Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2071 Don’t disobey the teacher’s orders

Bai Xiang had not yet recovered from the shock. When he saw the master, he immediately went up to him and asked, "What happened? How is Master Jiang's injury?"

Langxing pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile, "It's nothing serious. Your uncle Xiyang is in a little trouble. I have to go and help you. It may take some time. You can just practice peacefully. Uncle Jiangxiao will be better soon." The days will recover.”

When Bai Xiang saw the master taking Huang Ying to the small courtyard on the cliff after saying that, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. He guessed that this trouble must be serious. The master was probably so distracted that he probably didn't even notice it. He is holding a flying sword, otherwise he should be praised.

She fell down on a big tree worriedly, looked up at the small courtyard on the cliff, and secretly prayed that Uncle Xiyang would be blessed in death and would not drag the master into it.

In a hut on the cliff, Lang Xing frowned and sat across from Huang Ying. Without waiting for Huang Ying to ask, he said, "Xiyang has fallen in Wanfu Xiuyu, and they have provoked the largest gang in the area." , I have to rescue Xiyang."

"Wanfu Xiuyu?" Huang Ying found this name quite unfamiliar.

Langxing waved his hand and showed an astrological map, "In the southwest of Nanjingzhou, and further ahead is the Jade Sea. That area is quite chaotic."

Huang Ying suddenly said, "Oh! I remembered it. When I was buying a spiritual herb a long time ago, I seemed to have heard the spiritual herb seller talk about this place. He said that it was rich in rare spiritual herbs, but it was very messy and could not be easily destroyed. People dare to run that way.”

Lang Xing nodded, opened a ban on the wall, took out the wild residence picture from it, put the wild residence picture on several tables, he hesitated and fell into silence, and handed this treasure to Huang Ying It was hard for him to make a decision between keeping it or taking it with him.

"Are you going by yourself?" Huang Ying asked worriedly.

Langxing looked embarrassed and said, "There is something I don't want to hide from you anymore. I am not only a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but also a disciple of Zixiao Palace. Your junior brother Xunyi is my seventh senior brother. I have told you this Master has said it.”

Huang Ying's eyes widened in surprise. This news was so shocking. A strange emotion arose in the shock. It turned out that this boy was the younger brother's younger brother. This relationship immediately made her feel like she was with Lang Xing. We have become much closer, no wonder I have been so pleased with this boy from the beginning.

Lang Xing continued, "Over at Zixiao Palace, I have two senior sisters and a senior brother who are all great magical powers. Jiangxiao wants me to ask them for help, but the great supernatural powers also have to abide by the laws of heaven. I can't ask them to take action at will. If I provoke the other party's Huayu monks, my senior brothers and sisters may be injured, and I will be very sorry for them. "

Huang Ying said anxiously, "Then you can't go alone! Xiyang can't beat them, how can they be easy to mess with?!"

Langxing pointed to the wild residence picture placed on the table, and said solemnly, "It is precisely because this trip is too dangerous that I don't want to drag others into it. Jiangxiao and Xiyang are my good friends, and I must do it." Go and rescue Xiyang. You can keep this wild residence map for now. If I can't come back, tell Fairy Su about it when she comes out."

Huang Ying grabbed Lang Xing's hand with some emotion, shook her head and urged, "Don't go alone, just listen to Jiang Xiao, go and talk to your senior brothers and sisters with great supernatural powers first, maybe this matter won't work for them." It’s not difficult to speak.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "These senior brothers and I

The senior sister has a very good relationship. If I tell them, they will help me no matter how difficult it is, so I am afraid that it will drag them down. Xiyang is my friend, not theirs. As long as there is some way, I will not Will trouble them. "

Huang Ying said disapprovingly, "This truth is correct. The fact that you can think about your senior brothers and sisters in this way shows your benevolence and righteousness. But what if something happens to you? Your senior brothers and sisters have such a good relationship with you, they can Aren’t you sad? Can’t you take revenge for you? Won’t the result be the same? By then, the situation will definitely be worse than asking them to take action now.”

Lang Xing retorted, "That's not what you are saying. If I can save Xiyang, they won't have to take action. On the other hand, if I die there, it will be a worthy death for my brothers. My senior brothers and sisters will definitely It’s sad, but I don’t think they will seek revenge for me. They have a clear mind and can see through these things.”

