Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2014 I’m here to settle the score with you!

"There must be something wrong with these people!"

Lang Xing encouraged himself in his heart. As an authority figure, he might have biased opinions, but Shen Qing should not be wrong.

We must find out these three people and peel off their skins. We cannot leave this matter to Su Wan. Since we want to protect Su Wan, we should take on this responsibility, even if it causes Su Wan's misunderstanding. No matter what!

After firming up his idea, Langxing began to treat the matter with a different mentality. Before, he didn't want to kill Tianqing directly, but now he felt that he should kill this kid whenever he had the chance. If he killed wrong, he would be wrong.

It's hard to tell whether Lang Xing's mentality at the moment is more of a pretense to serve the public, or whether he is more courageous to take on responsibilities. Once the woman he likes is involved, I'm afraid not many people can maintain a peaceful attitude. , that may already be the ultimate form of true love.

On the third day of the search, Xiaoyunduo issued another warning, and Langxing immediately became fully alert. Then he spotted the handsome and elegant old man flying over from the southeast.

now it's right! Lang Xing secretly said in his heart that letting this old man kill him would be in line with his guess about these people, so when he saw this old man, Lang Xing was very happy.

"You actually dare to come here. You are such a fool. For the sake of heaven, I won't kill you. Get out of here." The old man seemed to have bumped into Lang Xing by accident. , after saying that with a look of disgust, he turned around and walked away.

If he hadn't strengthened his belief once, Langxing might have been confused by the other party's gesture. Even so, he couldn't help but be a little confused. This old guy seemed to just want to drive him away, not to kill him. In the end, these people What means?

"Old man! I'm here to settle a score with you!" Langxing shouted and cursed while urging the red spear. He didn't have to be polite to the old man. The first purpose of showing off the spear was When used as bait, another function is to make the other party underestimate one's own strength.

The old man stopped and stood six or seven thousand feet away from Lang Xing with an angry look on his face and said, "Are you looking for death?"

Langxing slowly flew over and said with a deliberately disdainful look on his face, "You said last time that I don't know how high the world is, right? I will let you know today which one of us is the one who doesn't know how high the world is."

"Just because of your broken gun?" The old man smiled contemptuously, and then said with a cold look in his bright eyes like a night star, "If it weren't for Tian Qing's sake, I would have cut off your cultivation path today, get out of here. !”

This last scream exploded like thunder in Lang Xing's body. Not only did his ears buzz, but his Qi Palace and mind also experienced a huge shock, and his spiritual power was even stagnant. This was something he could see. He had activated Yi Guang in time. Without Yi Guang's protection, this shout containing cultivation power would probably have seriously injured him.

The old man was obviously startled. He never expected that Langxing could resist his shouting. Yiguang, a high-level defensive spiritual treasure, also attracted his attention. He felt that he had treated this boy before. He was probably high enough, but he was worried that the shout would hurt the kid too seriously, but he didn't expect that the kid was far more evil than he thought.

Although Langxing was severely shocked, he was not stunned yet. Thanks to Yiguang's protection, the masters were fighting for the smallest detail. The old man was just stunned for a moment. The person in front of Langxing

The spear turned into a red light and shot towards him.

"Hmph!" The old man stretched out his fingers and fired a magic spell at the spear, and he let out a cold snort in his spare time. He didn't pay attention to the incoming spiritual treasure at all.

Langxing's heart was full of horror at this time. He had always thought that the old man was a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, but the shout just now made him realize that the other party was most likely a Feather-forming monk. He fought with more than a dozen Feather-forming monks. Through dealing with them, one can tell the difference in mana between Huayu monks and Nascent Soul monks.

If he could have known earlier that the other party was a Feathered Monk, Lang Xing would definitely not have dared to take action against him. But now that Yi Guang has been exposed and his own strength has been exposed, the other party will probably not let him go easily again. He There is no way out.

As soon as the old man's cold snort sounded, the world was instantly illuminated by purple glow, and the Purple Sun Sword followed the spear and flew towards the old man!

The old man's two white eyebrows were raised. Under the purple light, his face was still calm, but his eyes had a look of doubt. He could activate one defensive spirit treasure and two attack spirit treasures. It seemed that this The boy's cultivation was at least at the late stage of Nascent Soul. I had indeed underestimated him, but how could such a young monk who was about a thousand years old have cultivated to such an extent?

