Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2078 Named Xiaobaiban

Faced with the ridicule and slander from the two people, Langxing glanced at Xieyun disdainfully and said calmly, "You think you are right. You should be glad that you saved a life. It won't take two breaths to kill you."

Xieyun nodded to the painting pot and said, "Yes, yes, that's what he was yelling at us at that time. If he can't win within two breaths, he will commit suicide."

Hua Hu laughed loudly, pointed at the defensive magic weapon in Lang Xing's hand and said, "Little brother, are you running out of spiritual power? Why don't you come to our body-protecting divine light? This flying speed is too fast for you. Said too quickly."

Lang Xing really felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't let Linghe slow down, so he could only say impatiently, "A man doesn't use his words, you are chattering like a cunning woman."

Hua Hu smiled and said provocatively, "Okay, if you don't move your mouth, let's move your hands. Don't even take two breaths. I'll give you two hundred breaths. If you defeat me within two hundred breaths, I'll turn around and go back." ??

"Okay." Lang Xing glanced at him, said the word calmly, and then looked forward again.

Xie Yun blinked and said to Huahu with his spiritual thoughts, "That's not a broken spiritual treasure. Have you seen his spiritual treasure? This kid is quite evil. Don't be careless."

Hua Hu sent back his thoughts and said, "His knife isn't too bad. I know he has a lot of trouble and has been looking for an opportunity to weigh him. If I can't do it, you can help me. I can't turn around." I’ll give my two brothers some advice, but I don’t think he’s that capable.”

Lang Xing noticed that they were talking with spiritual thoughts and immediately listened with concentration. He almost couldn't help laughing when he heard what they said.

"Then it's settled, we'll stop and make gestures after flying for a while." Huahu said eagerly.

Lang Xing ignored him, looked at Xie Yun and said, "How many breaths can you give me? Two hundred breaths?"

Xie Yun smiled confidently and calmly, "I won't compete with you. All my moves can kill the enemy in one move. They are not meant for competition."

Lang Xing also smiled calmly and said, "Don't worry, you won't have a chance to use those tricks. So, let's just take two breaths. If you can survive two breaths, I won't say anything else. If you want to follow, just follow."

Huahu provoked, "You just don't take Qianjie Sect's eldest disciple Yunzi seriously? You are so crazy."

Langxing looked at him sideways and said, "You can't even hold on for a breath. Do you really think that I'm going to die this time?" At this point, he looked at Xieyun, "Senior brother, treat me with sincerity, and I should treat you with sincerity." Report, last time I was in Yuanyi Province, I couldn’t tell you in front of everyone, but I am actually the eldest disciple of the Ling generation. The Taoist title given by the master is Lingxing. I don’t want too many people to know this identity. You guys Don't tell me."

Both Huahu and Xieyun were startled. Xieyun then smiled, nodded and said, "This is reasonable. After hearing your remarks before the battle last time, I became suspicious. If your mind and wisdom are not accepted as disciples by several masters and uncles, they will be in vain to become Huayu monks. It is right to say that you are worthy of the status of Lingzi generation. "

Hua Hu narrowed his wide eyes, looked at Lang Xing and said, "Did you steal it or snatch it from me? Why are you so shameless? You have been playing tricks on me for so many years, and you have only told the truth today."

Long star

He said confidently, "They in Xiyang still don't know it today. I didn't even tell Lu Gang. Although this Lingzi generation was not stolen, there are some other reasons why Master gave me this blessing." , so I don’t want to make it public.”

Xieyunruo asked with enlightenment, "Is this Master Hengguan?"

Lang Xing nodded slightly to him. Now Xieyun understood and asked no more questions. Hengguan Immortal Lord was the head of Qianxu Palace, and Lang Xing was probably a close disciple of Qianxu Palace. This identity is so important, no wonder he refuses to make it public.

Painting pots also know the depth. If it weren't for Xieyun today, Langxing would not easily reveal his identity to him. There are always power struggles among famous families, so he can understand Langxing's approach. , Besides, if even Lu Gang was kept secret, he would have nothing to say.

Langxing said to Huahu in a calm tone, "So don't instigate Senior Brother Xieyun to fight with me. If you can't even hold on for a breath, he will naturally not fight with me again. If he fights again, he can only Use a special skill."