Huang Ying asked, "How come the world of Yuanyi Prefecture is leveled? Isn't it because Zixiao Palace wants to avenge your seventh senior brother? Dozens of great supernatural powers are fighting together, and there have never been such big wars since ancient times. "

Langxing waved his hand and said, "This is because you have not seen clearly. At that time, everyone did not know that my seventh senior brother was dead, and they rushed to save him, so they set up such a large battle in order to intimidate the Yuan Yi clan and force them to They handed over my seventh senior brother. If they knew that my seventh senior brother was dead early on, Zixiao Palace would not be able to mobilize so many people to take revenge. Moreover, there are calculations from all parties involved, and it is not all because of my seventh senior brother. At that time, my senior brothers and sisters had not reached the realm of transformation into feathers, and they did not have a clear mind. If I died in the Wanfu cultivation realm, the situation would be incomparable to that of my seventh senior brother. Please stop trying to persuade me, I will definitely not go. I’m looking for senior brothers and sisters.”

After a pause, Lang Xing continued, "In addition to entrusting you with this picture, I also want you to help me hide it from Jiang Xiao. Don't tell her that I went to Wanfu Cultivation Domain by myself. I will leave it to you." A jade slip, give this jade slip to her when I can no longer hide it.”

Huang Ying said angrily, "I don't care! You can't go alone anyway!"

Without waiting for Lang Xing's persuasion, she pointed at Noju Tu and said, "What will you do if she dies?! Have you ever thought about it for her?"

Langxing was a little embarrassed and sad, and sighed, "A man must do something if he doesn't do something. Why am I not afraid of death? Why am I willing to leave everyone behind? But I have no other choice in this matter. Xiyang is mine." Brother, although he doesn't talk much, I know that he truly treats me as a brother. If I am in trouble, he and Jiang Xiao will definitely risk their lives to save me, so I have to go on this trip even if I know I will die. Besides, I may not die yet. Please help me. I’m really in trouble now. Let me save people without any worries.”

"Lang Xing..., you are making things too difficult for me." Huang Ying held Long Xing's hand tightly.

Langxing said apologetically, "I know, but you are the only one who can help me with this. Jiangxiao will definitely go to Zixiao Palace to find my second senior sister after knowing the truth. I can't control this." He took out three jade pieces. Jian, after sealing the spiritual thoughts respectively, placed them on several tables, pointed at them one by one and said, "This one is for Bai Xiang, this one is for Jiangxiao, this one is for my second senior sister, and this one is for Jiang Jiang." Xiao, please bring it to my second senior sister."

Huang Ying glanced at the three jade slips and then fixed her eyes on the Yeju Picture. After being silent for a while, she said in a firm tone, "I can help you with other things, but you can take this picture away. She said before I told you to keep this picture. This is my master's order. I can't go against it." Bai Xiang hadn't recovered from the shock. When he saw the master, he immediately went up to him and asked, "Come out. What's going on? How is Master Jiang's injury?"

Langxing pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile, "It's nothing serious. Your uncle Xiyang is in a little trouble. I have to go and help you. It may take some time. You can just practice peacefully. Uncle Jiangxiao will be better soon." The days will recover.”

When Bai Xiang saw the master taking Huang Ying to the small courtyard on the cliff after saying that, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. He guessed that this trouble must be serious. The master was probably so distracted that he probably didn't even notice it. He is holding a flying sword, otherwise he should be praised.

She fell down on a big tree worriedly, looked up at the small courtyard on the cliff, and secretly prayed that Uncle Xiyang would be blessed in death and would not drag the master into it.

In a hut on the cliff, Lang Xing frowned and sat across from Huang Ying. Without waiting for Huang Ying to ask, he said, "Xiyang has fallen in Wanfu Xiuyu, and they have provoked the largest gang in the area." , I have to rescue Xiyang."

"Wanfu Xiuyu?" Huang Ying found this name quite unfamiliar.

Langxing waved his hand and showed an astrological map, "In the southwest of Nanjingzhou, and further ahead is the Jade Sea. That area is quite chaotic."

Huang Ying suddenly said, "Oh! I remembered it. When I was buying a spiritual herb a long time ago, I seemed to have heard the spiritual herb seller talk about this place. He said that it was rich in rare spiritual herbs, but it was very messy and could not be easily destroyed. People dare to run that way.”

Lang Xing nodded, opened a ban on the wall, took out the wild residence picture from it, put the wild residence picture on several tables, he hesitated and fell into silence, and handed this treasure to Huang Ying It was hard for him to make a decision between keeping it or taking it with him.

"Are you going by yourself?" Huang Ying asked worriedly.

Langxing looked embarrassed and said, "There is something I don't want to hide from you anymore. I am not only a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but also a disciple of Zixiao Palace. Your junior brother Xunyi is my seventh senior brother. I have told you this Master has said it."

Huang Ying's eyes widened in surprise. This news was so shocking. A strange emotion arose in the shock. It turned out that this boy was the younger brother's younger brother. This relationship immediately made her feel like she was with Lang Xing. We have become much closer, no wonder I have been so pleased with this boy from the beginning.

