Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2048 Greedy children will make mistakes

Shen Qing cast his gaze into the depths of the iceberg again and said calmly, "There is nothing wrong with killing them. What I am saying is that you are too happy. Think about whether it has anything to do with Su Wan. I think it was because of her that you committed the killing this time. When you lose your original intention, the pleasure of revenge, venting your hatred and eliminating future troubles makes you only focus on happiness but lacks compassion."

"This has nothing to do with her..." Lang Xing frowned displeased.

"Think about it for yourself. I'm just reminding you that if you continue like this, you will be trapped in the net of heaven. Even Su Wan will be dragged down by you. You are a person of great wisdom and you have to do more than just yourself. To free yourself, you must help your loved ones to free themselves, not to sink with them, nor to drag them down faster." Shen Qing fell into the same predicament that Xun Yi had discussed with her in the poor snowy field. Xun Yi couldn't reveal the secret to her at that time and could only give indirect advice. She could only do the same now, unable to warn Lang Xing with the theories of reincarnation and fate.

"Well..." Lang Xing was no longer so resistant this time, and said after a while, "I know it in my heart. You don't have to worry, I understand." ??

Shen Qing nodded happily and said, "Emotional barrier is a very powerful magic power contained in the way of heaven, perhaps the most powerful one. We have discussed that the way of heaven is more focused on humanity, and some places are tailor-made for the human race." Compared with all spirits, human beings are the wisest and most emotional. Emotional entanglements are the ropes that bind us best. They can not only make people so hot-headed that they ignore their conscience, but also make people willing to persist. No regrets.”

"I'm not that bad now, am I?" Lang Xing felt a little guilty.

Shen Qing warned, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. You have already started. For you, this is already bad."

Lang Xing frowned and thought for a while, then said to Shen Qing, "I'm going to calm down." After that, he flew towards the depths of the iceberg.

Shen Qing used his spiritual consciousness to see that Lang Xing had been spinning around for a while and then approached the little bird disguised as an ice pimple. The bird chirped happily and flapped its wings at Lang Xing, then flew away and hid. Then the blue lips flew back. I don't know if Jingjing was quiet, but it was definitely cold.

After returning to Shen Qing, Lang Xing lowered his head and blinked for a while, then raised his head and looked at Shen Qing and said, "I think your reminder is right, but Su Wan is not at fault. It is me who is wrong. I am not defending her." ”

Shen Qing agreed, "There is nothing wrong with delicious fruits. A greedy child will make mistakes. If you can treat her as a test, you should be able to make fewer mistakes."

"Hmm... um." Lang Xing's response was a little hesitant and perfunctory. Su Wan was Su Wan. He felt that treating Su Wan as a test was disrespectful to Su Wan. He did not want to take this attitude to deal with Su Wan. Su Wan dated.

Shen Qing didn't want to force him too much, so he said, "Just be vigilant in your heart. If I feel that you are still sinking in the future, I will remind you again. Then you will have to seriously reflect."

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "It's great to have a friend like you. It's settled. Don't save face for me then. Just say whatever you want."

Shen Qing gave him a cold look and said, "Don't worry about this. Just don't be so depraved that you don't dare to come see me."

Lang Xing imitated her tone and said, "You

Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong. "

Shen Qing said nothing more. She believed that Lang Xing would not do anything too unkind. However, living under the law of heaven is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. It may take several lifetimes to make up for the laxity in this life. This is still good. That's it. If she sinks little by little, there will never be relief. If the situation gets really bad and she can only reveal the secret of reincarnation, the consequences will be unpredictable. Not only will Langxing face huge troubles, She, the person who leaked the secret, may also be punished by God.

No one in the world knows Shen Qing better than Lang Xing. As soon as he saw her attitude, he knew that she was dissatisfied, so he said with a smile, "I have listened to what you said and will keep it in mind."

Shen Qing raised his hand to tidy up his hair that had been messed up by the bird, and felt something special in his heart: "I really want to be by your side and look after you, but I can only think about it. We all have our own ways to go. Langxing, keep your heart and don’t let those of us who love you feel sorry for you.”

Lang Xing solemnly said, "Well, I've been alerted, you can trust me."

