Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2061 But I want to fight you

After he finished setting up the magic circle, the middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "You have a first glimpse of the Xu Zi Jue of Qianxu Palace. Was this magic circle taught to you by others or did you create it yourself?"

"I created it myself." Lang Xing was so impressed by this man's vision that he actually wanted him to break his magic circle. He didn't want to win, but wanted to figure out his magic circle. What level does the formation look like in the eyes of such an expert?

The middle-aged man nodded slightly again and said with slight approval, "So you are a rare genius. Do you want to come with me?"

"Excuse me, what do you call me, senior? Where is the immortal residence?" Lang Xing bowed slightly to show respect.

The middle-aged man looked at him quietly without answering.

Lang Xing forced a smile and said, "Senior is unwilling to reveal anything, how can I let junior make a decision?"

The middle-aged man said calmly, "You don't want to go with me at all."

Langxing became nervous and said, "Junior still has many unfinished relationships. I really don't intend to leave with senior. Moreover, I don't care much about becoming an immortal. I just want to live an ordinary life. I may not live up to senior's expectations. I hope senior will understand." , don’t embarrass the juniors.”

"Oh? You have no intention of becoming an immortal?" Lang Xing's words seemed to arouse the middle-aged man's interest, and there was some emotion in his indifferent eyes.

Lang Xing nodded and said, "I can't imagine the benefits of becoming an immortal, and I don't want to take that risk in a daze."

"So I would like to talk to you a little more." The middle-aged man seemed more interested.

Lang Xing couldn't help but secretly cried out that he was unlucky. Could it be that this man still wanted to persuade him? Then I have to show that I am even less interested in becoming an immortal. Anyway, no matter what he says, I will not go with him.

As if he could see through Lang Xing's mind, the middle-aged man smiled lightly and said, "Put this little girl aside, I promise not to hurt her, and then use all your methods until you give up completely." Let’s talk again.”

Lang Xing seized this opportunity and said, "She is too fragile. I need to send her somewhere farther away."

The middle-aged man said with a vague smile, "It's up to you. It doesn't matter if you send her into the magic circle over there."

These words made Lang Xing give up the idea of ​​​​taking the opportunity to escape back to the magic circle. This person's cultivation level was indeed higher than that in the early stage of becoming a feather, and the magic circle carefully arranged by the senior sister and the second senior sister probably could not stop him.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore. Just say whatever you want to talk to me. I will listen to my teachings." Langxing made a sensible choice. He felt that his methods could not do anything to others. After being exposed, it is better to listen honestly to what others have to say to him.

"But I want to fight you. This will determine what I will talk to you about later, and will also determine the life and death of you and the four people in the circle." The middle-aged man's expression became indifferent.

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "What will it take for Senior to let us go?"

"Then it depends on how capable you are." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he pinched a spell with his left hand, and a faint white light burst out from outside his body. "You have to let me change the magic formula on my hand." I'll let you go, and I can help you heal this little girl's Qi."

"You mean to let me attack and you just defend?"

"Yes, I will give you ten breaths of attack time."

Langxing pointed to the sky and the ground with a solemn expression, and said, "Heaven and earth are proof." He knew that he was not qualified to make people make oaths, so he could only use this as a constraint.


The middle-aged man smiled faintly and did not make a clear response. Langxing felt that he should be disdainful to respond to this, so he took Bai Xiang and slowly flew towards the magic circle without further words. The moment he entered the magic circle, his His heart was filled with nervousness, fearing that the person would suddenly intercept him, but he stood still and did not move. After entering the magic circle, Langxing not only did not feel relaxed but became even more frightened. The fact that he did not stop him further proved that he had no intention of stopping him at all. Take this array seriously.

Shu Yan came up to him with a frown and asked, "What's wrong?" Lang Xing's expression and the sealed Bai Xiang made her full of doubts.

Lang Xing looked at Shu Yan with complicated eyes and said, "A senior has come to test my skills and help me take good care of Xiang'er."

"Tell me clearly what happened!" Shu Yan's expression suddenly changed, and she reached out and grabbed Lang Xing's arm.

Lang Xing shook his head with a heavy expression and said secretly, "His cultivation level is above the middle stage of Feathering. There is still room for negotiation, but you have to prepare for the worst. Let me concentrate on fighting. I don't have time now." Say more."

Shu Yan was startled for a moment and then her tears flowed down. She grabbed Lang Xing's arm tightly and said, "I won't let you go, we will die together!" The great magical power in the middle stage of Yu Yu was already like a god. How could Lang Xing defeat such a person?

