Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2041 I’m afraid

When Jiangxiao passed by, Langxing and Xiyang were already standing arm-in-arm. It was impossible to pull Langxing away. Both of them looked at her with vindictive eyes, which made Jiangxiao think again. Angry and funny, in her opinion, the two people's behavior was a bit like the way Xun Yi and Xi Yang were working together in commotion.

"It's for you!" Jiangxiao threw the Qingyan Sword towards Xiyang with all his strength.

Xiyang caught the Qing Yan Sword in confusion, and the confusion on his face immediately dissipated. He happily took the sword and looked at it. It must have been Lang Xing who explained it to him through secret transmission of spiritual thoughts.

"Working together!" Jiang Xiao cursed these four words at Lang Xing, who was still looking at her with a vindictive look.

Lang Xing became even more energetic, shaking his head with a fighting spirit on his face that became even more arrogant.

"You were waiting for me!" Jiang Xiao pointed at him and laughed in anger.

Langxing threw Xiyang away and made a move to Huang Ying, "Come here, I have something secret to tell you."

Huang Ying curled her lips and said, "Why do you three have such a problem? Where do you come from so many shameful words?"

Jiangxiao smiled and scolded, "What you two said are shameful things. What we said was just behind people's backs."

"That's shameful!" Huang Ying smiled and pushed back, then chased after Lang Xing who was flying far away.

Lang Xing flew more than three thousand miles before stopping. Seeing how cautious he was, Huang Ying couldn't help but asked suspiciously, "Where is my master now? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Lang Xing sipped his teeth and said, "What I'm going to say next is a bit unusual, so don't worry."

Huang Ying's expression turned solemn and she nodded to him.

Langxing used his spiritual thoughts instead and said, "We have obtained an immortal treasure, which should belong to your master, so I gave it to your master. However, there was some trouble in the process of recognizing the owner of the immortal treasure. Your master I'm trapped inside and won't be able to get out for a while."

Huang Ying frowned and said, "You're talking nonsense to me." From the first moment she heard the word "Xianbao", she couldn't believe it.

Lang Xing grimaced and continued to use his spiritual thoughts to say, "That's not nonsense at all, but don't worry too much. Your master's condition is not very bad."

, it will be able to come out in a few years, and there is enough food and water, she told me, it can last for a thousand years. "

When Huang Ying heard what Lang Xing said was not a joke, she couldn't help but stare. She tightened her lips and used her spiritual thoughts to say, "You really got an immortal treasure? Where is it? Unless you let me take a look, Otherwise I can't believe you."

Langxing nodded, first took out a table and hung it in the air, then took out the picture of living in the wild and carefully spread it on the table.

Seeing how cautious Lang Xing was, Huang Ying's heart began to beat wildly. She leaned over and stared at the scroll with strange brilliance.

"Here." Lang Xing pointed to the house the size of a fingernail, "She can speak to us by condensing her spiritual energy into writing, but we can't transmit what she wants to say."

"I don't believe it!" Huang Ying looked at Lang Xing with panic eyes. She really didn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it, but then she bent down and looked hard at the place Lang Xing pointed at, because she knew clearly , it is impossible for Langxing to make up such a ridiculous story to deceive her.

"But it's true." After Langxing said this, he was about to send her the scene before and after Su Wan entered the wild residence, but Huang Ying's eyes went straight.

He hurriedly bent down to take a look and saw a line of writing appearing on the open space in front of the house - "Have you arrived at the Xuanfang Sect?"

"Look! You saw it!" Lang Xing said to Huang Ying, blocking the light with his hand and responding to Su Wan.

Huang Ying ignored Lang Xing and stared at the words with her body trembling slightly.

As Lang Xing responded, the handwriting changed to "Ying'er, please be by the side."

Lang Xing blocked the light again and explained to Huang Ying, "She can see the changes in the light. Blocking it once means it's right, blocking it twice means it's wrong. Try it."

