Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2050 I give you face but you don’t want it

Wuxia heard someone say a few days ago that the little fairy from Zixiao Palace went north on the virtue of the eagle, so she came here to wait. She was very lucky. She caught up with Langxing and came back as soon as she arrived here. , but Mo Hui also came over at this time.

"You don't need to pay attention to him." Wu Xia flew closer and sent a message to Lang Xing with an annoyed expression.

Lang Xing looked at Mo Hui, who was following closely, and said to Wu Xia, "Then let's talk later. I happen to be in a hurry and have to rush back to Zixiao Palace as soon as possible."

Mo Hui said to Wu Xia lukewarmly, "It's so pitiful that I came all the way to wait, but I'm not interested in wasting time on you."

Wuxia glared at Mo Hui angrily and said, "I do! Do you care?"

Lang Xing couldn't bear to embarrass Wu Xia so much, so he could only smile and say to Wu Xia, "Sixth Senior Sister, if you have some free time, could you please give me a ride? Let's talk while walking."

Before he had time to respond, Mo Hui said with a look of disdain, "That's right. It's too easy to lose one's life with such little cultivation. The Sixth Senior Sister is really friendly when she calls her. In order to save her life, she didn't even give up the face of Zixiao Palace." Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

Lang Xing put on a sarcastic smile and choked back, "Kill me? Do you dare? Are you worthy?"

"A dog relies on human strength!" Mo Hui cursed disdainfully, then put his hands behind his back and said proudly, "I can kill you without even moving a finger."

Wu Xia was afraid that Lang Xing would be angered, so he stood between the two of them and said, "Lang Xing, don't pay attention to him, let's go."

Lang Xing didn't have to argue with Mo Hui, but now that Bai Xiang was by his side, how could he be embarrassed in front of his disciples? Then he choked back and said, "Then you give it a try. Let's see who of us can do it." die."

Mo Hui's eyes revealed a cold light and he said, "Don't you just rely on the fact that you have a few senior brothers and sisters who have transformed into feathers? If you have the ability, try touching me and see if I dare to kill you!"

Langxing said with his half-truth and half-serious attitude, "Yes, who let your senior brothers and sisters fail to live up to expectations? Even your master doesn't live up to expectations. He wanted to harm my seventh senior brother, but in the end he let my seventh senior brother kill you." The Wuzhen Sect is making a big fuss, do you know what happened to your master?"

Mo Hui could see that he was trying to anger him in turn, and he couldn't take advantage of this. If he really hit this kid first, he would be in serious trouble, so he suppressed his anger and changed his fighting attitude and said, "You know you What happened to the Seventh Senior Brother? It is said that his death was quite miserable. He was tortured by the Yuan Yi tribe before his death. Do you think this is retribution? I think your current arrogance is very similar to his. Don’t end up with the same ending.”

I don’t know if these words brought back the memory of his previous life. Lang Xing’s mood fluctuated inexplicably. He said with a sinking face, “My seventh senior brother died in a majestic manner. The entire Yuanyi Prefecture cultivator was buried with him. What a shame.” Ai Rong can't find anyone else in the past and present. Who do you think you are, with your ability, you can make irresponsible remarks to my seventh senior brother? I think you are someone who deserves retribution."

Wuxia saw Langxing getting angry, and couldn't help but twitched his heart and said, "You two are immortal kings. You must know how to restrain yourself. If the quarrel gets bigger, it won't be your fault. If Zixiao Palace and Wuzhen Sect reignite the war, you two will Nothing good will come of it.”

Mo Hui ignored Wu Xing's advice, and Lang Xing couldn't hold back his anger. He wanted to pursue the victory, so he laughed and said, "

Hahaha... The two continents joined forces to eradicate Yuanyizhou Xiujie. It was just out of their own calculations. Do you really think it was just to take revenge for the information? This is something that everyone knows very well, so you people in Zixiao Palace insist on counting it as a mourning honor. I don’t think I will suffer any retribution. You’d better pay more attention to yourself. After all, those senior brothers of yours Senior sister doesn't have time to guard you all day long, and if God wants to deal with you, no one can protect you. Anyway, I think you are quite similar to your seventh senior brother, both of whom are short-lived. "

Seeing his arrogance, Lang Xing couldn't hold back his anger. At this time, Bai Xiang pointed at Mo Hui angrily and scolded, "You are talking nonsense! You are the one with a short life!"

Langxing pulled Bai Xiang behind him, turned to Wuxia and said, "Please help me take care of Xiang'er."

Seeing that he was really going to fight Mo Hui, Wu Xia couldn't help but said anxiously, "Lang Xing, don't be impulsive. He just wants to force you to fight. Don't be fooled!"

Seeing Wu Xia protecting Lang Xing like this, Mo Hui sneered with jealousy, "Does he have the guts to do something to me? Are you going to the Zixiao Palace for such a little brat? Wuji was probably killed by the Little Demon Lord Killed, do you want to betray the master?"

