Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2028 Death of Tianqing

"Sixteen hundred years old." Tian Qing reported his age indifferently. Su Wan's attitude and tone made him feel cold. Lang Xing said that they were hypocrites, which was unfair. They were obsessed with every relationship. They are sincere and sincere. It can even be said that they are passionate about love. He has fallen deeply in love with Su Wan. For Su Wan, he is willing to risk his life. Losing Su Wan will make him feel that he has no love in life. , Taoist heart is naturally difficult to protect, so he doesn't care about life or death at this moment. The only thing he cares about is Su Wan's reaction.

Su Wan's expression darkened when she heard Tianqing's age. Now Tianqing had nothing to do with Xunyi. She turned her head to look at the mountains in the distance, waved her hand to Tianqing and said in a calm voice, "Let's go. I never want to see you again." These heartless words were meant for Lang Xing. She wanted to be more heartless, but her temperament could only go so far.

"Haha..." Tian Qing laughed twice as if he was absent-minded, and then flew towards Yuan Qing below, as if he wanted to take Yuan Qing away.

"What are you doing!" Su Wan shouted. She still hoped that Tianqing would leave quickly and didn't want to see him die here.

Tianqing stopped and looked at Su Wan with confused eyes. He didn't seem to know what he was doing or what he should do.

"Go quickly." Su Wan urged unbearably.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going..." Tianqing kept chanting these two words, no longer caring about Yuanqing, and slowly flew away into the distance, but he kept turning his head and using words that could make Su Wan heartbroken. He looked at Amelia Su dreamingly.

Su Wan was very sad and took out a bottle of soothing and clearing pills. When she wanted to catch up and give it to Tianqing, she hesitated and stopped. This time it was not because of Lang Xing, but because of morality. People like Daoqing Sect killed people. The innocent woman's behavior made her extremely hateful. She thought of her past feelings and let her go, which was like letting a tiger hurt others. If she continued to use pills to help her, it would be a failure to rely on her heart.

Langxing stretched out his hand to take the elixir and send it to Tianqing. Su Wan said to Tianqing that they would never meet again. It was enough for him. He thought that Su Wan was in trouble because of him, but when he As soon as she stretched out her hand, the bottle of elixir turned into a cloud of smoke in Su Wan's hand.

After Su Wan destroyed the elixir, her originally unbearable eyes became calm and firm when she looked at Tianqing.

Looking back, Tianqing stopped when he saw this scene. His dull eyes gradually flashed with a manic light, and then he rushed towards Su Wan like a crazy beast. The continuous stimulation made him lose his mind. , driven by nature, wanted to die together with Su Wan.

"Be careful!" Su Wan pushed Lang Xing and used Piaoying Dharma to quickly avoid it.

Crazy Tianqing completely ignored Lang Xing and only focused on Su Wan, pursuing him with all his might. However, although Su Wan's cultivation level was lower than his, Piaoying's movement technique gave him an advantage in terms of speed, so he could pounce on him. All attempts were in vain.

When Su Wan changed direction and Tianqing's third attack failed, Kaokawa struck from behind with a golden sword light. Tianqing, who had not activated the protective divine light, was instantly destroyed by the sword light. .

After killing Tian Qing, Lang Xing frowned and looked at the place where Tian Qing disappeared. He didn't look at Su Wan because he felt guilty. If he wanted to control Tian Qing, all he had to do was use the God Binding Art. He did this deliberately. To avoid this trouble.

Su Wan slowly flew to Langxing's side, looked at the place where Tianqing disappeared and said in a bitter voice, "Thank you." Langxing's action freed her. If Langxing didn't take action, she would eventually be forced to The one who took action was, after all, the will of God

She was a late-stage Nascent Soul, so she wouldn't be able to hold on for long if she was chased and beaten fiercely.

Langxing said nothing, put away the Kauchuan and Shui Ting swords, then dropped to the ground, put away the banned Purple Sun Sword, the red spear and the Qingyan Sword that Tianqing threw down, and finally stood on the stall. He looked at the light yellow picture scroll open on the ground.

The scroll was three feet long and two feet wide. There were no scrolls at either end. The whole scroll exuded a strange light radiance. What was painted on it was a beautiful landscape, dotted with two spots on the upper left and lower right. House, both houses were only about the size of a fingernail. Langxing could recognize that the house on the upper left was where he was imprisoned this time, and he could also identify the mountains and rivers that he and Su Wan walked through last time. .

"This is the treasure called Yejutu." Su Wan came to Langxing and said softly.

Langxing's fingers trapped him in the house and said, "Have you seen this pavilion? We were here just now, and we can see Fairy Fanzhi and the others with our spiritual consciousness."

"Yes." Su Wan responded calmly, pointing to a nearby courtyard that Lang Xing had never been to, "This is the courtyard where Zui Qing lives. The secret book of the healing magic is hidden here. Go get it quickly." Come out."

