Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2047 There should be compassion

When he recovered from his contemplation, he found that he had arrived in the vast snowy plains outside the northern border. He hurriedly controlled the Deyi Eagle to fly east and west, making sure that no one was following him. Then he headed straight towards the glacier where Shen Qing was.

The little bird happily flew to pick him up after he was far away. Deyi Diao let out a low chirp and left him and flew away. The bird's rapid improvement in behavior made Deyi Diao realize that he was not the same as him. One level. This instinctive intuition of the orcs is more reliable than the self-knowledge of the human race.

After entering the magic circle, Bai Xiang rushed over with excitement on her face. She really rushed over at an extremely fast speed, but fell from the air before she could reach Lang Xing.

Lang Xing hurriedly rushed over to catch her, and asked in surprise, "You can fly?"

Bai Xiang nodded excitedly and said, "I could only fly a little bit, but I flew so far when I was happy to see you!" As she said this, she looked back to see the distance she had flown, which was a thousand feet away. This excited her even more.

Shen Qing, who wanted to come up to greet Lang Xing, couldn't help but stop after seeing Bai Xiang's "feat" of leaping thousands of feet, with a look of thought in his eyes.

Langxing put Bai Xiang on the ground and said happily, "Okay, the progress is really fast. If you can fly, you are a complete beginner. The next step will be easy. Go and figure out why you can fly so far in excitement." Bar."

"Yes!" Bai Xiang ran two steps away and sat on the snow, closing his eyes and realizing.

When Lang Xing was about to add a layer of magic circle to her to insulate her from the severe cold, Shen Qing waved her hand to him and muttered, "She often eats snow pythons and purple fruits during this period, so she can withstand the cold here."

The two flew to the iceberg next to them. Langxing pointed towards the depths of the iceberg. The bird wrapped around him immediately let out a cheerful chirp and flew to the back of the iceberg to pretend to be an iceberg. Langxing smiled evilly and turned back. He came to Shen Qing and said, "I'm sorry to have bothered you for so long. How was your enlightenment this time?"

Shen Qing looked at Bai Xiang on the snow, nodded gently and said, "I have gained a lot, and I get along well with her. Xiang'er is not only highly perceptive, but also very sensible. I like her very much, and I can let her come here often in the future." live."

"Okay, it's rare that she can please you. I will bring her to see you in the future." Langxing said as he took out a lot of spiritual fruits, some captured, some picked by himself, and some from Zixiao. The palace brought it, and Shen Qing's side was freezing, so he couldn't just rely on snow pythons and purple fruits to satisfy his hunger.

Shen Qing put away the spiritual fruits without any hesitation and said, "It's enough to last for thousands of years. I still have a lot of them here. Don't bring them next time."

"It's not worth anything. There's no harm in saving more." After finishing speaking, Langxing showed excitement and said with bright eyes, "Your vision is so accurate. The three people I showed you last time are indeed Fellow disciples, they are from the Daoqing Sect, hey, they were all killed by me, guess what kind of cultivation that old guy is? "

Shen Qing smiled lightly and said, "Looking at how proud you are, you must have transformed into a feather and cultivated yourself."

Lang Xing complained in a bored tone, "I killed another Yu Yu Shen Tong, and your reaction was too bland."

Shen Qing still looked at him calmly and said, "You are so impatient that you let your bottom out. Can you blame me?"

Lang Xing laughed happily and said, "It's not that I can't hold my breath. The main thing is that this thing is so satisfying. Since killing the magical power can't make you jaw drop, let me let you guess again. You guess I got something." What level of treasure is it?”

"Immortal treasure." Shen Qing pretended to be careless and said, and cast his gaze into the depths of the iceberg.

Lang Xing put his face in front of hers, blocking her gaze, his eyebrows flying.

Sewu said, "Stop pretending! Show your surprised expression!"

Shen Qing burst out laughing, stared at him and asked, "Did you really get an immortal treasure?"

"It's absolutely true! But... I got it together with Su Wan. I can't take advantage of a female cultivator, so I have to give it to her, but it doesn't matter. I'll ask her to send you in for enlightenment later. There's definitely no problem with this. ” Lang Xing showed the image of Yejutu.

"You are so generous." Shen Qing looked at the picture of living in the wild and said in a neutral tone.

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Don't you get along with her? When we parted last time, you mentioned her name but didn't say anything further. What kind of hatred is there? I'll help you resolve it."

Shen Qing shook his head and said, "I don't have any grudge against her, I just don't like her very much. There are not many people in this world that I like, so don't worry about it. I don't want to be friends with her."

"Oh, forget it, but I think she's a pretty good person. Why don't you and Jiang Xiao like her?" Lang Xing looked at Shen Qing with a searching look after he finished speaking.

Shen Qing didn't want him to worry too much, so he explained, "Jiangxiao and her can't get along because of Xunyi. Jiangxiao and Xunyi have such a good relationship, and Xunyi had a bad experience in the Xuanfang sect, so Jiangxiao... I blame Su Wan, but actually I really don't blame Su Wan. Xun Yi already had a lot of secrets when he joined the Xuan Fang Sect. It is reasonable for Su Wan to be suspicious of him. They are all old things. You don't have to worry about their affairs, and don't inquire about them. For Xun Yi's sake, they won't go too far. "

"Oh! That's it..." Lang Xing nodded, and the mystery lingering in his mind was finally "solved".

Shen Qingcha changed the subject and said, "Tell me about the time when you showed off your divine power to kill the monk Huayu. You really have to let me

I'm constantly amazed. "

Lang Xing smiled proudly and regained his beaming expression and said, "That means I can blow as much as I want with you. I have to be tight when I tell my second senior sister, for fear that she will dislike me for not being calm enough. I'll be nice to you." Let’s talk about the process of those battles.”

Lang Xing's deep dependence and closeness made Shen Qing feel intoxicated and warm. At the same time, Shen Qing couldn't help but feel lucky to have someone like Su Wan, otherwise she might have been dragged back to Tiandao by Lang Xing. In the big net, leaving Lang Xing to Su Wan and only getting together with him occasionally is undoubtedly the best way to get along.

After Lang Xing vividly explained the process of killing Zui Qing and others, Shen Qing was shaken by his previous thoughts. Lang Xing had grown up so fast that he could kill Hua Yu with his true skills. He had to make his own choice. Is it wise to leave Langxing to achieve enlightenment alone?

"Langxing." Shen Qing called out but did not continue. He looked into the depths of the iceberg, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Huh? Just say what you want to say." Lang Xing's excitement has not passed, and he looks carefree.

Shen Qing retracted his gaze, looked at him and said, "I want to remind you that killing is always ominous. Even if you are killing evildoers, you should have compassion. Killing evildoers should indeed feel fun, but at the same time, You must have a sense of awe, after all, it is a life born in accordance with the law of heaven. After killing a bad person, your awe and pleasure should be restrained to keep yourself awake, so as to avoid the evil path of indiscriminate killing. Tu, I see that you are more than happy now but not enough in awe."

Having said this, Shen Qingshen pointed at Lang Xing's heart and said seriously, "Don't forget to act according to your heart. You are not a person who advocates killing. What brought you to this point."

Lang Xing felt disappointed and said, "Shouldn't these three people be killed? I don't think killing them a hundred times is too much."

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