Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2021 Then throw it out

Lang Xing was startled by Su Wan's serious look.

"Okay, okay, I'll just remember it for you." He said perfunctorily, and then focused on the situation outside. At this life-threatening moment, he was really in no mood to talk about such insignificant things.

The scene he saw was very strange. The Qiankun Bag was on the floor on the fourth floor, but what he saw were some glowing outlines. Only a few cases and the women who were immobilized were the same as before.

The old man named Zui Qing had already cautiously arrived at the Qiankun Bag. His face was frighteningly white and it looked like he was seriously injured. Lang Xing saw him hitting the Qiankun Bag with several spells. Jue, after that, he did not take away the Qiankun Bag, but hid his figure, probably hiding on the edge and preparing to catch a turtle in an urn.

His invisible form turned into a blur of light and shadow in Lang Xing's view. With the magical power of the Qiankun Bag, the invisibility method of the Feather Monk could not work as it should.

"He is hiding on the edge and preparing to ambush us." Langxing told Su Wan about the old man's movements, then fell back to the ground, exhaled and said, "Stop being nervous, just spend time with him. Let’s see how long his energy lasts.”

Su Wan fell next to Lang Xing, wanting to put Yuan Qing down gently, but thinking of how he had killed innocent women, she loosened her grip and dropped her to the ground.

"What other means do you have available? Where is the sword hanging here?" Su Wan asked worriedly. She could understand what Lang Xing meant. If Zui Qing could bring this Qiankun Bag out of the secret realm, they would be able to fight back. There is a chance, but it is not easy to deal with a monk who has transformed into a feather.

"When I was taken into the secret realm, I knocked it out randomly. The three spiritual treasures are gone, and only this one is left. It will take some time to activate this spiritual treasure." Langxing took out the Qiancheng Mansion, although there were still two more from the robbers. The spiritual treasure obtained there, but that level of spiritual treasure is useless against the Feathered Monk.

Su Wan cheered him up and said, "I'll use my mind attack and Feng Ling Hairpin to try to buy you as much time as possible.

You can also use this sentiment to make some ideas. "

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I still have a spiritual beast that can help a little, and I can also use my mind to attack to buy some time, but the Feathered Monk is too difficult to deal with, so we have to arrange our attack methods in the best order. "

Su Wanming's eyes flashed and she said, "My sudden appearance should surprise him. With this moment of time, I can quietly launch a mental attack, then immediately activate the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin, and finally use the purple gold bracelet."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "When you launch a mental attack, I can almost launch a mental attack. Then I can let the spirit beast attack, then activate Qiancheng Mansion, and finally attack with my mind."

"How effective can your mental attack be? I think it's better for you to directly activate the Qiancheng Mansion. We only have one chance." Su Wan made the suggestion feeling uneasy.

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "I don't know how effective a mind attack will be. Maybe I should launch a mind attack with you first. I feel that the power of my mind..." At this point, he looked at Baizhang uncertainly. There is a large rock in the distance that is as tall as a person.

"Bang!" The big stone suddenly burst into pieces, and in the flying dust, the big stone as tall as a person was shattered into dust on the ground.

Su Wan opened her eyes wide in shock, and Lang Xing was surprised and flew over to check the stone powder on the ground.

"Have you made any progress in your enlightenment?" Su Wan asked, grabbing a handful of stone powder.

Langxing frowned and shook his head slightly, then found another boulder more than three feet high and turned it into powder again.

Amelia Su was even more surprised.

There was confusion in Lang Xing's eyes, and he murmured, "I used

The power of thought subdued Yuan Qing. I thought it was because he didn't cultivate enough to protect himself. It's strange that I haven't comprehended it during this period. How could there be such great progress? "

Su Wan's face was full of joy and she said, "Don't think about how to make progress. Is this the greatest power?"

Lang Xing gently pressed his forehead and said, "It can be bigger, but then it will give me a headache that will make me unable to move."

Su Wan nodded and said, "Okay, this power is enough for him to bear. Then I won't bother attacking with my mind. I can just use the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin."

Langxing looked at the Taoist robe on his body and considered whether he had time to activate this treasure. Although he lost three spiritual treasures, he still had many methods at his disposal. The order of attacks was particularly important when fighting against the Feathered Monk. If he accidentally lost everything, he had already learned his lesson. Unfortunately, the second senior sister sealed his soul in this Taoist robe and could not use it for Su Wan.

"I attacked him with two spiritual treasures, and at the same time used words to distract his mind." Su Wan felt that she could not help much.

Langxing handed Yiguang to her, "Although I only need one thought to activate this spiritual treasure, this millimeter of effort is also a matter of life and death. I will help you refine it, and you can use it after launching the attack. for defense."

"Is it too late?" Su Wan looked up.

"It's hard to say. You can refine it first. I will keep an eye on the old guy's movements."

Su Wan thought about it for a moment and then slowly shook her head and said, "If you still can't win under such a strong attack, then you can't save your life with this defensive treasure. It's better to use escape treasures to escape. You should not be short of escape treasures." " ??

Langxing took out "Suifeng" and handed it to her and said, "I have many escape treasures. I'll give this one to you."

Su Wan waved her hand and said, "I have some too. If you are really rich, take another one."

Give me one piece, I don't want this one. "

"This is the worst thing." Lang Xing forced a joke with some embarrassment.

Su Wan added wisely, "I know, so I want something a little better."

Lang Xing couldn't hold on any longer, so he had to take out another escape treasure and hand it over.

Su Wan put away the treasure and warned, "If you can't win, you must escape without hesitation. Both of us must do this. I think at least one of us can escape."

Lang Xing nodded in agreement and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Don't go back to the Xuanfang Sect after escaping. Go to the Qingyuan Sect and ask Immortal Cihang to take care of them."

Su Wan blinked her bright eyes and nodded in agreement.

Both of them had their own thoughts on this matter, but they acted very seriously.

After finalizing the matter, Su Wan said, "Let's practice our tactics. After we go out, should we throw Yuan Qing over to disturb his mind, or should we use him as a shield?"

Lang Xing pondered for a moment and said, "You can use him as a shield."

Su Wan nodded and said, "Okay, then throw it out."

Lang Xing couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I mean you use him as a shield. If we get closer, he will be our shield."

Su Wan said seriously, "Okay, I get it. I also think it's better to throw it out. They have a deep relationship with each other. Maybe after I give out the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin, I should use a purple gold bracelet to hit Yuan Qing. What do you think?" ?”

Lang Xing shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, then just throw it out."

Su Wan showed a satisfied smile. She had no intention of joking, but this might be the last moment of their lives, so she wanted to show her funniest side to Lang Xing so that he could remember her more firmly, hoping that We can meet again soon in the next life.

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