Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2072 How about twenty thousand yuan infant stones?

Lang Xing grinned and said, "You are trying to push me away now. She is your master, can you bear to put her in danger?"

Huang Ying raised her head and looked at Lang Xing and said, "I'm not trying to bully you. First of all, I can't pretend to be you and talk to her all the time. I shouldn't read too much of your whispers. Secondly, she's very smart and can quickly guess what she's talking to." It’s not you, and I won’t be able to explain anything to her then, as this will affect her state of mind.”

Langxing explained, "This is not a problem. She knows that I am in seclusion and has not set a date for our next meeting. As long as you don't open this picture, it will be fine."

Huang Ying shook her head and said, "You have been in seclusion for five years. I have started to worry about you a few days ago. I think she is the same. How much longer do you want me to delay? Five years, ten years, can it be longer? This hasn't happened yet Secondly, I know her too well. After she comes out, she will definitely go to Wanfu Xiuyu to find you. No one can stop her. Instead of doing that, I might as well let you take her there now, and let you know something. Life or death, I have some concerns in my heart. We Ming people don't talk secretly. That's what I think in my heart. I'll tell you everything. You can figure it out yourself. "

The eldest sister was the eldest sister, and she boldly used the most powerful tricks she could find.

Lang Xing was speechless. He was a reasonable person. He had always been the one to reason with others, but now Huang Ying was telling him the truth that he could not refute. The shrewd Huang Ying was not someone who could be coaxed.

After being silent for a while, he said helplessly, "Okay, then help me keep these three jade slips, and I will take this picture with me."

"Lang Xing!" Huang Ying called out anxiously and dissatisfiedly. She was speechless. She couldn't do anything with Lang Xing, and she couldn't do anything with Lang Xing either.

Lang Xing took a deep breath, cheered up, and his eyes shone with confidence and wisdom, like two stars in the night sky, "I might as well tell you that I have killed two Feather monks, no less powerful than The little demon king during the battle of Wu Xian Mountain, the group of people from Wanfu Xiuyu may not be able to do anything to me!" After saying that, he drifted away.

Huang Ying sat there without moving. The powerful aura displayed by Lang Xing made her feel like her mind was being taken away from her. What Lang Xing said also shocked her. Although it was not clear what the Little Demon Lord had done in the battle of Wu Xian Mountain. It was a brave performance, but everyone could understand the words of killing two feathered monks. Lang Xing was not a person who just talked nonsense. Since he said it, it would not be too outrageous.

"Master!" Bai Xiang called out immediately when he saw his master flying out from the cliff.

Lang Xing came to her side, looked at her lovingly and said, "Yes, your cultivation has improved very quickly. Remember the instructions I gave you. Whether it is cultivation or a person, the most important thing is to act according to your heart."

"Yes!" Bai Xiang nodded vigorously, staring closely into Master's eyes. She clearly felt something strange about Master, and felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

"Just practice well and don't worry about anything else. Don't worry if I can't come back for a while, I'll be fine."

"Master..." Bai Xiang grabbed Lang Xing's sleeve, and the uneasy feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

"It'll be fine. The speed at which you enter the opening and melting stage should be faster than that of Master Shen Qing. Let's look at the speed of forming pills. We have blown the big words to her. You have to believe that you can surpass her. Look back. Let's show off in front of her." Lang Xing winked at Bai Xiang encouragingly.

"Okay!" Bai Xiang felt a little more at ease after hearing what the master said, and agreed loudly.

After Langxing glanced at Jiangxiao's position, he boarded the spirit crane and flew away leisurely. As soon as he got out of the magic circle, he immediately urged the spirit crane to go towards the direction of Wanfu Xiuyu as fast as possible.

Saving people is like putting out fires. Jiangxiao risked his life and didn't rush back to bring reinforcements. Of course, Langxing couldn't delay, but he had to explain what he had to explain. Maybe he would never come back if he went there this time. Even if he made this explanation, Brief enough, what he has to do now is to rush around day and night like Jiang Xiao.

One leg was propped up and the other was curled up, and his arm was casually placed on the propped up leg. Langxing sat on the back of Linghe in his usual sitting posture, frowning slightly and staring ahead. Worry and thinking filled his eyes. It showed a hazy color.

Not only did he have to plan for this dangerous journey, he also had to think about the mysteries lingering in his heart. Because the retreat was forcibly interrupted, many thoughts still lingered.

Although Lang Xing is somewhat confident about his own strength, judging from the memory fragments Jiang Xiao passed on to him, it can be seen that the other party is much stronger than the Junlu Sect. In a real fight, he will only die. With his little ability It is far from being able to control the Wanfu Cultivation Domain.

How to save Xiyang? The only means he can use are soul blood and mental powers. They exchanged soul blood when they went to Shui Qingzhou to kill monsters. But whether it is soul blood or mental powers, all they can do is The range of perception is only more than a thousand miles, so it is not easy to find a person in a vast area using this method.

