Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2057: Trapped in a cocoon

Langxing reluctantly put the Wild Residence Picture away. He understood Su Wan's eagerness to comprehend it. Su Wan must have spent these days in uneasiness. Naturally, she was eager to make up for the wasted time.

Su Wan became more at ease, and so did Lang Xing. When he went back to see Bai Xiang, Bai Xiang was sitting in front of several cases, still looking at the Qiankun bag, while Jiang Xiao, who was called over, leaned against the door and stared. Wangtian seemed to be thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Langxing asked Jiangxiao with a smile.

Jiangxiao shook her head and said, "I don't think so. Did you lie to me again?" She turned around and glanced at the Qiankun bag on the case, "Xiyang just told me that he wanted to go in and meditate. I was busy building a house. I didn’t think much about it, Amelia Su wasn’t in there, was she?”

Lang Xing smiled sheepishly and said, "She is indeed not in there. She is in retreat elsewhere. This is a bit troublesome to explain. I will tell you later."

"You are hiding more and more things from me now." Jiangxiao glanced at Langxing with some dissatisfaction.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I really don't hide many things from you. I feel aggrieved when you say that."

Jiang Xiao stretched out his finger to poke at Lang Xing's heart and said, "You have to have some conscience and don't always value sex over friends."

Lang Xing pursed his lips in embarrassment toward the room, and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Xiang'er, listen, you are talking nonsense, why do I value sex over friends?"

Jiangxiao couldn't expose his past life, so he rolled his eyes and flew back to the yard he had just built in Donggua Mountain. Halfway through, he heard a spiritual message saying, "I'm going into seclusion, no one can bother me!"

This angry divine thought made Lang Xing grin, and then he laughed. He felt that Jiangxiao's evil fire was aimed at Su Wan. In fact, he was only half right. Jiangxiao just looked at the sky. I was in a daze thinking about Gongsun Chong. Three of the original four people had gathered together, and there was a place for cultivation, but Gongsun Chong was missing.

In her world, Xiyang is the reliable mountains and rivers, Xunyi is the blue sky and white clouds that make her feel happy, and the doormat Gongsun Chong is the calf, pony, and rabbit living in this world. Without Gongsun Chong, this world There was a lot less fun in Piantiandi, so she felt a little melancholy and was more eager to get Gongsun Chong back than before.

"Master." Bai Xiang held the Qiankun bag in front of the master, with a smile in her eyes. She had heard all the words that Uncle Jiang scolded the master.

"Go and practice quickly, go and practice." Lang Xing felt embarrassed and waved to Bai Xiang.

Bai Xiang originally wanted to ask about the Qiankun Bag, but when she saw this, she quickly ran to another hut to practice.

Having your own home means you can live a peaceful life.

Shu Yan went into seclusion, Jiangxiao went into seclusion, and Xiyang also went into seclusion after coming out of the Qiankun Bag.

Bai Xiang is also very worry-free. Lang Xing can occasionally go over and give some guidance. In order to prevent everyone from seeing the weird skills that Bai Xiang practices, Lang Xing uses the prohibition techniques he has figured out to set up a building with a radius of fifty miles for Bai Xiang. The isolation circle, such a large area is enough for her to toss around for a few days.

Lang Xing studied the art of restraint leisurely, and the pile of secrets he brought from Zixiao Palace was enough for him to ponder for a few days.

Huang Ying practices diligently every day, and will come to chat with Lang Xing every few days to deepen their relationship. Although she trusts Lang Xing very much, she is not too familiar with this shrewd master after all.

Sister is quite good at getting close to people, and Lang Xing is also willing to get close to her, so after a few months, the two of them have become somewhat indifferent to each other. As the relationship deepens, Huang Ying's heart becomes more and more I became more and more at ease, and gradually got into a state of mind where I could retreat, and I also retreated at the beginning of the fifth month.

Langxing guarded this quiet home, and his heart was filled with peace and tranquility. Guarding these people gave him an indescribable sense of joy.

In the seventh month, Shu Yan was released from seclusion. The first thing she did after she woke up was to search for Lu Gang with her spiritual eyes. Although her spiritual eyes were ineffective, she could not find Lu Gang. Almost as soon as she found the right one, when she saw Lu Gang meditating and resting in a dense forest, her hanging heart fell back with a thud. Lu Gang opened his eyes as if he had sensed something, and she hurriedly closed it. With his spiritual eyes clear, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, then got up and went to look for Lang Xing.

When she came to the cliff, she saw that the place was filled with brilliance. She sent a spiritual thought to it in confusion, "Zhui'er, what are you doing?"

