Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2042 Lu Gang flies solo

Huang Ying followed Lang Xing back with a look of distraught.

Although Langxing did not tell her the whole truth, and although the senior sister of the Xuanfang sect was shrewd, capable and quite knowledgeable, the shock that this fairy treasure brought to her alone was enough for her to adapt for a period of time. Okay, Immortal Treasure, how many people in the entire cultivation world have seen it? From now on, their Xuanfang sect will be a sect with immortal treasures!

When they returned to Jiangxiao and Xiyang, Lu Gang came over at some point. He was talking to Xiyang. When he saw Lang Xing, he immediately came up to him and pulled Lang Xing away from Huang Ying.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao looked at each other and smiled. It turned out that it was not the words of a few of them that were behind the scenes, but that Langxing had too many secrets. Once he got involved, everyone was dragged into the water.

But this time they both guessed wrong. What Lu Gang wanted to discuss with Lang Xing was his own secret.

After standing far away from the three people, Langxing asked first, "Where is Shu Yan?"

"She is in seclusion." Lu Gang's eyes flashed, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What do you want to tell me?" Lang Xing frowned slightly when he saw his appearance.

Lu Gang looked embarrassed and said, "I told you not to be angry. I plan to go out alone to practice."

Lang Xing immediately stared and said, "What do you mean? You don't even care about Shu Yan? I just found a place for us to practice, and I'm about to take you there. That place is very good."

Lu Gang looked at him and said, "Zhui'er, we are good brothers, right? I know you want to take good care of me and Shu Yan, and I also know that going out for training will make you and Shu Yan worried, but I am already in the early stage of Nascent Soul. , Shu Yan may be able to practice in a quiet environment, but I can't. I can't sit still more and more recently. It will definitely not work if this continues. You were running around here and there before, and we are also very worried about you. But if we don’t let you run away, can you bear it? Can you achieve what you have achieved today?

A breakthrough was achieved in peace and quiet. "

Lang Xing blinked twice and was speechless.

Lu Gang put his hand on Lang Xing's shoulder, half complaining and half pleading, "I'm really in a difficult situation, so I want to ask you to help me. Firstly, don't stop me, and secondly, help me take care of Shu Yan." , so that I can go out and explore with peace of mind.”

Lang Xing frowned and thought for a while, then with a solemn expression he put his hand on Lu Gang's shoulder and said in a low and firm tone, "We are the best brothers. Since you said so, I have to help you." , if you have made up your mind, then go. I don’t want to give you any unnecessary instructions. I think you know it well. It’s best not to go for too long, even if you come back halfway and then go out, so as not to worry us too much. ”

Lu Gang was overjoyed and shook his shoulders, saying gratefully, "That's great! Zhui'er, I didn't expect you to agree so happily, brother!"

Langxing took out the escape treasure given by his senior sister and handed it to him and said, "This treasure is called 'Suifeng'. It can escape thousands of miles. Take it with you."

Lu Gang pushed him away and said, "No, you can keep it to yourself. Your life is more important than mine. Only when you protect Shu Yan can I feel at ease."

Lang Xing forced Sui Feng into his hand and said, "I have a lot of treasures. If you want me to let you go, don't push me back."

"Okay." Lu Gang nodded to Langxing with brotherly love in his eyes and put away Sui Feng.

Langxing took out a pile of Nascent Soul Stones, valuable materials and several treasures, including the spiritual treasure he got from the robbers, "Take these too."

Lu Gang threw away his Qiankun bag

To Langxing, he smiled bitterly and said, "See for yourself, you don't even remember how many things you gave us, right? How can you still pretend like this?"

"It doesn't matter, you can bring another Qiankun bag." Langxing took out an empty Qiankun bag and was about to put those things in it.

Lu Gang stopped him and said, "No, no, no, really no need. Carrying too much will be a burden."

"Then take this spiritual treasure with you." Lang Xing reluctantly handed the spiritual treasure to Lu Gang.

Lu Gang looked at it and threw it to him with a smile, "Where did this come from?"

"This time I went out and killed a few robbers. I got three spiritual treasures in total. I also killed a group of hypocrites. Their Qiankun bags haven't been opened yet. There must be one or two spiritual treasures in it. You can take this one with you. "Okay." Langxing said and handed the spiritual treasure to Lu Gang again.

Lu Gang was filled with envy when he heard this. He took a deep breath and said, "I'll listen to you tell you about these things when I come back. I hope I can tell you something interesting by then. Then I'll leave now."

"Come back soon, this is our new home." Lang Xing passed him the astrological position of the new training place. When he was about to say something more, Lu Gang had already whizzed away and galloped away.

Looking at Lu Gang's retreating figure, Lang Xing felt unspeakable concern in his heart, but he was already a great monk and his mood was different from before. No matter how reluctant he was to let Lu Gang go, he had to let him go. At this moment, He felt how the second senior sister felt when she let him go.

After returning to Jiangxiao, Xiyang, and Huang Ying, he told these three people about Lu Gang's departure. The three people secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They were all deeply worried about Lu Gang.

Lang Xing said to the three of them, "I have to do something. If Shu Yan comes out of seclusion, under no circumstances should you let her go to Lu Gang. Let her wait for my return."

yellow cherry

She frowned and said, "What are you going to do? I'll go with you." The master was "taken" by Lang Xing, so how could she rest assured.

Langxing took the green flame sword from Xiyang's hand, shook it at Huang Ying and said, "Go find a great magical power to help unlock the restrictions on this sword. It's not convenient for you to follow. It's safe along the way. Don't worry."

"How about I follow you." Jiang Xiao guessed that he was probably going back to Zixiao Palace, and wanted to go with him uneasy.

Lang Xing approached Xi Yang with a righteous look on his face and said, "Take care of her and don't let her pester me all the time."

"You damn thing!" Jiangxiao's jade hand made a gesture and shot a colorful ray of light at Langxing.

Langxing dodged and ran away laughing.

"Lang Xing!" Huang Ying rushed after him.

Jiang Xiao originally wanted to catch up, but she stopped when she saw Huang Ying catching up.

Xiyang waved his hand to Jiangxiao and returned to Xuanfang Sect without saying anything.

On Linghe's back, Huang Ying sat next to Langxing, pleading relentlessly, "You should not take risks before she comes out. Unlocking the sword is not an important matter. I think you should stay in Xuan for the time being." Fangpai, stop running around now."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Just keep your mind at ease. Even if I die, she will not die. Once she comes out, not many people can beat her. Do you think this is the truth?"

Huang Ying complained angrily, "Don't say such unlucky words. If something happens to you, I won't be able to explain it to her."

Lang Xing hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Besides unblocking the sword, I have something very important to talk to that great supernatural power. This journey is really safe. Don't worry. I'll give you something good." Let's do it." As he said that, he randomly took out a bunch of spiritual stones, a bunch of spiritual herbs, and some random materials.

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