Seeing that Su Wan was not fooled, Lang Xing could only say, "We agreed before that this wild residence belongs to you, and the immortal method of replenishing the remaining parts belongs to me. Let's try sending it into the consciousness to see if it can recognize the new owner."

Su Wan calmly shook her head and said, "Langxing, thanks to you this time, otherwise I might become a zombie in this picture like Fang Zhi. It's too late to repay my kindness. How can I follow you?" Where are the treasures? Don’t think about it, I appreciate your kindness.”

Lang Xing reasoned with her seriously, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet these people. Although I experienced some risks, it was very exciting and interesting. It can be regarded as a rare experience. What nonsense?" There's no point in repaying the favor. We won this battle by fighting side by side, so the benefits will naturally be shared equally... Hey, don't leave."

Su Wan didn't turn around and said, "I don't want to hear it. If you want to say it, just stand there and finish it by yourself. Don't disturb me. I want to search for Yuan Qing's soul again."

Lang Xing helplessly picked up the scroll carefully, stuffed it into his sleeve, and then chased after it.

After being unsealed, Yuan Qing looked around blankly, and then stared at Su Wan and Lang Xing with deep fear. His memory still stopped at the moment after Su Wan searched his soul.

"I want to retreat to the Lingtai." Su Wan said in a cold tone. Now she doesn't have to be polite to this Yuan Qing.

This soul search took more than an hour. After checking everything that needed to be understood, Su Wan directly sent a burst of spiritual power to kill Yuan Qing. She had a certain understanding of Su Yuan and the matter of killing people. We can't leave it all to Long Xing.

After killing Yuan Qing, Su Wan looked at the valley that left her with gloomy memories with disgust, and said to Lang Xing, "Let's go."

"Okay, go find Linghe first, and then I will take you to see a good training place. I snatched it from a group of robbers. From now on, that will be our training place."

"Yes." Su Wan was not in the mood to speak, so she responded and followed Lang Xing to fly forward.

Linghe was still waiting for his master at the place where Langxing and Zuiqing met for the first time. When it saw Langxing, it chirped happily. Linghe's intelligence was not too high. The previous battle scared it. No, if it hadn't been for the feelings that came out of the exchange of thoughts with Lang Xing, it might have run away long ago. After appeasing the spirit crane, the two of them got on the spirit crane and left leisurely. "Sixteen hundred years old." Tian Qing reported his age indifferently. Su Wan's attitude and tone made him feel cold. Lang Xing said that they were hypocrites, which was unfair. They were obsessed with every relationship. They are sincere and sincere. It can even be said that they are passionate about love. He has fallen deeply in love with Su Wan. For Su Wan, he is willing to risk his life. Losing Su Wan will make him feel that he has no love in life. , Taoist heart is naturally difficult to protect, so he doesn't care about life or death at this moment. The only thing he cares about is Su Wan's reaction.

Su Wan's expression darkened when she heard Tianqing's age. Now Tianqing had nothing to do with Xunyi. She turned her head to look at the mountains in the distance, waved her hand to Tianqing and said in a calm voice, "Let's go. I never want to see you again." These heartless words were meant for Lang Xing. She wanted to be more heartless, but her temperament could only go so far.

"Haha..." Tian Qing laughed twice as if he was absent-minded, and then flew towards Yuan Qing below, as if he wanted to take Yuan Qing away.

"What are you doing!" Su Wan shouted. She still hoped that Tianqing would leave quickly and didn't want to see him die here.

Tianqing stopped and looked at Su Wan with confused eyes. He didn't seem to know what he was doing or what he should do.

"Go quickly." Su Wan urged unbearably.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going..." Tianqing kept chanting these two words, no longer caring about Yuanqing, and slowly flew away into the distance, but he kept turning his head and using words that could make Su Wan heartbroken. He looked at Amelia Su dreamingly.

Su Wan was very sad and took out a bottle of soothing and clearing pills. When she wanted to catch up and give it to Tianqing, she hesitated and stopped. This time it was not because of Lang Xing, but because of morality. People like Daoqing Sect killed people. The innocent woman's behavior made her extremely hateful. She thought of her past feelings and let her go, which was like letting a tiger hurt others. If she continued to use pills to help her, it would be a failure to rely on her heart.

Langxing stretched out his hand to take the elixir and send it to Tianqing. Su Wan said to Tianqing that they would never meet again. It was enough for him. He thought that Su Wan was in trouble because of him, but when he As soon as she stretched out her hand, the bottle of elixir turned into a cloud of smoke in Su Wan's hand.

After Su Wan destroyed the elixir, her originally unbearable eyes became calm and firm when she looked at Tianqing.

