Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2043 Second Senior Sister, I miss you

"Are you bribing me?" Huang Ying looked at the pile of things and couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She had to say that Lang Xing was too generous now. The pile of things was worth millions of spiritual stones.

"You can say whatever you want, as long as you don't follow me." Lang Xing had spent enough money to send her away.

"Then I'll keep it all?" Huang Ying said half-jokingly. She had been shrewd all her life and could see that this advantage was not in vain.

"Put it away quickly, I'll give it all to you." Lang Xing said with a great attitude.

"Thank you, Junior Uncle Langxing." Huang Ying happily put all those things into her Qiankun bag. This time she made a fortune.

Lang Xing smiled freely and said, "It's not worth anything. If you behave better, I will give you a better alchemy furnace in the future."

Huang Ying nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, as long as you keep sending me things, I will try not to mention the two of you." ??

"You still try your best?!" Lang Xing was so angry that he pushed her off Linghe's back.

Huang Ying didn't catch up anymore, she stood in the air and warned with a smile on her face, "Be careful and come back as soon as possible!"

Langxing waved his hand to her, controlling the crane and galloping away.

Jiangxiao's guess was correct. Langxing was going back to Puyunzhou. In addition to unsealing the Qingyan Sword, he also asked the senior sister to help refine an array to protect his new home. In addition, he also had to bring Bai Xiang back. Lu Gang's departure made him even more eager to see the second senior sister as soon as possible. He wanted to go and report to the second senior sister that she was safe, so he didn't bother to chat more with Jiangxiao and Xiyang, or wait for Shu Yan to leave seclusion. We were on our way in such a hurry.

All the way north, when approaching Qianxu Palace, he looked in the direction of the master's gate without stopping. What worried him more than the safety of the master's gate was the safety of Lu Gang. According to his understanding of Lu Gang, this kid would probably run to the master's gate. Come this way.

Lang Xing felt a little guilty for Lu Gang's departure. He felt sorry for Lu Gang. When the three of them left Qianxu Palace, they had agreed to go on a journey together and live forever.

They are not separated, but he has too many things to do and cannot take better care of these two best friends, and even short-term companionship is becoming less and less.

After entering Puyun Continent, the monsters of Shuiqing Continent could no longer be seen. Langxing went straight towards Zixiao Palace. When passing by the cave of the third senior brother Xinping, he stopped by to check on the third senior brother.

Lang Xing had a good impression of this sweet-talking third senior brother. No matter how sinister he was, he was very kind to him. Of course, the so-called 'very good' was mainly because everything Xinping said to him was nice. In other words, his demeanor is quite amiable.

Xinping didn't expect that Langxing would come to see him specially. Compared with the seventh junior brother who was not big or young, this eighth junior brother seemed too sensible. Xinping was also over 8,000 years old. Seeing such a young junior brother came to visit Naturally, he found it interesting and gratifying, so he wanted to reward him with some benefits, so he gave him a thousand Nascent Soul Stones and two other treasures.

Langxing accepted the Nascent Soul Stone but did not take the two treasures, because although the two treasures were good, they were only suitable for use in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. In fact, he didn't want to take the Nascent Soul Stone, but if he didn't take anything, he would scan three Brother's kindness is gone.

After the two junior brothers chatted for a few words, Xinping couldn't help but start to talk about Lang Xing. There were too many things about this young junior brother that made him curious. The people in Inland Sea had been guarding this little guy tightly. , today is a chance.

Unexpectedly, Langxing saw that the opportunity was wrong and immediately gave the third senior brother a bunch of gifts. Then he said that he had something urgent to go to see the second senior sister, patted his butt and left, causing Xinping to chase him out in a hurry, calling two disciples to order them Escort the junior uncle to Zixiao Palace.

Looking at Lang Xing going away, Xin Ping couldn't help but shake his head. He could see that this little thing was no worse than the monkey spirit and monkey spirit. There were no words to be said from the mouths of these two people.

