Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2079 How many spiritual treasures do you have?

Huahu took a breath and asked tentatively, "Can you also activate the Qiancheng Mansion that can kill the Huayu monk?"

"What do you think?" Lang Xing looked at him with half-smiling eyes, "But I definitely won't need it to fight you. Just two random treasures that can kill late-stage Nascent Soul monks will be enough."

Hua Hu laughed and said, "No matter how good the treasure is, it depends on whose hand it is in. You must have the opportunity to use it."

"I don't know whether to live or die." Seeing that he was still unconvinced, Lang Xing threw out four words helplessly and then ignored him. If he took out the Shui Ting Sword, he would probably scare Hua Hu away, but he didn't want to reveal all the details. I was exhausted, so I had to endure it for a while longer.

Huahu didn't care about his attitude, but said happily, "Very good, as long as you are not a waste. I didn't expect you to be of any help in saving Xiyang, and I thought you were a burden." Well, it would be great if you could help me a little bit."

Lang Xing was quite speechless and said, "You need to survive my life for a while before talking. Don't think that you can follow me to the Wanfu Cultivation Domain."

Hua Hu laughed shamelessly and said, "Silly brother, you've exposed your bottom to me. I can still stand and wait for you to beat me. Can you catch up with me? It's useless to give you a thousand breaths. Okay, let's Don’t compete, hurry up and discuss how to save Xiyang. Even if you don’t let us go, we will go by ourselves. Xiyang is not only your brother, but also our brother.”

At this time, Xieyun looked to the rear and said, "Feng Chunzi from the Jinling Sect, late Yuan Ying."

Lang Xing and Hua Hu, who were bickering, looked back with their spiritual senses and saw a great monk who had just passed the four-winged giant roc that had been thrown for more than three thousand miles, and was chasing them directly.

"You came just in time!" Huahu said with eyes shining.

Xieyun reminded, "The Jinling Sect is a member of the Tianlu Alliance. You are a red-robed law guard. It is not appropriate to cause trouble."

Huahu glanced at Lang Xing and said with a wicked smile, "I didn't say I wanted to fight him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Chunzi's spiritual thoughts came over, "Stop for a moment!"

Lang Xing guessed the other party's intention, turned around and shouted, "Senior, if you want to buy this crane, don't bother, we won't sell it."

A smile appeared at the corner of Xie Yun's mouth. In terms of Lang Xing's seniority, talking to this Feng Chunzi's peer would be a compliment to him, but Lang Xing's senior voice was extremely smooth and natural.

Hua Hu had always played the role of causing trouble, and now he wanted to use this Feng Chunzi to claim the star's weight, so he raised his voice and said, "This matter has been discussed. If you can defeat my little brother, this crane will be the winner." Sold to you."

"Don't talk nonsense, this crane is not mine!" Lang Xing really felt a headache for this painted pot.

Feng Chunzi used the rush movement technique, and his figure flashed several times and rushed in front of them. He blocked their way with an unhappy look on his face. He painted a pot and asked him to compete with a young monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. This was obviously against him. Humiliating, if he hadn't been thinking about buying this crane, he would definitely teach Huahu a lesson.

Huahu saw Feng Chunzi looking at him with angry eyes but was not afraid at all. He waited for Langxing to stop the crane with a look of joy, but unexpectedly Langxing had no intention of holding on to the crane at all. Fengchunzi's figure was rigid. Appearing in front, a purple glow flew out from beside Langxing.

Feng Chunzi never expected that these people would dare to attack him, and he angrily wanted to take away the treasure that the other party sent out, but the Purple Sun Sword suddenly burst out with its due power when it was flying halfway, and a bright glow suddenly appeared. Sheng, the sun seemed to be dyed purple.

Feng Chunzi was so frightened by such a powerful spirit treasure that she hurriedly dodged aside and pinched it with her hands at the same time.

Jue deployed defensive spiritual shields behind him in the hope of blocking the Purple Sun Sword's pursuit. He could tell with his eyesight that he would not be able to dodge this attack when he lost the opportunity. This spiritual treasure was too Now that he is strong, it will be considered good if he can save his life today.

The movements of the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage were really fast, and after two flashes, they were three thousand miles away.

Feng Chunzi was originally prepared to run away after being hit hard, but the attack that was supposed to come did not come. He observed that people had taken away the spiritual treasure in time and did not really attack him. After escaping three thousand miles, he watched with horror as the spirit crane flew past him, and then ran away without looking back. He felt that he must have made a mistake, and that the little monk who took action must be a People are already showing mercy to strange people who have hidden their cultivation. He can no longer be ignorant.

After Langxing used a sword to scare away a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, he hurriedly used his thoughts to comfort the frightened Linghe, his face as calm as if nothing had happened.

Huahu blinked twice and scratched his back with his hands. He looked at Lang Xing and was speechless. He also had the means to repel the great monks in the late Nascent Soul, but he could never do it so neatly. He might be able to do it with the ink heart cone that Lang Xing gave him, but he was far from perfecting the spiritual treasure.

Xie Yun looked at Hua Hu, who was scratching his head, with a smile. He had to admit that Lang Xing's hand was really beautiful, and he also knew that Lang Xing did this mainly because he didn't have time to talk to Feng Chunzi.

Hua Hu scratched his left and right hands for a while before he breathed in the cold air and said, "How many other spiritual treasures do you have?" The last time Langxing gave Mo Xintui to him, he had already shown him a Phoenix Spirit Hairpin, and he showed it off again just now. With two pieces, plus this sword, this kid must have at least four powerful spiritual treasures in his hands.

