Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2046 This month once illuminated the ancients

Lang Xing used his mind to sense the spirit of the weapon inside the jade plate, blinked and said, "I have enough treasures now, I'll give this to Yan Bing."

Zhixia handed him the jade plate and said, "Yan Bing and the others all have spiritual treasures. Their cultivation level is not enough to control this spiritual treasure as they wish. You can keep it for yourself first. When someone reaches the state of perfection, do you want to give it to someone else?" Then give it to me.”

Lang Xing made a face and said, "How can I keep the things in my hand for so long? Let's talk about it later. Anyway, these kinds of things are easy to come by. At worst, I will just get them two more." "

"That's right." Zhixia looked at him with a half-smiling expression.

Langxing straightened his back and said, "I'm not arrogant. It's only been a few years since I returned to Nanjingzhou? I got five Guanglingbao, plus an Immortal Treasure."

Zhixia's smile bloomed, and she patted his face lovingly and said, "Don't brag, we know you are capable enough, you can just make us worry less, don't worry about Yan Bing and the others, your senior sister and I She is the Immortal Concubine Huayu, so she can take good care of them."

"Hehe, okay." Lang Xing felt warm in his heart and took back the things he poured out of the Qiankun bag. Then he pointed at the jade slip in the second senior sister's hand and asked, "Am I right? The things inside are Wrong?" .??.??

Zhixia nodded slightly, sealed the pile of jade slips in the corner and put them into the Qiankun bag containing the jade slips, "You can discuss this with Third Senior Sister later. I don't have time to think about this now. Tell me you are here." What’s the talent level?”

Lang Xing used his spiritual energy to condense a criss-crossing net. He pointed at the thin mesh and said, "I didn't study the art of restraint very much, but I saw the context of it inexplicably. It's so clear." , do you think this is a talent?”

Zhixia casually formed an invisible simple restriction in front of him and said, "Use your spiritual energy to show me its veins."

Lang Xing pressed his hand on the restriction, and soon used his spiritual energy to condense thirty-five main veins, and then used finer spiritual energy threads to condense thousands of intertwined veins from top to bottom.


After watching him outline all the branches accurately, Zhixia looked at him silently.

Lang Xing asked humbly, "Is that right?" After asking, he gathered his spiritual power and pointed at the restriction, and the restriction immediately collapsed.

Zhixia looked at him and said, "No matter what, you have to have a good talk with your third senior sister later. I'm asking you to do me a favor. If you can free her from her addiction to the restriction, she may be able to be promoted to the imperial body in this life." Hua Yu, so I hope you can talk to her about your talent without reservation, can you promise me?"

Lang Xing nodded without hesitation and said, "If I can help Third Senior Sister, I will definitely spare no effort. You don't need to tell me. Third Senior Sister is very good to me. How can I not even have such a conscience."

"Okay, then I'll pick her up right now." Zhixia disappeared without waiting for Lang Xing to speak.

"Hey..." Lang He can return to Nanjingzhou as soon as possible. Shu Yan still doesn't know what the situation is. He can only help Third Senior Sister in a small way. Although Third Senior Sister is nice to him, things must be prioritized.

The helpless Lang Xing was no longer in the mood to continue studying the forbidden technique. He came to the cliff and chatted with Sister Yuehong again. Looking at the calm sea water, although he could enter and exit the virtual water with the power of his mind, he was not ready. I went to see the little monkey. The separation time this time is not long, so I won’t disturb the little monkey.

Thinking of the ability to get in and out of Xu Shui, he said to Yuehong, "Sister Yuehong, stop the movement of spiritual power in your body and collect all the spiritual power into your Qi Mansion."

Yuehong asked with a smile, "What to do?"

"Just do as I say." He took Yuehong's hand

, took a step forward, took Yuehong away from the cliff, and floated above the sea.

"Huh?!" Yuehong noticed that he didn't use his spiritual power. In panic, he hurriedly activated the spiritual power in his body, but then he restrained his panic and stopped the movement of his spiritual power little by little.

Lang Xing led her to float in the air and explained, "This is based on the power of thoughts. I can't tell you too much. You can experience it for yourself. Just don't tell me."

"Yeah!" Yuehong held Langxing's hand tightly with gratitude, feeling this magical floating with great excitement.

"Relax, don't be anxious, there is plenty of time." Langxing said as he took Yuehong back to the island, floating only three feet above the ground, so that Sister Yuehong could relax as soon as possible. ??

After a meal, Yuehong said to Langxing with blurred eyes, "That's enough, I need to understand it."

Langxing sent her directly back to the house, and Yuehong closed her eyes as soon as she sat down.

Langxing stood guard quietly for a while and then quietly withdrew. He was very happy to be able to help Sister Yuehong. He felt an indescribable sense of peace when getting along with this calm-hearted Sister Yuehong. , Sister Yuehong only cares for him without asking for anything. She won’t even ask a superfluous question. For example, she didn’t ask why he wanted to read so many jade slips just now, so he sincerely wants to help Yuehong more. Sister's.

Because the protective circle on Wuqing Island was not activated, he was afraid that someone would disturb Sister Yuehong, so he sat on the top of the hill and guarded Sister Yuehong while thinking about his thoughts.

The bright moonlight shines on the quiet Wuqing Island, and Langxing stares into the dark night as motionless as a stone statue. More than a thousand years ago, his previous life, Xunyi, spent the entire night in this position on this mountain countless times. Sitting there all night, although they were thinking about the same person, their moods were not quite the same. The deep sadness that Xun Yi left here had been taken away by the years.

Although the sadness is gone,

But this scene is still touching. He rushed back to Zixiao Palace with his three junior sisters. Zhixia felt a sharp pain in his heart when he saw this scene. Although the reincarnation of the younger junior brother was found, the elf and ghost were asking for help. Our beloved little junior brother will never come back again.

"What's wrong with you?" Qingqiu couldn't help but asked in confusion when he saw Zhixia suddenly descending into the air.

Zhixia calmed down, shook her head at Qingqiu, and then took her to fly to Langxing.

"Your Third Senior Sister heard from Yan Bing that you wanted the profound forbidden secrets, and immediately set out to see you uneasy. I met them on the way." Zhixia's explanation was undoubtedly to say something nice to Third Junior Sister.

"Thank you, Third Senior Sister, for your care." Langxing thanked Third Senior Sister, then pointed to Yuehong's house, and said to Second Senior Sister, "Sister Yuehong is enlightening, please find someone to help protect her."

"Well, don't worry, go and discuss the study of prohibition with your third senior sister." Zhixia handed over Langxing to Qingqiu, and after arranging for someone to guard Wuqing Island, she hurriedly went to Xiaochun to study the Wuyejutu. .

Qingqiu took Langxing to his Maplewood Island. Only an hour later, Langxing quietly slipped out of the third senior sister's courtyard and told the two Maplewood Island disciples who were on duty outside, " Your master is in seclusion, and you should take good care of him. If the second master comes to ask, just say that I have gone to pick up Xiang'er and will be back soon." After saying that, he flew into the sky and called the Deyi Eagle and rode it. Heading hastily towards the north.

Langxing was very happy and surprised to be able to get Third Senior Sister into seclusion so quickly. In fact, the discussion he had with Third Senior Sister was worthy of him calming down and thinking about it, but in order to rush for time, He could only do this kind of thinking while flying.

The Deyi Eagle flew across the sky of Puyunzhou like a golden electric light at the fastest speed. Lang Xing, who was deep in thought, vaguely remembered that several groups of people had approached him, and some people seemed to have said hello to him with their spiritual thoughts, but he couldn't. Ignoring it, those people didn't dare to get closer.

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