I went back to check on my junior brother

After leaving the gifts, Xinping felt a little more confused. Most of these things were special spiritual herbs and materials from Nanjingzhou, and many of them were rare and expensive things even in Nanjingzhou. This gift Not only was the gift thoughtful, but it was also really substantial. The price here in Puyunzhou was much higher than the thousand Yuan Yingshi he gave. How could this boy who was less than a thousand years old have such a rich family background?

When Langxing left his third brother's cave, he rewarded the two nephews who escorted him with one hundred Nascent Soul Stones each. He handed the crane to a nephew with white beard and hair and asked him to send the crane to Zixiao. Palace, and then asked another younger nephew to take him to the teleportation array. This generous reward made the faces of the two middle-stage Nascent Soul apprentices bloom with joy, and they were naturally happy to obey.

This time, Langxing arrived at Zixiao Palace as calmly as if he were going home. After smiling and dealing with the visits of several nephews, grandnephews and people who were several generations younger than him, he took the teleportation array outside the sea and went directly. to the inland sea.

There were still thousands of miles away from Guanhe Island. He was like a child returning from a long journey and sent an excited message to Second Senior Sister: "Second Senior Sister! I'm back!"

Zhixia was meditating in a quiet room. When she received her spiritual thoughts and came out, Langxing had already blown over like a gust of wind. He took her arm and said with a silly smile, "Second senior sister, I miss you. I'm back to see you." "

Zhixia smiled and poked his finger on the forehead and said, "I don't believe you think of me like this. What's wrong?"

"Hehe, I really just miss you." Lang Xing smiled stupidly, holding the second senior sister's arm and walking towards the house.

Zhixia felt as if a piece of honey had been stuffed into her heart. Although Langxing was not as sweet-tongued as Xinqing, her true feelings did not require a clever tongue to express her feelings. Her love for this junior brother was not in vain.

After entering the house, before sitting down, Langxing put the Qingyan Sword and the two Qiankun bags of Tianqing and Yuanqing on the table. He smiled and said, "They are all new. See if you can help me put them in." The restriction above has been broken. I’m going to see Senior Sister.”

Zhixia, who was stunned by the sweetness, suddenly woke up, slapped him on the head and said, "Is this how you miss me? When did you become so close to Senior Sister again?"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "I want to finish all my busywork first and then talk to you. I'm going to find the senior sister." After that, he walked out the door in a hurry.

As soon as Langxing approached Senior Sister's Baihua Island, several female disciples of the nephew generation came up to him and told him jokingly that the Master was preaching Taoism to the eleventh generation disciples and that they could not be disturbed now.

Lang Xing said helplessly, "Then when your master has finished speaking, you can come to Guanhe Island and let me know. I have something important to do with your master."

As soon as he finished speaking, the spiritual message from the senior sister came, "Come here."

Lang Xing hurriedly sent back his thoughts and said, "I'm not busy, Senior Sister. I'll come back later."

"It doesn't matter." Following the spiritual thought of the senior sister, Qingyu and Zhuangyu flew over with smiles. The two of them bowed to Langxing perfunctorily, and then they laughed and pulled Langxing from left to right. The arm brought him back to Baihua Island.

On a pure altar filled with the fragrance of flowers, Xiaochun sat behind a white jade table. Several eleventh-generation disciples knelt side by side in front of them. When Qingyu and Zhuangyu brought Langxing over, all the eleventh-generation disciples The disciples all stood up to pay their respects.

Langxing saluted Senior Sister and said, "My younger brother came here rashly and disturbed Senior Sister's explanation. Please forgive me, Senior Sister."

Xiaochun waved his hands to the disciples to ask them to leave, and then smiled and said to Lang Xing, "I was only focused on explaining my words and didn't notice you. When did you come back?"

"I just came back, at Second Senior Sister's place..."

Before Lang Xing finished speaking, Zhixia's voice came, "He ran to you before his feet even touched the ground at my place."

Following the words, Zhixia floated over and handed the Qing Yan Sword and two Qiankun bags to Xiaochun without a smile on her face.

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