Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2062 You win

The two ferocious spiritual creatures made the middle-aged man flutter his moon-white Taoist robes. They are extremely rare and powerful spiritual birds of jet black color. They are easy to deal with because they are still young. There are four cloud-patterned Sky-Swallowing Birds. It's a bit troublesome, especially if you can't avoid it.

Lang Xing's preparations were not finished yet. The Purple Sun Sword slowly rose into the air. The purple light illuminated the dark clouds in the sky into a dark purple with a strange atmosphere, making the swooping Lang Xing even more imposing.

Another high-grade spiritual treasure, the middle-aged man showed a look of amusement in his eyes. Although the power of the Purple Sun Sword was not bad, it was nothing to him.

"I'm offended!" Lang Xing squeezed out these three words through his teeth two thousand miles away. He had already mustered up his momentum and could not make a calm voice.

"I hope your means are more than this." The middle-aged man said calmly.

Langxing suddenly accelerated, his hands quickly changed the magic formula and shot forward. A shadowless and invisible restriction hooded the middle-aged man diagonally below. The red light bloomed in the clouds, and the blackness turned into a line of fire following the restriction. Rushing down, at the same time, the Purple Sun Sword shot down like a purple lightning!

The restriction that Lang Xing played was mainly to protect Wu Hei. In front of such a person, he felt that Wu Hei might not dare to attack, so he had to launch a mental attack in time to let the opponent's pressure show a flaw for a moment.



The two screams sounded almost at the same time, but neither of them made the slightest sound. Langxing used his mind, while the middle-aged man used his spirit.

The bright fire outside Wu Hei, who was still more than three hundred miles away from the middle-aged man, suddenly dimmed, and then Wu Hei flew into the thick clouds.

Fortunately, they only attacked Wu Hei, and they didn't want Wu Hei's life. Otherwise, with just this sharp shout, Lang Xing and Wu Hei would have finished everything.

Langxing couldn't care less about the blackness and had no time

He went to observe whether the mental attack was working, and hurriedly ordered Tuntian to launch the attack. At the same time, he activated the dazzling Taoist robe on his body, and used the phantom body technique to rush down!

When the Purple Sun Sword hit a distance of more than 3,000 feet from the middle-aged man, it became dim. The weapon spirit retreated timidly under the strong pressure of the opponent, not daring to move forward an inch. The monk's Purple Sun Sword trembled slightly and stopped there. Although Lang Xing didn't expect the Purple Sun Sword to play a big role, this ending still made him feel discouraged.

Fortunately, the Purple Sun Sword was just a false move. Amidst the thousands of wonderful brilliance emitted by the dazzling Taoist robe, Tun Tian jumped up from Lang Xing's shoulders, and the rolling clouds in the phantom in the sky also came from two huge sticks. He rushed out from between the goalposts. This was the first time that Langxing used all his strength to activate Qiancheng Mansion!

The dark clouds inside the doorpost did not come out by themselves, but were carried out by countless soldiers who rushed out. "Qiancheng Mansion" means the place where thousands of iron cavalry are accommodated. This time the iron cavalry finally appeared, and it was a There are shadows containing powerful murderous intent. There are armored cavalry with spears, warriors riding chariots and dancing with bows, and all kinds of ferocious beasts. The killing array formed by them is like a surging flood. As they passed, the sound of golden drums, horns, and roars shook the earth, and several nearby mountains collapsed like piles of sand.

Before the men and horses arrived, arrows rained down. The arrows that could kill a late Yuanying monk were accurately shot on the faint white protective barrier outside the middle-aged man, but they failed to kill him like a mud cow entering the sea. Any change in that faint white protective barrier.

At this time, the sound of war drums suddenly increased, and Lang Xing felt his mind shudder, losing control of Qiancheng Mansion. In the strange light and splendor emitted by the dazzling robe, there was an extra golden light, a golden helmet and golden

A mighty general riding on a golden chariot killed him out of two huge door pillars. The weapon spirit of Qiancheng Mansion appeared!

"Destroy!" The golden-armored general who was over a hundred feet tall pointed at the middle-aged man like a majestic god. With this violent shout, the army accelerated towards the middle-aged man with the power of destruction!

Langxing's face changed with fright when the weapon spirit took away his control. He felt that today's matter was going to be bad. The power displayed by Qiancheng Mansion was far beyond his expectation. If he could kill the middle-aged man, He just wanted to pay it back. What he feared the most was that he couldn't kill him but made him completely angry. But at this point, he had no way out and had no choice but to activate the Shui Ting Sword according to his previous plan. Since it happened like this I have no choice but to fight to the end!

The Shui Ting Sword flew out with a dark green light, but did not show its power, because the middle-aged man was no longer there. The two weapon spirits turned around and flew back with the Shui Ting Sword in confusion.

At this moment, the thunderous sound of war drums and roars also stopped abruptly. Thousands of troops and horses stopped their formation, and the golden-armored general frowned and searched for traces of the enemy.

"Can you still take this weapon spirit back? The competition is over, you won." The middle-aged man's spiritual thoughts were transmitted into Lang Xing's mind.

Although this was great news, Lang Xing was too frightened to be happy at the moment, because he felt that the fierce weapon spirit was too dangerous and might point his finger at him and shout "Destroy!" at any time. His life would definitely be over.

The middle-aged man's spiritual thoughts came again, "Don't worry, if you can't conquer it, I will help you destroy it."

Langxing felt at ease, closed his eyes and used his spiritual power to appease the weapon spirit. After a while of tea, General Jin Jia and the army disappeared quietly, and the emptiness hundreds of feet high in the sky disappeared. The shadow also disappeared.

Langxing exhaled in relief.

With a tone of voice, he hid behind the Shui Ting Sword and looked at the middle-aged man who reappeared five thousand feet away.

"How did you get this sword?" The middle-aged man stared at Shui Tingjian and slowly came closer.

"I got it accidentally." Lang Xing made up a lie perfunctorily.

"Where do you usually store it?" The middle-aged man stared at Shui Tingjian and continued to move forward.

Langxing didn't say a word, and stepped back with the Shui Ting Sword before saying, "Senior, you have admitted that this junior won by luck, can you just let us go?"

The middle-aged man said calmly, "I didn't want to destroy these two treasures, so I gave in, but your ability is indeed beyond my expectation. Apart from these, do you have other abilities?"

Lang Xing shook his head noncommittally. He had almost used all his abilities, but he couldn't say such words that would lower his power.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and then turned his attention to Shui Ting Sword and said, "I want to see this sword again. Go and bring that little girl. I promised you to help her heal her Qi Palace. I can do this."

Lang Xing hesitated for a moment and then turned around and flew towards the magic circle. Of course he didn't want to leave the Shui Ting Sword behind, but facing such an unfathomable figure, he had no choice but to obey his orders. Even though he tried everything, he couldn't do anything to him. He believed what the other party said. He probably chose to avoid it because he didn't want to destroy Qiancheng Mansion and Shui Tingjian.

On the way back, he took back Wu Hei. Wu Hei was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble in his arms. Lang Xing comforted Wu Hei distressedly. After entering the magic circle, he said to the sealed Shu Yan, " I won, but senior still has something to talk to me about, so don’t worry, I’ll unlock the seal for you when I come back.”

Shu Yan was so anxious that her eyes were on fire, but she could only watch as Lang Xing led Bai Xiang out of the magic circle.

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