Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2049 Met two acquaintances

The exhausted little bird went to rest contentedly.

Bai Xiang came running and falling. Although she could only jump out about thirty to fifty feet each time before falling down, she was very excited. She didn't care even though her body and face were covered with snow. Because she was afraid of disturbing Lang Xing and Shen Qing, she did not shout, but "flyed" toward the glacier with her eyes shining with joy.

Lang Xing stepped forward and said with a smile, "Have you understood something? I'll see how happy you are."

Bai Xiang grinned from ear to ear and said, "Master, have you seen it? I can already fly!"

Langxing nodded and said, "I saw it, very good. It won't be long before you can fly as you please, because you don't need to use up your spiritual energy, and you can fly even better than the monks in the Fusion Stage."

"That's great, Master, I can fly!" Bai Xiang happily ran forward again, fell to the snow and ran back.

"Okay, okay, let's take a rest. We have plenty of time to be happy." Lang Xing dusted the snow off her head for her.

"Master..." Bai Xiang grabbed the lapel of Lang Xing's clothes, her eye circles gradually turned red, then she knelt at Lang Xing's feet and hugged Lang Xing's legs and started crying. She finally started practicing cultivation again. She was grateful to Master. The feeling is beyond words.

Lang Xing was also happy for her, gently caressing her head and letting her vent her turbulent emotions with tears.

After Bai Xiang had finished crying, he stood up, wiped away his tears and looked at Lang Xing with embarrassment and said, "Master, are you here to pick me up?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Well, we have our own home, and we don't have to run around here and there anymore."

Bai Xiang looked towards where Shen Qing lived and whispered, "Uncle Shen should be the only one left here again."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's unnecessary for you to worry about her. She longs to be clean. If not, why would I need to find a place to practice? I'll take you, Uncle Lu, and Uncle Shu with me." Just come here.”

"But I still feel that Master Shen is too lonely like this." Bai Xiang said unbearably.

"Silly girl, you will understand how you feel when you have her. I will take you to visit her often in the future. Don't worry about her." Lang Xing scraped Bai Xiang's nose with pity.

Bai Xiang is indeed too young, and it will be many years before she realizes what kind of circle she has entered. It is far beyond what titles such as a child of a famous family and the most talented woman in the world of cultivation can describe.

Shen Qing came out on the third day after entering the Qiankun Bag. Langxing did not ask her about her progress in enlightenment, but asked her a question that the two of them had discussed before - the world within the world. In the past, this issue was only It is limited to the real world and the world in the Qiankun Bag, but now that Lang Xing has entered the Qiankun Bag in the Wild Residence Picture, this is the third world.

Shen Qing did not express any opinions on this. This is a big issue that requires careful understanding. Only those who have come into contact with two immortal treasures can have this insight. If you think about it this way, there are three immortal treasures and four immortal treasures. The situation of even more fairy treasures is even more imaginative. This world may not be as simple as everyone thinks.

Langxing stayed for another three days. Apart from playing with the birds, he spent most of the time talking to Shen Qing about the ban. He did not talk about any Taoism, because he has been very busy these years running around. I haven't calmed down enough to think about it.

When they parted, the little bird didn't bother too much with Lang Xing. It had become accustomed to Lang Xing's coming and going. However, Bai Xiang cried a lot while hugging Shen Qing. She mainly felt that Uncle Shen was too lonely.

Faced with Bai Xiang's frank feelings, Shen Qing said in a rare joking tone, "Follow your master and practice hard. Don't let your master slap you. He has already said that you will replace me and become the number one cultivator in the world." A strange woman."

Bai Xiang couldn't cry anymore. He glanced at his master and didn't dare to complain. He lowered his head and sat on Deyi Diao's broad back.

Langxing waved his hand to Shen Qing and said in his heart, "Don't worry, I will remember your words." Then he urged the Deyi Eagle to gallop away.

Shen Qing nodded slightly at Lang Xing who was walking away. Although she was worried about Lang Xing's current situation, Su Wan had already taken over. There wasn't much she could do to help. The only thing left was to watch with cold eyes. Regardless of this As for the final outcome of their relationship, at least she feels a little more relaxed now. When things get out of control, there is no need to worry about it. She is not smart enough to directly intervene in the emotional entanglement between the two.

Bai Xiang, who was depressed due to the separation, murmured to Lang Xing about the care and guidance Master Shen had given her during this period, in order to express her gratitude to Master Shen. Another purpose was to enable Master to Come often to visit the lonely Master Shen.

