Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2054 It’s time for you to be more promising

In the afternoon of the same day, the Four Immortals came to Zixiao Palace. This was an arrangement made by Zhixia in advance, asking him to help Xinde protect Zixiao Palace. After Faith arrived, Zhixia and Xiaochun set off with Langxing and Baixiang. .

Zhixia took Langxing and Baixiang, Xiaochun took Linghe, and it took less than a day to arrive at the Xuanfang Sect. After putting down these three burdens, the two fairy concubines went to the training place to arrange the magic. The formation was already in place, and they had already told Lang Xing in advance the secrets to entering and exiting the formation.

After seeing off the two fairy concubines, Bai Xiang couldn't help blinking as she looked at the familiar mountains and rivers around her. It took more than ten days to fly on a spiritual crane, but it was completed so quickly. This was the first time she truly felt Due to the magical power of Huayu, Linghe turned his head and looked around in a daze, but his intelligence was not enough for him to understand this, and he returned to normal after looking at it for a while.

"Let's go, the Xuanfang sect is ahead." Langxing pulled Bai Xiang, who was in a daze, onto Linghe's back. .??.

Bai Xiang frowned and said, "When we were in Zixiao Palace just now, the second uncle showed me a piece of purple cloud and said that it was the treasure of Zixiao Palace and the third fairy treasure I saw. Are those two items in front really also fairy treasures?"

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said, "Did she really show it to you? That's Zixiao. The name of Zixiao Palace comes from it. I haven't seen it yet."

"So is it a fairy treasure? I feel that it is very powerful. Looking at it, I feel that I am completely controlled by it."

"It should be an immortal treasure. It is said that in the ancient war between the human race and the Shou Xiu cultivator, our ancestors from Zixiao Palace relied on it to kill the digitally transformed demon cultivator and took credit for the battle that turned the tide of the war. It is so great that the saying "Longevity urges the clouds to come, thousands of immortals subdue the sky" has been passed down, which makes the disciples of Zixiao Palace very proud."

"Then...the...those two items in front..." Bai Xiang's eyes darted back and forth over the master's body, wishing he could take those two treasures over again and take a look.

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing urged Linghe to go towards Xuanfang Sect. It was really fun to make fun of his disciples.

"Master!" Bai Xiang acted coquettishly.

At this time, Jiangxiao flew over with a frowning Shuyan. Langxing handed Baixiang to Jiangxiao and asked her to inform Xiyang and Huangying that they could leave for a new training place now.

After Jiang Xiao took Bai Xiang away, Lang Xing calmly said to Shu Yan, "I let him go. He really couldn't sit still. Don't blame me for this, and don't go to him. He doesn't want to take you into danger." , I don’t want you to go either.”

Shu Yan asked dissatisfiedly, "You just think about him, what should I do? Can I sit still if I worry about him like this?"

Lang Xing continued to look at her with calm eyes and said, "If you follow him, he won't be able to practice as he wants. He has wronged himself a lot because of the two of us. You can't let him live for the two of us all his life, right? I think It’s time to give him a chance to relax, don’t you think so?”

Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing, her angry eyes gradually softened, and finally lowered her head, with red eyes and said, "But his temperament is too easy to cause disaster. It is precisely because of this that I can't rest assured. He is going to What should I do if I really can’t come back?”

Langxing smiled bitterly and said, "I know that if something happens to him, you will have to blame me for the rest of my life, and I will be sad for the rest of my life, but he can't sit still anymore, no matter how hard he tries,

There will be no good results if he goes down, and I have no choice but to let him go. This can only be said that everyone has their own way to go. You were also worried about me a lot when I was running around. But God forces me to run away. There are some things that we are powerless to do. What Lu Gang needs is not a comfortable cultivation environment. Only after he has struggled and experienced can he settle down. "

"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing helplessly, with tears in her eyes.

Lang Xing forced a happy face and said, "It's okay. Didn't I come here too? He has enough power to protect himself now. I gave him several escape treasures. Don't worry too much about him."

"He seems to have gone to the master's side. The fighting there is still very fierce..." Tears overflowed from the corners of Shu Yan's eyes.

"I guessed that he would go that way." After Lang Xing pondered for a while, his eyes became firm and he said, "He is not a brainless person, and he will know how to control it. What I mean is still not to interfere with him, otherwise he will If he won’t give in, this experience will be meaningless, and he will continue to run away soon.”