The handwriting now changed to "Ying'er, you want to be with me"

Believe in Longxing's words. "

Huang Ying stretched out her trembling hand and imitated Lang Xing's move to block the light.

The handwriting continued to change.

"This is a magical treasure. I am indeed here." ??

"Don't worry, I'm confident I can get out."

"Don't blame Long Xing, he did nothing wrong."

When Lang Xing saw this, he backed away. Although he was reluctant to leave, he was too polite. Su Wan would probably explain some personal matters to Huang Ying. It would be inappropriate for him to keep watching from the side.

After two cups of tea, Huang Ying came to Langxing with the picture in front of her with a complicated expression, and said, "Master has asked you to keep this picture, so you should put it away first."

Langxing looked at it and saw that there was no writing on it, so he put away the pictures and several cases.

Huang Ying frowned and said with spiritual thought, "This is too incredible. Can you tell me how you got this treasure?"

Lang Xing replied with his spiritual thoughts, "I peeled off the skin of Tianqing and the others. There is no Zuiqing Palace. They belong to the Daoqing Sect. This is their treasure to suppress the sect. The Daoqing Sect only has three descendants. Let’s kill them all. This matter involves your master’s face. Just know that. It’s best not to mention these things to her in the future.”

"Is this really a fairy treasure?" Huang Ying kept blinking.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I think it should be, when your master comes out, I can send you in to see what's going on."

Huang Ying reached out and grabbed Lang Xing's arm, and asked with a strange expression, "Are you willing to give it to her?"

Lang Xing was a little embarrassed and scolded, "What is 'her'? You are so disrespectful to your master!"

"Go!" Huang Ying glared at him and said with a smile in her eyes, "Master and I are very close. There is nothing disrespectful about calling her this. Don't interrupt. Are you really willing to give her an immortal treasure?"

Lang Xing pretended to be calm and explained, "I can't say it's a gift, it's a matter of merit."

She deserves a share of the treasure. "

Huang Ying curled her lips slightly, with a different look in her eyes, "Don't pretend to be like me, this is a fairy treasure. Okay, I understand. From the beginning, I thought you were much better than Tianqing. How about it?" , I'm not wrong, she is more interesting to you."

Lang Xing was even more embarrassed, and said with a look of disgust, "Stop talking, do you know how miserable you have done to me? Just by listening to your words, I have suffered countless humiliations, and I am almost suffocating." I blew myself up!"

Huang Ying snorted and said with an attitude of seeing through the old man's background, "Then what happens in the end? You gave her the fairy treasure and she accepted it. You two have done this, why are you pretending to me!"

Lang Xing blushed and said, "What happened to us two? Don't make wild guesses. This treasure should have been given to her."

Huang Ying smiled reluctantly and said, "Okay, okay, I'm blushing and thick-necked. As for that, I won't mention anything about you two." After joking, she changed her tone of intimacy and said. "Lang Xing, I have never treated you as an outsider. Don't hide it from me. Tell me carefully what happened. I will think of ways to help you more in the future."

"Why don't you mention it!" Lang Xing threw her hand away angrily.

Huang Ying smiled and grabbed his arm again and said, "Okay, okay, Junior Uncle Langxing, just tell me. It's too embarrassing not to find out about such a big matter, and it's about an immortal treasure, so just tell me." Let me know. If you don’t tell me, I will tell everyone about you two. This is a great event for our Xuanfang Sect, and there is no need to hide it from everyone. "

Lang Xing looked at her dumbfounded and said, "Your master's ability to recruit disciples is really unique. The two most promising ones are nothing like her. I really don't know how she taught you."

Huang Ying looked at him sideways and said, "Okay, you can say whatever you like to her. Since you two have this kind of relationship anyway, it won't be troublesome for me as a disciple."

Lang Xing waved his hand and admitted defeat and said, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid, just tell them all, right? I just ask you not to spread rumors about the two of us with your mouth."

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