Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2045 You are really capable

After leaving Second Senior Sister's courtyard, he saw Yan Bing and Ping'er looking down the mountain. He flew over with a smile, took out a purple rope and a flying needle and handed it to Ping'er and said, "These two things are not bad. , you can use it after the baby is born, you can keep it first.”

Ping'er declined sheepishly, "You just gave me a long knife last time. How can I use it so much?"

"It's okay, you can give it away, you can sell it, just take it."

"Aren't you able to use the magic weapon in the Nascent Soul stage? You should keep it for yourself."

"I have so many that I can't use them all."

Yan Bing saw his master who was less than a thousand years old and his disciple who was in his early thousand years talking like peers. He couldn't help but smile, and said to Ping'er, "Just keep it if he gives it to you. He belongs to your master's generation. There are plenty of good things, but these two are not lacking.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Master, what you did is really interesting and protective."

Yan Bing smiled slightly and said, "That's because I can see clearly that you don't want to give up your things for free."

Lang Xing smiled heartily and said, "If you say that, then I won't be polite to you. Please go to Third Master Uncle's Cangyang Forest Sea personally and ask for some secrets of forbidden cultivation from Third Master Uncle." Come on, tell her that I have finished studying the ones I gave her before, and ask her to pick up some of the most advanced ones and tell Third Master Uncle that I will visit her when I am free."

Yan Bing frowned and said, "It's okay to run for you, but you want the most profound secrets... Do you understand? Why don't I go to Chuzhen Pavilion to find some secrets for you first?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Then you first go and get me all the secrets related to the restriction in Chuzhen Pavilion, and then go to the third uncle to get the most profound secrets for me."

Yan Bing was speechless and said, "There are hundreds, if not a thousand, of the forbidden secrets in Chuzhen Pavilion. Did you take them and eat them directly?"

Ping'er covered her mouth and laughed.

Lang Xing smiled and glared at Yan Bing and said, "Did you talk to your uncle like this? If I ask you to get it, you can get it for me. Why do you care so much?"

Yan Bing shook his head and said, "It's okay to take a few copies, but if you want to take them all out, I'm not qualified. You have to let my master say something."

Langxing said nonchalantly, "Then you tell the people guarding Chuzhen Pavilion that this is the decree from the Second Immortal Concubine. Your master is busy now, so don't interrupt. You can definitely do this. I'll be there soon." I will return all the secrets as soon as possible, and I will keep them if anything happens."

Yan Bing wondered, "Are you serious? Why do you want so many secrets? I can get them all for you, but you have to let me know what you want to do."

"I just want to take a look. If I have time, I will go to Chuzhen Pavilion to learn it myself. I really can't spare the time now and I have to leave soon."

Hearing that he wanted to take away those secrets, Yan Bing didn't dare to get them for him. When he was about to persuade him, Zhixia's spiritual thought came over, "Get them for him. He just wants to empty the Chuzhen Pavilion." Do what he says. From now on, his words will be my decrees. There is no such thing as false teachings here. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes." Yan Bing saluted to the mountain, then turned to salute Lang Xing, and said, "I would like to receive the instruction from my uncle, I will get it for you right away."

Lang Xing glanced at the mountain. Although he didn't know what spiritual thoughts the second senior sister had transmitted, he still smiled happily and said, "Okay, okay, you don't need to be so polite in the future, go quickly."


Ping'er secretly stuck out her tongue at Langxing and followed her master.

Langxing saw Qingyu and the others waving to him from a distance, so he waved to them and said, "I'll go see Sister Yuehong first, and I'll coax you to play later."

Qingyu choked back with a smile, "Who is coaxing who? We just want to coax you to play!"

Lang Xing laughed and flew towards Wuqing Island.

To this day, Zixiao Palace has become his happy place, because he has no desires and demands, and the intrigues here have nothing to do with him. Because of his transcendent status, he can do whatever he wants, because of sincerity, because of generosity, and because of the wealth accumulated in his previous life. Fortunately, there are many people here who love him and are willing to protect him.

Xiao Yuanying and Shao Ling went into seclusion. After Langxing chatted with Yuehong for a while, Yan Bing came over and handed him a Qiankun bag. There were six hundred and seventy-three jade slips in it, and seven more. Eight secret manuals recorded in other materials, Zixiao Palace's collection is so horrifying.

Lang Xing sent Yan Bing away, but did not shy away from Yue Hong. He took out all the secrets and checked them one by one. Yue Hong watched for a while and then quietly went out.

