Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2060 Horrifying cultivation level

Soon after Shu Yan retreated, Lang Xing followed.

"Don't be angry with me, I didn't wake up just now." Langxing apologized with a smile.

Shu Yan said sadly, "I can't see clearly and can't help you."

"It's okay, I've recalled almost everything I should have thought about. You actually helped me. If you don't wake up, it will be a delay. I'll go take care of Xiang'er first, and then I'll teach you about the science of restraint." Lang Lang With a bright smile on his face, Xing Man went to see Xiang'er after saying that.

Shu Yan sighed secretly and returned to her residence dejectedly. Of course she knew that Lang Xing was trying to comfort her.

Bai Xiang was having a peaceful life these days. When she saw her master, she immediately said happily, "Master, have you finished your enlightenment? I can fly further, look!" Before Lang Xing could answer, she couldn't wait to rush away. After traveling a thousand feet, he was blocked by the small magic circle set up by Lang Xing when he jumped up again.

"How was it?" Bai Xiang came back and asked with a smile as bright as a flower. ??

"Very good, the progress is very fast." Lang Xing praised sincerely, "I'll take you outside to practice." Although most of Bai Xiang's Lingxin Clan skills cannot be hidden from everyone here, he still has to try his best. Concealing it, if you can hide it until you can repair your Qi Palace and develop some cultivation, then maybe this matter can really be concealed.

After saying hello to Shu Yan, Lang Xing took Bai Xiang out of the magic circle. He had already told Jiang Xiao the magic formula for the formation, which was equivalent to telling Xi Yang. Huang Ying also used it after a while to get close to him. The secret agent left and Shu Yan was the only one who didn't know. In order to prevent Shu Yan from secretly finding Lu Gang, Lang Xing was not going to tell Shu Yan the formula.

After thousands of miles away from the magic circle, Langxing chose a piece of thick and soft grass and said to Bai Xiang, "Let's practice."

"Okay!" Bai Xiang immediately rushed out excitedly.

Lang Xing observed the surroundings vigilantly. Although this area was very remote, Bai Xiang practiced the Lingxin Clan's skills, and being seen by others would be a big trouble, so he must have this caution.

Bai Xiang is a mortal. Although the Lingxin Clan's exercises do not require spiritual power, they consume a lot of energy. Bai Xiang's face turned pale in less than half an hour.

"Let's take a rest." Lang Xing said with a smile. He liked Bai Xiang no matter how he looked at her, and he was too lazy to hide his deep affection for her. Therefore, he acted as a master without dignity.

"I'll practice for a while more." Bai Xiang said without looking back. She was practicing vigorously. There are all kinds of disciples for every kind of master. The master's pampering made her live more and more comfortably. .

Lang Xing looked at Bai Xiang who was practicing hard with a smile. He didn't say anything more. He just waited for her to vomit from exhaustion, and then went up to have fun with her. Excessive use of the power of his mind will cause vomiting, and he knew this very well. .

Bored, he once again cast his gaze into the distance. Langxing's gaze suddenly flashed, not because he saw anything, but because he used his mind and magical power to sense a danger that made him terrified - there was someone next to him, and that person was just a few steps away. Baixiang is less than a hundred feet long!

In this vigilant situation, Lang Xing would use his mind and supernatural powers to sense the surrounding situation from time to time. This has become a subconscious habit of his. Because Bai Xiang practiced for a long time, he later relaxed. It was almost half a cup of tea last time I used my mental power.

But this person can approach such a close distance without being discovered under the alert of his spiritual consciousness. His cultivation level must be at the level of Huayu. This person is undoubtedly observing Bai Xiang's skills after being so close to Bai Xiang. Lang Xing remained calm under the shock, but he couldn't control the flickering of his eyes in time. After all, the shock came too suddenly and too dangerously.

"Come here, Xiang'er." Lang Xing tried to keep his tone calm and soothing. As long as Bai Xiang entered his protection range, he would immediately launch a mental attack on the opponent. No matter who the opponent was, he had to strike first. Try to restrain this person. If that doesn't work, just kill him.

"Oh!" Now that the master had urged him for the second time, Bai Xiang was no longer willful. He simply agreed and flew back.

Lang Xing sensed that the man did not move, stopping more than three thousand feet away from him like an invisible ghost.

Bai Xiang came to his side quickly, with an excited smile on his pale face. When he covered his pounding chest and wanted to talk to the master, he saw the master staring behind him with eyes like swords. , as if facing a formidable enemy, she hurriedly turned her head to look, and was shocked to see a middle-aged man wearing a moon-white Taoist robe standing three thousand feet away. She was so shocked that she suddenly lost it when she wanted to get behind her master. Awareness.

