Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2058 Have you learned everything?

In the middle of the night on the eleventh day, Bai Xiang watched eagerly, and the lingering brilliance dissipated silently.

At this time, Bai Xiang was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He muttered "There's no light", then he walked to the bed and lay down in a daze. The moment he lay down, he suddenly woke up. When he wanted to jump up, he couldn't. It was sealed by Shu Yan.

Shu Yan has been getting tired of waiting these days. She was thinking about whether to wake up Jiangxiao and Xiyang. After listening to Bai Xiang's muttering, she noticed that the brilliance had disappeared, and she saw the blurry-eyed figure sitting in the open space. Lang Xing, Lang Xing was obviously thinking like this. In order to avoid Bai Xiang disturbing her, she decisively sealed Bai Xiang.

Shu Yan observed Lang Xing's condition motionlessly. What made her curious was that there were dozens of jade slips placed around Lang Xing. Those jade slips all looked very old, estimated to be at least tens of thousands of years old. She guessed that the contents recorded on those jade slips should be related to the art of restraint, but she could not guess where Langxing got so many precious secrets. She secretly thought that she must take a closer look when she goes back. Although she had no knowledge of the art of restraint. I'm very interested, but since there are so many secrets, you have to learn them all, otherwise it would be a shame.

Just when Shu Yan had just made up his mind, a dark yellow jade slip placed in front of Lang Xing's body slowly floated up. Lang Xing was still looking ahead with blurred eyes, his eyes were not focused. On the jade slip.

A full meal had passed, and when Shu Yan wanted to move her stiff neck, Lang Xing raised his finger and tapped on the jade slip. The jade slip did not move at all, and Lang Xing's finger After pausing in the air for a while, he clicked on the jade slip again. This time, his fingers touched the jade slip and never left.

Shu Yan turned her neck slightly, confusion flashed in her eyes. She really couldn't understand what Lang Xing was doing, and Lang Xing's blurred eyes never focused on the jade slip, which made her feel even more... The scene looked weird.

After another cup of tea, Langxing's fingers slowly left the jade slip, and then he clicked on it again.

The jade slip suddenly burst into a burst of red light. Langxing seemed to be startled, and he suddenly moved back several feet while maintaining his sitting position.

Shu Yan also subconsciously leaned back. The jade slip was too close to Lang Xing. She was afraid that Lang Xing would be injured. When she looked over, she saw that Lang Xing's eyes were no longer blurred and he was frowning. Staring at the piece of dust floating away.

Shu Yan couldn't help but feel heartache when she figured out that the dust was turned into jade slips. That was a secret left by the ancients! At this moment, she also guessed what Langxing was doing. There must be a layer of protective restrictions on this precious secret book. If Langxing wanted to break that layer of restrictions, the burst of red light that just flashed was the result when the restrictions were destroyed. , although Langxing broke the restriction, he also destroyed the jade slip.

When Shu Yan was about to fly over, she saw that Lang Xing's eyes had become blurry again. She had to continue to wait patiently, praying in her heart that Lang Xing would stop destroying those jade slips.

What he was afraid of would probably come. After a while, another jade slip flew from the ground to the front of Lang Xing. As Lang Xing pointed it out, the jade slip also turned into dust in a burst of red light. .

"Oops!" Shu Yan stamped her feet anxiously, and jumped up to fly over, but she couldn't move as soon as she left the hilltop. Lang Xing didn't even look in her direction, let alone any movement. She was actually banned at a distance of more than 4,000 feet. Shu Yan looked at Lang Xing with disbelief and did not make any struggle. Since Lang Xing didn't want her to come and disturb her, she had to endure the pain and look at Lang Xing. Continue to ruin those jade slips.

The jade slips flew up from the ground one after another, turning into dust in bursts of red light. Every time a jade slip exploded, the corners of Shu Yan's mouth twitched involuntarily. She wanted to go up there.

After beating Long Xing, she had not felt this kind of hatred towards Long Xing for many years.

When Lang Xing's finger pointed at the ninth jade slip, the corners of Shu Yan's mouth twitched and the burst of red light had not yet flashed. Seeing Lang Xing holding the jade slip in his hand, he looked at it and put it down. On the side, Shu Yan opened her eyes hard and tried to get some clues from Lang Xing's expression. She was so looking forward to Lang Xing's success as soon as possible, so that the remaining jade slips could be saved, but Lang Xing's face He still had the same moral character on his face, and his eyes were still blurry.

When she saw another jade slip flying up, Shu Yan was even more nervous than before, praying that Lang Xing could continue to succeed.

The light flashed again, a light green light. Looking at the falling dust, Shu Yan was about to cry. This burst of green light made her understand that these jade slips were not sealed by one person. Lang Xing should be able to crack the previous one. Now I'm starting to think about the second person's technique.

"That's wicked! It's so wicked!" Shu Yan cursed fiercely in her heart. She was scolding both Langxing and those jade slips. Why weren't they all sealed by one person?

Some of these precious jade slips in Zixiao Palace have been collected for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, they were protected and restricted by successive palace masters. Of course, the methods were different. If Shu Yan knew that Lang Xing was cracking the code at this moment, it was the great supernatural powers. The restriction must have a different kind of mood.

After the third jade slip with green light shattered, Lang Xing's blurred eyes became clear. He stared at the fourth jade slip and pointed at it. The jade slip hanging in the air made a slight shattering sound. There was a sound, and countless fine cracks appeared on it.

Shu Yan's heart dropped a little. She could see that Langxing had cracked another trick. The reason why it broke was because the jade slip was of poor quality. After a long period of time, the jade slip was broken immediately after the protective restriction was broken. No more.

How many more will be destroyed? Shu Yan looked at what was left on the ground

Those jade slips that she saw made her heart feel as uncomfortable as being stuffed with a big stone. At this moment, her body suddenly fell downwards. Realizing that the seal had been released, she hurriedly stabilized her body and went to see Langxing again. , found that Lang Xing had stood up.

"Zhui'er..." She called softly and flew over slowly.

"Come here." Lang Xing nodded to her, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Shu Yan gently landed next to Lang Xing, looked at the jade slips on the ground and asked in a low voice, "Are these all secrets?"

"Yeah." Lang Xing responded absently.

Shu Yan felt that she had disturbed him, and wanted to leave wisely but was reluctant to part with the secrets, so she said, "Let me keep these jade slips for you first."

Lang Xing calmed down and said, "These secrets are of no use."

Shu Yan frowned and asked, "Why do you call it useless?" After saying that, she bent down and picked up a jade slip and looked at the contents inside.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Because I have learned it all. If you want to learn the restraint technique, I will teach you later."

"Have you learned everything?" Shu Yan asked with a strange expression, holding up the jade slip in her hand. She had just read it, and the content inside was complicated and mysterious, and she couldn't understand a single word.

Langxing muttered, "The so-called one theory, all things knowledge. Although the variations of the art of prohibition are endless, once you understand its essence, it is like weaving bamboo baskets out of bamboo pieces. Once you have mastered the craft, the rest is up to you. There are so many tricks, and..."

At this point, he paused and thought for a moment before continuing, "And bamboo can not only be used to weave baskets, it can also be used to weave..." Even though he changed his statement once, Langxing still couldn't find it. He used the right words to express the thoughts in his mind. He gestured with his hand in the air for a while and then shook his head and said, "I can't explain it clearly yet. I'll tell you when I understand it."

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