he had no confidence in keeping him. Tianqing, it would be difficult to control the situation when using the Shui Ting Sword. If Tianqing was killed like this, he would not be able to explain to Su Wan.

"Huh, just take care of yourself." Tian Qing stepped back alertly, then activated an escape treasure and disappeared in a flash of silver light.

"You can't run away!" Lang Xing yelled angrily and launched a chase hastily. This Tianqing was too cunning. He directly used the escape treasure instead of escaping with physical skills. There was no flaw left and no Leave a chance for Long Xing to take action.

Langxing chased for a while and then slowed down. Since Tianqing appeared, it probably meant that the gang's lair was nearby. He had to be more careful. Anyway, it was not difficult to kill them with his mental powers. Find it out.

While searching for Langxing, he was thinking about a question. If Tianqing was with Yuanqing and the old man, why didn't they take this opportunity to kill him? These people don't know their true strength. If Tianqing wants to avoid suspicion, he can simply not show up and let the old man come out to deal with him. But what Tianqing did was to take the initiative to meet him, much like he was just trying to catch him. It is undeniable that if today's encounter were passed on to Su Wan, the image of Tianqing's magnanimity would become more vivid, and she would be obviously at a disadvantage.

Langxing noticed that Tianqing's attitude changed after he said that he had told Su Wan the details. This could not be regarded as any evidence, but it seemed to explain the problem.

Jiangxiao had long ago pointed out that Tianqing was too patient with him. Today's incident seemed to further verify Jiangxiao's judgment. In the fight for Su Wan, Tianqing seemed to really want to fight with him. Let's have a fair competition. What we have to do today is to find a handle on ourselves, not to get rid of ourselves.

If this is the case, Tianqing really can't be considered a bad person. Considering Yuanqing's broken arm, which still has no reasonable explanation, Langxing no longer dares to believe in his guess about this group of people. Langxing couldn't let go of Yu Chan here, and he couldn't let go of Su Wan on the other side. Although these two beauties were completely different people, and Su Wan was quite different from Concubine Chan in all aspects, but Su Wan can make Lang Xing feel even more excited for no reason.

Could this be love? I remembered that Princess Chan always said that she was the concubine she abandoned in her previous life. If so, could it be that Su Wan was her lover in her previous life? If this is the case, then these two people cannot be allowed to meet together, otherwise they will have to fight. Then...should I be nicer to Fairy Concubine Chan in this life? If Concubine Chan was treated badly because of Su Wan, wouldn't Concubine Chan be pitiful?

When his thoughts drifted to this point, Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh dumbly. Where is this going? Concubine Chan’s words were just a joke to tease her. It’s ridiculous to think about it on her own. If she wants to tease herself with this next time they meet, she must give her a few words and imagine the next time she meets Concubine Chan. In the scene, Lang Xing's mouth curved into a sweet smile.

Just when Langxing opened his eyes and was daydreaming, he suddenly felt the warning from the small clouds. He hurriedly and quietly dispersed his consciousness and used his mental power. Then he noticed that someone was quietly hiding. The figure came closer, and to his surprise and joy, the person who came was Tian Qing!

It's really effortless to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere! Seeing Tianqing's attitude is undoubtedly to attack him sneakily, that's great. As long as he dares to take action, he won't have to show mercy. With this handle in his hand, he can explain to Su Wan, even if he kills this kid Su Wan. There is nothing to say. If Tianqing can be killed, it doesn't matter whether the Zuiqing Palace gang has any conspiracy. As his obsession with Su Wan deepens, he now completely regards Tianqing as his love rival. What he hopes most is to be able to kill Tianqing. Seize an opportunity to get rid of Tianqing.

When Lang Xing secretly felt cruel, Tian Qing showed up hundreds of miles away and said with a peaceful mind, "Lang Xing, why are you here, alone?"

Langxing was greatly disappointed and jumped up pretending to wake up suddenly. Looking at Tianqing who had already flown thousands of feet away, he asked without replying, "Why are you here?" The canyon was already nearly 10,000,000 miles away. , it is not normal for the two of them to ask questions like this.

Tianqing didn't answer Langxing's question. He stopped five thousand feet away and watched Langxing break the window paper and said, "Are you here to see me?"

