Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2073: Nowhere to be found after wearing iron shoes

This price made the two people's eyes flash for a moment, and then the distance between the two parties was shortened from five thousand feet to ten thousand feet. It is not easy to think that a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul can come up with so many spiritual stones. characters, which made them more wary.

To show his sincerity, Langxing took out a total of 20,000 blue Nascent Soul Stones, looked at the two of them with sincere eyes and said, "I am rushing to save people. If these two fellow Taoists are willing to part with each other, I will be grateful."

"Which sect are you from?" the man asked. He quite liked the handsome and honest-looking Lang Xing.

"Qianxu Palace, my name is Lang Xing." Lang Xing answered frankly.

"Are you a disciple of Qianxu Palace? No wonder you dare to run rampant here. Where are you going to save people? We are from the Xianyu Sect. Have you heard of it?" The man heard that the other party turned out to be from the mysterious Qianxu Palace. Palace, obviously intending to make friends.

Langxing smiled happily and said, "Are you from the Immortal Feather Sect? When I bought this crane, I heard the stall owner say that I have been thinking about going to you to buy two better cranes. Unfortunately, I don't know where you are. You Is the mountain gate nearby?"

The man shook his head and said, "The master is still far away from here. I'm Yueyang. This is my junior sister Yue Xi. Fellow Daoist Langxing, where are you going to save people?" He looked like he wanted to draw his sword to help. .

"It's far away, Senior Brother Yueyang, Senior Sister Yuexi, I really need a better spiritual crane. How about I give you another spiritual treasure?" Lang Xing said and took out a dark purple crane. The long sword was thrown directly towards them.

Yueyang caught the long sword and looked at it, then handed the long sword to Yue Xi, and then looked at Lang Xing with a different look. This disciple of Qianxu Palace was too generous. Lingbao was so casual. He just threw it out for people to see, which made him more fond of Lang Xing, and at the same time he looked up to Qianxu Palace even more. He wouldn't know that Lang Xing didn't care at all about this ordinary spiritual treasure that he had snatched from the hands of the golden-eyed monk and his gang of robbers.

For him, a level of spiritual treasure has no other use than giving it away.

"Are you really willing to trade this spiritual treasure with us for the spiritual crane?" Yue Xi seemed a little tempted.

Yueyang hurriedly interjected, "This is not possible. We meet by chance. This deal is too big." He was afraid that rejecting the deal would make Lang Xing unhappy, and then he said kindly, "Fellow Taoist Lang Xing, it is a good thing for me to be sincere to others. But it’s too dangerous to expose your wealth like this, and you could be killed if you meet a bad person.”

Lang Xing said with a smile, "You two look like good people at first glance, so I am so honest. Since I don't have time to delay, I can only go straight to the point. You two don't have to worry about any unclear things after this transaction. I snatched this spiritual treasure from a robber. The robber was killed by me, so I can decide on this deal. Twenty thousand spiritual stones plus one spiritual treasure in exchange for a spiritual crane. If you two If you think it’s a good deal, then the deal can be done.”

Yueyang and Yue Xi discussed it with their shoulders next to each other through secret transmission of spiritual thoughts. It was obvious that the two people had some differences in their opinions.

After a while, Yueyang said to Lang Xing, "You are a Taoist friend with good appearance and a famous disciple. We are determined to make you a friend. Since you need our spirit crane, we should help you, why not Let's do this. We will lend you the spiritual crane for the time being, and you can just return it to us when you are done with it. The spiritual treasure will be stored with us first, and we will definitely return it when the time comes."

Langxing cupped his hands and said, "Thank you both for your generous help. Of course I am willing to obey the method that my senior brother told me. However, my life or death is uncertain. If I cannot return the spirit crane, I don't want to owe you two a debt, so I still hope that the settlement can be clear." Okay, if 20,000 Yuan Yingshi and one spiritual treasure are not enough, I can add something else. I wonder which skill you two are learning.

, I have some materials for alchemy and weapon refining, as well as some tips on restraints. "

Yueyang waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Brother Langxing, don't get me wrong. Although our spirit crane is a fine product, to be honest, it's not worth a spiritual treasure. Your price is high enough. We don't want to take advantage of you, and Our Immortal Feather Sect has sect rules, and spirit cranes of this level cannot be sold to outsiders at will."

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "As long as the price doesn't make you suffer, it's fine. For me, this is an emergency. Senior brothers and sisters are brave and courageous. I also have a desire to cling to you. In this case, don't care about who suffers and who takes advantage. This spirit You can borrow the crane or sell it. You keep the spiritual treasures and spiritual stones, and I will give you something else. If I come back alive, we can get closer and closer. What skills have you learned? "

Yueyang said resolutely, "It's enough to use this spiritual treasure as a mortgage. The spiritual stone is not needed. Brother, don't blame us for being villainous. We met by chance and had to leave something as collateral for the first time. Wanglangxing Brothers are considerate.”

Lang Xing laughed and said, "It should be so! It should be so! I can see that senior brothers and sisters are not people who lack spiritual stones. Then tell me about the skills you have learned. My little brother may have died over there. I carry these things with me. It’s of no use.”

Yueyang frowned, "Can you tell us who the person you want to deal with is? Let's see if we can help you."

Langxing smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, senior brother. I am going to Wanfu Xiuyu. This trip is too far. Senior brother and sister cannot help."

Yueyang said in shock, "What?! Are you going to Wanfu Cultivation Domain?"

"Exactly, senior brother, have you heard of this place?"

Yueyang shook his head and said, "I've heard that, do you know the situation over there? With all due respect, let alone Wanfu Cultivation Domain, with your cultivation level, I'm afraid you will lose your life if you can't get there. This is simply nonsense." "


Langxing didn't want to explain too much, so he made up a lie and said, "I am going here with a big monk. If I were to go there myself, I would definitely not dare to go."

Yueyang still felt uncomfortable and said, "Even so, this trip is too far and too dangerous for you."

Yue Xi felt that Yue Yang was having an affair, so she gently pulled Yue Yang's sleeve, and then said to Lang Xing, "The Wanfu Cultivation Domain is indeed very dangerous, you'd better think about it again."

"The accident happened to my good friend over there. I have to go." Lang Xing said, taking out a few spiritual grasses and some materials for refining weapons, and said to the two people who were already within a thousand feet, "You will need these." ?"

As soon as Yueyang waved his hand, Yue Xi said, "What we practice is the art of restraint."

Yueyang glanced at Yue Xi dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter." Lang Xing smiled at Yue Yang, then looked at Yue Xi and said, "That's just right. I've also been learning the art of restraint recently, so I'll leave you a copy of the technique." After that, he took out a jade Jane, after thinking for a moment, she put the jade slip on her forehead and wrote down several cultivation methods.

"If I can come back, little brother, let's discuss it again." He sent the jade slip to Yue Xi.

Yue Xi did not dare to pick up the jade slip immediately and turned to look at Yueyang.

"Then thank you very much." Yueyang saw that he just rubbed a jade slip, so he didn't make too many excuses. After taking the jade slip, he sent his spiritual crane to Lang Xing, and warned him uneasily. He said, "The speed of this spirit crane is so fast that it can approach the speed of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. With your level of cultivation, it is absolutely unbearable. You must not rush it too fast. I have to teach you how to do it." Control it..."

Before he finished speaking, Langxing had already galloped away on the crane. The two of them stared at the crane in the distance and felt a little stupid. Without their instructions, this well-trained crane would never be able to fly casually. Go.

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