Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2035 Immortal treasures are not so easy to play with.

Su Wan knew very well that Lang Xing's sore foot should not be squeezed tightly. A pinch occasionally would add interest, but pinching too much would not be good for either of them. So she stopped, pursed her lips, smiled, pointed at Yeju Tu and said, "I'm going to give it to you." I'm in a state of spiritual consciousness. I'll ask you one last time, are you willing to give it to me? This is a fairy treasure, and once you recognize its owner, it will be too late to regret it."

Lang Xing's anger was still lingering and he said, "If it's too late, I'll just kill you at the worst, and it can recognize its master again."

These words made Su Wan send her spiritual consciousness into Chao Yeju's picture without hesitation, and then she exclaimed, "Ah!"

Lang Xing had the experience of being deprived of his consciousness by the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag, and he had long been holding back the joke at this moment, but Su Wan's bleak look made him lose the mood to laugh immediately, and he hurriedly stepped forward to help him. Su Wan, who was about to collapse, calmed down and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, the lost consciousness can be found. This is how the Immortal Treasure Qiankun Bag recognized its owner."

Su Wan looked panicked and said, "What if it's different from your Qiankun Bag? I'm a little scared." After losing nearly one-third of her consciousness, she couldn't keep calm and showed her weakest side. .

"How about... I take you to Zixiao Palace and let my two immortal concubine senior sisters help you take a look?" Lang Xing was a little hesitant after what she said. How deep is the love and caution? Multiple.

"No..." Su Wan said weakly, then closed her eyes and leaned on Lang Xing, trying to adapt to the uncomfortable feeling of losing her consciousness. She knew in her heart that this was an immortal treasure, no matter how much Lang Xing trusted it. She couldn't write letters to those two senior sisters.

"Okay, okay, don't panic, calm down first." Lang Xing helped Su Wan sit down.

"Help me." Su Wan couldn't even sit still.

Lang Xing sat sideways behind her, holding her arms with both hands, making her half lean and half lean on him. Although her body was delicate and the fragrance was refreshing, Lang Xing was so full of anxiety that he couldn't think of anything. , eyes full of worry turned around uneasily


After a long time, Su Wan groaned softly, opened her eyes slightly and said, "If you kill me this time, I can't spare you."

Lang Xing comforted him with a grimace, "Those who can't die, those who can't die, the most they can do is not want this broken picture. It won't take long for the lost consciousness to be recovered."

"It's not that easy. It won't take hundreds of years to recover." Su Wan complained with a hint of coquettishness. She could already sit up, but she was unwilling to move because she was weak both physically and mentally. She needed this support very much.

"Then... why don't you try it by sending in a little more spiritual consciousness and see if it works."

"Let's talk about it later, I don't dare to do it now." Su Wan said pitifully.

"In this way, you try to put this spiritual stone in it. If you can put it in, you don't have to worry about anything." Lang Xing recalled the situation when the Immortal Qiankun Bag recognized its owner, took out a spiritual stone and handed it to Su Wan.

Su Wan said feebly, "No, you have to move it to put things in it. I can't move it at all."

"Hmm... then it seems that it is different from my Qiankun Bag. It's okay. Don't worry. Let's try other methods when you feel better." Lang Xing felt that the top priority was to secretly eat another piece of fish. Su Wan has calmed down a little now, and his tightly clenched heart has relaxed, and he can feel the soft and smooth ecstasy.

Su Wan heard that Lang Xing's heartbeat was slowly getting faster, so she had no choice but to sit up straight and said, "I can sit still now. Go and help me think of a solution. I still need to recover for a while." "

"Okay." This solved the problem for Langxing, and he was so smooth.

ran away.

An hour later, Su Wan opened her eyes and carefully sent a ray of consciousness into the wild dwelling picture.

Lang Xing, who was worried in the distance, immediately came over.

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing thoughtfully and said, "Maybe my cultivation level is too low and my consciousness is not strong enough to use this treasure."

Lang Xing pretended to smile casually and said, "Then let's wait until later. I learned a spell to enhance spiritual consciousness in Qianxu Palace, and I can teach it to you. You can practice here with peace of mind from now on."

Su Wan continued to think, "Maybe I didn't send in enough spiritual consciousness. When the Immortal Treasure Qiankun Bag recognized its owner, how much spiritual consciousness did you send in?"

Langxing hesitated and said, "Well..., I think you can't take too big a risk. What you said before makes sense. The two treasures are probably different. Be cautious. Anyway, this is nothing to worry about." thing."

Su Wan disapproved and said, "This caution will last at least hundreds or even hundreds of years."

Lang Xing advised, "One or two hundred years, or even two or three hundred years is not a long time. If you lose part of your consciousness due to adventure, it will be difficult to recover."

Su Wan looked at him with suspicion and said, "Are you holding back and taking advantage of this opportunity to bully me?"

Lang Xing smiled disdainfully and said, "If you bully a young monk like you, who is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, I don't have to look for any opportunities. I can beat you with a black nose and a swollen face with just a wave of my hand. I'm thinking of you."

"You wait for me, we'll talk about it when I surpass you!" Su Wan pursed her lips and looked at Noju Tu fiercely.

"Huh?" Lang Xing said feeling aggrieved, "Are you so cruel? I didn't bully you very much, and I rescued you from the den of tigers and wolves. Why are you acting like a white-eyed wolf?"

Su Wan sees everything

Without looking at him, he raised his hand with a cold face and pointed at the word "not stupid" carved on the cliff above.

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Is this such a big grudge? It seems that I really gave the wrong name. Your mountain should be called 'Shishi'"

Su Wan looked at him coldly and said, "I've already been like this, and you still smile so happily. I really can't see that you have any thoughts of 'thinking about me'."

"It's not your fault." Lang Xing continued to smile and said, "It's not a big deal. It's just a matter of one or two hundred years of cultivation at most. I'll take Xiang'er over to stay with you, or I can take Huang Ying over. One or two hundred years will be enough in the blink of an eye. It’s over.”

Su Wan put away her deliberately cold expression, looked at him seriously and said, "Tell me, how much consciousness did you put into the Qiankun Bag?"

Lang Xing also stopped smiling and said seriously, "It's just half of it. I really don't want you to continue taking risks. It's not worth it."

Su Wan glanced at Yeju Tu, then looked at Lang Xing and said, "Anyway, I am here to take out the 'Repair Immortal Technique' to help Xiang'er heal his injuries. If something happens, it will be your fault, and you can't afford this debt." "

Langxing grabbed Ye Jutu in his hand and said, "No, no, no, no, don't worry about Xiang'er's injury. It can be cured without the need for repairing the residual immortality. I don't want to owe such an unjust debt."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to take care of me. Just find Huang Ying. Give it to me." Su Wan pursed her lips and stretched out her hand to ask for the picture of Yeju.

Langxing said with a smile, "It's pointless to say this. Xiang'er also needs my care. Taking care of one more person won't cause any trouble. I'm afraid that you will lose too much consciousness and it will be difficult to recover. Don't be willful. I It’s really good for you.”

Su Wan let go of her pursed lips and muttered, "Firstly it's for Xiang'er, and secondly it's for the trip to the Jade Sea. Let me try again. The worst I can do is to lose hundreds of years more, even if it's just for this fairy." Baby, it’s worth taking the risk.”

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