Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2044 Take it out

"This is..." Xiaochun looked at Zhixia in confusion after investigating.

Zhixia pointed at Lang Xing and said, "He said he got it new. Ask him."

Xiaochun looked at Lang Xing with a solemn expression and said, "This is the ban sealed by Monk Hua Yu. Did you kill Monk Hua Yu's disciple?"

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "I killed Monk Huayu and his two junior brothers."

Xiaochun looked at Zhixia silently. She never believed it, so she could only let Zhixia urge her junior brother to tell the truth quickly. ??

"Really?" Zhixia asked with a frown. She knew Langxing's ability better than Xiaochun, so she somewhat believed it.

"Well!" Lang I need a better array for protection. I have to go back in a hurry. There are still things to deal with in Nanjingzhou."

Zhixia picked up Lang Xing and left without saying a word. She had to interrogate this boy. She was afraid that Lang Xing would have scruples about what he said in front of the senior sister. She and the senior sister were not allowed to see anyone outside. After asking clearly, she would naturally tell the big brother Senior sister told.

"Senior Sister, the array..." Lang Xing turned his head anxiously and shouted to Senior Sister.

Xiaochun said with doubtful eyes, "I will go over and set up the magic circle for you in person. Let's go with your second senior sister first."

Zhixia dragged Langxing into her room, pressed him next to the desk, then sat down leisurely opposite him, looked at him calmly and said, "Tell me, let me know. I haven't killed Hua before." Where's Brother Yu, you've killed two of them, how did you kill this one?"

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said, "This one was killed with real skills. Just help me tell the senior sister and ask her to refine an array weapon for me. I don't dare to trouble the senior sister to go to Nanjingzhou." Go and set up a magic circle for me."

Zhixia said patiently, "It doesn't matter. If your training place is good enough, I can go with the senior sister to set up a magic circle for you. The two of us will go together. There is no place in this world that we cannot go to."

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Then I don't want to put you two in danger for my own sake."

"What a shame!" Zhixia opened his eyes in feint annoyance.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." Lang Xing looked at the second senior sister half coquettishly and half helplessly, and then started to talk about the grudge process with Tianqing's group, but no matter how he picked it, It is impossible not to mention Su Wan when choosing.

Zhixia couldn't help but sigh in her heart when she heard the name Su Wan. Her feeling was roughly the same as when Shen Qing heard the news - what was supposed to come had come.

After listening to Langxing's quick explanation of what happened, Zhixia asked, "Where's that fairy treasure?"

Lang Xing grinned and said, "I really want to give it to you, but Su Wan has put a lot of effort into this matter. Without her, not only would Zui Qing not be able to be killed this time, but my life would also be in danger." Keep it, so... I will give it to her, but in the future I can ask her to send you to study. She is very grateful for Zixiao Palace's kindness to her, and has repeatedly asked me to bring her here to see you. "

Zhixia nodded lightly, but couldn't help but cursed in her heart, "I forgot my mother when I married a wife." When she met Su Wan, her second senior sister was not so popular. She didn't need any more explanation from Lang Xing to understand. It's obvious, of course she is jealous of that fairy treasure, but this is fate, her junior brother is like a cornucopia, and the one who owns this cornucopia is Su Wan, they can only get some of it. Light.

"Okay, I told you everything. I got a lot of things this time. See if you need anything." Lang Xing felt a little guilty because of the fairy treasure, so he took out all the things, "This is You can keep the spiritual treasures and reward them to your disciples, and you can reward these magical treasures to Ping'er later, and these weapons-refining materials..."

Zhixia waved her hands and said, "Just give it to whomever you want. There is no need to please me here. Your senior sister and I will help you set up the protective circle. You can just take us to see Su Wan."

"Uh..." Lang Xing blinked and said, "I'm afraid it won't work for a while. I didn't tell you just now that there was some trouble during the process of identifying the owner of the immortal treasure. Su Wan was trapped inside and needs to understand. Only then can the mystery of that fairy treasure be revealed.”

"Oh?" Zhixia's eyes wandered over Lang Xing's body.

"This... um..." Lang Xing wanted to lie to the second senior sister that the immortal treasure was left in the Xuanfang sect, but he felt that the lie he had made up before was of no use. The second senior sister was going to Nanjingzhou. .

Zhixia casually pushed aside the pile of things he took out and said calmly, "Take it out."