Langxing sent out a burst of spiritual power to immobilize Shu Yan. After looking at her deeply, he summoned Wu Hei who was guarding Jiang Xiao and walked out of the magic circle with a fierce and determined light in his eyes.

After staying away from the middle-aged man, and getting rid of the invisible pressure from the other party, Langxing forcibly mustered up his fighting spirit. Although the other party's attitude had always been very peaceful, and the threats he issued were not very severe, they were very It was as if he was forcing himself to use all means with threats, but Lang Xing still felt deeply afraid, because this person's cultivation level was too high, and it was difficult to fathom the innermost feelings of people who had reached this level. In the eyes of others, these people are like a few ants, they will be killed if they are killed. Facing such an opponent, he has no choice and no tricks to use.

After leaving the magic circle, Lang Xing stopped there to adjust his state of mind. He had to make all the preparations that should be done outside the opponent's pressure range, and arrange various methods in the best order.

Langxing's composure brought a faint smile to the middle-aged man's lips. There was disdain in the smile, praise in it, and most of all, he felt funny. But when he saw a shadow of more than 300 feet slowly condensing behind Lang Xing, his smile gradually dissipated, and there was doubt in his calm eyes, and the fingers holding the magic formula tightened involuntarily. , but the circle of white light outside him became lighter.

When Lang Xing noticed his existence with his mental power, he knew that Lang Xing had this kind of magical power. He also knew the various wonderful uses of his mental power, but it was a bit unexpected that Lang Xing could possess such a high-level spiritual treasure. He didn't expect it, and he knew this spiritual treasure and knew how difficult it was to melt. It was beyond his expectation that Langxing could activate it to such an extent and that his mental talent was so high.

Langxing slowly rose into the sky with a shadow of more than 300 feet high on his back. He wanted to use this to increase his momentum. The dark clouds that quickly gathered in the sky surged like a stormy sea, and it was as dark as a storm for thousands of miles. Dark night.

After rising to an altitude of seven or eight thousand feet, Langxing slowly flew towards the middle-aged man with a huge shadow and surging clouds like a god of war descending to earth. At this time, a faint red light flashed from time to time in the clouds. Wu Hei was ready to go, and Tun Tian also climbed onto Lang Xing's shoulder. The difference from usual was that Tun Tian's eyes were wide and round this time, no longer narrowed into a golden line as usual.

sThanks to brother jiy? for his monthly ticket, I will update it in the evening. After he finished setting up the magic circle, the middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "You have a first glimpse of the Xu Zi Jue of Qianxu Palace. Was this magic circle taught to you by others or did you create it yourself?"

"I created it myself." Lang Xing was so impressed by this man's vision that he actually wanted him to break his magic circle. He didn't want to win, but wanted to figure out his magic circle. What level does the formation look like in the eyes of such an expert?

The middle-aged man nodded slightly again and said with a hint of approval, "So you can be considered a rare genius. Do you want to come with me?"

"Excuse me, what do you call me, senior? Where is the immortal residence?" Lang Xing bowed slightly to show respect.

The middle-aged man looked at him quietly without answering.

Lang Xing forced a smile and said, "Senior is unwilling to reveal anything, how can I let junior make a decision?"

The middle-aged man said calmly, "You don't want to go with me at all."

Langxing became nervous and said, "Junior still has many unfinished relationships. I really don't intend to leave with senior. Moreover, I don't care much about becoming an immortal. I just want to live an ordinary life. I may not live up to senior's expectations. I hope senior will understand." , don’t embarrass the juniors.”

"Oh? You have no intention of becoming an immortal?" Lang Xing's words seemed to arouse the middle-aged man's interest, and there was some emotion in his indifferent eyes.

Lang Xing nodded and said, "I can't imagine the benefits of becoming an immortal, and I don't want to take that risk in a daze."

"So I would like to talk to you a little more." The middle-aged man seemed more interested.

Lang Xing couldn't help but secretly cried out that he was unlucky. Could it be that this man still wanted to persuade him? Then I have to show that I am even less interested in becoming an immortal. Anyway, no matter what he says, I will not go with him.

As if he could see through Lang Xing's mind, the middle-aged man smiled lightly and said, "Put this little girl aside, I promise not to hurt her, and then use all your methods until you give up completely." Let’s talk again.”

Lang Xing seized this opportunity and said, "She is too fragile. I need to send her somewhere farther away."

The middle-aged man said with a vague smile, "It's up to you. It doesn't matter if you send her into the magic circle over there."

These words made Lang Xing give up the idea of ​​​​taking the opportunity to escape back to the magic circle. This person's cultivation level was indeed higher than that in the early stage of becoming a feather, and the magic circle carefully arranged by the senior sister and the second senior sister probably could not stop him.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore. Just say whatever you want to talk to me. I will listen to my teachings." Langxing made a sensible choice. He felt that his methods could not do anything to others. After being exposed, it is better to listen honestly to what others have to say to him.

