Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2025 It’s now!

Seeing that his eyes were a bit straight, Su Wan reminded her uneasily, "Don't just think about bickering, keep an eye on the outside."

Lang Xing was a little embarrassed and said, "You are so unreasonable. After provoking me, you are still scolding me!"

Su Wan glared slightly arrogantly and pointed at it.

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "I know, I'm watching. Saying a few words won't delay things. You don't need to be so nervous."

Su Wan snorted lightly and said, "I'm not nervous. This fairy has already seen through life and death. I'm just afraid of killing you here. I don't want to owe you this debt and have to pay it back in the next life."

Lang Xing also snorted and said, "Don't use this as an excuse. You don't need to pay back. This time, I am mainly trying to avenge the old guy for the last humiliation. It has nothing to do with you."

Su Wan said with a serious expression, "The last time I fell into someone else's hands and suffered humiliation, wasn't it also because of me? In the end, it was you who I was the one who was involved."

Lang Xing looked at her with one eyebrow raised and the other lowered and said, "Do you need to take the blame on yourself like this? You are really interesting. It was indeed because of you that these things happened in the first place, but it was also because these people aroused my interest. Yeah, I really want to peel them off and see what they are. From then on, it has nothing to do with you."

Su Wan pointed her finger at the star and said, "It's boring if you say that!"

Lang Xing said with a wicked smile in his eyes, "Why is it boring? That's how it is."

Su Wan took out the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin and the little monkey's spirit fruit and threw them to Lang Xing, saying, "Okay, then neither of us owes anything to the other. You can send me out now."

Seeing that she was really annoyed, Lang Xing hurriedly smiled and said, "As for that? Why are you taking things seriously when you are just joking?"

Su Wanwei said calmly, "Who told you to play? Send me out."

Lang Xing said softly, "Okay, okay, it's all your fault. If I die from this disaster, I will come to you to collect debts in my next life, okay?"

Su Wan pursed her lips and said, "Not sincere at all. Send me out quickly. I'm too lazy to tell you more."

Seeing that her expression had softened a lot, Lang Xing smiled and said, "Do we still have to make an oath? Why do I think you want to haunt me forever?"

"You really know how to think of good things!" Su Wan gave him a guilty look, and then said with a arrogant look, "I just don't want to be in debt to others, and I don't know who of the two of us wants to pester whom. !”

"Hehe, okay, okay, there seems to be some changes outside, let's stop teasing." Lang Xing also felt a little guilty, pretending to pay attention to the outside, and reached out to hand the Phoenix Ling Hairpin and Spirit Fruit to Su Wan.

Su Wan took the Feng Ling Hairpin and Ling Guo over this step and asked, "Has there really been a change?"

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It has become darker, and there are more blurry lights and shadows. I can't see clearly what they are."

"Yes." Su Wan's heart became heavy again, and she secretly lamented how much God hates her. Did he want to get her without even giving him a chance to see the answer to the mystery?

After observing for a while, Langxing realized something: "If we are in a scroll, then maybe the scroll is rolled up at this moment, so some other outlines of light and shadow are superimposed. It should be the old guy thinking I'm back in my hometown, it's okay.

It was so terrible. It only meant that he was seriously injured and did not dare to stay outside any longer. "

Now Su Wan was even more worried. If Zui Qing went back, Tian Qing would definitely appear on the battlefield later.

Seeing that her mood was a little low, Langxing comforted her softly, "Don't worry, it's okay to hide here for a year. If we don't find a perfect opportunity, we won't take action. We will definitely win. It's just that this time has disturbed your retreat. You feel that it is right." Does breaking the boundary have any impact?”

Su Wan said thoughtfully, "Don't worry about my breaking through. Ever since you led me onto this new path, I have been hesitant about breaking through. I am not as eager as before. In this way, it will become a problem." It’s a good thing, I feel like this disturbance won’t have much impact.”

"That's good." Lang Xing showed a pleased smile. In order to make Su Wan relax, he said in a joking tone, "Have you found out? Tianqing is an old monster that is thousands of years old, or is it really only an eight or nine hundred year old monster?" A year-old cultivation prodigy? Are you..."