Hua Hu curled his lips with a sharp smile and said, "Then I will see how the senior disciple of Qianxugong Lingzi can defeat me in one breath. Your senior brothers who have lived for tens of thousands of years may not dare to say this." "

"Okay, then I'll let you experience it." Langxing said calmly, looking ahead at the wind and clouds. It seemed that he was estimating the distance. When he ran far enough, he would immediately start with Huahu. His momentum and demeanor were There is no choice, the only flaw is the defensive magic weapon that has been activated.

This defensive magic weapon is really a sight to behold. Hua Hu continued to use it to attack Lang Xing and said, "Why don't you get on our mount? The Giant Peng flies very slowly. The main reason is that sitting in its body-protecting divine light can... Save your energy and don't have to temporarily replenish your spiritual power during the competition, which will waste too much time."

Langxing was fed up with his squeeze, so he took out a white jade plate with precious treasures, wiped it with his hand, moved it slightly, and put it away again. This spiritual treasure was from Yuan Qing's Qiankun bag. , is Yuan Qing's most proud protective treasure.

When Langxing took out this treasure, Huahu and Xieyun's eyes were fixed on each other. They were both knowledgeable people. When Langxing activated the jade plate to create a white halo, the two of them couldn't help but look towards it. Leaning back, the powerful pressure from Lingbao made them feel extremely threatened.

After Langxing put away the jade plate, he took out another rectangular stone surrounded by black mist. After playing with it for a while, he immediately put it away. This time he didn't even push it. Qiancheng Mansion is a piece of stone that is full of energy just by looking at it. If something evil stirs up, the spirit crane they are riding on will definitely not be able to bear it.

After playing with the two spiritual treasures as if checking the treasures, Langxing looked forward again as if nothing had happened, without even looking at the two of them.

Hua Hu swallowed his saliva and asked, "What are the names of these two treasures?"

Langxing said calmly, "That black stone is called Qiancheng Mansion, which can be used to kill Huayu monks. I don't know what the name of that jade plate is. I got it casually and its power is average. I'm too lazy to find out what its real name is, so I gave it to you." It’s called Whiteboard.”

Hua Hu looked at Xie Yun, who had a solemn look on his face. He was not familiar with Lang Xing yet, so he couldn't ask more about their treasures. These two treasures made him, a disciple of Qianjie Zong Yun's generation, unable to help but feel guilty. I was so moved. Faced with the ridicule and slander from the two people, Langxing glanced at Xieyun disdainfully and said calmly, "You are so self-righteous. You should be glad that you saved a life. It won't take even two breaths to kill you."

Xieyun nodded to the painting pot and said, "Yes, yes, that's what he was yelling at us at that time. If he can't win within two breaths, he will commit suicide."

Hua Hu laughed loudly, pointed at the defensive magic weapon in Lang Xing's hand and said, "Little brother, are you running out of spiritual power? Why don't you come to our body-protecting divine light? This flying speed is too fast for you. Said too quickly."

Lang Xing really felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't let Linghe slow down, so he could only say impatiently, "A man doesn't use his words, you are chattering like a cunning woman."

Hua Hu smiled and said provocatively, "Okay, if you don't say anything, let's move your hands. Don't take two breaths. I'll give you two hundred breaths. If you defeat me within two hundred breaths, I'll turn around and go back."

"Okay." Lang Xing glanced at him, said the word calmly, and then looked forward again.

Xie Yun blinked and said to the painting pot with his spiritual thoughts, "That's not a broken spiritual treasure. Have you seen his spiritual treasure? This kid is quite evil. Don't be careless." ??

Hua Hu sent back his thoughts and said, "His knife isn't too broken. I know he has a lot of troubles and has been looking for an opportunity to weigh him. If I can't, you can help me. I won't turn around." I’ll give my two brothers some advice, but I don’t think he’s that capable.”

Lang Xing noticed that they were talking with spiritual thoughts and immediately listened with concentration. He almost couldn't help laughing when he heard what they said.

"Then it's settled, we'll stop and make gestures after flying for a while." Huahu said eagerly.

Lang Xing ignored him, looked at Xie Yun and said, "How many breaths can you give me? Two hundred breaths?"

Xie Yun smiled confidently and calmly, "I won't compete with you. All my moves can kill the enemy in one move. They are not meant for competition."

Lang Xing also smiled calmly and said, "Don't worry, you won't have a chance to use those tricks. So, let's just take two breaths. If you can survive two breaths, I won't say anything else. If you want to follow, just follow."

Huahu provoked, "You just don't take Qianjie Sect's eldest disciple Yunzi seriously? You are so crazy."