Shu Yan wiped her tears, looked at Lang Xing with helpless eyes and said, "Since you said so, I'll listen to you first."

Langxing secretly gritted his teeth and said, "Listen to me, he will be fine. It's best not to always use your spiritual eyes to check on him. You have to adapt to such a life, otherwise the two of you can only be tied to each other. It’s a drag.”

Shu Yan shook her head with a bitter expression, tears streaming down her face again.

Lang Xing didn't know how to persuade him. He could understand Shu Yan's mood. This kind of worry could not be resolved by any words. He had worried about Yu Chan, worried about Shen Qing, and now he was worried about Lu Gang and Su Wan. He knew what it was like.

In silence, Jiangxiao, Xiyang, and Huangying came with Bai Xiang.

Langxing asked Shuyan and Baixiang to ride on the spiritual crane. He and Xiyang led the way in front, and Jiangxiao and Huangying stood behind.

Shu Yan held Long Xing's hand before riding on the Linghe, and secretly said, "No matter what, I will not resent you. I know you are sincerely good for him."

Lang Xing forced a smile, but his heart became heavier. Shu Yan's weak character forced him to bear all the responsibilities, but if something happened to Lu Gang, his guilt for Shu Yan would be with him. lifetime.

While walking, Xiyang looked at Lang Xing with a meaningful look and said, "Okay, you are becoming more and more promising, and you can actually grab territory from others."

Langxing pretended to be arrogant and glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and said, "A little unconvinced, aren't you? I am so awesome!" He took out the Green Flame Sword and threw it to Xiyang, "The ban has been lifted, take it and use it."

Xiyang laughed speechlessly. After playing with the green flame sword for a while, he put it away with satisfaction. When he raised his eyes again and looked at the road ahead, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face. This was not because He got a spiritual treasure, but he was happy about his brother's rapid growth.

Lang Xing said "seriously", "Look at how beautiful you are. I am becoming more and more promising. It's time for you to be more promising too."

Jiang Xiao, who was behind, almost laughed out loud and said loudly, "Yes, Lang Xing, you are absolutely right!"

Xiyang became more and more happy, let out a long roar, and turned into a rainbow and galloped forward. In the afternoon of the same day, the Four Immortals came to Zixiao Palace. This was an arrangement made by Zhixia in advance, asking him to help Xinde protect Zixiao Palace. After Faith arrived, Zhixia and Xiaochun set off with Langxing and Baixiang. .

Zhixia took Langxing and Baixiang, Xiaochun took Linghe, and it took less than a day to arrive at the Xuanfang Sect. After putting down these three burdens, the two fairy concubines went to the training place to arrange the magic. The formation was already in place, and they had already told Lang Xing in advance the secrets to entering and exiting the formation.

After seeing off the two fairy concubines, Bai Xiang couldn't help blinking as she looked at the familiar mountains and rivers around her. It took more than ten days to fly on a spiritual crane, but it was completed so quickly. This was the first time she truly felt Due to the magical power of Huayu, Linghe turned his head and looked around in a daze, but his intelligence was not enough for him to understand this. After looking at it for a while, he returned to normal.

"Let's go, the Xuanfang sect is ahead." Langxing pulled Bai Xiang, who was in a daze, onto Linghe's back.

Bai Xiang frowned and said, "When we were in Zixiao Palace just now, the second uncle showed me a piece of purple cloud and said that it was the treasure of Zixiao Palace and the third fairy treasure I saw. Are those two items in front really also fairy treasures?"

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said, "Did she really show it to you? That's Zixiao. The name of Zixiao Palace comes from it. I haven't seen it yet."

"So is it a fairy treasure? I feel that it is very powerful. Looking at it, I feel that I am completely controlled by it."

"It should be an immortal treasure. It is said that in the ancient war between the human race and the Shou Xiu cultivator, our ancestors from Zixiao Palace relied on it to kill the digitally transformed demon cultivator and took credit for the battle that turned the tide of the war. It is so great that the saying "Longevity urges the clouds to come, thousands of immortals subdue the sky" has been passed down, which makes the disciples of Zixiao Palace very proud."

"Then...the...those two items in front..." Bai Xiang's eyes darted back and forth over the master's body, wishing he could take those two treasures over again and take a look.

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing urged Linghe to go towards Xuanfang Sect. It was really fun to make fun of his disciples.