Lang Xing's spiritual thoughts immediately came back, "I have been studying the art of restraint recently. I didn't expect to trap myself in it. I can't get out for the time being. Please help me go and see Xiang'er. She is three hundred miles southeast." I haven't seen her in the woods for more than ten days."

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone for help?" Shu Yan was worried and speechless.

"It's okay, it's okay. I can crack it myself. Just help me take care of Xiang'er."

"Really! What should I tell Xiang'er about this?" Shu Yan muttered angrily, and had to go to see Bai Xiang first.

After a while, Shu Yan came back with a frowning Bai Xiang.

"Tell her yourself, she doesn't believe what I say." Shu Yan shouted to the radiant place.

Lang Xing's voice soon came from inside, "Xian'er, I'm studying the best forbidden techniques. You can go back to practice with peace of mind. I'm fine."

"Oh..." After hearing Master's voice, Bai Xiang's brows relaxed a little. After rolling her eyes, she agreed, "Okay, then I'll go back to practice." After saying that, she secretly pointed to Shu Yan. on a small hill.

Shu Yan knowingly took her to the top of the hill, laughing secretly in her heart as to who would accept what kind of apprentice. Bai Xiang, who seemed to be an honest person, turned out to be a very thoughtful master like Lang Xing.

Bai Xiang hid behind a big rock and watched secretly for a while, then took out a spiritual fruit and started eating it while watching it. Although she was a little worried, she still trusted her master more.

Shu Yan was actually much more nervous than Bai Xiang, because she knew that prohibiting something like this was very dangerous, and she might even lose her life if she didn't do it right.

After staying up until midnight, Shu Yan saw that Bai Xiang was a little sleepy, so she wanted to send her back to rest, but Bai Xiang refused to leave and insisted on staying here, so Shu Yan had to get a bed and quilt for her to sleep on.

The next morning, I inevitably added washbasins, face towels and other toiletries.

Bai Xiang has no cultivation at all, and eating spiritual fruits is not enough. So at noon, Shu Yan went to the mountain to catch a wild duck and roast it for her. In this case, she had to prepare several tables and cups.

Bai Xiang ate and drank while watching how the master solved the problem, quite like a wealthy lady watching a big show.

Shu Yan not only had to worry about Lang Xing, but also had to serve Bai Xiang. She was really going to be pissed off by the master and the apprentice. Langxing reluctantly put the Wild Residence Picture away. He understood Su Wan's eagerness to comprehend it. Su Wan must have spent these days in uneasiness. Naturally, she was eager to make up for the wasted time.

Su Wan became more at ease, and so did Lang Xing. When he went back to see Bai Xiang, Bai Xiang was sitting in front of several cases, still looking at the Qiankun bag, while Jiang Xiao, who was called over, leaned against the door and stared. Wangtian seemed to be thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Langxing asked Jiangxiao with a smile.

Jiangxiao shook her head and said, "I don't think so. Did you lie to me again?" She turned around and glanced at the Qiankun bag on the case, "Xiyang just told me that he wanted to go in and meditate. I was busy building a house. I didn’t think much about it, Amelia Su wasn’t in there, was she?”

Lang Xing smiled sheepishly and said, "She is indeed not in there. She is in retreat elsewhere. This is a bit troublesome to explain. I will tell you later."

"You are hiding more and more things from me now." Jiangxiao glanced at Langxing with some dissatisfaction.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I really don't hide many things from you. I feel aggrieved when you say that."

Jiang Xiao stretched out his finger to poke at Lang Xing's heart and said, "You have to have some conscience and don't always value sex over friends."

Lang Xing pursed his lips in embarrassment toward the room, and then said with his spiritual thoughts, "Xian'er, listen, you are talking nonsense, why do I value sex over friends?"

Jiangxiao couldn't expose his past life, so he rolled his eyes and flew back to the yard he had just built in Donggua Mountain. Halfway through, he heard a spiritual message saying, "I'm going into seclusion, no one can bother me!"

This angry divine thought made Lang Xing grin, and then he laughed. He felt that Jiangxiao's evil fire was aimed at Su Wan. In fact, he was only half right. Jiangxiao just looked at the sky. I was in a daze thinking about Gongsun Chong. Three of the original four people had gathered together, and there was a place for cultivation, but Gongsun Chong was missing.

In her world, Xiyang is the reliable mountains and rivers, Xunyi is the blue sky and white clouds that make her feel happy, and the doormat Gongsun Chong is the calf, pony, and rabbit living in this world. Without Gongsun Chong, this world There was a lot less fun in Piantiandi, so she felt a little melancholy and was more eager to get Gongsun Chong back than before.