Lang Xing sorted out his chaotic thoughts, and the spirit crane went straight to the southeast. The speed of the extremely fast spirit crane was faster than that of the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying. This reduced the harassment of many bandits and monsters, and those who dared to block the way were Only those who felt that they had enough weight were left. After Langxing dispatched two groups of robbers, he called out Tuntian out of frustration and asked him to lie on his shoulder to guard him. He would kill anyone who dared to come close. It was shocked and ran away.

Tuntian was very suitable for this job. He lay lazily on Langxing's shoulder, not even opening his eyes, because he had Little Yunduo to help him. Little Yunduo didn't know whether he was addicted to pretending to be Xiangyun or he liked to be close to Tuntian. Most of the time in these years. It attaches to Tuntian's belly and pretends to be the fifth auspicious cloud. The two spiritual creatures have somehow formed a tacit understanding. When danger approaches, Tuntian can get an alarm from Xiaoyunduo. It is only responsible for waiting for the enemy to approach. Just roar once in a while.

Because of Shen Qing's last warning, Lang Xing's murderous intention was curbed, so he specifically told Tuntian to try not to kill anyone. Tuntian understood what he meant and was merciful.

On the fifth day of flying, Langxing noticed that two spirit cranes were chasing after him. He put away the swallowing sky because the two spirit cranes were obviously flying faster than his one, which made him start to wonder. Evil heart, now is a race against time. If we can get these two cranes over, we will be able to reach Wanfu Cultivation Domain sooner.

Two spirit cranes caught up leisurely. Riding on the spirit cranes was a young man and woman, both of whom were in the middle stage of Yuanying. They were slightly fat and looked like they didn't look like bad people. They should have seen a Yuanying. In the early days, the monks were a little curious about the swaggering here, so they came closer to check. Their eyes were quite friendly but also showed a sense of caution.

"Are the two fellow Taoists out for fun?" Lang Xing took the initiative to say hello.

The man replied, "Yes, my fellow Taoist is rushing on his way in a hurry. This crane is very tired. It's time for it to rest."

Langxing slowed down the speed of the crane and said helplessly, "There is indeed an urgent matter. I can see that you two love cranes, and I also cherish this crane very much. But the matter is too urgent, so I can only let it work hard." Now, I would like to take the liberty to ask if you two are willing to sell the crane? The price is negotiable. "

The young man shook his head and said, "We will never sell the spirit crane. Please forgive us for not being able to help."

"How about 20,000 Yuan Yingshi?" Langxing offered an extremely high price. Lang Xing grinned and said, "You are trying to push me away now. She is your master, can you bear to put her in danger?"

Huang Ying raised her head and looked at Lang Xing and said, "I'm not trying to bully you. First of all, I can't pretend to be you and talk to her all the time. I shouldn't read too much of your whispers. Secondly, she's very smart and can quickly guess what she's talking to." It’s not you, and I won’t be able to explain anything to her then, as this will affect her state of mind.”

Langxing explained, "This is not a problem. She knows that I am in seclusion and has not set a date for our next meeting. As long as you don't open this picture, it will be fine."

Huang Ying shook her head and said, "You have been in seclusion for five years. I have started to worry about you a few days ago. I think she is the same. How much longer do you want me to delay? Five years, ten years, can it be longer? This hasn't happened yet Secondly, I know her too well. After she comes out, she will definitely go to Wanfu Xiuyu to find you. No one can stop her. Instead of doing that, I might as well let you take her there now, and let you know something. Life or death, I have some concerns in my heart. We Ming people don’t talk secretly. That’s what I think in my heart. I’ll tell you everything. It’s up to you. "

The eldest sister was the eldest sister, and she boldly used the most powerful tricks she could find.

Lang Xing was speechless. He was a reasonable person. He had always been the one to reason with others, but now Huang Ying was telling him the truth that he could not refute. The shrewd Huang Ying was not someone who could be coaxed.

After being silent for a while, he said helplessly, "Okay, then help me keep these three jade slips. I will take this picture with me."

"Lang Xing!" Huang Ying called out anxiously and dissatisfiedly. She was speechless. She couldn't do anything with Lang Xing, and she couldn't do anything with Lang Xing either.

Lang Xing took a deep breath, cheered up, and his eyes shone with confidence and wisdom, like two stars in the night sky, "I might as well tell you that I have killed two Feather monks, no less powerful than The little demon lord during the battle of Wu Xian Mountain, the group of people from Wanfu Xiuyu may not be able to do anything to me!" After saying that, he drifted away.

Huang Ying sat there without moving. The powerful aura displayed by Lang Xing made her feel like her mind was being taken away from her. What Lang Xing said also shocked her. Although it was not clear what the little devil had done in the battle of Wu Xian Mountain. It was a brave performance, but everyone could understand the words of killing two feathered monks. Lang Xing was not a person who just talked nonsense. Since he said it, it would not be too outrageous. .??.

"Master!" Bai Xiang called out immediately when he saw his master flying out from the cliff.

