Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2056 How many Nascent Soul Stones?

Lang Xing saw Bai Xiang holding the wooden fan like a treasure, and he felt amused and said, "Just keep it if you like it. It really suits you."

Bai Xiang glared at the master with both joy and dissatisfaction.

Lang Xing laughed and said, "I'm not saying that you are an elm-headed person. What I am saying is that the intelligence of this weapon spirit is low and docile. It is suitable for a little bit of fusion and there will be no danger."

Bai Xiang knew that she had misunderstood the master, so she quickly thanked him with a smile, "Thank you, master, and thank you, Uncle Jiang, for the treasure."

Jiangxiao caressed Bai Xiang's cheek lovingly, then turned around to arrange the pile of scattered belongings. She really envied Bai Xiang's blessing. He didn't even have any cultivation, but he had a spiritual treasure first. Looking at the world, there is no one like her, and only her master, who can melt spiritual treasures more easily than eating jelly beans, can pamper his disciples like this.

After a burst of joyful commotion, everyone chose their own place to live. Huang Ying was the first to settle down. Such a good environment made her eager to start practicing. Shu Yan also temporarily put aside her worries about Lu Gang. I meditated and breathed out in the hut I chose.

Jiangxiao was quite busy. After arranging the residence here, she went to Donggua Mountain to build a house for herself. She didn't see anyone outside at all. Not to mention treating herself as the owner of this place, Xiyang just thought of it. She also thought about it. Xun Yi owed her this. Even if Su Wan was here, she would still be at least half a mistress.

Indeed, Langxing was quite happy to see Jiangxiao busy here and there. As long as Jiangxiao was happy, he felt inexplicably happy. This was due to the fate of his previous life. He didn't know it, but Jiangxiao knew it.

Bai Xiang was not able to live in a gorgeous palace, so Lang Xing built two houses for her next to a forest in the plains, because Bai Xiang could not fly yet and it was inconvenient to live in the mountains.

As soon as Bai Xiang was arranged, Xi Yang came over. He said with a somewhat unnatural expression, "Do you want to take Ling Xiang over? She has been following me and Jiang Xiao, and she is too lonely there now." "Otherwise, he is so heart-warming. Because he is afraid that Jiangxiao will be careless, he never shows much care for Lingxiang, but he pretends to be in his heart.

Looking at this poor woman.

"Okay, I'll go back and ask her if she wants to come over." Lang Xing's expression was a little unnatural. Of course he wanted to take good care of Ling Xiang, but after all, the two of them had an ulterior secret. If Ling Xiang It was quite embarrassing to take it.

Xiyang could only stop there when it came to Lingxiang, so he changed the subject and said, "I want to enter the Qiankun Bag again to gain enlightenment. Is it convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience? Wait a minute, Xiang'er, come here." Lang Xing called Bai Xiang and put Xiyang in the Qiankun bag in front of her.

Bai Xiang stood there dumbfounded, holding the wooden fan that he regarded as a treasure.

"Would you like to take a look again?" Langxing smiled and handed the Qiankun bag to her.

"Look! Look!" Bai Xiang hurriedly inserted the wooden fan into his waist. He stretched out his hand and then retracted it. He hurriedly took out a piece of silk handkerchief and wiped his hands vigorously. Then he held the Qiankun with both hands in fear. bag.

The feeling of lightness in his hand made Bai Xiang ask suspiciously, "Why is it so light? Has Uncle Xiyang entered here?"

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, "The Immortal Treasure is naturally extraordinary. Once you have some cultivation, you can go in and have a look."

"Master, what's it like here?" Bai Xiang asked with eyes shining.

"It's pointless to tell you now. Let's go in and see for ourselves later. That's the best way to gain insights."

Bai Xiang swallowed her saliva and looked at her master's sleeves. She wanted to take another look at the scroll that was also an immortal treasure.

"Let's take a good look." Langxing noticed her intention but ignored the problem and wandered to the small courtyard on the cliff of Daiyuan Mountain.

"Master! Uncle Jiang! Uncle Shu!" Bai Xiang held the Immortal Qiankun Bag uneasily.

Although she was in the magic circle, she was still quite nervous holding an immortal treasure, so she had to have someone by her side.

Langxing opened the protective circle in the small courtyard, and then carefully placed the picture of living in the wilderness on the table and unfolded it. Everyone was traveling together these days and had no chance to look at this picture. He was already anxious to get angry. .

This time there was finally a change in the picture. As soon as it was spread out, a line of writing appeared in the garden of the house on the upper left - "How many peaks are there in Blue Stone Mountain?"

This line of characters disappeared shortly after it was condensed. It would be difficult to notice this subtle change unless someone paid special attention to this place.

Blue Stone Mountain is the name given by Lang Xing to Dai Yuan Mountain. Only Lang Xing and Su Wan know this name. Su Wan is obviously using this question to verify whether the person who opened the Yeju Tu is Lang Xing.

There are four peaks in Daiyuan Mountain, large and small, and Lang Xing was busy blocking the light four times in a row.

The writing appeared again, "How many peaks does Daiyuan Mountain have?" ??

Langxing held back his laughter and blocked the light four more times. Su Wan's caution was justified. He smiled out of joy. Su Wan was finally safe and sound, and he could rest assured.

"How many Nascent Soul Stones did you give me?"

When he saw this line of words, Lang Xing couldn't laugh or cry. How could he remember clearly? Nowadays, when he gives others spiritual stones, he grabs them by the handful. Even if he remembers, there are thousands of them. He can't cover a few of them. Thousands of rays, right? So he could only wave his palms randomly above the scroll a dozen times.

When I stopped, I saw the word "wrong".

Lang Xing laughed and cursed, "You want to tease me, right? You're waiting for me!"

The word "wrong" flashed slowly, getting lighter every time it flashed.

Lang Xing helplessly hung his hand above the scroll and shook it desperately. With his extraordinary skills, he shook it thousands of times in a moment.

Look again, the word "wrong" becomes "

not enough".

"Okay! I got it for you!" Lang Xing waved his hand fiercely again. He estimated that it was almost the same, but the handwriting changed to, "No, there are too many."

Lang Xing rubbed his wrist and laughed silently.

The writing appeared again on the open space outside the house, "Are you alone?"

Lang Xing hurriedly blocked the light and answered.

"Show it to your second senior sister?"

Langxing chewed his teeth and couldn't explain it, so he had to block the light again.

"Then you will be punished correctly for not keeping your promise."

Langxing blocked the light twice aggrievedly, saying that it was not because he broke his promise.

"Did your second senior sister promise to give me this fairy treasure?"

Lang Xing waved his palm neatly, at least he was worthy of Su Wan in this matter.

"Where? Zixiao Palace?"

Lang Xing waved his palms twice to give a negative answer, with a smirk on his lips as he waited for her to continue guessing. He might be in too many places, he might be at Shen Qing's place, he might be in the Xuanfang Sect, he might be on the road. , maybe also in Daiyuan Mountain.

"Is Huang Ying with you?"

Lang Xing waved his hand in a bored manner, which made things easier, as he could understand everything in one sentence.

"Is it in Daiyuan Mountain?" Su Wan asked in order to confirm.

Langxing waved his hand honestly. Su Wan could tease him, but he couldn't make a joke. It was really depressing.

"Practice well and stop running around before I go out."

"You've already spoken and it doesn't count."

After reading these two lines of words that appeared one after another, Lang Xing could only wave his hand again to express his agreement, and he could not express his grievances.

"I'm fine. It's time to go to enlightenment. See you in a year."

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