"Ah!" Before Lang Xing finished speaking, Su Wan exclaimed. It really woke up the dreamer with one sentence. In order to avoid seeing the possible evil deeds of Tian Qing, she searched for Yuan Qing's soul. He was picky and focused on searching only the memories of recent years. If it could be verified that Tianqing was far older than a thousand years, then he was definitely not the reincarnation of Xunyi. He had really lost his head just now in the panic. How could he continue to do so? I never thought of such a simple question!

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing became nervous because of her behavior.

"I have to search for his soul again." Su Wan walked quickly towards Yuan Qing.

"Wait a minute!" Lang Xing rushed forward and grabbed Su Wan's hand. His expression was like that of a hunter who has found his prey, revealing tension and excitement, and his breathing became rapid.

Su Wan suddenly became nervous. She couldn't help but hold Lang Xing's hand tightly and looked at Lang Xing without saying a word.

"Quick!" Lang Xing pointed at Yuan Qing.

Su Wan understood and grabbed Yuan Qing in the air.

Langxing didn't have time to speak. He stared at the situation outside with an anxious expression. He used his spiritual energy to condense a picture in front of Su Wan. The picture showed an empty valley, and the pale drunken man was pinching his hands. When Jue cast his spell, there was a ball of colorful light three or four hundred feet away from him, and a figure further away who looked like Tian Qing.

"Now!" Lang Xing said urgently.

"Okay!" Su Wan responded without thinking.

Neither of them expected the opportunity to come so suddenly. Lang Xing could see clearly that the old man was trying to seal the Shui Ting Sword, and the unruly Tian Ting Spirit was resisting unyieldingly. Such a good opportunity might be It would be lost in the blink of an eye, and Su Wan couldn't see clearly. She only saw Zui Qing working, but she didn't know what he was working on.

Langxing's previous guess was correct. He was drunk and seriously injured and did not dare to linger in the wilderness. After returning to meet Tianqing, he took out the Qiankun bag that had been sealed with several restrictions from the secret realm. At the same time, he also took out the Purple Sun Sword and the Shui Ting Sword. What he didn't expect was that the Shui Ting Sword would immediately attack him as soon as he left the secret realm. Such powerful weapon spirits were rare.

Caught off guard, he barely managed to block a heavy strike from a thunderbolt, but the unexpected disaster still made him more injured, and he had to immediately use the Cultivation Sealing Water Ting Sword. Seeing that his eyes were a bit straight, Su Wan reminded her uneasily, "Don't just think about bickering, keep an eye on the outside."

Lang Xing was a little embarrassed and said, "You are so unreasonable. After provoking me, you are still scolding me!"

Su Wan glared slightly arrogantly and pointed at it.

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "I know, I'm watching. Saying a few words won't delay things. You don't need to be so nervous."

Su Wan snorted lightly and said, "I'm not nervous. This fairy has already seen through life and death. I'm just afraid of killing you here. I don't want to owe you this debt and have to pay it back in the next life."

Lang Xing also snorted and said, "Don't use this as an excuse. You don't need to pay back. This time, I am mainly trying to avenge the old guy for the last humiliation. It has nothing to do with you."

Su Wan said with a serious expression, "The last time I fell into someone else's hands and suffered humiliation, wasn't it also because of me? In the end, it was you who I was the one who was involved."

Lang Xing looked at her with one eyebrow raised and the other lowered and said, "Do you need to take the blame on yourself like this? You are really interesting. It was indeed because of you that these things happened in the first place, but it was also because these people aroused my interest. Yeah, I really want to peel them off and see what they are. From then on, it has nothing to do with you."

Su Wan pointed her finger at the star and said, "It's boring if you say that!"

Lang Xing said with a evil smile in his eyes, "Why is it boring? That's how it is."

Su Wan took out the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin and the little monkey's spirit fruit and threw them to Lang Xing, saying, "Okay, then neither of us owes anything to the other. You can send me out now."

Seeing that she was really annoyed, Lang Xing hurriedly smiled and said, "As for that? Why are you taking things seriously when you are just joking?"

Su Wanwei said calmly, "Who told you to play? Send me out."

Lang Xing said softly, "Okay, okay, it's all your fault. If I die from this disaster, I will come to you to collect debts in my next life, okay?"

Su Wan curled her lips and said, "Not sincere at all. Send me out quickly. I'm too lazy to tell you more."

Seeing that her expression had softened a lot, Lang Xing smiled and said, "Do we still have to make an oath? Why do I think you want to haunt me forever?"