Langxing listened to her narration with a smile on his face, without saying a word. He looked a bit like a master, showing both kindness and profoundness. In fact, he didn't listen much at all. He was thinking in his heart. Minding his own business.

Bai Xiang finally said she was sleepy and fell asleep on Lang Xing's lap. When she woke up, she found that the Deyi Eagle was parked in the air. The Master frowned slightly and looked ahead. She followed the Master. Looking over, he vaguely saw two figures in the distance.

Seeing that Bai Xiang was awake, Lang Xing said in a calm tone, "It's okay, I met two acquaintances." He showed the images of a man and a woman in front of Bai Xiang and explained, "The man is Mo from Wuzhen Sect. Hui Xianjun, this girl is the Sixth Fairy Wuxia of the Yin Yang Palace, and they are my equals. Remember them, and be more careful when you meet them in the future.”

"Well!" Bai Xiang leaned against her master with her heart beating fast. She already knew the nine sects in Puyunzhou, and she also knew that the relationship between Wuzhen Sect, Yin Yang Palace, and Zixiao Palace was on the same level. The current situation was far from the master's. It's as simple as meeting two acquaintances as I said.

Lang Xing patted her shoulder comfortingly and said, "Don't worry, Wuxia has some friendship with me. That Mo Hui is nothing to worry about."

Bai Xiang breathed a sigh of relief and asked puzzledly, "What are they doing? Are you waiting for them to come over?"

Lang Xing said vaguely, "Wuxian wants to say a few words to me. That Mo Hui is a little unhappy. The two of them are arguing."

Bai Xiang seemed to understand, and couldn't help but worry again and said, "We won't start a fight, right? Otherwise... let's go first."

Langxing smiled calmly and said, "It doesn't matter. The people in Beijiang don't dare to do anything to us. The power of your three great masters of magical powers is enough to ensure our safety."

"Oh..." Bai Xiang still couldn't hold on to his master's sleeves without peace of mind, frowning and staring at the two people in the distance.

Lang Xing didn't want Bai Xiang to suffer any more, and was about to go over to settle the matter when he saw Wu Xia and Mo Hui flying over one after the other. The exhausted little bird went to rest contentedly.

Bai Xiang came running and falling. Although she could only jump out about thirty to fifty feet each time before falling down, she was very excited. She didn't care even though her body and face were covered with snow. Because she was afraid of disturbing Lang Xing and Shen Qing, she did not shout, but "flyed" toward the glacier with her eyes shining with joy.

Lang Xing stepped forward and said with a smile, "Have you understood something? I'll see how happy you are."

Bai Xiang grinned from ear to ear and said, "Master, have you seen it? I can already fly!"

Langxing nodded and said, "I saw it, very good. It won't be long before you can fly as you please, because you don't need to use up your spiritual energy, and you can fly even better than the monks in the Fusion Stage."

"That's great, Master, I can fly!" Bai Xiang happily ran forward again, fell to the snow and ran back.

"Okay, okay, let's take a rest. We have plenty of time to be happy." Lang Xing dusted the snow off her head for her.

"Master..." Bai Xiang grabbed the lapel of Lang Xing's clothes, her eye circles gradually turned red, then she knelt at Lang Xing's feet and hugged Lang Xing's legs and started crying. She finally started practicing cultivation again. She was grateful to Master. The feeling is beyond words.

Lang Xing was also happy for her, gently caressing her head and letting her vent her turbulent emotions with tears.

After Bai Xiang had finished crying, he stood up, wiped away his tears and looked at Lang Xing with embarrassment and said, "Master, are you here to pick me up?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Well, we have our own home, and we don't have to run around here and there anymore."

Bai Xiang looked towards where Shen Qing lived and whispered, "Then Master Shen should be the only one left here again."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's unnecessary for you to worry about her. She longs to be clean. If not, why would I need to find a place to practice? I'll take you, Uncle Lu, and Uncle Shu with me." Just come here.”

"But I still feel that Master Shen is too lonely like this." Bai Xiang said unbearably.

"Silly girl, you will understand how you feel when you have her. I will take you to visit her often in the future. Don't worry about her." Lang Xing scraped Bai Xiang's nose with pity.

Bai Xiang is indeed too young, and it will be many years before she realizes what kind of circle she has entered. It is far beyond what titles such as a child of a famous family and the most talented woman in the world of cultivation can describe.