"Okay, I believe you." He took back his hand and gave him a smile.

Langxing pretended to be naughty and also reached out to play with Shen Qing's hair on the temples. He chuckled and said, "I also want to be by your side and look after you, but without your quiet and inactive state of mind, it is difficult to stay silent for a long time. Just wait for me, and I’ll come with you when I can calm down.”

Shen Qing looked at him with sincere eyes and said, "I am looking forward to such a day, and I hope it will come sooner, so that both of us will have nothing to worry about."

"Hehe." Lang Xing giggled again. He was moved by Shen Qing's true feelings just now, but now facing Shen Qing's sincere eyes, he inevitably felt a little guilty, because he knew that it might be difficult for him to leave her behind in the future. Su Wan died, which meant that she would not be able to stay with Shen Qing for a long time.

"I put a small sun in the Qiankun bag again. It's a little brighter and warmer than before, but it's still far from enough for this fairy treasure to exert its due power. I'll send you in to have a look. "Okay." Although he really wanted to talk to Shen Qing more, in order to divert this topic that made him feel guilty, he had to send Shen Qing to the Qiankun Bag for a while.

Shen Qing's eyes did not rub sand. In order not to embarrass Lang Xing, she immediately nodded and asked Lang Xing to put her into the Qiankun bag.

Langxing flew to the mountains with a thoughtful expression on his face, and absent-mindedly played with the bird. The bird was silly and had a lot of fun. Later, Langxing disappeared and let the bird come to him. , he could think quietly, but the little bird was very busy, searching back and forth between glaciers and snowfields, but he couldn't find it all night long.

At dawn, Lang Xing came back from his meditation and then remembered the little bird. As soon as he appeared, the little bird screamed and rushed towards him and slapped him repeatedly. Not only was he not angry, but he was because he finally found Lang Xing. And feel doubly happy.

While playing with the little bird, Langxing sighed in his heart. He really hoped that the little bird would never grow up. He also missed the happy time when he stayed by his mother's side carefree. Maybe that kind of happiness is The most true happiness, even if he is with Su Wan, whom he loves, he can no longer have such pure happiness, because there are too many things in his heart. Shen Qing cast his gaze into the depths of the iceberg again and said calmly, "There is nothing wrong with killing them. What I am saying is that you are too happy. Think about whether it has anything to do with Su Wan. I think it was because of her that you committed the killing this time. When you lose your original intention, the pleasure of revenge, venting your hatred and eliminating future troubles makes you only focus on happiness but lacks compassion.”

"This has nothing to do with her..." Lang Xing frowned displeased.

"Think about it for yourself. I'm just reminding you that if you continue like this, you will be trapped in the net of heaven. Even Su Wan will be dragged down by you. You are a person of great wisdom and you have to do more than just yourself. To free yourself, you must help your loved ones to free themselves, not to sink with them, nor to drag them down faster." Shen Qing fell into the same predicament that Xun Yi had discussed with her in the poor snowy field. Xun Yi couldn't reveal the secret to her at that time and could only give indirect advice. She could only do the same now, unable to warn Lang Xing with the theories of reincarnation and fate.

"Well..." Lang Xing was no longer so resistant this time, and said after a while, "I know it in my heart, you don't have to worry, I understand."

Shen Qing nodded happily and said, "Emotional barrier is a very powerful magic power contained in the way of heaven, perhaps the most powerful one. We have discussed that the way of heaven is more focused on humanity, and some places are tailor-made for the human race." Compared with all spirits, human beings are the wisest and most emotional. Emotional entanglements are the ropes that bind us best. They can not only make people so hot-headed that they ignore their conscience, but also make people willing to persist. No regrets.”

"I'm not that bad now, am I?" Lang Xing felt a little guilty.

Shen Qing warned, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. You have already started. For you, this is already bad."

Lang Xing frowned and thought for a while, then said to Shen Qing, "I'm going to calm down." After that, he flew towards the depths of the iceberg.

Shen Qing used his spiritual consciousness to see that Lang Xing had been spinning around for a while and then approached the little bird disguised as an ice pimple. The bird chirped happily and flapped its wings at Lang Xing, then flew away and hid. Then the blue lips flew back. I don't know if Jingjing was quiet, but it was definitely cold.