"Hehe..." Lang Xing took out the map of wild residence and carefully unfolded it on several cases. While unfolding it, he warned the second senior sister uneasily, "You'd better not use your spiritual sense to detect it. Consciousness is too powerful, don’t cause any trouble.”

Facing the immortal treasure, Zhixia had no intention of talking to him, and stared at the little by little unfolding picture of the wild residence.

After looking at it for a while, Zhixia raised his eyes with a thoughtful look on his face and pointed at a canyon with his finger.

Lang Xing looked at it intently and saw three small words "I am here". He immediately panicked and said with an awkward smile, "Good eyesight. I forgot to tell you just now. She can use her spiritual energy to condense The writing is here, but that’s all. Second Senior Sister, do you see what mystery is coming? If you can help her come out early, she can send you in to understand. "

Zhixia shook her head and said, "I want to call Senior Sister over to have a look together. Do you agree?"

"Yeah...yeah! But it's just the two of you, okay?"

"Okay." Zhixia immediately called Xiaochun over with her spiritual thoughts. After briefly explaining to Xiaochun, the two began to discuss the wild residence map.

Lang Xing stood by, sneaking glances at the writings in the canyon from time to time, fearing that Su Wan would say something embarrassing again. Fortunately, the writings there disappeared after a while, and no new writings appeared.

After the handwriting disappeared, Zhixia said to Lang Xing, "Can you use your mental power to convey messages to her? Let her tell you what she has realized."

Lang Xing shook his head vigorously and said, "No, I really can't. This is an immortal treasure. My mental power doesn't work."

Zhixia and Xiaochun looked at each other, and Xiaochun said to Lang Xing, "From my judgment, this is indeed a fairy-level treasure. Can it allow us to learn more about it? We guarantee it with our Taoist heart. There will be people who want to get involved."

Langxing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Senior sister, what are you talking about? Can I still distrust you? You just need to meditate. Then...I will go and bring Xiang'er back. You can meditate for as long as you want." How long will it take, I won’t disturb you anymore.”

Xiaochun said, "Where is Xiang'er? Let Qingyu accompany you."

Zhixia glanced at Xiaochun, and then said to Lang Xing, "Wait a moment, go outside for a walk first, we will help you remove the restrictions on those things, and then you can leave."

"Okay." Langxing glanced at Yejutu, stood up and left the house. "This is..." Xiaochun looked at Zhixia in confusion after investigating.

Zhixia pointed at Lang Xing and said, "He said he got it new. Ask him."

Xiaochun looked at Lang Xing with a solemn expression and said, "This is the ban sealed by Monk Hua Yu. Did you kill Monk Hua Yu's disciple?"

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "I killed Monk Huayu and his two junior brothers."

Xiaochun looked at Zhixia silently. She never believed it, so she could only let Zhixia urge her junior brother to tell the truth quickly.

"Really?" Zhixia asked with a frown. She knew Langxing's ability better than Xiaochun, so she somewhat believed it.

"Well!" Lang I need a better array for protection. I have to go back in a hurry. There are still things to deal with in Nanjingzhou."

Zhixia picked up Lang Xing and left without saying a word. She had to interrogate this boy. She was afraid that Lang Xing would have scruples about what he said in front of the senior sister. She and the senior sister were not allowed to see anyone outside. After asking clearly, she would naturally tell the big brother Senior sister told.

"Senior Sister, the array..." Lang Xing turned his head anxiously and shouted to Senior Sister.

Xiaochun said with doubtful eyes, "I will go over and set up the magic circle for you personally. Let's go with your second senior sister first." .??.

Zhixia dragged Langxing into her room, pressed him next to the desk, then sat down leisurely opposite him, looked at him calmly and said, "Tell me, let me know. I haven't killed Hua before." Where's Brother Yu, you've already killed two, how did you kill this one?"

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said, "This one was killed with real skills. Just help me tell the senior sister and ask her to refine an array weapon for me. I don't dare to trouble the senior sister to go to Nanjingzhou." Go and set up a magic circle for me."

Zhixia said patiently, "It doesn't matter. If your training place is good enough, I can go with the senior sister to set up a magic circle for you. The two of us will go together. There is no place in this world that we cannot go to."

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Then I don't want to put you two in danger for my own sake."

"What a shame!" Zhixia opened his eyes in feint annoyance.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." Lang Xing looked at the second senior sister half coquettishly and half helplessly, and then started to talk about the grudge process with Tianqing's group, but no matter how he picked it, It is impossible not to mention Su Wan when choosing.