Lang Xing has been thinking about the study of prohibition in his mind these days, and he seems to be unknowingly immersed in a state of selflessness.

At midnight, Zhixia walked in quietly, and what he saw was Lang Xing sitting surrounded by dense jade slips, frowning and meditating on a jade slip in his hand.

"Stop." Zhixia said softly.

Langxing raised his eyes and woke up like a dream, "Where is Sister Yuehong?"

"What are you doing over there on the cliff?" Zhixia asked, looking at the jade slips there.

"Study the art of restraint." Lang Xing pointed to a dozen jade slips piled in the corner and said, "Those are misleading things and should be destroyed."

"Do you have this ability?" Zhixia Lingkong grabbed one from the pile of jade slips and looked at the contents inside.

Langxing stretched and put the seventy or eighty jade slips into his Qiankun bag, and then put the rest back into the original Qiankun bag, leaving only the pile in the corner. He put the Qiankun bag containing the jade slips He handed the bag to Zhixia and said, "These can all be sent back to Chuzhen Pavilion."

Zhixia played with the jade slip in her hand, looked at him and said, "What has happened to you? Have you got a new talent?"

Lang Xing smiled proudly and said, "You're right, I really think I've got the hang of it. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a talent. Do you want me to tell you about it?"

Zhixia threw the Qingyan Sword and the two Qiankun Bags that had unlocked the restrictions to him, and smiled calmly and said, "If you really had that talent, you wouldn't come to ask us to help you lift these restrictions."

Langxing was very confident and said, "Just wait, it won't be long before I don't have to ask you for help." After saying that, he looked at the three things and saw that the restrictions on them had been lifted, so he put away the Green Flame Sword and held it. The contents of the two Qiankun bags were poured out. While checking them, he said to the second senior sister, "See if there is anything you need. Take whatever you want."

Zhixia suppressed a smile and said, "My senior sister and I have already taken what we should take."

Lang Xing pointed at her and scolded with a smile, "You guys are really capable. You took it away without even giving me a look."

"I'm afraid you won't be willing to give it to me after reading it." Zhixia smiled and picked up a white jade plate filled with treasure and light. "This is a high-grade spiritual treasure that is no worse than that sword. The restrictions on it have also been lifted." When he entered Second Senior Sister's courtyard, he saw Yan Bing and Ping'er looking down the mountain. He flew over with a smile, took out a purple rope and a flying needle and handed it to Ping'er and said, "These two things are not bad. It will be used after the baby is born, so you can keep it for now.”

Ping'er declined sheepishly, "You just gave me a long knife last time. How can I use it so much?"

"It's okay. You can give it away or sell it. Just take it."

"Aren't you able to use the magic weapon in the Nascent Soul stage? You should keep it for yourself."

"I have so many that I can't use them all."

Yan Bing saw his master who was less than a thousand years old and his disciple who was in his early thousand years talking like peers. He couldn't help but smile, and said to Ping'er, "Just keep it if he gives it to you. He belongs to your master's generation. There are plenty of good things, but these two are not lacking.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Master, what you did is really interesting and protective."

Yan Bing smiled slightly and said, "That's because I can see clearly that you don't want to give up your things for free."

Lang Xing smiled heartily and said, "If you say that, then I won't be polite to you. Please go to Third Master Uncle's Cangyang Forest Sea personally and ask for some secrets of forbidden cultivation from Third Master Uncle." Come on, tell her that I have finished studying the ones I gave her before, and ask her to pick up some of the most advanced ones and tell Third Master Uncle that I will visit her when I am free."

Yan Bing frowned and said, "It's okay to run for you, but you want the most profound secrets... Do you understand? Why don't I go to Chuzhen Pavilion to find some secrets for you first?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Then you first go and get me all the secrets related to the restriction in Chuzhen Pavilion, and then go to the third uncle to get the most profound secrets for me."

Yan Bing was speechless and said, "There are hundreds, if not a thousand, of the forbidden secrets in Chuzhen Pavilion. Did you take them and eat them directly?"

Ping'er covered her mouth and laughed.

Lang Xing smiled and glared at Yan Bing and said, "Did you talk to your uncle like this? If I ask you to get it, you can get it for me. Why do you care so much?"

Yan Bing shook his head and said, "It's okay to take a few copies, but if you want to take them all out, I'm not qualified. You have to let my master say something."