Lang Xing came to her side, looked at her lovingly and said, "Yes, your cultivation has improved very quickly. Remember the instructions I gave you. Whether it is cultivation or a person, the most important thing is to act according to your heart."

"Yes!" Bai Xiang nodded vigorously, staring closely into Master's eyes. She clearly felt something strange about Master, and felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

"Just practice well and don't worry about anything else. Don't worry if I can't come back for a while, I'll be fine."

"Master..." Bai Xiang grabbed Lang Xing's sleeve, and the uneasy feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

"It'll be fine. The speed at which you enter the opening and melting stage should be faster than that of Master Shen Qing. Let's look at the speed of forming pills. We have blown the big words to her. You have to believe that you can surpass her. Look back. Let's show off in front of her." Lang Xing winked at Bai Xiang encouragingly.

"Okay!" Bai Xiang felt a little more at ease after hearing what his master said, and agreed loudly.

After Langxing glanced at Jiangxiao's position, he boarded the spirit crane and flew away leisurely. As soon as he got out of the magic circle, he immediately urged the spirit crane to go towards the direction of Wanfu Xiuyu as fast as possible.

Saving people is like putting out fires. Jiangxiao risked his life and didn't rush back to bring reinforcements. Of course, Langxing couldn't delay, but he had to explain what he had to explain. Maybe he would never come back if he went there this time. Even if he made this explanation, Brief enough, what he has to do now is to rush around day and night like Jiang Xiao.

One leg was propped up and the other was curled up, and his arm was casually placed on the propped up leg. Langxing sat on the back of Linghe in his usual sitting posture, frowning slightly and staring ahead. Worry and thinking filled his eyes. It showed a hazy color.

Not only did he have to plan for this dangerous journey, he also had to think about the mysteries lingering in his heart. Because the retreat was forcibly interrupted, many thoughts still lingered.

Although Lang Xing is somewhat confident about his own strength, judging from the memory fragments Jiang Xiao passed on to him, it can be seen that the other party is much stronger than the Junlu Sect. In a real fight, he will only die. With his little ability It is far from being able to control the Wanfu Cultivation Domain.

How to save Xiyang? The only means he can use are soul blood and mental powers. They exchanged soul blood when they went to Shui Qingzhou to kill monsters. But whether it is soul blood or mental powers, all they can do is The range of perception is only more than a thousand miles, so it is not easy to find a person in a vast area using this method.

Lang Xing sorted out his chaotic thoughts, and the spirit crane went straight to the southeast. The speed of the extremely fast spirit crane was faster than that of the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying. This reduced the harassment of many bandits and monsters, and those who dared to block the way were Only those who felt that they had enough weight were left. After Langxing dispatched two groups of robbers, he called out Tuntian out of frustration and asked him to lie on his shoulder to guard him. He would kill anyone who dared to come close. It was shocked and ran away.

Tuntian was very suitable for this job. He lay lazily on Langxing's shoulder, not even opening his eyes, because he had Little Yunduo to help him. Little Yunduo didn't know whether he was addicted to pretending to be Xiangyun or he liked to be close to Tuntian. Most of the time in these years. It attaches to Tuntian's belly and pretends to be the fifth auspicious cloud. The two spiritual creatures have somehow formed a tacit understanding. When danger approaches, Tuntian can get an alarm from Xiaoyunduo. It is only responsible for waiting for the enemy to approach. Just roar once in a while.

Because of Shen Qing's last warning, Lang Xing's murderous intention was curbed, so he specifically told Tuntian to try not to kill anyone. Tuntian understood what he meant and was merciful.

On the fifth day of flying, Langxing noticed that two spirit cranes were chasing after him. He put away the swallowing sky because the two spirit cranes were obviously flying faster than his one, which made him start to wonder. Evil heart, now is a race against time. If we can get these two cranes over, we will be able to reach Wanfu Cultivation Domain sooner.

Two spirit cranes caught up leisurely. Riding on the spirit cranes was a young man and woman, both of whom were in the middle stage of Yuanying. They were slightly fat and looked like they didn't look like bad people. They should have seen a Yuanying. In the early days, the monks were a little curious about the swaggering here, so they came closer to check. Their eyes were quite friendly but also showed a sense of caution.

"Are the two fellow Taoists out for fun?" Lang Xing took the initiative to say hello.

The man replied, "Yes, my fellow Taoist is rushing on his way in a hurry. This crane is very tired. It's time for it to rest."

Langxing slowed down the speed of the crane and said helplessly, "There is indeed an urgent matter. I can see that you two love cranes, and I also cherish this crane very much. But the matter is too urgent, so I can only let it work hard." Now, I would like to take the liberty to ask if you two are willing to sell the crane? The price is negotiable. "

The young man shook his head and said, "We will never sell the spirit crane. Please forgive us for not being able to help."

"How about 20,000 Yuan Yingshi?" Langxing offered an extremely high price.

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