Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2026 Don’t move!

When the spirit of Tian Ting sent out thunder to attack Zui Qing, Tian Qing was shocked and instinctively rushed out. Before he could understand what was going on, he suddenly saw three figures appearing next to his senior brother. When he saw When he found out that the three people were Su Wan, Yuan Qing, and Lang Xing, his eyes widened in shock!

Zui Qing told him that Lang Xing and Yuan Qing might have been hidden in the Qiankun Bag. Tian Qing was already suspicious of this. He didn't quite believe that Lang Xing would have an immortal treasure that could contain people. Zui Qing They were not very sure about this judgment, and they also suspected that Lang Xing had used some incredible invisible treasure to hide his Yuan Qing.

The Qiankun Bag was tightly sealed by Zui Qing. It would shock Tian Qing if someone could come out of it, not to mention that one of the people who came out was Su Wan, who was completely unexpected by him!

Zui Qing was as shocked as Tian Qing. This was exactly what Lang Xing and Su Wan expected. The previous drills played their due role at this moment. Before Zui Qing could wake up, Lang Xing The thought attack is here!

According to their previous calculations, Su Wan should be the first to throw Yuan Qing at the opponent, but Su Wan can only enter and exit the Qiankun Bag a few times, and the slight dizziness caused her movements to be delayed by a hair. The speed of the power of thought is a bit faster than during the drill. ??

This bit of confusion had nothing to do with the overall situation, but Langxing's mental attack caused a bigger mess. Under the pressure of his life, he used too much force. This can't be blamed on him for messing up his own hands. After Lan secretly unlocked some of the bans for him, he still hadn't mastered the new measure of his power of thoughts. In such an emergency, he couldn't help but act a little harshly, which resulted in a sharp pain in his head. , this severe pain prevented him from immediately calling out Swallowing Heaven to launch an attack as he had practiced.

There was no trouble on Su Wan's side. After throwing Yuan Qing towards Zui Qing, she immediately activated the phoenix hairpin. Amidst the sound of phoenix chirping in the clear sky, a ray of white light hit the people who were only twenty feet away. Zui Qing, this distance is too close. Even if Zui Qing is not in shock, he still can't dodge. Moreover, he is not only shocked now. The thought attack launched by Lang Xing at the cost of a headache is far better than turning the boulder into powder during the drill. The power was much greater. Zuiqing felt as if his heart was about to be squeezed by a force. That feeling was something he had never experienced before.

When the white light from Feng Ling's hairpin produced a dark gray wave with light mixed colors in front of Zui Qing, Su Wan opened her protective divine light and covered Lang Xing. The distance between them was too close to activate the protective light. In terms of body light, neither she nor Lang Xing could withstand the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy. In this case, the movement of the purple gold bracelet would have to be slow.

In this blinking moment, both Lang Xing and Su Wan's attacks were delayed, which was fatal enough in the battle with the Huayu monk!

Before the wave of spiritual power from the Feng Ling Hairpin could be transmitted, a thunder struck, and the spirit of Tianting that broke free launched an angry attack on Zui Qing! The dark green lightning flashed, making the faces of several people look a bit ferocious, and the sky was filled with thick clouds in an instant!

Zui Qing blocked the Feng Ling Hairpin's attack with the instinctive reaction of a great supernatural power. With his cultivation level, he could see and predict the Shui Ting Sword's attack, but it was too late to resist or dodge. As the sky thunder struck, despairing sorrow surged in his heart. The only thing he could do was to hold on to a little protective divine light and endure the blow. The Phoenix Ling Hairpin had already beaten him to the point where his spiritual power was scattered. He knew very well that he

If he can't withstand this thunder, even if he doesn't die, he will lose most of his life, and these two people will definitely continue to attack, and he will not be able to escape today's fate.

The sky thunder easily penetrated the weak body-protecting divine light supported by Zui Qing, and only bloomed a dark gray brilliance with a radius of less than ten feet. As the brilliance dissipated, the lightning struck straight at Zui Qing's chest. !

"Poof!" Zui Qing spat out a mouthful of thin blood mist, and his figure swayed for a moment, but he only managed to escape a distance of more than ten feet. It was a pity that a great magical power was so beaten that he couldn't escape.

"Stop!" Tian Qing rushed over like crazy, but everything happened in an instant. When he recovered from the shock, it was already too late to rescue him.

In the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy, Su Wan desperately activated the divine light of body protection, her pretty face turned a delicate crimson, the divine light of body protection shone with jade-colored brilliance and was shocked and flew back quickly. She was There was no energy left to launch another attack, and Langxing was struggling with a severe headache at this moment and launched a second round of attacks on Zui Qing. He did not summon Swallowing Sky as he had practiced, but used his mind to activate Manic. The Water Ting Sword, because it is more convenient, and he has more trust in the power of the Water Ting Sword.

