Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2027 I feel sick just looking at you

Under the powerful power exuded by the Shui Ting Sword, Tianqing's long sword slowly retreated in front of him, and the green flames burning on the sword also weakened. Tianqing expressed his unintentional gesture. .

"Let's go!" Su Wan urged anxiously.

"I want to take Yuanqing away." Tianqing looked at Langxing and said, with obvious pleading in his eyes and tone.

"Let him continue to seduce and harm innocent women?" Lang Xing's eyes and tone were sarcastic. He had suffered a lot of overt and covert humiliation from these people before, and now he could finally take revenge. .??.

"Please." Tianqing looked at Su Wan with pleading eyes. For the sake of brotherhood, he was risking his life to save Yuanqing.

Su Wan was calmer now. She did not respond to Tian Qing's begging, but asked Lang Xing, "How is Zui Qing?"

"Dead." Langxing stared at Tianqing and replied expressionlessly.

Su Wan exhaled and lowered her open arms. After a moment of relief, she said to Tian Qing, "Throw away your sword."

Tianqing threw the sword to the ground obediently. Su Wan's cold eyes made him despair, but he was willing to give up resistance in order to save Yuanqing.

Su Wan said to Lang Xing, "This sword of his is of fire attribute and is a spiritual treasure. Give it back to Xiyang."

Lang Xing nodded slightly, and his gloomy face softened slightly. Su Wan's words were obviously meant to please him, just to prevent himself from embarrassing Tianqing. This was what he had promised Su Wan before. He became angry because he saw Su Wan being too protective of Tianqing. Now that Su Wan came to please him, his anger was relieved.

"It's up to Langxing to decide how to deal with Yuan Qing. You..." Su Wan stopped here and looked at Tian Qing with complicated eyes. Tian Qing's desolate look made her feel a little unbearable. Logically speaking, she should investigate at this moment. How old is Qing Tianqing? If it is more than a thousand years old, then we should see if he has committed any evil deeds, and then decide how to deal with him accordingly.

But Tianqing's appearance made Su Wan not in the mood to do this. After all, the two had a pleasant time together, and everyone has feelings. Su Wan couldn't do anything ruthless. After shaking her head at Tianqing, She retreated to Lang Xing's side and said to him in a depressed tone, "Let him go."

Langxing looked at Tianqing with disdainful eyes and said, "After all, I have to peel off your skin. You Taoqing sect, these sanctimonious hypocrites, are not worthy of dating at all. Your Taoism is worthless in my opinion. Even if you can use it to cultivate the cultivation of feathers, it is still worthless in my eyes, you are just hypocrites!"

Tianqing lowered his head and looked at Yuanqing who fell on the ground, and swallowed his anger and said, "Please let me take Yuanqing away. We can swear that we will never seek revenge again in the future."

Lang Xing snorted and said, "Am I afraid that you will come to seek revenge? For the sake of Fairy Su, it would be nice to spare your life. Go away, don't bother me here, I will just look at you." Feel disgusting."

Tianqing slowly raised her head, looked at Su Wan and said, "If I can't take Yuanqing away, then I don't want to live anymore. Just kill me. Death in your hands is the best destination I can get." "After saying that, he put away his body-protecting divine light, and there was gentle affection in his eyes.

Su Wan frowned and said, "Don't rush me like this. Leave quickly. I can't help you with Yuanqing's matter, and I won't help you either."

He deserves to die. "

Tianqing showed a complicated smile and said, "I'm not trying to bully you. I really want to die in your hands. Thank you for caring about friendship and saving my life at this stage. I will die without regrets."

Su Wan lowered her face and said, "I don't want to hear anything more from you right now. Don't make things difficult for me. Just leave."

"Don't be embarrassed, just help me. I am lucky to know you. It is far better to die in your hands than to die in depression in the future." Tianqing raised his chest and raised his head, making a gesture of waiting for death, with an expression on his face. With the calmness and chicness of the past, the tenderness in Su Wan's eyes became stronger.

Langxing tried his best to keep calm. He could see that Tianqing really didn't care about life and death. Although he wanted to split this kid into two pieces immediately, he had to endure it. Tianqing initiated this at the cost of his life. In the final battle for Su Wan, he was already at a disadvantage in this battle. If he killed Tianqing again, the loss would be irreparable, so he pressed Tianqing step by step. I could only endure it passively, not even making a sound.

"Tianqing! Don't force me!" Su Wan was a little anxious. If Tianqing continued to make trouble like this, she would not be able to face Langxing. Tianqing seemed to be digging a gap between her and Langxing. This If the trench is dug too big, it cannot be filled.