Looking back, Tianqing stopped when he saw this scene. His dull eyes gradually flashed with a manic light, and then he rushed towards Su Wan like a crazy beast. The continuous stimulation made him lose his mind. , driven by nature, wanted to die together with Su Wan.

"Be careful!" Su Wan pushed Lang Xing and used Piaoying Dharma to quickly avoid it.

Crazy Tianqing completely ignored Lang Xing and only focused on Su Wan, pursuing him with all his might. However, although Su Wan's cultivation level was lower than his, Piaoying's movement technique gave him an advantage in terms of speed, so he could pounce on him. All attempts were in vain.

When Su Wan changed direction and Tianqing's third attack failed, Kaokawa struck from behind with a golden sword light. Tianqing, who had not activated the protective divine light, was instantly destroyed by the sword light. .

After killing Tian Qing, Lang Xing frowned and looked at the place where Tian Qing disappeared. He didn't look at Su Wan because he felt guilty. If he wanted to control Tian Qing, all he had to do was use the God Binding Art. He did this deliberately. To avoid this trouble.

Su Wan slowly flew to Langxing's side, looked at the place where Tianqing disappeared and said in a bitter voice, "Thank you." Langxing's action freed her. If Langxing didn't take action, she would eventually be forced to The one who took action was, after all, the will of God

She was a late-stage Nascent Soul, so she wouldn't be able to hold on for long if she was chased and beaten fiercely.

Langxing said nothing, put away the Kauchuan and Shui Ting swords, then dropped to the ground, put away the banned Purple Sun Sword, the red spear and the Qingyan Sword that Tianqing threw down, and finally stood on the stall. He looked at the light yellow picture scroll open on the ground.

The scroll was three feet long and two feet wide. There were no scrolls at either end. The whole scroll exuded a strange light radiance. What was painted on it was a beautiful landscape, dotted with two spots on the upper left and lower right. House, both houses were only about the size of a fingernail. Langxing could recognize that the house on the upper left was where he was imprisoned this time, and he could also identify the mountains and rivers that he and Su Wan walked through last time. .

"This is the treasure called Yejutu." Su Wan came to Langxing and said softly.

Langxing's fingers trapped him in the house and said, "Have you seen this pavilion? We were here just now, and we can see Fairy Fanzhi and the others with our spiritual consciousness."

"Yes." Su Wan responded calmly, pointing to a nearby courtyard that Lang Xing had never been to, "This is the courtyard where Zui Qing lives. The secret book of the healing magic is hidden here. Go get it quickly." Come out."

Seeing that Su Wan was not fooled, Lang Xing could only say, "We agreed before that this wild residence belongs to you, and the immortal method of replenishing the remaining parts belongs to me. Let's try sending it into the consciousness to see if it can recognize the new owner."

Su Wan calmly shook her head and said, "Langxing, thanks to you this time, otherwise I might become a zombie in this picture like Fang Zhi. It's too late to repay my kindness. How can I follow you?" Where are the treasures? Don’t think about it, I appreciate your kindness.”

Lang Xing reasoned with her seriously, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the chance to meet these people. Although I experienced some risks, it was very exciting and interesting. It can be regarded as a rare experience. What nonsense?" There's no point in repaying the favor. We won this battle by fighting side by side, so the benefits will naturally be shared equally... Hey, don't leave."

Su Wan didn't turn around and said, "I don't want to hear it. If you want to say it, just stand there and finish it by yourself. Don't disturb me. I want to search for Yuan Qing's soul again."

Lang Xing helplessly picked up the scroll carefully, stuffed it into his sleeve, and then chased after it.

After being unsealed, Yuan Qing looked around blankly, and then stared at Su Wan and Lang Xing with deep fear. His memory still stopped at the moment after Su Wan searched his soul.

"I want to retreat to the Lingtai." Su Wan said in a cold tone. Now she doesn't have to be polite to this Yuan Qing.

This soul search took more than an hour. After checking everything that needed to be understood, Su Wan directly sent a burst of spiritual power to kill Yuan Qing. She had a certain understanding of Su Yuan and the matter of killing people. We can't leave it all to Long Xing.

After killing Yuan Qing, Su Wan looked at the valley that left her with gloomy memories with disgust, and said to Lang Xing, "Let's go."

"Okay, go find Linghe first, and then I will take you to see a good training place. I snatched it from a group of robbers. From now on, that will be our training place."

"Yes." Su Wan was not in the mood to speak, so she responded and followed Lang Xing to fly forward.

Linghe was still waiting for his master at the place where Langxing and Zuiqing met for the first time. When it saw Langxing, it chirped happily. Linghe's intelligence was not too high. The previous battle scared it. No, if it hadn't been for the feelings that came out of the exchange of thoughts with Lang Xing, it might have run away long ago. After appeasing the spirit crane, the two of them got on the spirit crane and left leisurely.

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