Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2034 Dai Yuan and Winter Melon

"Look! How is it?" As soon as he entered the magic circle, Lang Xing immediately let go of Su Wan's hand and pointed forward with an exaggerated expression.

"Yeah! It's really good!" Su Wan felt the rich spiritual energy here and flew forward happily.

After walking around with Su Wan, Langxing pointed to the peak closest to the dark blue mountain and said, "I'll give you this mountain."

Su Wan shook her head, pointed to a hill in the distance and said, "Just give me that hill."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "It's up to you. Anyway, there are only a few of us living in this blue mountain and we are rich and wealthy."

"Let's give these mountains and rivers a name." Su Wan said enthusiastically, this will be Lang Xing's home from now on, and it will also be her home. She is full of leisure at the moment and wants to decorate this world.

"Okay." Lang Xing also had this leisurely attitude, and the two hit it off.

"Let's call this... Daiyuan Mountain. Look, its color is similar to the Daiyuan flower." Su Wan pointed at the dark blue mountain and said happily.

Langxing blinked and said, "Wouldn't it be better to just call it Blue Stone Mountain? Many people don't know what Dailihua looks like."

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him angrily, then flew forward and stretched out her jade finger to draw and use her spiritual energy to condense the word "Dai Yuan" on a flat cliff. The two words form the shape of a daisy flower.

After finishing writing, she proudly said to Lang Xing, "How was it? Now you all know what Dai Yuanhua looks like."

Langxing looked at the two characters with one eyebrow high and one low and said, "Although it's quite clever, it looks a bit gaudy. The two characters 'Blue Stone' written in vigorous strokes seem to match this majestic mountain better." ”

Su Wan said disdainfully, "Do you only know the word blue stone?" After saying this, she waved her hand in disappointment to scatter the writing on the stone wall and flew towards a nearby mountain peak.

Can't fly out

Yuan Su Wan stopped because she saw Lang Xing flying to the flat rock wall as if he was about to write. She couldn't help but frowned in discomfort. She really didn't want to see Lang Xing take those two vulgar people away. She didn't know that it was a good idea for Langxing to name the mountain "Blue Stone" when the word "Nai" was engraved on it. In the matter of naming, he not only inherited the bad taste of seeking Yi, but also deeply loved it. He was influenced by Jiangxiao who studied under Xunyi. For example, Jiangxiao named the little bird "Black", which he thought was quite good.

After Lang Xing made gestures for a while, he shot a line of spiritual power at the lower right corner of the stone wall, and a thin-leaf grass about a foot high was carved out by the spiritual power in that place.

Su Wan looked at it curiously and recognized it as a jade tendon grass. While she was confused, Langxing took another two pieces of spiritual power on the stone wall. They were exactly the "Dai Yuan" she had just written. "The two characters, only the glyph has been enlarged more than twice, retaining the original elegance and elegance, but also gaining a little more momentum.

"How is it?" Langxing flew over and pointed to the rock wall smugly and asked.

Su Wan couldn't help but said, "Why don't you engrave the recipe for the elixir on it too." She thought about it, and found that the iris flower and jade tendon grass were the two main ingredients for refining the Xiangkite elixir.

Langxing ignored her teasing and said proudly, "The Xiangyuan Pill is used to relieve the symptoms of ecstasy caused by heart disorders. Carving these two spiritual herbs in the place of cultivation has the meaning of suppressing evil, and it is paired with a The small grass makes the irises look natural and not obtrusive.”

"It's even more flashy." Su Wan rolled her eyes at Lang Xing, suppressed her joy and turned around to fly forward.

Langxing flew behind Su Wan without any fuss. He was quite satisfied with his idea of ​​adding a jade plant, and Su Wan formed the word "Dai Yuan" into a Dai Yuan flower. When the figure appears, he holds it back

I made a small thought, which was aimed at Tianqing. Tianqing had repeatedly tried to compare him with his skills in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Because he really couldn't compare with them, he could only deal with it by not taking any tricks. He really endured a lot of sulking. , he knew that Su Wan admired Tianqing's talents very much, and the two of them got along well in this regard, so he just held back his desire to show Su Wan his skills.

Su Wan had no way of knowing what he was thinking. Lang Xinglu's move really made her feel happy. Firstly, Langxing adopted her idea, and her thoughts were not in vain. Secondly, she guessed what Langxing was thinking. , this is the fun that only two people who are proficient in alchemy can have. Acknowledgment and connectedness are both deeply pleasurable.

"What is the appropriate name for this mountain?" Su Wan asked, pointing to the peak next to Daiyuan Mountain, with a rather prescient and strange look on her pretty face.

Langxing Yushu held one hand behind his back against the wind, with a look of indifference and elegance that matched it. He looked at the mountain in front of him and muttered slightly, "It's as thick as the top and bottom, round and solid. I think it's more appropriate to call it Winter Melon Mountain." ”

The weird look on Su Wan's face dissipated, revealing a helpless expression as expected. Without saying a word, she went up and slapped the two fat characters "Winter Melon" on the cliff, and said to Lang Xing without looking back, " The name is very good, let’s give this mountain to Jiangxiao.”

Langxing looked at the two big round characters, then looked at the whole mountain, burst out laughing, and happily chased after Su Wan.

"Jiangxiao is not fat at all. Do you have such a big hatred against her?" Lang Xing asked with a smirk in his eyes. Su Wan's attitude towards Jiangxiao made him quite interesting.

"Don't you pay attention to the meaning? If she is not fat now, she may become fat if she lives on Donggua Mountain for a long time." Su Wan had a playful and vicious look on her face.

"Hahaha..." Lang Xing laughed and accelerated towards Su Wan's hill.

"Stop! I

No need for you to give me a name! "Su Wan screamed as if she had been stung by a scorpion and rushed to catch up.

The Phantom Body Technique and the Floating Shadow Body Technique started a battle again. The distance of more than a hundred feet that was initially opened became an irreducible distance. Su Wanyu flicked her hands, trying to seal Lang Xing with a seal, but Lang Xing's true cultivation In order not to be weaker than her, he easily deflected her attack by dodging or blocking, and then split his body into two, dodging one to the left and the other to the right.

"Langxing!" Su Wan yelled angrily and flew straight towards her hill helplessly.

Although this mountain was small, it was nearly a hundred miles in circumference. Su Wan couldn't defend it if she wanted to, so she could only watch Lang Xing take pictures of two big characters on the mountain peak.

Not stupid, those two words are not stupid. The meaning is self-explanatory. Langxing is mocking her stupidity, which means that she will no longer be stupid in the future.

After Su Wan glanced at those two words, she landed on a flat rock as if nothing had happened, took out the picture of living in the wild, and started reading.

Lang Xing, who ran away laughing, saw Su Wan reacting like this. He ran back and asked provocatively, "What? Is that the name?"

Su Wan said calmly without raising her head, "Very good, let's call it this name."

"Hey, aren't you angry?" Lang Xing came over with a playful smile.

Amelia Su raised her head, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "No, who would be really angry with a child."

The person who can knock you down with just one sentence must be the person who knows you best. In fact, Su Wan could have been a little more cruel. As long as she changed her half-smiling expression to one of love and pity, Lang Xing would not just be beaten to the ground.

This was enough for Lang Xing. He curled his lips and said in a bored tone, "This treasure land of cultivation was taken by me from a great monk in the late Yuanying stage and five or six monks in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage. Your children have This ability?"

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