"You really know how to think of good things!" Su Wan gave him a guilty look, and then said with a arrogant look, "I just don't want to be in debt to others, and I don't know who of the two wants to pester whom. !”

"Hehe, okay, okay, there seems to be some changes outside, let's stop teasing." Lang Xing also felt a little guilty, pretending to pay attention to the outside, and reached out to hand the Feng Ling Hairpin and Spirit Fruit to Su Wan.

Su Wan took the Feng Ling Hairpin and Ling Guo over this step and asked, "Has there really been a change?"

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It has become darker, and there are more blurry lights and shadows. I can't see clearly what they are."

"Yes." Su Wan's heart became heavy again, and she secretly lamented how much God hates her. Did he want to get her without even giving him a chance to see the answer to the mystery?

After observing for a while, Langxing realized something: "If we are in a scroll, then maybe the scroll is rolled up at this moment, so some other outlines of light and shadow are superimposed. It should be the old guy thinking I'm back in my hometown, it's okay.

It was so terrible. It only meant that he was seriously injured and did not dare to stay outside any longer. "

Now Su Wan is even more worried. If Zui Qing goes back, Tian Qing will definitely appear on the battlefield later.

Seeing that her mood was a little low, Langxing comforted her softly, "Don't worry, it's okay to hide here for a year. If we don't find a perfect opportunity, we won't take action. We will definitely win. It's just that this time has disturbed your retreat. You feel that it is right." Does breaking the boundary have any impact?”

Su Wan said thoughtfully, "Don't worry about my breaking through. Ever since you led me onto this new path, I have been hesitant about breaking through. I am not as eager as before. In this way, it will become a problem." It’s a good thing, I feel like this disturbance won’t have much impact.”

"That's good." Lang Xing showed a pleased smile. In order to make Su Wan relax, he said in a joking tone, "Have you found out? Tianqing is an old monster that is thousands of years old, or is it really only an eight or nine hundred year old monster?" A year-old cultivation prodigy? Are you..."

"Ah!" Before Lang Xing finished speaking, Su Wan exclaimed. It really woke up the dreamer with one sentence. In order to avoid seeing the possible evil deeds of Tian Qing, she searched for Yuan Qing's soul. He was picky and focused on searching only the memories of recent years. If it could be verified that Tianqing was far older than a thousand years, then he was definitely not the reincarnation of Xunyi. He had really lost his head just now in the panic. How could he continue to do so? I never thought of such a simple question!

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing became nervous because of her behavior.

"I have to search for his soul again." Su Wan walked quickly towards Yuan Qing.

"Wait a minute!" Lang Xing rushed forward and grabbed Su Wan's hand. His expression was like that of a hunter who has found his prey, revealing tension and excitement, and his breathing became rapid.

Su Wan suddenly became nervous. She couldn't help but hold Lang Xing's hand tightly and looked at Lang Xing without saying a word.

"Quick!" Lang Xing pointed at Yuan Qing.

Su Wan understood and grabbed Yuan Qing in the air.

Langxing didn't have time to speak. He stared at the situation outside with an anxious expression. He used his spiritual energy to condense a picture in front of Su Wan. The picture showed an empty valley, and the pale drunken man was pinching his hands. When Jue cast his spell, there was a ball of colorful light three or four hundred feet away from him, and a figure further away who looked like Tian Qing.

"Now!" Lang Xing said urgently.

"Okay!" Su Wan responded without thinking.

Neither of them expected the opportunity to come so suddenly. Lang Xing could see clearly that the old man was trying to seal the Shui Ting Sword, and the unruly Tian Ting Spirit was resisting unyieldingly. Such a good opportunity might be It would be lost in the blink of an eye, and Su Wan couldn't see clearly. She only saw Zui Qing working, but she didn't know what he was working on.

Langxing's previous guess was correct. He was drunk and seriously injured and did not dare to linger in the wilderness. After returning to meet Tianqing, he took out the Qiankun bag that had been sealed with several restrictions from the secret realm. At the same time, he also took out the Purple Sun Sword and the Shui Ting Sword. What he didn't expect was that the Shui Ting Sword would immediately attack him as soon as he left the secret realm. Such powerful weapon spirits were rare.

Caught off guard, he barely managed to block a heavy strike from a thunderbolt, but the unexpected disaster still made him more injured, and he had to immediately use the Cultivation Sealing Water Ting Sword.

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