"But I want to fight you. This will determine what I will talk to you about later, and will also determine the life and death of you and the four people in the circle." The middle-aged man's expression became indifferent.

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "What will it take for Senior to let us go?"

"Then it depends on how capable you are." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he pinched a spell with his left hand, and a faint white light burst out from outside his body. "You have to let me change the magic formula on my hand." I will let you go, and I can also help you heal this little girl's Qi."

"You mean to let me attack and you just defend?"

"Yes, I will give you ten breaths of attack time."

Langxing pointed to the sky and the ground with a solemn expression, and said, "Heaven and earth are proof." He knew that he was not qualified to make people make oaths, so he could only use this as a constraint.


The middle-aged man smiled faintly and did not make a clear response. Langxing felt that he should be disdainful to respond to this, so he took Bai Xiang and slowly flew towards the magic circle without further words. The moment he entered the magic circle, his His heart was filled with nervousness, fearing that the person would suddenly intercept him, but he stood still and did not move. After entering the magic circle, Langxing not only did not feel relaxed but became even more frightened. The fact that he did not stop him further proved that he had no intention of stopping him at all. Take this array seriously.

Shu Yan came up to him with a frown and asked, "What's wrong?" Lang Xing's expression and the sealed Bai Xiang made her full of doubts.

Lang Xing looked at Shu Yan with complicated eyes and said, "A senior has come to test my skills and help me take good care of Xiang'er."

"Tell me clearly what happened!" Shu Yan's expression suddenly changed, and she reached out and grabbed Lang Xing's arm.

Lang Xing shook his head with a heavy expression and secretly said, "His cultivation level is above the middle stage of Feather Transformation. There is still room for negotiation, but you have to prepare for the worst. Let me concentrate on fighting. I don't have time now." Say more."

Shu Yan was startled for a moment and then her tears flowed down. She grabbed Lang Xing's arm tightly and said, "I won't let you go, we will die together!" The great magical power in the middle stage of Yu Yu was already like a god. How could Lang Xing defeat such a person?

Langxing sent out a burst of spiritual power to immobilize Shu Yan. After looking at her deeply, he summoned Wu Hei who was guarding Jiang Xiao and walked out of the magic circle with a fierce and determined light in his eyes.

After staying away from the middle-aged man, and getting rid of the invisible pressure from the other party, Langxing forcibly mustered up his fighting spirit. Although the other party's attitude had always been very peaceful, and the threats he issued were not very severe, they were very It was as if he was forcing himself to use all means with threats, but Lang Xing still felt deeply afraid, because this person's cultivation level was too high, and it was difficult to fathom the innermost feelings of people who had reached this level. In the eyes of others, these people are like a few ants, they will be killed if they are killed. Facing such an opponent, he has no choice or any tricks to use.

After leaving the magic circle, Lang Xing stopped there to adjust his state of mind. He had to make all the preparations that should be done outside the opponent's pressure range, and arrange various methods in the best order.

Langxing's composure brought a faint smile to the middle-aged man's lips. There was disdain in the smile, praise in it, and most of all, he felt funny. But when he saw a shadow of more than 300 feet slowly condensing behind Lang Xing, his smile gradually dissipated, and there was doubt in his calm eyes, and the fingers holding the magic formula tightened involuntarily. , but the circle of white light outside him became lighter.

When Lang Xing noticed his existence with his mental power, he knew that Lang Xing had this kind of magical power. He also knew the various wonderful uses of his mental power, but it was a bit unexpected that Lang Xing could possess such a high-level spiritual treasure. He didn't expect it, and he knew this spiritual treasure and knew how difficult it was to melt. It was beyond his expectation that Langxing could activate it to such an extent and that his mental talent was so high.

Langxing slowly rose into the sky with a shadow of more than 300 feet high on his back. He wanted to use this to increase his momentum. The dark clouds that quickly gathered in the sky surged like a stormy sea, and it was as dark as a storm for thousands of miles. Dark night.

After rising to an altitude of seven or eight thousand feet, Langxing slowly flew towards the middle-aged man with a huge shadow and surging clouds like a god of war descending to earth. At this time, a faint red light flashed from time to time in the clouds. Wu Hei was ready to go, and Tun Tian also climbed onto Lang Xing's shoulder. The difference from usual was that Tun Tian's eyes were wide and round this time, no longer narrowed into a golden line as usual.

sThanks to brother jiy? for his monthly ticket, I will update it in the evening.

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