Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2020 You have to remember this account for me

For people who fall in love, anger is a very important thing, even more important than life.

Lang Xing is pretty good, he knows how to exercise restraint, and his gambling tone is enough.

Amelia Su also performed well, knowing how to admit her mistakes and taking the overall situation into consideration. After all, she was not a willful little girl. After all, she really made a mistake this time.

She looked at Lang Xing with sincere eyes and said, "Your guess is right. The three of them are in a group. The old man is called Zui Qing. He is the senior brother of Yuan Qing and Tian Qing. There is no Zui Qing Palace. They are actually Disciples of the Daoqing Sect, the Daoqing Sect is a very secretive sect and is extremely strict in recruiting disciples. Currently, there are only three of them in the sect, and their master has been in hiding for many years. "

Lang Xing nodded, secretly admiring Shen Qing's sharp eyes.

Su Wan continued, "What they say about enlightening the Tao through emotion is true. Fixing the woman you like at the most beautiful moment is one of their cultivation methods. This is related to the Taoism they uphold. They think that is the best for these women. In the end, in their opinion, dying at the happiest moment is the best life. Lang Xing, I have no intention of saying good things for them, and I completely disagree with their thoughts, but they really think so. They also treat every woman they like sincerely, and may even pay the price of their lives to gain their true love. Every time they settle down with a woman, they will grieve for a long time, just like everyone who loses their lover. "

Lang Xing was speechless. He had heard of many strange Taoist methods in the world of cultivation. In comparison, this little thing about Taoqing Sect was not shocking to him.

"I hate their evil ways very much. No matter what the reason is, I think it is unforgivable for them to treat their beloved woman like this." Su Wan emphasized her tone and stated her point of view more clearly. She mistakenly thought that Long Xing's silence was blaming her for not being clear enough.

Lang Xing frowned slightly and said, "I don't have time to talk about their Taoism now. Is there any useful information?"

Su Wan stared at Lang Xing and hesitated for a moment before saying

"That's the most useful information."

Lang Xing asked in confusion, "I don't understand, what's the use of this?"

Su Wan avoided his gaze, looked into the distance and said, "They must obtain the true feelings of the woman they love, and they must do so without using any means of concealment. This is why Tianqing has never used force to get rid of you. If Failure to get a woman's true love will be a huge blow to them, and they may even be in danger of being cut off. You have forced them to resort to deceit, and you did it out of necessity when you led us into a desperate situation last time. "

"That's it." Several doubts in Lang Xing's mind were immediately solved, and he understood why Tian Qing was so patient with him. In this way, Jiang Xiao's suspicion was correct.

Su Wan turned her gaze back, stared at Lang Xing again and said, "So they won't kill me easily. We may use this to create some opportunities. Let's go out with Yuan Qing now. Don't let them know that we have searched Yuan Qing." The soul of love, I will deal with them."

"If Tianqing were present, would you be able to do it?" Lang Xing's tone and expression were calm.

Su Wan avoided Lang Xing's gaze again and said sadly, "I deliberately avoided the part about Tianqing when searching for souls. I don't want to see his evil deeds. Don't force me to kill him, okay?"

"It's up to you. If I can be merciful, I won't kill him deliberately, but you have to think clearly that our lives are in other people's hands now, and we have no right to think about forgiving others." Lang Xing tried his best not to let it go. His tone brought out too much emotion.

Su Wan looked gloomy and said, "If he attacks you, I will be cruel to him."

"Okay, then I'll leave him to you." Lang Xing looked at Yuan Qing after saying this and considered the strategy proposed by Su Wan.

Su Wan pointed outside and said, "We are in a painting called "Wild Residence". This painting should be a fairy treasure. They were very cautious when they mentioned this treasure. I didn't search it." I have received too much useful information, and it seems to be very similar to your Qiankun Bag. Only Zuiqing can use it. Also, they do have a spell that can restore stumps, called the Return to True Immortal Technique, which is similar to this "Wild Residence" Together they are called the two greatest treasures of the Daoqing Sect."

"It just so happens that one person can share a treasure, this scroll belongs to you." Langxing said casually.

Su Wan expressed her dissatisfaction with a sigh. This was not the time to discuss how to divide the treasure. Tianqing's matter filled her inner world with haze. If it weren't for taking care of Lang Xing's emotions, she wouldn't have said a word at this moment. I don't want to say it, but it was precisely because of Lang Xing's existence that she didn't completely collapse. Half of the sky fell, but luckily the other half was still there.

She couldn't believe that Tianqing was such a person, let alone accept this reality. She had always thought that Tianqing was most likely the reincarnation of Xunyi. Until this moment, she still refused to find out the truth, so she searched Hunshi tried his best to avoid all the parts about Tianqing.

Rejection is rejection, but Su Wan is not a fool. She knows it in her heart. From the actions of Yuan Qing and Zui Qing, we can see what Tian Qing is like. She just doesn't want to confirm it with her own eyes. , wanting to save some room for fantasy, imagining that Tianqing was different from his two senior brothers, or that he was the first woman Tianqing fell in love with.

For a person who has made him feel true love, it is probably difficult for anyone to withstand such a huge change in a short period of time.

"Don't delay any longer. Let's get out quickly." Su Wan went back and brought over the sealed Yuan Qing.

"It's too late..." Lang Xing made a silent gesture to Su Wan, and observed the scene outside intently, "The old guy is here."

"Then let me out quickly, don't let him take the Qiankun bag

Banned! "Su Wan said anxiously.

Lang Xing waved his hand to her with a stern expression, "If you go out now, you will definitely die. He will not show mercy even to you."

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan stamped her delicate feet, wishing she could rush out immediately.

Lang Xing's stern face showed a calm demeanor and said, "Don't worry, the ban should not be able to affect the magic power of this Qiankun Bag. Initially, it was banned by Fairy Concubine Chan. Later I showed it to her and she said that the ban is still there. , this old guy’s cultivation level is definitely not as good as that of Immortal Concubine Chan, and his restraint is even more useless. Let him seal it, and maybe it will catch him off guard.”

Su Wan pursed her lips nervously.

Lang Xing stretched out his hand and said, "Leave Yuanqing to me."

"No!" Su Wan took a step back with a determined expression. She had to fight side by side with Lang Xing. If she gave her Yuan Qing to Lang Xing, maybe Lang Xing would leave her in the Qiankun Bag.

Lang Xing understood what she meant and showed a bitter smile and said, "If we can't save our lives this time, don't blame anyone, okay?"

Su Wan shook her head and said, "Of course I won't blame you, but you waded into this muddy water because you wanted to save me, so I owe you, and this debt cannot be erased."

"What's the use of keeping such an account? Do you plan to pay me back in the next life?" Lang Xing's smile is no longer so bitter.

"Yes! You will pay it back in the next life. If you can't pay it back in the next life, you will pay it back in the next life." Su Wan said seriously.

Lang Xing laughed again, this time with a relaxed tone, "Who knows if there will be a next life, but your words are enough."

Su Wan stared at him and said, "No! You can't just let it go. Langxing, you have to remember this account for me. I must pay you back!"

s:?There have been a lot of things going on recently, brothers and sisters, please forgive me if I can't update in time.

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