Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2022 Shen Qing? !

"How did you get involved with Zui Qing?" Su Wan asked with a smile in her eyes. Her expression was curious, funny, and concerned. She seemed to be completely on Lang Xing's side, and it seemed that she was not in a hurry. He was practicing his tactics in a very leisurely manner.

"Actually, I met Tianqing first." Langxing conveyed the scene of his encounter with these two people to her with his spiritual mind.

Su Wan was silent for a while, then laughed again and said, "It's really amazing. You can actually seriously injure a Yuanying monk. You are the most powerful I have ever seen... A monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul? Are you pregnant?" She I wasn't quite sure about Lang Xing's cultivation, so I never had the nerve to ask.

Although Su Wan did not comment on Tianqing's behavior, such praise still made Langxing very happy, and he said proudly, "It's fake. My Yuanying is fake. I condensed it with my mind."

"Let me see." Su Wanda stepped forward with great interest and grabbed Lang Xing's wrist, which seemed extremely natural and close.

After investigating for a while, she looked at Lang Xing suspiciously and said, "Are you kidding me? Why do I think it's almost real?"

"Because your cultivation level is low."

"Huh!" Su Wan threw away his hand angrily.

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing stopped laughing halfway.

Both of them seemed a little embarrassed and embarrassed. They were both a little uncomfortable with the relationship suddenly becoming so close. The most important thing was that they still had other people in their hearts, and the dangerous situation they faced made them unable to let go. of laughter. .??.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Langxing explained, "It is really condensed with thoughts. The power of thoughts can do no less than spiritual power. There are even more benefits when using the two together. The path we are taking There are still many new roads to explore.”

Su Wan tried her best to become calm, looked at Lang Xing with calm eyes and said, "Can you tell me what your relationship is with Zixiao Palace? If you really die this time, I'm afraid you will be reincarnated." Go to Puyunzhou. In order to repay this debt I owe you, I have to know how to get there.

Where can I find you? "Although she has not completely ruled out the possibility that Tianqing is the reincarnation of Xun Yi, she is undoubtedly more inclined to think that Lang Xing is the one, and she wants to confirm it as soon as possible.

"I am the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace." At this moment, Langxing didn't want to hide anything from her.

"Eight Immortals?!" Su Wan tried her best to restrain herself from trembling.

"Well, this time I went back to visit my master, Princess Huarui, the master of Zixiao Palace. Unfortunately, the master still left us." There was a sad look on Lang Xing's face.

"The Fairy Concubine has left? I...I miss the Fairy Concubine very much. I don't want to miss her anymore..." Su Wan found an excuse to reveal her emotions, which could be used to cover up her uncontrollable excitement.

"Alas..." Langxing sighed miserably.

"You are the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, how could you become the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace?" Su Wan asked naturally.

"This is related to my seventh senior brother. He is related to..." Lang Xing hesitated for a moment. He wanted to tell the origin of Xun Yi and his ancestor Lang Ming, but after hesitating, he still felt that it was not clear. This relationship was good, so he changed his words vaguely and said, "He has friendship with my ancestors, so he asked the master to take care of us. The master liked me very much after seeing me, and he wanted to accept me as a disciple. Later, he became a disciple." Something unexpected happened and I entered the Qianxu Palace. When the monster chaos first started, a few of us ran to Puyun Continent, thus continuing this relationship. "

"Your ancestor is...Lang Ming?" Su Wanming guessed Lang Ming with a flash of her eyes. In the early days of Xun Yi, she didn't know many people in Nanjingzhou. The only one with the surname Lang was Lang Ming, and He and Lang Ming had known each other since childhood. At that time, only Lang Ming was the same age as him in Red Stone Valley.


It's not convenient for me to say this. "Lang Xing shook his head and wanted to continue to cover up.