Langxing said nonchalantly, "Then you tell the people guarding Chuzhen Pavilion that this is the decree from the Second Immortal Concubine. Your master is busy now, so don't interrupt. You can definitely do this. I'll be there soon." I will return all the secrets as soon as possible, and I will keep them if anything happens."

Yan Bing wondered, "Are you serious? Why do you want so many secrets? I can get them all for you, but you have to let me know what you want to do."

"I just want to take a look. If I have time, I will go to Chuzhen Pavilion to learn it myself. I really can't spare the time now and I have to leave soon."

Hearing that he wanted to take away those secrets, Yan Bing didn't dare to get them for him. When he was about to persuade him, Zhixia's spiritual thought came over, "Get them for him. He just wants to empty the Chuzhen Pavilion." Do what he says. From now on, his words will be my decrees. There is no such thing as false teachings here. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes." Yan Bing saluted to the mountain, then turned to salute Lang Xing, and said, "I would like to receive the instruction from my uncle, I will get it for you right away."

Lang Xing glanced at the mountain. Although he didn't know what spiritual thoughts the second senior sister had transmitted, he still smiled happily and said, "Okay, okay, you don't need to be so polite in the future, go quickly."


Ping'er secretly stuck out her tongue at Langxing and followed her master.

Langxing saw Qingyu and the others waving to him from a distance, so he waved to them and said, "I'll go see Sister Yuehong first, and I'll coax you to play later."

Qingyu choked back with a smile, "Who are you coaxing? We just want to coax you to play!"

Lang Xing laughed and flew towards Wuqing Island.

To this day, Zixiao Palace has become his happy place, because he has no desires and demands, and the intrigues here have nothing to do with him. Because of his transcendent status, he can do whatever he wants, because of sincerity, because of generosity, and because of the wealth accumulated in his previous life. Fortunately, there are many people here who love him and are willing to protect him.

Xiao Yuanying and Shao Ling went into seclusion. After Langxing chatted with Yuehong for a while, Yan Bing came over and handed him a Qiankun bag. There were six hundred and seventy-three jade slips in it, and seven more. Eight secret manuals recorded in other materials, Zixiao Palace's collection is so horrifying.

Lang Xing sent Yan Bing away, but did not shy away from Yue Hong. He took out all the secrets and checked them one by one. Yue Hong watched for a while and then quietly went out.

Lang Xing has been thinking about the study of prohibition in his mind these days, and he seems to be unknowingly immersed in a state of selflessness.

At midnight, Zhixia walked in quietly, and what he saw was Lang Xing sitting surrounded by dense jade slips, frowning and meditating on a jade slip in his hand.

"Stop." Zhixia said softly.

Langxing raised his eyes and woke up like a dream, "Where is Sister Yuehong?"

"What are you doing over there on the cliff?" Zhixia asked, looking at the jade slips there.

"Study the art of restraint." Lang Xing pointed to the dozen jade slips piled in the corner and said, "Those are misleading things and should be destroyed."

"Do you have this ability?" Zhixia Lingkong grabbed one from the pile of jade slips and looked at the contents inside.

Langxing stretched and put the seventy or eighty jade slips into his Qiankun bag, and then put the rest back into the original Qiankun bag, leaving only the pile in the corner. He put the Qiankun bag containing the jade slips He handed the bag to Zhixia and said, "These can all be sent back to Chuzhen Pavilion."

Zhixia played with the jade slip in her hand, looked at him and said, "What has happened to you? Have you got a new talent?"

Lang Xing smiled proudly and said, "You're right, I really feel like I've become enlightened in this area. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a talent. Do you want me to tell you about it?"

Zhixia threw the Qingyan Sword and the two Qiankun Bags that had unlocked the restrictions to him, and smiled calmly and said, "If you really had that talent, you wouldn't come to ask us to help you lift these restrictions."

Langxing was very confident and said, "Just wait, it won't be long before I don't have to ask you for help." After saying that, he looked at the three things and saw that the restrictions on them had been lifted, so he put away the Green Flame Sword and held it. The contents of the two Qiankun bags were poured out. While checking them, he said to the second senior sister, "See if there is anything you need. Take whatever you want."

Zhixia suppressed a smile and said, "My senior sister and I have already taken what we should take."

Lang Xing pointed at her and scolded with a smile, "You guys are really capable. You took it away without even giving me a look."

"I'm afraid you won't be willing to give it to me after reading it." Zhixia smiled and picked up a white jade plate filled with treasure and light. "This is a high-grade spiritual treasure that is no worse than that sword. The restrictions on it have also been lifted."

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