Wuxia glared at Mo Hui and said, "Don't be ignorant of life and death! Wuji's life or death is uncertain. You framed the little devil like this, aren't you afraid that he will kill you!"

"Hmph." Mo Hui rolled his eyes and snorted. Although he showed a proud and fearless attitude, he did not dare to say anything harsh. Even though he hated the little devil, he really didn't have the guts to say anything disrespectful to the little devil. if.

Langxing flew down from the back of Deyi Diao, put his left hand behind his back and pinched a magic formula with his right hand, pointed at Wuji, and said calmly, "Don't you just want to squeeze me into making the first move? Looking at your potential, then I will let you See what an Immortal Lord should be like. I don’t need to make excuses for anyone I want to teach you. Are you ready to be beaten? "

Mo Hui was really angry and laughed, and said to Wu Xia who was standing in the middle, "Get out of the way, I promise not to beat him to death. If you continue to protect him, you will be an enemy of our Wuzhen Sect."

Wu Xia was not afraid of his intimidation and said mercilessly, "It's okay to scare others with these words. Are you the leader of Wuzhen Sect? You are really spoiled to the point of being spoiled. I am doing this for your own good!" "

Being scolded by Wu Xian like this, Mo Hui couldn't help but said in a cold voice, "I don't see what you have to do for me. Get out of the way. You can't control this matter today, otherwise I will go to your Yin Yang Palace to let Shang Ji Uncle Shi’s comment.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lang Xing flew up and gave him a sharp slap in the face, and cursed, "You don't know how to live or die. If you don't give me face, you won't bring shame on yourself. Now I know that she is doing it for you." are you ready!"

This slap not only stunned Mo Hui, but also Wu Xia. She noticed that Lang Xing's hand holding the spell quickly moved and then made a seal, but she did not see Lang Xing clearly. What magic trick was used in the end? Although she knew that Lang Xing must have some hidden skills, she didn't believe it if he said that he could subdue Mo Hui in one move, but this crisp slap showed that Mo Hui has already said something.

"Stop hitting him!" Wu Xia, who had regained consciousness, hurriedly grabbed Lang Xing, but she knew it was too late. This slap was too humiliating to Mo Hui, and he would never let Lang Xing go in his life. The feud between these two people has been settled. Now I just ask Langxing not to kill Mo Hui. Otherwise, she will not be able to explain to her master and Wu Zhenzong. Wuxia heard someone say a few days ago that the little fairy from Zixiao Palace went north on the virtue of the eagle, so she came here to wait. She was very lucky. She caught up with Langxing and came back as soon as she arrived here. , but Mo Hui also came over at this time.

"You don't need to pay attention to him." Wu Xia flew closer and sent a message to Lang Xing with an annoyed expression.

Lang Xing looked at Mo Hui, who was following closely, and said to Wu Xia, "Then let's talk later. I happen to be in a hurry and have to rush back to Zixiao Palace as soon as possible."

Mo Hui said to Wu Xia lukewarmly, "It's so pitiful that I came all the way to wait, but I'm not interested in wasting time on you."

Wuxia glared at Mo Hui angrily and said, "I do! Do you care?"

Lang Xing couldn't bear to embarrass Wu Xia so much, so he could only smile and say to Wu Xia, "Sixth Senior Sister, if you have some free time, could you please give me a ride? Let's talk while walking."

Before he had time to respond, Mo Hui said with a look of disdain, "That's right. It's too easy to lose one's life with such little cultivation. The Sixth Senior Sister is really friendly when she calls her. In order to save her life, she didn't even give up the face of Zixiao Palace." Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

Lang Xing put on a sarcastic smile and choked back, "Kill me? Do you dare? Are you worthy?"

"A dog relies on human power!" Mo Hui cursed disdainfully, then put his hands behind his back and said proudly, "I can kill you without even moving a finger." .??.

Wu Xia was afraid that Lang Xing would be angered, so he stood between the two of them and said, "Lang Xing, don't pay attention to him, let's go."

Lang Xing didn't have to argue with Mo Hui, but now that Bai Xiang was by his side, how could he be embarrassed in front of his disciples? Then he choked back and said, "Then you give it a try. Let's see who of us can do it." die."

Mo Hui's eyes revealed a cold light and he said, "Don't you just rely on the fact that you have a few senior brothers and sisters who have transformed into feathers? If you have the ability, try touching me and see if I dare to kill you!"

Langxing said with his half-truth and half-serious attitude, "Yes, who let your senior brothers and sisters fail to live up to expectations? Even your master doesn't live up to expectations. He wanted to harm my seventh senior brother, but in the end he let my seventh senior brother kill you." The Wuzhen Sect is making a big fuss, do you know what happened to your master?"