Shen Qing came out on the third day after entering the Qiankun Bag. Langxing did not ask her about her progress in enlightenment, but asked her a question that the two of them had discussed before - the world within the world. In the past, this issue was only It is limited to the real world and the world in the Qiankun Bag, but now that Lang Xing has entered the Qiankun Bag in the Wild Residence Picture, this is the third world.

Shen Qing did not express any opinions on this. This is a big issue that requires careful understanding. Only those who have come into contact with two immortal treasures can have this insight. If you think about it this way, there are three immortal treasures and four immortal treasures. The situation of even more fairy treasures is even more imaginative. This world may not be as simple as everyone thinks.

Langxing stayed for another three days. Apart from playing with the birds, he spent most of the time talking to Shen Qing about the ban. He did not talk about any Taoism, because he has been very busy these years running around. I haven't calmed down enough to think about it.

When they parted, the little bird didn't bother too much with Lang Xing. It had become accustomed to Lang Xing's coming and going. However, Bai Xiang cried a lot while hugging Shen Qing. She mainly felt that Uncle Shen was too lonely.

Faced with Bai Xiang's frank feelings, Shen Qing said in a rare joking tone, "Follow your master and practice hard. Don't let your master slap you. He has already said that you will replace me and become the number one cultivator in the world." A strange woman."

Bai Xiang couldn't cry anymore. He glanced at his master and didn't dare to complain. He lowered his head and sat on Deyi Diao's broad back.

Langxing waved his hand to Shen Qing, and said in his heart, "Don't worry, I will remember your words." Then he urged De Yidiao to gallop away.

Shen Qing nodded slightly at Lang Xing who was walking away. Although she was worried about Lang Xing's current situation, Su Wan had already taken over. There wasn't much she could do to help. The only thing left was to watch with cold eyes. Regardless of this As for the final outcome of their relationship, at least she feels a little more relaxed now. When things get out of control, there is no need to worry about it. She is not smart enough to directly intervene in the emotional entanglement between the two.

Bai Xiang, who was depressed due to the separation, murmured to Lang Xing about the care and guidance Master Shen had given her during this period, in order to express her gratitude to Master Shen. Another purpose was to enable Master to Come often to visit the lonely Master Shen.

Langxing listened to her narration with a smile on his face, without saying a word. He looked a bit like a master, showing both kindness and profoundness. In fact, he didn't listen much at all. He was thinking in his heart. Minding his own business.

Bai Xiang finally said she was sleepy and fell asleep on Lang Xing's lap. When she woke up, she found that the Deyi Eagle was parked in the air. The Master frowned slightly and looked ahead. She followed the Master. Looking over, he vaguely saw two figures in the distance.

Seeing that Bai Xiang was awake, Lang Xing said in a calm tone, "It's okay, I met two acquaintances." He showed the images of a man and a woman in front of Bai Xiang and explained, "The man is Mo from Wuzhen Sect. Hui Xianjun, this girl is the Sixth Fairy Wuxia of the Yin Yang Palace, and they are my equals. Remember them, and be more careful when you meet them in the future.”

"Well!" Bai Xiang leaned against her master with her heart beating fast. She already knew the nine sects in Puyunzhou, and she also knew that the relationship between Wuzhen Sect, Yin Yang Palace, and Zixiao Palace was on the same level. The current situation was far from the master's. It's as simple as meeting two acquaintances as I said.

Lang Xing patted her shoulder comfortingly and said, "Don't worry, Wuxia has some friendship with me. That Mo Hui is nothing to worry about."

Bai Xiang breathed a sigh of relief and asked puzzledly, "What are they doing? Are you waiting for them to come over?"

Lang Xing said vaguely, "Wuxian wants to say a few words to me. That Mo Hui is a little unhappy. The two of them are arguing."

Bai Xiang seemed to understand, and couldn't help but worry again and said, "We won't start a fight, right? Otherwise... let's go first."

Langxing smiled calmly and said, "It doesn't matter. The people in Beijiang don't dare to do anything to us. The power of your three great masters of magical powers is enough to ensure our safety."

"Oh..." Bai Xiang still couldn't hold on to his master's sleeves without peace of mind, frowning and staring at the two people in the distance.

Lang Xing didn't want Bai Xiang to suffer any more, and was about to go over to settle the matter when he saw Wu Xia and Mo Hui flying over one after the other.

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