Before Lang Xing went to activate the Shui Ting Sword, the Spirit of Heaven Ting had already emitted a second thunder light. Lang Xing could not see clearly the situation on the battlefield at this moment, and had no time to check more. Under the urging of his mind, The spirit of Xuanshui joined the battle, and the Water Ting Sword suddenly shot forward, bursting out its true power. A crescent moon spear containing terrifying power flashed past. At that moment, the space seemed to be distorted. .

The Spear of the Crescent Moon stirred up a riot of colors, which was the end of the life of a great supernatural power. The indestructible golden body was forcibly transformed into nothingness by the powerful power of the Spear of the Crescent Moon, leaving only such a gorgeous color.

Tianqing, who had already rushed over, stood there with eyes wide open. Both of his hands were holding magic spells. A long sword burning with green flames hung dozens of feet in front of him. His attack stopped at The moment Yuan Qing died.

In the blink of an eye, a great supernatural power disappeared from sight. Tianqing could not believe that this was true. What was stronger than surprise was fear. Rather than being stunned, he was more frightened.

Lang Xing was also a little confused at the moment. The severe headache had not dissipated. When he recovered, Su Wan was already in front of him. Su Wan was even more confused than Lang Xing. She didn't even understand the drunkenness. Life or death, but seeing that Tianqing was only a thousand feet away from them, she had to protect Langxing, and at the same time she was afraid that Langxing would do something to Tianqing.

Su Wan's delicate body was trembling slightly, her pretty face was full of surprise and uncertainty, her eyes were wandering around searching for the figure of drunkenness, and the thin purple gold bracelet flashed with purple lightning that flickered on and off towards Tian Qing's face. The handle of the long sword was burning with green flames, and her complexion was as bright as a peach plum. This was caused by the impact of the spiritual power wave. Fortunately, Zui Qing was not able to put up too much resistance from the beginning, otherwise the spiritual power wave alone would have been enough to make her Seriously injured.

"Don't move." Lang Xing calmed down and gave a cold warning to Tian Qing. Shui Tingjian, who was still full of violence in the field, slowly turned towards Tian Qing.

"Let's go! Go quickly!" Seeing Shui Ting Sword pointing at Tian Qing, Su Wan panicked and opened her arms to block Lang Xing, shouting urgently to Tian Qing.

"Don't move!" Lang Xing's warning was colder and more ruthless, but he did not push Su Wan away, and just stared at Tian Qing with a cold expression. When the spirit of Tian Ting sent out thunder to attack Zui Qing, Tian Qing was shocked and instinctively rushed out. Before he could understand what was going on, he suddenly saw three figures appearing next to his senior brother. When he saw When he found out that the three people were Su Wan, Yuan Qing, and Lang Xing, his eyes widened in shock!

Zui Qing told him that Lang Xing and Yuan Qing might have been hidden in the Qiankun Bag. Tian Qing was already suspicious of this. He didn't quite believe that Lang Xing would have an immortal treasure that could contain people. Zui Qing They were not very sure about this judgment, and they also suspected that Lang Xing had used some incredible invisible treasure to hide his Yuan Qing.

The Qiankun Bag was tightly sealed by Zui Qing. It would shock Tian Qing if someone could come out of it, not to mention that one of the people who came out was Su Wan, who was completely unexpected by him!

Zui Qing was as shocked as Tian Qing. This was exactly what Lang Xing and Su Wan expected. The previous drills played their due role at this moment. Before Zui Qing could wake up, Lang Xing The thought attack is here!

According to their previous calculations, Su Wan should be the first to throw Yuan Qing at the opponent, but Su Wan can only enter and exit the Qiankun Bag a few times. The slight dizziness caused her movements to be delayed by a smidgen compared to Lang Xing. The speed of the power of thought is a bit faster than during the drill.

This bit of confusion had nothing to do with the overall situation, but Langxing's mental attack caused a bigger mess. Under the pressure of his life, he used too much force. This can't be blamed on him for messing up his own hands. After Lan secretly unlocked some of the bans for him, he still hadn't mastered the new measure of his power of thoughts. In such an emergency, he couldn't help but act a little harshly, which resulted in a sharp pain in his head. , this severe pain prevented him from immediately calling out Swallowing Heaven to launch an attack as he had practiced.

There was no trouble on Su Wan's side. After throwing Yuan Qing towards Zui Qing, she immediately activated the phoenix hairpin. Amidst the sound of phoenix chirping in the clear sky, a ray of white light hit the people who were only twenty feet away. Zui Qing, this distance is too close. Even if Zui Qing is not in shock, he still can't dodge. Moreover, he is not only shocked now. The thought attack launched by Lang Xing at the cost of a headache is far better than turning the boulder into powder during the drill. The power was much greater. Zuiqing felt as if his heart was about to be squeezed by a force. That feeling was something he had never experienced before.