Langxing looked at him sideways and said, "You can't even hold on for a breath. Do you really think that I'm going to die this time?" At this point, he looked at Xieyun, "Senior brother, treat me with sincerity, and I should treat you with sincerity." Report, last time I was in Yuanyi Province, I couldn’t tell you in front of everyone, but I am actually the eldest disciple of the Ling generation. The Taoist title given by the master is Lingxing. I don’t want too many people to know this identity. You guys Don't tell me."

Both Huahu and Xieyun were startled. Xieyun then smiled, nodded and said, "This is reasonable. After hearing your remarks before the battle last time, I became suspicious. If your mind and wisdom are not accepted as disciples by several masters and uncles, they will be in vain to become Huayu monks. It is right to say that you are worthy of the status of Lingzi generation. "

Hua Hu narrowed his wide eyes, looked at Lang Xing and said, "Did you steal it or snatch it from me? Why are you so shameless? You have been playing tricks on me for so many years, and you have only told the truth today."

Long star

He said confidently, "They in Xiyang still don't know it today. I didn't even tell Lu Gang. Although this Lingzi generation was not stolen, there are some other reasons why Master gave me this blessing." , so I don’t want to make it public.”

Xieyunruo asked with enlightenment, "Is this Master Hengguan?"

Langxing nodded slightly to him. Now Xieyun understood and asked no more questions. Hengguan Immortal is the head of Qianxu Palace, and Langxing is probably the closed disciple of Qianxu Palace. This identity is so important, no wonder he refuses to make it public.

Painting pots also know the depth and depth. If it weren't for Xieyun today, Langxing would not easily reveal his identity to him. There are always power struggles among famous families, so he can understand Langxing's approach. , Besides, if even Lu Gang was kept secret, he would have nothing to say.

Langxing said to Huahu in a calm tone, "So don't instigate Senior Brother Xieyun to fight with me. If you can't even hold on for a breath, he will naturally not fight with me again. If he fights again, he can only Use a special skill."

Hua Hu curled his lips with a sharp smile and said, "Then I will see how the senior disciple of Qianxugong Lingzi can defeat me in one breath. Your senior brothers who have lived for tens of thousands of years may not dare to say this." "

"Okay, then I'll let you experience it." Langxing said calmly, looking ahead at the wind and clouds. It seemed that he was estimating the distance. When he ran far enough, he would immediately start with Huahu. His momentum and demeanor were There is no choice, the only flaw is the defensive magic weapon that has been activated.

This defensive magic weapon is really a sight to behold. Hua Hu continued to use it to attack Lang Xing and said, "Why don't you get on our mount? The Giant Peng flies very slowly. The main reason is that sitting in its body-protecting divine light can... Save your energy, don't have to temporarily replenish your spiritual power during the competition, it will waste too much time. "

Langxing was fed up with his squeeze, so he took out a white jade plate with precious treasures, wiped it with his hand, moved it slightly, and put it away again. This spiritual treasure was from Yuan Qing's Qiankun bag. , is Yuan Qing's most proud protective treasure.

When Langxing took out this treasure, Huahu and Xieyun's eyes were fixed on each other. They were both knowledgeable people. When Langxing activated the jade plate to create a white halo, the two of them couldn't help but look towards it. Leaning back, the powerful pressure from Lingbao made them feel extremely threatened.

After Langxing put away the jade plate, he took out another rectangular stone surrounded by black mist. After playing with it for a while, he immediately put it away. This time he didn't even push it. Qiancheng Mansion is a piece of stone that is full of energy just by looking at it. If something evil stirs up, the spirit crane they are riding on will definitely not be able to bear it.

After playing with the two spiritual treasures as if checking the treasures, Langxing looked forward again as if nothing had happened, without even looking at the two of them.

Hua Hu swallowed his saliva and asked, "What are the names of these two treasures?"

Lang Xing said calmly, "That black stone is called Qiancheng Mansion, which can be used to kill Huayu monks. I don't know what the name of that jade plate is. I got it casually and its power is average. I'm too lazy to find out what its real name is, so I gave it to you." It’s called Whiteboard.”

Hua Hu looked at Xie Yun, who had a solemn look on his face. He was not familiar with Lang Xing yet, so he couldn't ask more about their treasures. These two treasures made him, a senior disciple of Qianjie Sect Yun, couldn't help but feel sorry for them. I was so moved.

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