Lang Xing hesitated for a moment and then nodded slightly and said, "Yes, if you don't tell secrets, I'm just here to find you. As for the reason, I think you know it yourself."

Tianqing said with a smile, "If the reason you mentioned is Su Xianzi, then I can understand it, but I don't want to use force to solve the matter. It depends on Su Xianzi's choice. If she chooses you, I will quit on my own, forever." I won’t bother you anymore, you are a person with real insights into relationships, and I think you will respect Fairy Su’s choice.”

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "Don't pretend to be like me. Your tricks can fool others but not me. I'm just here to peel off the skin of you people. Your cultivation is not just the middle stage of Nascent Soul, right?"

Tianqing put away some of his closeness and said calmly, "Do you suspect that I am hiding my cultivation? I think you are the one who is hiding my cultivation, right? Although you are a Nascent Soul cultivation base at the moment, you have reached this level with such a small cultivation base." It’s already unreasonable to come here, and you’re here to seek revenge from a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. I’ve long seen that you’re hiding something, but I just don’t want to expose Su

The fairy just points it out, because I think you can't win Fairy Su's heart even if you rely on some unfair means. Fairy Su is much smarter than you think. "

Lang Xing smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't be so self-righteous. I've told her all about myself. Now let's talk about your cultivation. What's the purpose of hiding your cultivation?"

"Why do you say that I hide my cultivation?" Tian Qing looked displeased. It was difficult for him to judge whether Lang Xing had really told Su Wan all the details. If so, the relationship between the two would definitely make great progress. , he was a little uneasy.

"Because I have clever methods that you don't know about. If you don't hide your cultivation, then do you dare to swear an oath to prove your innocence? I bet you don't dare." Lang Xing just wants to take advantage of Tianqing and reveal his flaws, so that he can I gave Amelia Su an explanation, but Tianqing was obviously on guard against this, and kept her words to the letter.

Tianqing said solemnly, "Do I need to prove anything to you? Langxing, I have always been polite to you. Although I know that you are interested in Fairy Su, I still treat you with courtesy. You'd better have some grace, otherwise No, you are not only unworthy of my respect, but also unworthy of Fairy Su."

"I don't need your respect, and you have never really respected me. You are just talking nonsense. You just don't dare to swear." Lang Xing said as he leaned towards him. He was five thousand feet away and he had no confidence in keeping him. Tianqing, it would be difficult to control the situation when using the Shui Ting Sword. If Tianqing was killed like this, he would not be able to explain to Su Wan.

"Hmph, you can do it yourself." Tian Qing stepped back alertly, then activated an escape treasure and disappeared in a flash of silver light.

"You can't run away!" Lang Xing yelled angrily and launched a chase hastily. This Tianqing was too cunning. He directly used the escape treasure instead of escaping with physical skills. There was no flaw left and no Leave a chance for Long Xing to take action.

Langxing chased for a while and then slowed down. Since Tianqing appeared, it probably meant that the gang's lair was nearby. He had to be more careful. Anyway, it was not difficult to kill them with his mental powers. Find it out.

While searching for Langxing, he was thinking about a question. If Tianqing was with Yuanqing and the old man, why didn't they take this opportunity to kill him? These people don't know their true strength. If Tianqing wants to avoid suspicion, he can simply not show up and let the old man come out to deal with him. But what Tianqing did was to take the initiative to meet him, much like he was just trying to catch him. It is undeniable that if today's encounter were passed on to Su Wan, the image of Tianqing's magnanimity would become more vivid, and she would be obviously at a disadvantage.

Langxing noticed that Tianqing's attitude changed after he said that he had told Su Wan the details. This could not be regarded as any evidence, but it seemed to explain the problem.

Jiangxiao had long ago pointed out that Tianqing was too patient with him. Today's incident seemed to further verify Jiangxiao's judgment. In the fight for Su Wan, Tianqing seemed to really want to fight with him. Let's have a fair competition. What we have to do today is to find a handle on ourselves, not to get rid of ourselves.

If this is the case, Tianqing really can't be considered a bad person. Considering Yuanqing's broken arm, which still has no reasonable explanation, Langxing no longer dares to believe in his guess about this group of people.

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