Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2053 This is the ‘Five Spirit Robe’

Zhixia pinched Langxing's silly face with her hands. She really didn't know how to love and appreciate this little junior brother. In the past life and this life, Xinqing and Langxing helped her climb all the way and made her a cultivator. The late Nascent Soul monk who faced difficulties on the road has turned into the Feather Fairy Concubine who is now full of confidence in becoming an immortal. How can this kind of kindness be expressed in words?

"Can Senior Sister also look down on this fairy treasure?" Lang Xing asked, tilting his head.

Zhixia replied with a smile, "Senior sister is different from me. She is somewhat similar to you. She is born with a mentality of neither fighting nor greed."

"I think so." Lang Xing was completely relieved. While the second senior sister was happy, he took out Mo Hui's Taoist robe, told Mo Hui what he had to teach him, and then said with a smile, "In front of Xiang'er. , He is so arrogant with me, I will really lose face if I don’t teach him a lesson, Second Senior Sister, I don’t want to cause trouble to Zixiao Palace, and I don’t want his robe. How do you think we should deal with the aftermath?” He said. A Taoist robe was pushed in front of Zhixia.

Zhixia picked up the Taoist robe and looked at it, and said, "This is the 'Five Spirit Robe'. It was made by the Immortal Concubine Yuluo who has become immortal. Although it is not the best made by Yuluo, it is still very rare. It is considered to be on the list." It’s the best thing, keep it and use it.”

Lang Xing asked guiltily, "Where is Wuzhen Sect..."

Zhixia smiled very fondly and said, "It doesn't matter, you have done a good job. If it were Xinxie, I would have killed him long ago. If it were Xinqing, I would have snatched his Qiankun bag together. It's nothing for you to snatch a Taoist robe." It's a big deal. The Wuzhen Sect has fallen to this point and can no longer stir up any trouble. This Mo Hui looks like a talented person, but based on his actions, he is an arrogant and stupid idiot. In the Wuzhen Sect, he may be a piece of beauty, but compared with his colleagues Compared with Xinqing, who is a closed disciple, he is just a stubborn stone, so you should not care too much about him, he is really not worthy of letting you dirty his hands."

"Hey, Second Senior Sister, are you doting on me too much?" Lang Xing himself felt that Second Senior Sister's pampering was a bit too much.

Zhixia Ren smiled and said, "Because you did really well, especially with your sixth and seventh senior brothers as comparisons, you look even better."

Lang Xing laughed loudly, put away Mo Hui's Taoist robe, and asked, "Are Sister Yuehong and Sister Shao Ling still in retreat?"

Zhixia nodded and said, "How did you get Yuehong to go into seclusion? She hasn't gone into seclusion since your seventh senior brother left."

"Well...this is a secret between the two of us. We can't tell anyone."

Zhixia poked his finger on the forehead and didn't ask any more questions. Ever since she learned about the secret of reincarnation, she also understood why Xinqing was so deeply attached to this sister she picked up from the Seven Wildernesses. Their fate was not over yet. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Langxing takes great care of Yuehong. If he rushes to explore the secret between the two, it may be self-defeating.

Langxing stood up and said, "I'm going to see Xiang'er. You can go and ask the senior sister when she can leave." After saying that, he walked out.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhixia's mouth, and she sat there quietly with her consciousness secretly staring at the little junior brother who was trying to play tricks on her.

Sure enough, after chatting with Bai Xiang and Ping'er for a while, Langxing flew towards Fenglin Island and disappeared halfway through the flight.

Zhixia snorted softly. Although he could see clearly that Langxing was standing there, this kid had opened up his body-protecting divine light. If he tried to use his spiritual sense to see what he was doing, he would definitely notice it.

What Langxing was eager to see was whether there was any writing on the Yeju map. He was quite anxious these days because he didn't respond to Su Wan's words last time. He expected that Su Wan must be suspicious. I hope that the senior sister and the second senior sister would God has never rolled up this picture, then this

This change may make Amelia Su react.

As a result, Langxing was disappointed. He looked at the Yeju picture for a long time and didn't see any changes, so he had to put the Yeju picture away. After wandering around absentmindedly, Langxing went to Zhengheng Island outside the sea to visit his senior brother Xinde. Xinde lived up to his preamble and prepared a lot of things for Bai Xiang, including everything for use and play, all of which are valuable. of exquisite products.

Lang Xing thanked his elder brother on behalf of Bai Xiang and left him a few rare spiritual herbs from Nanjingzhou. Xin De wanted to ask what he had been busy with recently, but Lang Xing answered the question with a cheerful sentence.

Returning to Guanhe Island, Bai Xiang and Ping'er are watching the little Qing Ling swimming in the air. Bai Xiang's face is full of obsession. The grown up little Qing Ling is indeed beautiful. It flies like a stretched cloud, elegant. , psychedelic.

"Come on, sit on it and let it take you around." Langxing picked up Bai Xiang and flew towards Xiao Qingling.

Ping'er worriedly caught up and said, "No! Xiao Qingling has a very strong temper!"