Although the Purple Sun Sword is very powerful, it is not enough to hurt him. He plans to accept both of these spiritual treasures, and of course the defensive spiritual treasure. As for how to deal with this kid, he will have to wait until the soul is searched. .

Just as he wrapped the Purple Sun Sword with a golden light as thin as silk, a warning signal suddenly occurred in his heart. He saw Langxing rushing towards him emit another dark green light. He could clearly see that it was a package. There was a long sword in the dark green light. The power contained in this sword made him feel extremely dangerous.

At this time, the red spear has been taken away, and the Purple Sun Sword has just been bound by the golden light, unable to move at all.

Subduing these two spiritual treasures is nothing to the old man, but he can see that it is not that easy to deal with the third spiritual treasure. At this moment, the Purple Sun Sword is less than thirty feet away from him. Once he withdraws, he will At the risk of being hit from behind, at such a close distance, even his movement skills may not be able to outpace this high-grade spiritual treasure, although being hit by this treasure will not cause him too much damage. It hurts, but it definitely won’t feel good.

The speed of the Shui Ting Sword did not allow him to think too much, so he finally chose to block the sword head-on. He gathered his cultivation and grabbed it forward with his left hand, and a colorful light and shadow flashed in the air. The light and shadow was wrapped with a layer of white dust-like stuff, which made the colorful light and shadow inside look hazy and unreal. The swiftly flying Shui Ting Sword hit it all at once. The barrier was about an inch thick. The tip of the Shui Ting Sword penetrated but failed to penetrate.

The old man's face was distorted, and he had already used the strongest defensive method. This hand was the ability to condense the void into reality that could only be used by those who had the ability to transform into feathers. Although those dust-like things were not really substantial. However, there are not many monks who can achieve this step.

"Jade Immortal Color" - this can be said to be one of his special skills, but this special skill of his put him in a bad situation. This sword blocked it, but the spirit of Tianting However, he brought the spirit of Xuanshui to launch a counterattack that made his hair stand on end. The colorful barrier was shaken by the light of dark green sky thunder, and it was about to collapse! "There must be something wrong with these people!"

Lang Xing encouraged himself in his heart. As an authority figure, he might have biased opinions, but Shen Qing should not be wrong.

We must find out these three people and peel off their skins. We cannot leave this matter to Su Wan. Since we want to protect Su Wan, we should take on this responsibility, even if it causes Su Wan's misunderstanding. No matter what!

After firming up his idea, Langxing began to treat the matter with a different mentality. Before, he didn't want to kill Tianqing directly, but now he felt that he should kill this kid whenever he had the chance. If he killed wrong, he would be wrong.

It's hard to tell whether Lang Xing's mentality at the moment is more of a pretense to serve the public, or whether he is more courageous to take on responsibilities. Once the woman he likes is involved, I'm afraid not many people can maintain a peaceful attitude. , that may already be the ultimate form of true love.

On the third day of the search, Xiaoyunduo issued another warning, and Langxing immediately became fully alert. Then he spotted the handsome and elegant old man flying over from the southeast.

now it's right! Lang Xing secretly said in his heart that letting this old man kill him would be in line with his guess about these people, so when he saw this old man, Lang Xing was very happy.

"You actually dare to come here. You are such a fool. For the sake of heaven, I won't kill you. Get out of here." The old man seemed to have bumped into Lang Xing by accident. , after saying that with a look of disgust, he turned around and walked away.

If he hadn't strengthened his belief once, Langxing might have been confused by the other party's gesture. Even so, he couldn't help but be a little confused. This old guy seemed to just want to drive him away, not to kill him. In the end, these people What means?

"Old man! I'm here to settle a score with you!" Langxing shouted and cursed while urging the red spear. He didn't have to be polite to the old man. The first purpose of showing off the spear was When used as bait, another function is to make the other party underestimate one's own strength.

The old man stopped and stood six or seven thousand feet away from Lang Xing with an angry look on his face and said, "Are you looking for death?"

Langxing slowly flew over and said with a deliberately disdainful look on his face, "You said last time that I don't know how high the world is, right? I will let you know today which one of us is the one who doesn't know how high the world is."