"Master!" Bai Xiang acted coquettishly.

At this time, Jiangxiao flew over with a frowning Shuyan. Langxing handed Baixiang to Jiangxiao and asked her to inform Xiyang and Huangying that they could leave for a new training place now.

After Jiang Xiao took Bai Xiang away, Lang Xing calmly said to Shu Yan, "I let him go. He really couldn't sit still. Don't blame me for this, and don't go to him. He doesn't want to take you into danger." , I don’t want you to go either.”

Shu Yan asked dissatisfiedly, "You just think about him, what should I do? Can I sit still if I worry about him like this?"

Lang Xing continued to look at her with calm eyes and said, "If you follow him, he won't be able to practice as he wants. He has wronged himself a lot because of the two of us. You can't let him live for the two of us all his life, right? I think It’s time to give him a chance to relax, don’t you think so?”

Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing, her angry eyes gradually softened, and finally lowered her head, with red eyes and said, "But his temperament is too easy to cause disaster. It is precisely because of this that I can't rest assured. He is going to What should I do if I really can’t come back?”

Langxing smiled bitterly and said, "I know that if something happens to him, you will have to blame me for the rest of my life, and I will be sad for the rest of my life, but he can't sit still anymore, no matter how hard he tries,

There will be no good results if he goes down, and I have no choice but to let him go. This can only be said that everyone has their own way to go. You were also worried about me a lot when I was running around. But God forces me to run away. There are some things that we are powerless to do. What Lu Gang needs is not a comfortable cultivation environment. Only after he has struggled and experienced can he settle down. "

"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing helplessly, with tears in her eyes.

Lang Xing forced a happy face and said, "It's okay. Didn't I come here too? He has enough power to protect himself now. I gave him several escape treasures. Don't worry too much about him."

"He seems to have gone to the master's side. The fighting there is still very fierce..." Tears overflowed from the corners of Shu Yan's eyes.

"I guessed that he would go that way." After Lang Xing pondered for a while, his eyes became firm and he said, "He is not a brainless person, and he will know how to control it. What I mean is still not to interfere with him, otherwise he will If he doesn’t give in, this experience will be meaningless, and he will continue to run away soon.”

Shu Yan wiped her tears, looked at Lang Xing with helpless eyes and said, "Since you said so, I'll listen to you first."

Langxing secretly gritted his teeth and said, "Listen to me, he will be fine. It's best not to always use your spiritual eyes to check on him. You have to adapt to such a life, otherwise the two of you can only be tied to each other. It’s a drag.”

Shu Yan shook her head with a bitter expression, tears streaming down her face again.

Lang Xing didn't know how to persuade him. He could understand Shu Yan's mood. This kind of worry could not be resolved by any words. He had worried about Yu Chan, worried about Shen Qing, and now he was worried about Lu Gang and Su Wan. He knew what it was like.

In silence, Jiangxiao, Xiyang, and Huangying came with Bai Xiang.

Langxing asked Shuyan and Baixiang to ride on the spiritual crane. He and Xiyang led the way in front, and Jiangxiao and Huangying stood behind.

Shu Yan held Long Xing's hand before riding on the Linghe, and secretly said, "No matter what, I will not resent you. I know you are sincerely good for him."

Lang Xing forced a smile, but his heart became heavier. Shu Yan's weak character forced him to bear all the responsibilities, but if something happened to Lu Gang, his guilt for Shu Yan would be with him. lifetime.

While walking, Xiyang looked at Lang Xing with a meaningful look and said, "Okay, you are becoming more and more promising, and you can actually grab territory from others."

Langxing pretended to be arrogant and glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and said, "A little unconvinced, aren't you? I am so awesome!" He took out the Green Flame Sword and threw it to Xiyang, "The ban has been lifted, take it and use it."

Xiyang laughed speechlessly. After playing with the green flame sword for a while, he put it away with satisfaction. When he raised his eyes again and looked at the road ahead, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face. This was not because He got a spiritual treasure, but he was happy about his brother's rapid growth.

Lang Xing said "seriously", "Look at how beautiful you are, I am becoming more and more promising, and it's time for you to be more promising too."

Jiang Xiao, who was behind, almost laughed out loud and said loudly, "Yes, Lang Xing, you are absolutely right!"

Xiyang became more and more happy, let out a long roar, and turned into a rainbow and galloped forward.

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