Zhixia couldn't help but sigh in her heart when she heard the name Su Wan. Her feeling was roughly the same as when Shen Qing heard the news - what was supposed to come had come.

After listening to Langxing's quick explanation of what happened, Zhixia asked, "Where's that fairy treasure?"

Lang Xing grinned and said, "I really want to give it to you, but Su Wan has put a lot of effort into this matter. Without her, not only would Zui Qing not be able to be killed this time, but my life would also be in danger." Keep it, so... I will give it to her, but in the future I can ask her to send you to study. She is very grateful for Zixiao Palace's kindness to her, and has repeatedly asked me to bring her here to see you. "

Zhixia nodded lightly, but couldn't help but cursed in her heart, "I forgot my mother when I married a wife." When she met Su Wan, her second senior sister was not so popular. She didn't need any more explanation from Lang Xing to understand. It's obvious, of course she is jealous of that fairy treasure, but this is fate, her junior brother is like a cornucopia, and the one who owns this cornucopia is Su Wan, they can only get some of it. Light.

"Okay, I told you everything. I got a lot of things this time. See if you need anything." Lang Xing felt a little guilty because of the fairy treasure, so he took out all the things, "This is You can keep the spiritual treasures and reward them to your disciples, and you can reward these magical treasures to Ping'er later, and these weapons-refining materials..."

Zhixia waved her hands and said, "Just give it to whomever you want. There is no need to please me here. Your senior sister and I will help you set up the protective circle. You can just take us to see Su Wan."

"Uh..." Lang Xing blinked and said, "I'm afraid it won't work for a while. I didn't tell you just now that there was some trouble during the process of identifying the owner of the immortal treasure. Su Wan was trapped inside and needs to understand. Only then can the mystery of that fairy treasure be revealed.”

"Oh?" Zhixia's eyes wandered over Lang Xing's body.

"This... um..." Lang Xing wanted to lie to the second senior sister that the immortal treasure was left in the Xuanfang sect, but he felt that the lie he had made up before was of no use. The second senior sister was going to Nanjingzhou. .

Zhixia casually pushed aside the pile of things he took out and said calmly, "Take it out."

"Hehe..." Lang Xing took out the map of wild residence and carefully unfolded it on several cases. While unfolding it, he warned the second senior sister uneasily, "You'd better not use your spiritual sense to detect it. Consciousness is too powerful, don’t cause any trouble.”

Facing the immortal treasure, Zhixia had no intention of talking to him, and stared at the little by little unfolding picture of the wild residence.

After looking at it for a while, Zhixia raised his eyes with a thoughtful look on his face and pointed at a canyon with his finger.

Lang Xing looked at it intently and saw three small words "I am here". He immediately panicked and said with an awkward smile, "Good eyesight. I forgot to tell you just now. She can use her spiritual energy to condense The writing is here, but that’s all. Second Senior Sister, do you see what mystery is coming? If you can help her come out early, she can send you in to understand."

Zhixia shook her head and said, "I want to call Senior Sister over to have a look together. Do you agree?"

"Hmm...yeah! But it's just the two of you, okay?"

"Okay." Zhixia immediately called Xiaochun over with her spiritual thoughts. After briefly explaining to Xiaochun, the two began to discuss the wild residence map.

Langxing stood by, sneaking glances at the writings in the canyon from time to time, fearing that Su Wan would say something embarrassing again. Fortunately, the writings there disappeared after a while, and no new writings appeared.

After the handwriting disappeared, Zhixia said to Lang Xing, "Can you use your mind and magical power to convey a message to her? Let her tell you what she has realized."

Lang Xing shook his head vigorously and said, "No, I really can't. This is an immortal treasure. My mental power doesn't work."

Zhixia and Xiaochun looked at each other, and Xiaochun said to Lang Xing, "From my judgment, this is indeed a fairy-level treasure. Can it allow us to learn more about it? We guarantee it with our Taoist heart. There will be people who want to get involved."

Langxing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Senior sister, what are you talking about? Can I still distrust you? You just need to meditate. Then...I will go and bring Xiang'er back. You can meditate for as long as you want." How long will it take, I won’t disturb you anymore.”

Xiaochun said, "Where is Xiang'er? Let Qingyu accompany you."

Zhixia glanced at Xiaochun, and then said to Lang Xing, "Wait a moment, go outside for a walk first, we will help you remove the restrictions on those things, and then you can leave."

"Okay." Langxing glanced at Yejutu, stood up and left the house.

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