Lang Xing continued, "Over at Zixiao Palace, I have two senior sisters and a senior brother who are all great magical powers. Jiangxiao wants me to ask them for help, but the great supernatural powers also have to abide by the laws of heaven. I can't ask them to take action at will. If I provoke the other party's Huayu monks, my senior brothers and sisters may be injured, and I will be very sorry for them. "

Huang Ying said anxiously, "Then you can't go alone! Xiyang can't defeat them, how can they be easy to mess with?!"

Langxing pointed to the wild residence picture placed on the table, and said solemnly, "It is precisely because this trip is too dangerous that I don't want to drag others into it. Jiangxiao and Xiyang are my good friends, and I must do it." Go and rescue Xiyang. You can keep this wild residence map for now. If I can't come back, tell Fairy Su about it when she comes out."

Huang Ying grabbed Lang Xing's hand with some emotion, shook her head and urged, "Don't go alone, just listen to Jiang Xiao, go and talk to your senior brothers and sisters with great supernatural powers first, maybe this matter won't work for them." It’s not difficult to speak.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "These senior brothers and I

The senior sister has a very good relationship. If I tell them, they will help me no matter how difficult it is, so I am afraid that it will drag them down. Xiyang is my friend, not theirs. As long as there is some way, I will not Will trouble them. "

Huang Ying said disapprovingly, "This is correct. The fact that you can think about your senior brothers and sisters in this way shows your benevolence and righteousness. But what if something happens to you? Your senior brothers and sisters have such a good relationship with you, they can Aren’t you sad? Can’t you take revenge for you? Won’t the result be the same? By then, the situation will definitely be worse than asking them to take action now.”

Lang Xing retorted, "That's not what you are saying. If I can save Xiyang, they won't have to take action. On the other hand, if I die there, it will be a worthy death for my brothers. My senior brothers and sisters will definitely It’s sad, but I don’t think they will seek revenge for me. They have a clear mind and can see through these things.”

Huang Ying asked, "How come the world of Yuanyi Prefecture is leveled? Isn't it because Zixiao Palace wants to avenge your seventh senior brother? Dozens of great supernatural powers are fighting together, and there have never been such big wars since ancient times. "

Langxing waved his hand and said, "This is because you have not seen clearly. At that time, everyone did not know that my seventh senior brother was dead, and they rushed to save him, so they set up such a large battle in order to intimidate the Yuan Yi clan and force them to They handed over my seventh senior brother. If they knew that my seventh senior brother was dead early on, Zixiao Palace would not be able to mobilize so many people to take revenge. Moreover, there are calculations from all parties involved, and it is not all because of my seventh senior brother. At that time, my senior brothers and sisters had not reached the realm of transformation into feathers, and they did not have a clear mind. If I died in the Wanfu cultivation realm, the situation would be incomparable to that of my seventh senior brother. Please stop trying to persuade me, I will definitely not go. I’m looking for senior brothers and sisters.”

After a pause, Lang Xing continued, "In addition to entrusting you with this picture, I also want you to help me hide it from Jiang Xiao. Don't tell her that I went to Wanfu Cultivation Domain by myself. I will leave it to you." A jade slip, give this jade slip to her when I can no longer hide it.”

Huang Ying said angrily, "I don't care! You can't go alone anyway!"

Without waiting for Lang Xing's persuasion, she pointed at Noju Tu and said, "What will you do if she dies?! Have you ever thought about it for her?"

Langxing was a little embarrassed and sad, and sighed, "A man must do something if he doesn't do something. Why am I not afraid of death? Why am I willing to leave everyone behind? But I have no other choice in this matter. Xiyang is mine." Brother, although he doesn't talk much, I know that he truly treats me as a brother. If I am in trouble, he and Jiang Xiao will definitely risk their lives to save me, so I have to go on this trip even if I know I will die. Besides, I may not die yet. Please help me. I’m really in trouble now. Let me save people without any worries.”

"Lang Xing..., you are making things too difficult for me." Huang Ying held Long Xing's hand tightly.

Langxing said apologetically, "I know, but you are the only one who can help me with this. Jiangxiao will definitely go to Zixiao Palace to find my second senior sister after knowing the truth. I can't control this." He took out three jade pieces. Jian, after sealing the spiritual thoughts respectively, placed them on several tables, pointed at them one by one and said, "This one is for Bai Xiang, this one is for Jiangxiao, this one is for my second senior sister, and this one is for Jiang Jiang." Xiao, please bring it to my second senior sister."

Huang Ying glanced at the three jade slips and then fixed her eyes on the Yeju Picture. After being silent for a while, she said in a firm tone, "I can help you with other things, but you can take this picture away. She said before I said that I asked you to keep this picture, which is my master’s order, and I cannot go against my master’s order.”

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