Mo Hui could see that he was trying to anger him in turn, and he couldn't take advantage of this. If he really hit this kid first, he would be in serious trouble, so he suppressed his anger and changed his fighting attitude and said, "You know you What happened to the Seventh Senior Brother? It is said that his death was quite miserable. He was tortured by the Yuan Yi tribe before he died. Do you think this is retribution? I think your current arrogance is very similar to his. Don’t end up with the same ending.”

I don’t know if these words brought back the memory of his previous life. Lang Xing’s mood fluctuated inexplicably. He said with a sinking face, “My seventh senior brother died in a majestic manner. The entire Yuanyi Prefecture cultivator was buried with him. What a shame.” Ai Rong can't find anyone else in the past and present. Who do you think you are, with your ability, you can make irresponsible remarks to my seventh senior brother? I think you are someone who deserves retribution."

Seeing Lang Xing getting angry, Wu Xia couldn't help but twitched his heart and said, "You two are both Immortal Lords. You must know how to exercise restraint. If things get too big, it won't be your fault. If Zixiao Palace and Wuzhen Sect reignite the war, you two will Nothing good will come of it.”

Mo Hui ignored Wu Xia's advice, and Lang Xing couldn't hold back his anger. He wanted to pursue the victory, so he laughed and said, "

Hahaha... The two continents joined forces to eradicate Yuanyizhou Xiujie. It was just out of their own calculations. Do you really think it was just to take revenge for the information? This is something that everyone knows very well, so you people in Zixiao Palace insist on counting it as a mourning honor. I don’t think I will suffer any retribution. You’d better pay more attention to yourself. After all, those senior brothers of yours Senior sister doesn't have time to guard you all day long, and if God wants to deal with you, no one can protect you. Anyway, I think you are quite similar to your seventh senior brother, both of whom are short-lived. "

Seeing his arrogance, Lang Xing couldn't hold back his anger. At this time, Bai Xiang pointed at Mo Hui angrily and scolded, "You are talking nonsense! You are the one with a short life!"

Langxing pulled Bai Xiang behind him, turned to Wuxia and said, "Please help me take care of Xiang'er."

Seeing that he was really going to fight Mo Hui, Wu Xia couldn't help but said anxiously, "Lang Xing, don't be impulsive. He just wants to force you to fight. Don't fall for his trick!"

Seeing Wu Xia protecting Lang Xing like this, Mo Hui sneered with jealousy, "Does he have the guts to do something to me? Are you going to the Zixiao Palace for such a little brat? Wuji was probably killed by the Little Demon Lord. Killed, are you trying to betray the master?"

Wuxia glared at Mo Hui and said, "Don't be ignorant of life and death! Wuji's life or death is uncertain. You framed the little devil like this, aren't you afraid that he will kill you!"

"Hmph." Mo Hui rolled his eyes and snorted. Although he showed a proud and fearless attitude, he did not dare to say anything harsh. Even though he hated the little devil, he really didn't have the guts to say anything disrespectful to the little devil. if.

Langxing flew down from the back of Deyi Diao, put his left hand behind his back and pinched a magic formula with his right hand, pointed at Wuji, and said calmly, "Don't you just want to squeeze me into making the first move? Looking at your potential, then I will let you See what an Immortal Lord should be like. I don’t need to make excuses for anyone I want to teach you. Are you ready to be beaten? "

Mo Hui was really angry and laughed, and said to Wu Xia who was standing in the middle, "Get out of the way, I promise not to beat him to death. If you continue to protect him, you will be an enemy of our Wuzhen Sect."

Wu Xia was not afraid of his intimidation and said mercilessly, "It's okay to scare others with these words. Are you the leader of Wuzhen Sect? You are really spoiled to the point of being spoiled. I am doing this for your own good!" "

Being scolded by Wu Xian like this, Mo Hui couldn't help but said in a cold voice, "I don't see what you have to do for me. Get out of the way. You can't control this matter today, otherwise I will go to your Yin Yang Palace to let Shang Ji Uncle Shi’s comment.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lang Xing flew up and gave him a crisp slap in the face, and cursed, "You don't know how to live or die. If I give you face, you don't want it. You have to bring shame on yourself. Now I know that she is doing it for you." are you ready!"

This slap not only stunned Mo Hui, but also Wu Xia. She noticed that Lang Xing's hand holding the spell quickly moved and then made a seal, but she did not see Lang Xing clearly. What magic trick was used in the end? Although she knew that Lang Xing must have some hidden skills, she didn't believe it if he said that he could subdue Mo Hui in one move, but this crisp slap showed that Mo Hui has already said something.

"Stop hitting him!" Wu Xia, who had regained consciousness, hurriedly grabbed Lang Xing, but she knew it was too late. This slap was too humiliating to Mo Hui, and he would never let Lang Xing go in his life. The feud between these two people has been settled. Now I just ask Langxing not to kill Mo Hui. Otherwise, she will not be able to explain to her master and Wu Zhenzong.

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