Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2024 I am complimenting you

After returning to Lang Xing, Su Wan seemed calm and at ease. The biggest problem she has to face now is not to let Lang Xing have any suspicion. Once Lang Xing is aware of the secret of reincarnation, things will be difficult to control. In her opinion, it is more important than whether she can survive this disaster.

"Let's practice our tactics." Su Wan's calmness revealed her strong confidence and wisdom.

"Okay, starting from the moment you break out of the Qiankun Bag." Lang Xing glanced at Yuan Qing who fell to the ground.

Su Wan grasped it with her left hand and used her spiritual energy to transform into a human form. "Just think of it as Yuan Qing. Can you send us out directly? It's best if we go out first and you go out later."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "No, I haven't tried it. It's too dangerous. I can only take you out together."

"Okay then, how to bring it? Do you need to hold hands?" Su Wan extended her jade hand to Lang Xing.

"Well... it was like this last time. I haven't tried anything else." Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said.

"Come on then." Su Wan handed the jade hand forward again.

Lang Xing grabbed the jade hand and rose into the sky without delaying for a moment. Then he let go of Su Wan's hand and launched a mental attack towards the empty space in front of him. He then spent a moment to call out to swallow the sky, and then urged Qiancheng Mansion was moved, and he didn't want to really call Tuntian out in this space.

However, Su Wan stood in mid-air without moving. When Langxing finished her work, she said angrily, "What are you busy with? You caught me off guard, do it again!"

Lang Xing said with some embarrassment, "It's just so fast. I'm outside as soon as my mind moves."

"Then you should say 'go'. How could you just jump up and start without saying anything?" Su Wan scolded and handed over her jade hand.

"Okay, okay, do it again." Lang Xing did not hold Su Wan's hand, but fell to the ground before stretching out his hand and waiting for Su Wan to come over.

After the two held hands again, Longxing said, "Get ready, let's start."

"Wait a minute. After you get out, just focus on attacking. I will protect you with the divine light of body protection. You

Just don't be too busy activating the protective divine light. "

"If I have the time, why should I use the divine light for body protection? I can just use the defensive spirit treasure." Lang Xing felt that Su Wan's words were pure nonsense.

"I was afraid that you would get into trouble while you were busy, so I subconsciously activated the body-protecting divine light!" Su Wan said plausibly.

"It's not like I'm new to the battle. I've already fought against Monk Huayu. Is it as unbearable as you said?" Lang Xing argued with her without showing any weakness.

"Have you been in battle more times than me? Stop bragging to me and start quickly. You'd better not make any mistakes!" Su Wan felt a little shaken when holding her hands like this.

Lang Xing's heart fluctuated even more, and he hurriedly pulled Su Wan into the air.

After the two of them launched a round of attacks, Su Wan frowned and said, "We have to set a target." After saying that, she used her spiritual energy to condense a human figure in the air, "Just treat it as drunken love and do it again."

"Okay." Langxing immediately agreed.

After practicing twice, Su Wan suspended a big stone in the air. After breaking the big stone, he replaced it with a small stone, followed by a handful of dead grass.

After several exercises, Langxing hung two small stones in the air, pointed at one of them and said, "Assuming this is a natural situation, you need to help me block his attack."

Su Wan nodded silently.

After the two rose into the air again, Su Wanyi threw out the "Yuan Qing" condensed with spiritual energy as before, then activated the Phoenix Ling Hairpin and Purple Gold Bracelet to attack the "Drunken Qing", and then activated the protective After experiencing the divine light, he glanced at the small stone that represented "Tian Qing".

Lang Xing stopped and asked, "Are you going to use the protective divine light to resist his attack?"

Su Wan said calmly, "You don't have to worry about this. I promise that you won't be hurt by him."

Just attack. "

Lang Xing looked at the small stone and said, "Although I promised not to kill him, if he angers me, I won't be blamed."

Su Wan understood what he meant and explained, "Don't worry, I won't let him take action. I feel confident in this matter. If Tianqing is present, you don't have to worry about him." , just leave it to me.”

Lang Xing looked at her and was silent for a moment before saying, "Okay, but I have to remind you that his cultivation is in the late Nascent Soul stage, and his reaction speed is faster than yours."

"I know, Lang Xing, believe me." Su Wan's eyes were clear and firm.

"Yeah." Lang Xing smiled and nodded.

The two of them fell back to the ground, embarrassed to mention the drill again, and holding hands made both of them a little flustered.

Su Wan looked for a topic and said, "You have to be careful of the 'empty realm' spell of drunkenness. He learned it from the treasure 'Wild Residence Picture'. Once it is cast, all people within a radius of five thousand miles will be unable to use spiritual power." space. "

Lang Xing nodded. This was another nonsense. If someone had a chance to fight back, he wouldn't need to use any magic. He could just use his cultivation and wave his hand to wipe them both out.

Su Wan also felt that there was no point in talking about this topic, so she asked instead, "How is the drunken love? Is it still hidden?"

"Change the position, I think he seems to be unable to bear it anymore." Lang Xing said and walked to Yuan Qing's side.

Su Wan immediately followed and lifted Yuan Qing up. Her other hand was open and hanging by her side, ready to rush out and fight at any time.

"Don't be nervous, I will say hello to you before we go out. We have to go into battle calmly and not in a hurry." Lang Xing showed the calmness and calmness that only a great monk can have.

"Yes." Amelia Su took a deep breath and tried to suppress her nervousness.

Lang Xing stood there with a calm expression, his brows relaxed, his eyes calm,

He doesn't see any intention of facing a life-and-death battle. He already has the bearing of a great monk, because Su Wan's presence makes him behave more calmly. This is not a pretense, but a kind of gesture. Taking responsibility, he felt that he had the responsibility to help Su Wan stabilize her mind.

Su Wan secretly glanced at Lang Xing, her bright eyes flashed, and then she quickly stopped the ripples in her heart and concentrated all her energy on preparing for war.

"He's coming to get the Qiankun Bag." Langxing said in a gentle tone, pretending to be relaxed and clasping his hands behind his back, indicating that it was far from time to attack.

Infected by him, Su Wan exhaled softly, her bright eyes flashing again.

Lang Xing's eyes flashed at this moment, and then he frowned slightly and said, "He seems to have left without taking the Qiankun Bag. I can't see him now."

Su Wan pursed her lips slightly and said nothing. She had to try her best to show her best and not let Lang Xing look down on her.

After a while, Lang Xing raised his foot and kicked Yuan Qing away from Su Wan's hand. He made a relaxing gesture to Su Wan and said, "Take a break and wait and see what happens. I will keep an eye on the situation outside." of."

Su Wan nodded slightly, raised her hand to gently smooth the hair on her temples, and turned her face sideways. There seemed to be waves of light flowing in her bright eyes as she looked sideways at the ground.

Lang Xing analyzed, "He must be more nervous than us. I guess he may not be able to recognize that this is the Immortal Qiankun Bag. He may have a lot of doubts in his heart. We just need to wait for him to make a mistake."

Su Wan smiled and said, "Among the Dan-Jie monks, your performance is quite remarkable."

Lang Xing looked at her angrily, and after a while he smiled and said, "For a Nascent Soul cultivator like you, I can kill a piece without even moving my fingers."

"I don't know why, but I'm just complimenting you." Su Wan rolled her eyes at Lang Xing and turned her head to the side gracefully.

"Stop doing this." Lang Xing said dryly. He felt his heart shaking and his mouth became clumsy.

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