Langxing turned around and winked at Ping'er, "It's okay, I'm very familiar with Xiao Qingling."

"You..." Ping'er wanted to dissuade her, but was surprised to find that Xiao Qingling flew in front of the two of them obediently, letting Bai Xiang sit on it.

"How's it going?" Langxing proudly showed off to Ping'er.

"Hey! He'll fall down!" Ping'er couldn't help but panicked and exclaimed when she saw Langxing actually waved his hand and let Xiao Qingling fly away with Bai Xiang.

"It's okay, let's practice her courage." Langxing grabbed Ping'er who was about to catch up, and then led her to follow Xiao Qingling leisurely.

Bai Xiang didn't show the slightest fear, she laughed happily with excitement on her face. Not only had she ridden on the ferocious Deyi Eagle, but she also played with the little Bingfeng for a long time. She still had the courage to do so. of.

Ping'er took a secret look at Lang Xing, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The appearance of Lang Xing when she first entered Zixiao Palace seemed to be right in front of her eyes, but in the past few hundred years, this little master seemed to have changed every time he came back. As a person, he already has the demeanor of a calm and calm immortal king. Although he has broken through once, it is reasonable to say that he has made rapid enough progress, but he is far behind compared with others.

At this time, the sky was suddenly illuminated by colorful rays of light. Xiao Qingling screamed alertly and soared into the sky. Langxing hurriedly caught Bai Xiang who was thrown down. Bai Xiang did not panic and looked at the radiant place in the distance. Place asks “What is glowing?”

Lang Xing said, "That's your uncle's Baihua Island over there. The uncle is refining the array. I'll go take a look." After that, he handed Bai Xiang to Ping'er.

Before he could fly to Baihua Island, the colorful light in the sky dissipated. Second Senior Sister flew out from Baihua Island and said to him, "The array is ready. Let Senior Sister rest for a while and then we can set off."

Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief, looked in the direction of Baihua Island and said with some embarrassment, "I have burdened Senior Sister, I have to thank Senior Sister properly."

Zhixia snorted lightly and said, "Refining the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon is much more laborious than this, so why don't you just give it away."

These words reminded Lang Xing of what happened before, and he asked guiltily, "Have you visited those two people?"

Zhixia nodded and said, "I've gone to see it. The arrangement of Wuji's magic circle is quite good. I don't have much to do. Those two women do not look like cunning people, but they are not smart either." The character is not worth that Earth Fire Spirit Dragon."

Lang Xing blushed and said, "I'll use another spirit treasure to exchange the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon back, so don't mention it all the time." Zhi Xia pinched Lang Xing's face with a silly smile. She really I don’t know how to love and appreciate this little junior brother. In the past life and this life, Xinqing and Langxing have helped her climb all the way, turning her from a late Nascent Soul monk who was in trouble on the path of cultivation to now full of hope for becoming an immortal. Confident Concubine Huayu, how can this kindness be expressed in words?

"Can Senior Sister also look down on this fairy treasure?" Lang Xing asked, tilting his head.

Zhixia replied with a smile, "Senior sister is different from me. She is somewhat similar to you. She is born with a mentality of neither fighting nor greed."

"I think so." Lang Xing was completely relieved. While the second senior sister was happy, he took out Mo Hui's Taoist robe, told Mo Hui what he had to teach him, and then said with a smile, "In front of Xiang'er. , He is so arrogant with me, I will really lose face if I don’t teach him a lesson, Second Senior Sister, I don’t want to cause trouble to Zixiao Palace, and I don’t want his robe. How do you think we should deal with the aftermath?” He said. A Taoist robe was pushed in front of Zhixia.

Zhixia picked up the Taoist robe and looked at it, and said, "This is the 'Five Spirit Robe'. It was made by the Immortal Concubine Yuluo who has become immortal. Although it is not the best made by Yuluo, it is still very rare. It is considered to be on the list." It’s the best thing, keep it and use it.”

Lang Xing asked guiltily, "Where is Wuzhen Sect..." .??.

Zhixia smiled very fondly and said, "It doesn't matter, you have done a good job. If it were Xinxie, I would have killed him long ago. If it were Xinqing, I would have snatched his Qiankun bag together. It's nothing for you to snatch a Taoist robe." It's a big deal. The Wuzhen Sect has fallen to this point and can no longer stir up any trouble. This Mo Hui looks like a talented person, but based on his actions, he is an arrogant and stupid idiot. In the Wuzhen Sect, he may be a piece of beauty, but compared with his colleagues Compared with Xinqing, who is a closed disciple, he is just a stubborn stone, so you should not care too much about him, he is really not worthy of letting you dirty his hands."

"Hey, Second Senior Sister, are you doting on me too much?" Lang Xing himself felt that Second Senior Sister's pampering was a bit too much.

Zhixia Ren smiled and said, "Because you did really well, especially with your sixth and seventh senior brothers as comparisons, you look even better."

Lang Xing laughed loudly, put away Mo Hui's Taoist robe, and asked, "Are Sister Yuehong and Sister Shao Ling still in retreat?"