Just when Langxing was about to launch a mind attack, the man appeared. Judging from his appearance, he was a man in his forties. He had an ordinary appearance, but the moon-white Taoist robe looked strange. He was not from the south. The Jingzhou style is not the Puyunzhou style. It is a bit like the wide-collared and wide-sleeved robes worn by monks in ancient times, and the patterns on it also reveal an ancient meaning.

"Who is your master?" the middle-aged man looked at Langxing calmly and asked.

Langxing tightened his lips and did not answer, but did not dare to attack rashly. The other party's calm posture made him feel great pressure. Although he could not judge the other party's cultivation level, he had been with great supernatural powers for a long time, and he could tell by feeling I feel that this person is at least on the same level as Concubine Chan, or even...higher, so high that he cannot muster much fighting spirit. A brave sheep may be able to resist when facing a tiger, but if the other party is A thousand-foot giant dragon, no matter how brave the sheep is, will not struggle in vain.

This man's cultivation level is indeed higher than that of Yu Chan, and Yu Chan has met him before. In the battle to rescue Xun Yi, dozens of great supernatural powers from Nanjingzhou and Puyun Continent and more than a dozen great supernatural powers from Yuanyi Province are about to start a battle. During the fierce battle, this man once strolled past the formations of both sides, but only Yu Chan, who was in the middle stage of becoming a feather, saw his figure.

"Which sect are you from?" the middle-aged man asked again.

Lang Xing felt that there was no malice in his tone and expression, so he replied, "Qianxu Palace." After announcing his departure, he pulled the sealed Bai Xiang behind him. In a confrontation with a master, this action was fatal. , indicating that he had given up resistance. Although pulling Bai Xiang behind him did not have any protective effect, he still made this unnecessary move for emotional reasons.

"Were you the one who taught her the Lingxin Clan skills she learned?" The middle-aged man revealed the skills Bai Xiang practiced in just one sentence.

"Yes." Lang Xing pinched a magic formula in each hand and slowly set up a defensive magic circle outside himself and Bai Xiang. This was what he had learned recently. He set it up slowly because he didn't want to provoke the other party to make a sudden move. If the other party can break this magic circle, then there is no need for him to resist any more, and he will not have a chance to resist. Soon after Shu Yan retreated, Lang Xing followed.

"Don't be angry with me, I didn't wake up just now." Langxing apologized with a smile.

Shu Yan said sadly, "I can't see clearly and can't help you."

"It's okay, I've recalled almost everything I should have thought about. You actually helped me. If you don't wake up, it will be a delay. I'll go take care of Xiang'er first, and then I'll teach you about the science of restraint." Lang Lang With a bright smile on his face, Xing Man went to see Xiang'er after saying that.

Shu Yan sighed secretly and returned to her residence dejectedly. Of course she knew that Lang Xing was trying to comfort her.

Bai Xiang was having a peaceful life these days. When she saw her master, she immediately said happily, "Master, have you finished your enlightenment? I can fly further, look!" Before Lang Xing could answer, she couldn't wait to rush away. After traveling a thousand feet, he was blocked by the small magic circle set up by Lang Xing when he jumped up again.

"How was it?" Bai Xiang came back and asked with a smile as bright as a flower.

"Very good, the progress is very fast." Lang Xing praised sincerely, "I'll take you outside to practice." Although most of Bai Xiang's Lingxin Clan skills cannot be hidden from everyone here, he still has to try his best. Concealing it, if you can hide it until you can repair your Qi Palace and develop some cultivation, then maybe this matter can really be concealed.

After saying hello to Shu Yan, Lang Xing took Bai Xiang out of the magic circle. He had already told Jiang Xiao the magic formula for the formation, which was equivalent to telling Xi Yang. Huang Ying also used it after a while to get close to him. The secret agent left and Shu Yan was the only one who didn't know. In order to prevent Shu Yan from secretly finding Lu Gang, Lang Xing was not going to tell Shu Yan the formula.

After thousands of miles away from the magic circle, Langxing chose a piece of thick and soft grass and said to Bai Xiang, "Let's practice."

"Okay!" Bai Xiang immediately rushed out excitedly.

Lang Xing observed the surroundings vigilantly. Although this area was very remote, Bai Xiang practiced the Lingxin Clan's skills, and being seen by others would be a big trouble, so he must have this caution.

Bai Xiang is a mortal. Although the Lingxin Clan's exercises do not require spiritual power, they consume a lot of energy. Bai Xiang's face turned pale in less than half an hour.