"Alas..." Tianqing sighed, her body relaxed, a look of sadness appeared on her face, and she watched Su Wan slowly retreat.

Langxing put away the Shui Ting Sword and hesitated whether to hand over Yuanqing to Tianqing. At this point, it seemed that only in this way could he show his magnanimity and restore his own decline in this battle. Kill him or not. Yuanqing is not very important to him, but if he wants to show this generosity, he will fall into Tianqing's calculation, and he is really unwilling to do so.

Just when Langxing was about to ask Tianqing to take Yuanqing away, Su Wan spoke to Tianqing first.

"Stop, Tianqing, how old are you?"

Tian Qing was slightly startled. He thought that Su Wan must have thoroughly searched for Yuan Qing's soul, but the meaning of this question was not that true. If Su Wan had not searched for Yuan Qing's soul..., Tian Qing Qing felt her heart sinking.

The Dao Qing Sect understands the Tao through love. Just now, he was able to burst out with the spirit of putting life and death at risk. Firstly, it was because of the deep brotherhood. In order to save Yuanqing, he wanted to take a gamble. Secondly, if Su Wan was taken away by Lang Xing, , his Taoist heart will be hit hard, and maybe the Taoist path will be ruined from now on. It is better to risk his life than to live in vain.

He thought that Su Wan already knew everything. In this situation, Su Wan was still willing to defend him, which showed that Su Wan's affection for him was deep enough. Even if he couldn't save Yuan Qing, he could still use this move to save him. The strategy of advancing while retreating left an excellent impression on Su Wan, and she might have another chance to win her heart in the future.

But if Su Wan does not have Sou Yuanqing's soul, then his judgments are all wrong, which means that Su Wan's love for him is not that deep. This kind of blow is extremely uncomfortable for him who understands Tao through love. .

"Speak!" Su Wan urged. Although her tone was not high, there was already a harsh tone in her tone. This was because she was forced by nature.

Although Lang Xing remained silent, Su Wan could guess what Lang Xing was feeling. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. Whether Tianqing's death wish was true or not, it was a kind of bullying to Lang Xing. Lang Xing was because She just endured it silently. She couldn't let Lang Xing be bullied for her sake. Her original unwillingness to explore the truth changed when Tian Qing was about to leave. Under the powerful power exuded by the Shui Ting Sword, Tianqing's long sword slowly retreated in front of him, and the green flames burning on the sword also weakened. Tianqing expressed his unintentional gesture. .

"Let's go!" Su Wan urged anxiously.

"I want to take Yuanqing away." Tianqing looked at Langxing and said, with obvious pleading in his eyes and tone.

"Let him continue to seduce and harm innocent women?" Lang Xing's eyes and tone were sarcastic. He had suffered a lot of overt and covert humiliation from these people before, and now he could finally take revenge.

"Please." Tianqing looked at Su Wan with pleading eyes. For the sake of brotherhood, he was risking his life to save Yuanqing.

Su Wan was calmer now. She did not respond to Tian Qing's begging, but asked Lang Xing, "How is Zui Qing?"

"Dead." Langxing stared at Tianqing and replied expressionlessly.

Su Wan exhaled and lowered her open arms. After a moment of relief, she said to Tian Qing, "Throw away your sword."

Tianqing threw the sword to the ground obediently. Su Wan's cold eyes made him despair, but he was willing to give up resistance in order to save Yuanqing.

Su Wan said to Lang Xing, "This sword of his is of fire attribute and is a spiritual treasure. Give it back to Xiyang."

Lang Xing nodded slightly, and his gloomy face softened a little. Su Wan's words were obviously meant to please, just to make himself less embarrassed. This was what he had promised Su Wan before. He became angry because he saw Su Wan being too protective of Tianqing. Now that Su Wan came to please him, his anger was relieved.

"Langxing needs to decide how to deal with Yuan Qing. You..." Su Wan stopped here and looked at Tian Qing with complicated eyes. Tian Qing's desolate look made her feel a little unbearable. Logically speaking, she should investigate at this moment. How old is Qing Tianqing? If it is more than a thousand years old, then we should look at whether he has committed any evil deeds, and then decide how to deal with him accordingly.

But Tianqing's appearance made Su Wan not in the mood to do this. After all, the two had a pleasant time together, and everyone has feelings. Su Wan couldn't do anything ruthless. After shaking her head at Tianqing, She retreated to Lang Xing's side and said to him in a depressed tone, "Let him go."