"Just because of your broken gun?" The old man smiled contemptuously, and then said with a cold look in his bright eyes like a night star, "If it weren't for Tian Qing's sake, I would have cut off your cultivation path today, get out of here. !”

This last scream exploded like thunder in Lang Xing's body. Not only did his ears buzz, but his Qi Palace and mind also experienced a huge shock, and his spiritual power was even stagnant. This was something he could see. He had activated Yi Guang in time. Without Yi Guang's protection, this shout containing cultivation power would probably have seriously injured him.

The old man was obviously startled. He never expected that Langxing could resist his shouting. Yiguang, a high-level defensive spiritual treasure, also attracted his attention. He felt that he had treated this boy before. He was probably high enough, but he was worried that the shout would hurt the kid too seriously, but he didn't expect that the kid was far more evil than he thought.

Although Langxing was severely shocked, he was not stunned yet. Thanks to Yiguang's protection, the masters were fighting for the smallest detail. The old man was just stunned for a moment. The person in front of Langxing

The spear turned into a red light and shot towards him.

"Hmph!" The old man stretched out his fingers and fired a magic spell at the spear, and he let out a cold snort in his spare time. He didn't pay attention to the incoming spiritual treasure at all.

Langxing's heart was full of horror at this time. He had always thought that the old man was a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, but the shout just now made him realize that the other party was most likely a Feather-forming monk. He fought with more than a dozen Feather-forming monks. Through dealing with them, one can tell the difference in mana between Huayu monks and Nascent Soul monks.

If he could have known earlier that the other party was a Feathered Monk, Lang Xing would definitely not have dared to take action against him. But now that Yi Guang has been exposed and his own strength has been exposed, the other party will probably not let him go easily again. He There is no retreat.

As soon as the old man's cold snort sounded, the world was instantly illuminated by purple glow, and the Purple Sun Sword followed the spear and flew towards the old man!

The old man's two white eyebrows were raised. Under the purple light, his face was still calm, but his eyes had a look of doubt. He could activate one defensive spirit treasure and two attack spirit treasures. It seemed that this The boy's cultivation was at least at the late stage of Nascent Soul. I had indeed underestimated him, but how could such a young monk who was about a thousand years old have cultivated to such an extent?

Although the Purple Sun Sword is very powerful, it is not enough to hurt him. He plans to accept both of these spiritual treasures, and of course the defensive spiritual treasure. As for how to deal with this kid, he will have to wait until the soul is searched. .

Just as he wrapped the Purple Sun Sword with a golden light as thin as silk, a warning signal suddenly occurred in his heart. He saw Langxing rushing towards him emit another dark green light. He could clearly see that it was a package. There was a long sword in the dark green light. The power contained in this sword made him feel extremely dangerous.

At this time, the red spear has been taken away, and the Purple Sun Sword has just been bound by the golden light, unable to move at all.

Subduing these two spiritual treasures is nothing to the old man, but he can see that it is not that easy to deal with the third spiritual treasure. At this moment, the Purple Sun Sword is less than thirty feet away from him. Once he withdraws, he will At the risk of being hit from behind, at such a close distance, even his movement skills may not be able to outpace this high-grade spiritual treasure, although being hit by this treasure will not cause him too much damage. It hurts, but it definitely won’t feel good.

The speed of the Shui Ting Sword did not allow him to think too much, so he finally chose to block the sword head-on. He gathered his cultivation and grabbed it forward with his left hand, and a colorful light and shadow flashed in the air. The light and shadow was wrapped with a layer of white dust-like stuff, which made the colorful light and shadow inside look hazy and unreal. The swiftly flying Shui Ting Sword hit it all at once. The barrier was about an inch thick. The tip of the Shui Ting Sword penetrated but failed to penetrate.

The old man's face was distorted, and he had already used the strongest defensive method. This hand was the ability to condense the void into reality that could only be used by those who had the ability to transform into feathers. Although those dust-like things were not really substantial. However, there are not many monks who can achieve this step.

"Jade Immortal Color" - this can be said to be one of his special skills, but this special skill of his put him in a bad situation. This sword blocked it, but the spirit of Tianting However, he brought the spirit of Xuanshui to launch a counterattack that made his hair stand on end. The colorful barrier was shaken by the light of dark green sky thunder, and it was about to collapse!

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