When the white light from Feng Ling's hairpin produced a dark gray wave with light mixed colors in front of Zui Qing, Su Wan opened her protective divine light and covered Lang Xing. The distance between them was too close to activate the protective light. In terms of body light, neither she nor Lang Xing could withstand the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy. In this case, the movement of the purple gold bracelet would have to be slow.

In this blinking moment, both Lang Xing and Su Wan's attacks were delayed, which was fatal enough in the battle with the Huayu monk!

Before the wave of spiritual power from the Feng Ling Hairpin could be transmitted, a thunder struck, and the spirit of Tianting that broke free launched an angry attack on Zui Qing! The dark green lightning flashed, making the faces of several people look a bit ferocious, and the sky was filled with thick clouds in an instant!

Zui Qing blocked the Feng Ling Hairpin's attack with the instinctive reaction of a great supernatural power. With his cultivation level, he could see and predict the Shui Ting Sword's attack, but it was too late to resist or dodge. As the sky thunder struck, despairing sorrow surged in his heart. The only thing he could do was to hold on to a little protective divine light and endure the blow. The Phoenix Ling Hairpin had already beaten him to the point where his spiritual power was scattered. He knew very well that he

If he can't withstand this thunder, even if he doesn't die, he will lose most of his life, and these two people will definitely continue to attack, and he will not be able to escape today's fate.

The sky thunder easily penetrated the weak body-protecting divine light supported by Zui Qing, and only bloomed a dark gray brilliance with a radius of less than ten feet. As the brilliance dissipated, the lightning struck straight at Zui Qing's chest. !

"Poof!" Zui Qing spat out a mouthful of thin blood mist, and his figure swayed for a moment, but he only managed to escape a distance of more than ten feet. It was a pity that a great magical power was so beaten that he couldn't escape.

"Stop!" Tian Qing rushed over like crazy, but everything happened in an instant. When he recovered from the shock, it was already too late to rescue him.

In the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy, Su Wan desperately activated the divine light of body protection, her pretty face turned a delicate crimson, the divine light of body protection shone with jade-colored brilliance and was shocked and flew back quickly. She was There was no energy left to launch another attack, and Langxing was struggling with a severe headache at this moment and launched a second round of attacks on Zui Qing. He did not summon Swallowing Sky as he had practiced, but used his mind to activate Manic. The Water Ting Sword, because it is more convenient, and he has more trust in the power of the Water Ting Sword.

Before Lang Xing went to activate the Shui Ting Sword, the Spirit of Heaven Ting had already emitted a second ray of thunder. Lang Xing could not see clearly the situation on the battlefield at the moment, and had no time to check more. Under the urging of his mind, The spirit of Xuanshui joined the battle, and the Water Ting Sword suddenly shot forward, bursting out its true power. A crescent moon spear containing terrifying power flashed past. At that moment, the space seemed to be distorted. .

The Spear of the Crescent Moon stirred up a riot of colors, which was the end of the life of a great supernatural power. The indestructible golden body was forcibly transformed into nothingness by the powerful power of the Spear of the Crescent Moon, leaving only such a gorgeous color.

Tianqing, who had already rushed over, stood there with eyes wide open. Both of his hands were holding magic spells. A long sword burning with green flames hung dozens of feet in front of him. His attack stopped at The moment Yuan Qing died.

In the blink of an eye, a great supernatural power disappeared from sight. Tianqing could not believe that this was true. What was stronger than surprise was fear. Rather than being stunned, he was more frightened.

Lang Xing was also a little confused at the moment. The severe headache had not dissipated. When he recovered, Su Wan was already in front of him. Su Wan was even more confused than Lang Xing. She didn't even understand the drunkenness. Life or death, but seeing that Tianqing was only a thousand feet away from them, she had to protect Langxing, and at the same time she was afraid that Langxing would do something to Tianqing.

Su Wan's delicate body was trembling slightly, her pretty face was full of surprise and uncertainty, her eyes were wandering around searching for the figure of drunkenness, and the thin purple gold bracelet flashed with purple lightning that flickered on and off towards Tian Qing's face. The handle of the long sword was burning with green flames, and her complexion was as bright as a peach plum. This was caused by the impact of the spiritual power wave. Fortunately, Zui Qing was not able to put up too much resistance from the beginning, otherwise the spiritual power wave alone would have been enough to make her Seriously injured.

"Don't move." Lang Xing calmed down and gave a cold warning to Tian Qing. Shui Tingjian, who was still full of violence in the field, slowly turned towards Tian Qing.

"Let's go! Go quickly!" Seeing Shui Ting Sword pointing at Tian Qing, Su Wan panicked and opened her arms to block Lang Xing, shouting urgently to Tian Qing.

"Don't move!" Lang Xing's warning was colder and more ruthless, but he did not push Su Wan away, and just stared at Tian Qing with a cold expression.

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