Langxing looked at Tianqing with disdainful eyes and said, "After all, I have to peel off your skin. You Taoqing sect, these sanctimonious hypocrites, are not worthy of dating at all. Your Taoism is worthless in my opinion. Even if you can use it to cultivate the cultivation of feathers, it is still worthless in my eyes, you are just hypocrites!"

Tianqing lowered his head and looked at Yuanqing who fell on the ground, and swallowed his anger and said, "Please let me take Yuanqing away. We can swear that we will never seek revenge again in the future."

Lang Xing snorted and said, "Am I afraid that you will come to seek revenge? For the sake of Fairy Su, it would be nice to spare your life. Go away, don't bother me here, I will just look at you." Feel disgusting."

Tianqing slowly raised her head, looked at Su Wan and said, "If I can't take Yuanqing away, then I don't want to live anymore. Just kill me. Death in your hands is the best destination I can get." "After saying that, he put away his body-protecting divine light, and there was gentle affection in his eyes.

Su Wan frowned and said, "Don't rush me like this. Leave quickly. I can't help you with Yuanqing's matter, and I won't help you either."

He deserves to die. "

Tianqing showed a complicated smile and said, "I'm not trying to bully you. I really want to die in your hands. Thank you for caring about friendship and saving my life at this stage. I will die without regrets."

Su Wan lowered her face and said, "I don't want to hear what you have to say anymore. Don't make things difficult for me. Just leave."

"Don't be embarrassed, just help me. I am lucky to know you. It is far better to die in your hands than to die in depression in the future." Tianqing raised his chest and raised his head, making a gesture of waiting for death, with an expression on his face. With the calmness and chicness of the past, the tenderness in Su Wan's eyes became stronger.

Langxing tried his best to keep calm. He could see that Tianqing really didn't care about life and death. Although he wanted to split this kid into two pieces immediately, he had to endure it. Tianqing initiated this at the cost of his life. In the final battle for Su Wan, he was already at a disadvantage in this battle. If he kills Tianqing again, the loss will be irreparable, so he presses Tianqing step by step. I could only endure it passively, not even making a sound.

"Tianqing! Don't force me!" Su Wan was a little anxious. If Tianqing continued to make trouble like this, she would not be able to face Langxing. Tianqing seemed to be digging a gap between her and Langxing. This If the trench is dug too big, it cannot be filled.

"Alas..." Tianqing sighed, her body relaxed, a look of sadness appeared on her face, and she watched Su Wan slowly retreat.

Langxing put away the Shui Ting Sword and hesitated whether to hand over Yuanqing to Tianqing. At this point, it seemed that only in this way could he show his magnanimity and restore his own decline in this battle. Kill him or not. Yuanqing is not very important to him, but if he wants to show this generosity, he will fall into Tianqing's calculation, and he is really unwilling to do so.

Just when Langxing was about to ask Tianqing to take Yuanqing away, Su Wan spoke to Tianqing first.

"Stop, Tianqing, how old are you?"

Tian Qing was slightly startled. He thought that Su Wan must have thoroughly searched for Yuan Qing's soul, but the meaning of this question was not that true. If Su Wan had not searched for Yuan Qing's soul..., Tian Qing Qing felt her heart sinking.

The Dao Qing Sect understands the Tao through love. Just now, he was able to burst out with the spirit of putting life and death at risk. Firstly, it was because of the deep brotherhood. In order to save Yuanqing, he wanted to take a gamble. Secondly, if Su Wan was taken away by Lang Xing, , his Taoist heart will be hit hard, and maybe the Taoist path will be ruined from now on. It is better to risk his life than to live in vain.

He thought that Su Wan already knew everything. In this situation, Su Wan was still willing to defend him, which showed that Su Wan's affection for him was deep enough. Even if he couldn't save Yuan Qing, he could still use this move to save him. The strategy of advancing while retreating left an excellent impression on Su Wan, and she might have another chance to win her heart in the future.

But if Su Wan does not have Sou Yuanqing's soul, then his judgments are all wrong, which means that Su Wan's love for him is not that deep. This kind of blow is extremely uncomfortable for him who understands Tao through love. .

"Say!" Su Wan urged. Although her tone was not high, there was already a harsh tone in her tone. This was because she was forced by nature.

Although Lang Xing remained silent, Su Wan could guess what Lang Xing was feeling. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. Whether Tianqing's death wish was true or not, it was a kind of bullying to Lang Xing. Lang Xing was because She just endured it silently. She couldn't let Lang Xing be bullied for her sake. Her original unwillingness to explore the truth changed when Tian Qing was about to leave.

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