Su Wan expected that her guess was correct. Since Lang Xing did not want to admit it, she had to put the question aside for the time being and asked, "How did you get to Puyunzhou? It's not just Lu Gang and Shu Yan. Right? I’m afraid you were not even at the stage of cultivation at that time, right?”

"Shen Qing took us there. It's even more inconvenient for me to say more about Shen Qing. But I have to explain one thing. We were just passing through Puyunzhou, and we were not going to seek refuge in Puyunzhou. Because we were stopped by the defenders of Puyunzhou, so Only then did I get connected with the Zixiao Palace, so I entered the Zixiao Palace and became the Eight Immortals."

"Shen Qing?!" Su Wan looked at Lang Xing with straight eyes. Shen Qing was the one who saved her and the others in the ancient camping camp. Although she was seriously injured and fell into a coma at the time, she later heard about the whole story. .

"Did you rescue the ancient campers on the way?" Su Wan briefly recalled and reported the date.

Langxing thought about it and said, "Shen Qing did save a group of Yiling Guards, but I wouldn't know it if I wasn't from the ancient camp. How did you know?" That was the first time he heard the news about Wuhun's death in battle, so his memory was relatively It was profound, and he still remembered that he seemed to have a strange feeling at that time. Looking back now, that feeling seemed to have a familiar flavor.

"I heard people from the ancient camp talking about this." Su Wan said perfunctorily, feeling unspeakable in her heart. She was seriously injured and fell into a coma in order to find Yi's reincarnation. At that time, Kelangxing and herself Passed by each other, if Lang Xing is the reincarnation of Xun Yi, then God is really good at teasing people!

Shen Qing! Since Shen Qing got involved with Lang Xing so early, could this kid not be the reincarnation of Xun Yi? ! I really don’t know what Shen Qing was thinking after he saved her. One thing is obvious. Like Jiang Xiao, Shen Qing must not want her to reconnect with Xun Yi. Su Wanzhen

I felt chilling for the two friends I had made.

"You should be more open-minded about respecting your master." Su Wan brought the topic back to the departure of Fairy Princess Huarui. It seemed to be a comfort, but in fact it pushed Lang Xing deeper into the depths of sadness. After all these After years of experience, Su Wan was far better than before in terms of cultivation and wealth. Now she needed to make Lang Xing sad in order to buy herself more time to calm down.

Lang Xing nodded bitterly.

"Are the Second Fairy and the Third Fairy okay?"

"They are all fine. My senior sister, second senior sister and sixth senior brother have all become feathers."

"All three of them have been promoted to the Great Divine Power of Transformation into Feathers? That's great!" Su Wan was surprised by the news that three great powers of Transformation into Feathers were suddenly released from Zixiao Palace.

Mentioning the second senior sister, Lang Xing felt a little uncomfortable. He looked at Su Wan and said, "If I die here, you ask Jiangxiao and Xiyang to go to Zixiao Palace to report a message for me, saying that this is my fate. Don't do it." I asked Second Senior Sister and the others to avenge me. I don't feel wronged by dying like this, and I have nothing to hate. I just blame myself for being too trustworthy and deserve this misfortune. But you have to tell the Sky Law Alliance about the inside story. Let them eradicate this Daoqing sect, so that they will not harm women in the world again, and will also save them from trouble you again. "

"Don't say such unlucky words." Su Wan frowned with sadness in her heart. Lang Xing's explanation contained many meanings. He did not allow people from Zixiao Palace to avenge him because he was afraid that something might happen to his senior brothers and sisters. , after all, Zuiqing is the great magical power of possessing immortal treasures. He said that he would die without regrets not only to make his brothers and sisters feel relieved, but also to express his feelings of having no regrets when he died because of himself, so that the Sky Law Alliance could eradicate him. Daoqing Sect is even more considering its own future.

Even when death is imminent, he still thinks of others. Xun Yi is like this, and so is Lang Xing. Su Wan looked at Lang Xing, and suddenly a figure of Xun Yi appeared in front of her eyes.

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