"Let's take a rest." Lang Xing said with a smile. He liked Bai Xiang no matter how he looked at her, and he was too lazy to hide his deep affection for her. Therefore, he acted as a master without dignity.

"I'll practice for a while more." Bai Xiang said without looking back. She was practicing vigorously. There are all kinds of disciples for every kind of master. The master's pampering made her live more and more comfortably. .

Lang Xing looked at Bai Xiang who was practicing hard with a smile. He didn't say anything more. He just waited for her to vomit from exhaustion, and then went up to have fun with her. Excessive use of the power of his mind will cause vomiting, and he knew this very well. .

Bored, he once again cast his gaze into the distance. Langxing's gaze suddenly flashed, not because he saw anything, but because he used his mind and magical power to sense a danger that made him terrified - there was someone next to him, and that person was just a few steps away. Baixiang is less than a hundred feet long!

In this vigilant situation, Lang Xing would use his mind and supernatural powers to sense the surrounding situation from time to time. This has become a subconscious habit of his. Because Bai Xiang practiced for a long time, he later relaxed. It was almost half a cup of tea last time I used my mind power.

But this person can approach such a close distance without being discovered under the alert of his spiritual consciousness. His cultivation level must be at the level of Huayu. This person is undoubtedly observing Bai Xiang's skills after being so close to Bai Xiang. Lang Xing remained calm under the shock, but he couldn't control the flickering of his eyes in time. After all, the shock came too suddenly and too dangerously.

"Come here, Xiang'er." Lang Xing tried to keep his tone calm and soothing. As long as Bai Xiang entered his protection range, he would immediately launch a mental attack on the opponent. No matter who the opponent was, he had to strike first. Try to restrain this person, if not, kill him directly.

"Oh!" Now that the master had urged him for the second time, Bai Xiang was no longer willful and simply agreed and flew back.

Lang Xing sensed that the man did not move, stopping more than three thousand feet away from him like an invisible ghost.

Bai Xiang came to his side quickly, with an excited smile on his pale face. When he covered his pounding chest and wanted to talk to the master, he saw the master staring behind him with eyes like swords. , as if facing a formidable enemy, she hurriedly turned her head to look, and was shocked to see a middle-aged man wearing a moon-white Taoist robe standing three thousand feet away. She was so shocked that she suddenly lost it when she wanted to get behind her master. Awareness.

Just when Langxing was about to launch a mind attack, the man appeared. Judging from his appearance, he was a man in his forties. He had an ordinary appearance, but the moon-white Taoist robe looked strange. He was not from the south. The Jingzhou style is not the Puyunzhou style. It is a bit like the wide-collared and wide-sleeved robes worn by monks in ancient times, and the patterns on it also reveal an ancient meaning.

"Who is your master?" The middle-aged man looked at Lang Xing calmly and asked.

Langxing tightened his lips and did not answer, but did not dare to attack rashly. The other party's calm posture made him feel great pressure. Although he could not judge the other party's cultivation level, he had been with great supernatural powers for a long time, and he could tell by feeling I feel that this person is at least on the same level as Concubine Chan, or even...higher, so high that he cannot muster much fighting spirit. A brave sheep may be able to resist when facing a tiger, but if the other party is A thousand-foot giant dragon, no matter how brave the sheep is, will not struggle in vain.

This man's cultivation level is indeed higher than that of Yu Chan, and Yu Chan has met him before. In the battle to rescue Xun Yi, dozens of great supernatural powers from Nanjingzhou and Puyun Continent and more than a dozen great supernatural powers from Yuanyi Province are about to start a battle. During the fierce battle, this person once strolled past the formations of both sides, but only Yu Chan, who was in the middle stage of becoming a feather, saw his figure.

"Which sect are you from?" the middle-aged man asked again.

Lang Xing felt that there was no malice in his tone and expression, so he replied, "Qianxu Palace." After announcing his departure, he pulled the sealed Bai Xiang behind him. In a confrontation with a master, this action could be fatal. , indicating that he had given up resistance. Although pulling Bai Xiang behind him did not have any protective effect, he still made this unnecessary move for emotional reasons.

"Were you the one who taught her the Lingxin Clan skills she learned?" The middle-aged man revealed the skills Bai Xiang practiced in just one sentence.

"Yes." Lang Xing pinched a magic formula in each hand and slowly set up a defensive magic circle outside himself and Bai Xiang. This was what he had learned recently. He set it up slowly because he didn't want to provoke the other party to make a sudden move. If the other party can break this magic circle, then there is no need for him to resist any more, and he will not have a chance to resist.

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