After returning to Shen Qing, Lang Xing lowered his head and blinked for a while, then raised his head and looked at Shen Qing and said, "I think your reminder is right, but Su Wan is not at fault. It is me who is wrong. I am not defending her." ”

Shen Qing agreed, "There is nothing wrong with delicious fruits. A greedy child will make mistakes. If you can treat her as a test, you should be able to make fewer mistakes."

"Hmm... um." Lang Xing's response was a little hesitant and perfunctory. Su Wan was Su Wan. He felt that treating Su Wan as a test was disrespectful to Su Wan. He did not want to take this attitude to deal with Su Wan. Su Wan dated.

Shen Qing didn't want to force him too much, so he said, "Just be vigilant in your heart. If I feel that you are still sinking in the future, I will remind you again. Then you will have to seriously reflect."

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "It's great to have a friend like you. It's settled. Don't save face for me then. Just say whatever you want."

Shen Qing gave him a cold look and said, "Don't worry about this. Just don't be so depraved that you don't dare to come see me."

Lang Xing imitated her tone and said, "You

Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong. "

Shen Qing said nothing more. She believed that Lang Xing would not do anything too unkind. However, living under the law of heaven is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. It may take several lifetimes to make up for the laxity in this life. This is still good. That's it. If she sinks little by little, there will never be relief. If the situation gets really bad and she can only reveal the secret of reincarnation, the consequences will be unpredictable. Not only will Langxing face huge troubles, She, the person who leaked the secret, may also be punished by God.

No one in the world knows Shen Qing better than Lang Xing. As soon as he saw her attitude, he knew that she was dissatisfied, so he said with a smile, "I have listened to what you said and will keep it in mind."

Shen Qing raised his hand to tidy up his hair that had been messed up by the bird, and felt something special in his heart: "I really want to be by your side and look after you, but I can only think about it. We all have our own ways to go. Langxing, keep your heart and don’t let those of us who love you feel sorry for you.”

Lang Xing solemnly said, "Well, I've been alerted, you can trust me."

"Okay, I believe you." He took back his hand and gave him a smile.

Langxing pretended to be naughty and also reached out to play with Shen Qing's hair on the temples. He chuckled and said, "I also want to be by your side and look after you, but without your quiet and inactive state of mind, it is difficult to stay silent for a long time. Just wait for me, and I’ll come with you when I can calm down.”

Shen Qing looked at him with sincere eyes and said, "I am looking forward to such a day, and I hope it will come sooner, so that both of us will have nothing to worry about."

"Hehe." Lang Xing giggled again. He was moved by Shen Qing's true feelings just now, but now facing Shen Qing's sincere eyes, he inevitably felt a little guilty, because he knew that it might be difficult for him to leave her behind in the future. Su Wan died, which meant that she would not be able to stay with Shen Qing for a long time.

"I put a small sun in the Qiankun bag again. It's a little brighter and warmer than before, but it's still far from enough for this fairy treasure to exert its due power. I'll send you in to have a look. "Okay." Although he really wanted to talk to Shen Qing more, in order to divert this topic that made him feel guilty, he had to send Shen Qing to the Qiankun Bag for a while.

Shen Qing's eyes did not rub sand. In order not to embarrass Lang Xing, she immediately nodded and asked Lang Xing to put her into the Qiankun bag.

Langxing flew to the mountains with a thoughtful expression on his face, and absent-mindedly played with the bird. The bird was silly and had a lot of fun. Later, Langxing disappeared and let the bird come to him. , he could think quietly, but the little bird was very busy, searching back and forth between glaciers and snowfields, but he couldn't find it all night long.

At dawn, Lang Xing came back from his meditation and then remembered the little bird. As soon as he appeared, the little bird screamed and rushed towards him and slapped him repeatedly. Not only was he not angry, but he was because he finally found Lang Xing. And feel doubly happy.

While playing with the little bird, Langxing sighed in his heart. He really hoped that the little bird would never grow up. He also missed the happy time when he stayed by his mother's side carefree. Maybe that kind of happiness is The most true happiness, even if he is with Su Wan, whom he loves, he can no longer have such pure happiness, because there are too many things in his heart.

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