Zhixia nodded and said, "How did you get Yuehong to go into seclusion? She hasn't gone into seclusion since your seventh senior brother left."

"Well...this is a secret between the two of us. We can't tell anyone."

Zhixia poked his finger on the forehead and didn't ask any more questions. Ever since she learned about the secret of reincarnation, she also understood why Xinqing was so deeply attached to this sister she picked up from the Seven Wildernesses. Their fate was not over yet. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Langxing takes great care of Yuehong. If he rushes to explore the secret between the two, it may be self-defeating.

Langxing stood up and said, "I'm going to see Xiang'er. You can go and ask the senior sister when she can leave." After saying that, he walked out.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhixia's mouth, and she sat there quietly with her consciousness secretly staring at the little junior brother who was trying to play tricks on her.

Sure enough, after chatting with Bai Xiang and Ping'er for a while, Langxing flew towards Maple Forest Island and disappeared halfway through the flight.

Zhixia snorted softly. Although he could see clearly that Langxing was standing there, this kid had opened up his body-protecting divine light. If he tried to use his spiritual sense to see what he was doing, he would definitely notice it.

What Langxing was eager to see was whether there was any writing on the Yeju map. He was quite anxious these days because he didn't respond to Su Wan Ning's words last time. He expected that Su Wan must be suspicious. I hope that the senior sister and the second senior sister would God has never rolled up this picture, then this

This change may make Amelia Su react.

As a result, Langxing was disappointed. He looked at the Yeju picture for a long time and didn't see any changes, so he had to put the Yeju picture away. After wandering around absentmindedly, Langxing went to Zhengheng Island outside the sea to visit his senior brother Xinde. Xinde lived up to his preamble and prepared a lot of things for Bai Xiang, including everything for use and play, all of which are valuable. of exquisite products.

Lang Xing thanked his elder brother on behalf of Bai Xiang and left him a few rare spiritual herbs from Nanjingzhou. Xin De wanted to ask what he had been busy with recently, but Lang Xing answered the question with a cheerful sentence.

Returning to Guanhe Island, Bai Xiang and Ping'er were watching the little Qing Ling swimming in the air. Bai Xiang's face was filled with an expression of obsession. The grown up little Qing Ling was indeed beautiful, flying like a stretched cloud, elegant. , psychedelic.

"Come on, sit on it and let it take you around." Langxing picked up Bai Xiang and flew towards Xiao Qingling.

Ping'er worriedly caught up and said, "No! Xiao Qingling has a very strong temper!"

Langxing turned around and winked at Ping'er, "It's okay, I'm very familiar with Xiao Qingling."

"You..." Ping'er wanted to dissuade her, but was surprised to find that Xiao Qingling flew in front of the two of them obediently, letting Bai Xiang sit on it.

"How's it going?" Langxing proudly showed off to Ping'er.

"Hey! He'll fall down!" Ping'er couldn't help but panicked and exclaimed when she saw Langxing actually waved his hand and let Xiao Qingling fly away with Bai Xiang.

"It's okay, let's practice her courage." Langxing grabbed Ping'er who was about to catch up, and then led her to follow Xiao Qingling leisurely.

Bai Xiang didn't show any fear at all, she burst into cheerful laughter with an excited look on her face. Not only had she ridden on the ferocious Deyi Eagle, but she also played with Little Bingfeng for a long time. She still had the courage to do so. of.

Ping'er took a secret look at Lang Xing, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The appearance of Lang Xing when she first entered Zixiao Palace seemed to be right in front of her eyes, but in the past few hundred years, this little master seemed to have changed every time he came back. As a person, he already has the demeanor of a calm and calm immortal king. Although he has broken through once, it is reasonable to say that he has made rapid enough progress, but he is far behind compared with others.

At this time, the sky was suddenly illuminated by colorful rays of light. Xiao Qingling screamed alertly and soared into the sky. Langxing hurriedly caught Bai Xiang who was thrown down. Bai Xiang did not panic and looked at the radiant place in the distance. Place asks “What is glowing?”

Lang Xing said, "That's your uncle's Baihua Island over there. The uncle is refining the array. I'll go take a look." After that, he handed Bai Xiang to Ping'er.

Before he could fly to Baihua Island, the colorful light in the sky dissipated. Second Senior Sister flew out from Baihua Island and said to him, "The array is ready. Let Senior Sister rest for a while and then we can set off."

Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief, looked in the direction of Baihua Island and said with some embarrassment, "I have burdened Senior Sister, I have to thank Senior Sister properly."

Zhixia snorted lightly and said, "Refining the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon is much more laborious than this, so why don't you just give it away."

These words reminded Lang Xing of what happened before, and he asked guiltily, "Have you visited those two people?"

Zhixia nodded and said, "I've gone to see it. The arrangement of Wuji's magic circle is quite good. I don't have much to do. Those two women do not look like cunning people, but they are not smart either." The character is not worth that Earth Fire Spirit Dragon."

Lang Xing blushed and said, "I will exchange the Earth Fire Spirit Dragon back with another spirit treasure later, so don't keep mentioning it."

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