"Master." Bai Xiang held the Qiankun bag in front of the master, with a smile in her eyes. She had heard all the words that Uncle Jiang scolded the master.

"Go and practice quickly, go and practice." Lang Xing felt embarrassed and waved to Bai Xiang.

Bai Xiang originally wanted to ask about the Qiankun Bag, but upon seeing this, he quickly ran to another hut to practice.

Having your own home means you can live a peaceful life.

Shu Yan went into seclusion, Jiangxiao went into seclusion, and Xiyang also went into seclusion after coming out of the Qiankun Bag.

Bai Xiang is also very worry-free. Lang Xing can occasionally go over and give some guidance. In order to prevent everyone from seeing the weird skills that Bai Xiang practices, Lang Xing uses the prohibition techniques he has figured out to set up a building with a radius of fifty miles for Bai Xiang. The isolation circle, such a large area is enough for her to toss around for a few days.

Lang Xing studied the art of restraint leisurely, and the pile of secrets he brought from Zixiao Palace was enough for him to ponder for a few days.

Huang Ying practices diligently every day, and will come to chat with Lang Xing every few days to deepen their relationship. Although she trusts Lang Xing very much, she is not too familiar with this shrewd master after all.

Sister is quite good at getting close to people, and Lang Xing is also willing to get close to her, so after a few months, the two of them have become somewhat indifferent to each other. As the relationship deepens, Huang Ying's heart becomes more and more I became more and more at ease, and gradually got into a state of mind where I could retreat, and I also retreated at the beginning of the fifth month.

Langxing guarded this quiet home, and his heart was filled with peace and tranquility. Guarding these people gave him an indescribable sense of joy.

In the seventh month, Shu Yan was released from seclusion. The first thing she did after she woke up was to search for Lu Gang with her spiritual eyes. Although her spiritual eyes were ineffective, she could not find Lu Gang. Almost as soon as she found the right one, when she saw Lu Gang meditating and resting in a dense forest, her hanging heart fell back with a thud. Lu Gang opened his eyes as if he had sensed something, and she hurriedly closed it. With his spiritual eyes clear, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, then got up and went to look for Lang Xing.

When she came to the cliff, she saw that the place was filled with brilliance. She sent a spiritual thought to it in confusion, "Zhui'er, what are you doing?"

Langxing's spiritual thoughts came back immediately, "I have been studying the art of restraint recently. I didn't expect that I was trapped in it. I can't get out for the time being. Please help me go and see Xiang'er. She is three hundred miles southeast. I haven't seen her in the woods for more than ten days."

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone for help?" Shu Yan was worried and speechless.

"It's okay, it's okay. I can crack it myself. Just look after Xiang'er for me."

"Really! What should I tell Xiang'er about this?" Shu Yan muttered angrily, and had to go to see Bai Xiang first.

After a while, Shu Yan came back with a frowning Bai Xiang.

"Tell her yourself, she doesn't believe what I say." Shu Yan shouted to the radiant place.

Lang Xing's voice soon came from inside, "Xian'er, I'm studying the best forbidden techniques. You can go back to practice with peace of mind. I'm fine."

"Oh..." After hearing Master's voice, Bai Xiang's brows relaxed a little. After rolling her eyes, she agreed, "Okay, then I'll go back to practice." After saying that, she secretly pointed to Shu Yan. on a small hill.

Shu Yan knowingly took her to the top of the hill, laughing secretly in her heart as to who would accept what kind of apprentice. Bai Xiang, who seemed to be an honest person, turned out to be a very thoughtful master like Lang Xing.

Bai Xiang hid behind a big rock and watched secretly for a while, then took out a spiritual fruit and started eating it while watching it. Although she was a little worried, she still trusted her master more.

Shu Yan was actually much more nervous than Bai Xiang, because she knew that prohibiting something like this was very dangerous, and she might even lose her life if she didn't do it right.

After staying up until midnight, Shu Yan saw that Bai Xiang was a little sleepy, so she wanted to send her back to rest, but Bai Xiang refused to leave and insisted on staying here, so Shu Yan had to get a bed and quilt for her to sleep on.

The next morning, I inevitably added washbasins, face towels and other toiletries.

Bai Xiang has no cultivation at all, and eating spiritual fruits is not enough. So at noon, Shu Yan went to the mountain to catch a wild duck and roast it for her. In this case, she had to prepare several tables and cups.

Bai Xiang ate and drank while watching how the master solved the problem, quite like a wealthy lady watching a big show.

Shu Yan not only had to worry about Lang Xing, but also had to serve Bai Xiang. She was really going to be pissed off by the master and the apprentice.

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