"There are probably two or three more." Lang Xing answered lightly.

"You can use it?" Huahu asked with disbelief.

Lang Xing snorted and didn't answer. He didn't want to say this.

"Can you really use it?" Xie Yun couldn't help but asked. He also wanted to get an answer. Refining spiritual treasures was not an easy task. He guessed that Lang Xing must have some unique secret skills. .

Lang Xing couldn't ignore Xieyun's questioning, so he had to say perfunctorily, "I can barely use it."

"I don't believe it." Huahu said, shaking his head.

"I can't believe it either." It was not convenient for Qiyun to ask Langxing directly, so he seized every opportunity to help Huahu.

Lang Xing looked at the painting pot hesitantly and asked, "Are you determined to save Xiyang?"

Hua Hu nodded firmly and said, "Of course! I will die without regrets. Xiyang is so righteous. It is worth my risking my life to save him!"

Langxing turned his head to look at Xieyun wordlessly.

Xie Yun smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about me. Now that I've caught up with this matter, I can help as much as I can. I'm confident that I have the ability to save my life. I will escape when I have to. Don't Expect me to fight to the end, but I will do my best.”

Lang Xing nodded and said, "That's the best. Thank you, senior brother. I do need help, but I just don't want to drag you down. Since you insist on this, let's go together. On behalf of Xiyang and Jiangxiao, I would like to thank you for your kindness in drawing your sword to help." As he spoke, he bowed his hands to the two of them.

Huahu said happily, "That's right. Don't mention whether to thank me or not. You should thank Xieyun. The three of us are brothers with Xiyang, so there is no need for you to thank us. Okay, since we have to fight side by side, let's Show us all your abilities so that we can have a good idea and don't hide it." Huahu took a breath and asked tentatively, "That piece of Qiancheng Mansion that can kill the Huayu monk? Can it be activated?"

"What do you think?" Lang Xing looked at him with half-smiling eyes, "But I definitely won't need it to fight you. Just two random treasures that can kill late-stage Nascent Soul monks will be enough."

Hua Hu laughed and said, "No matter how good the treasure is, it depends on whose hand it is in. You must have the opportunity to use it."

"I don't know whether to live or die." Seeing that he was still unconvinced, Lang Xing threw out four words helplessly and then ignored him. If he took out the Shui Ting Sword, he would probably scare Hua Hu away, but he didn't want to reveal all the details. I was exhausted, so I had to endure it for a while longer.

Huahu didn't care about his attitude, but said happily, "Very good, as long as you are not a waste. I didn't expect you to be of any help in saving Xiyang, and I thought you were a burden." Well, it would be great if you could help me a little bit."

Lang Xing felt speechless and said, "You should survive my life first before talking. Don't think that you can follow me to Wanfu Cultivation Domain." .??.

Hua Hu laughed shamelessly and said, "Silly brother, you've exposed your bottom to me. I can still stand and wait for you to beat me. Can you catch up with me? It's useless to give you a thousand breaths. Okay, let's Don’t compete, hurry up and discuss how to save Xiyang. Even if you don’t let us go, we will go by ourselves. Xiyang is not only your brother, but also our brother.”

At this time, Xieyun looked to the rear and said, "Feng Chunzi from the Jinling Sect, late Yuan Ying."

Lang Xing and Hua Hu, who were bickering, looked back with their spiritual senses and saw a great monk who had just passed the four-winged giant roc that had been thrown for more than three thousand miles, and was chasing them directly.

"You came just in time!" Huahu said with eyes shining.

Xieyun reminded, "The Jinling Sect is a member of the Tianlu Alliance. You are a red-robed law guard. It is not appropriate to cause trouble."

Huahu glanced at Lang Xing and said with a wicked smile, "I didn't say I wanted to fight him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Chunzi's spiritual thoughts came over, "Stop for a moment!"

Lang Xing guessed the other party's intention, turned around and shouted, "Senior, if you want to buy this crane, don't bother, we won't sell it."

A smile appeared at the corner of Xie Yun's mouth. In terms of Lang Xing's seniority, talking to this Feng Chunzi's peer would be a compliment to him, but Lang Xing's senior voice was extremely smooth and natural.

Hua Hu had always played the role of causing trouble, and now he wanted to use this Feng Chunzi to claim the star's weight, so he raised his voice and said, "This matter has been discussed. If you can defeat my little brother, this crane will be Sold to you."

"Don't talk nonsense, this crane is not mine!" Lang Xing really felt a headache for this painted pot.

Feng Chunzi used the rush movement technique, and his figure flashed several times and rushed in front of them. He blocked their way with an unhappy look on his face. He painted a pot and asked him to compete with a young monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. This was obviously against him. Humiliating, if he hadn't been thinking about buying this crane, he would definitely teach Huahu a lesson.

Huahu saw Feng Chunzi looking at him with angry eyes but was not afraid at all. He waited for Langxing to stop the crane with a look of joy, but unexpectedly Langxing had no intention of holding on to the crane at all. Fengchunzi's figure was rigid. Appearing in front, a purple glow flew out from beside Langxing.

Feng Chunzi never expected that these people would dare to attack him, and he angrily wanted to take away the treasure that the other party sent out, but the Purple Sun Sword suddenly burst out with its due power when it was flying halfway, and a bright glow suddenly appeared. Sheng, the sun seemed to be dyed purple.

Feng Chunzi was so frightened by such a powerful spirit treasure that she hurriedly dodged aside and pinched it with her hands at the same time.

Jue deployed defensive spiritual shields behind him in the hope of blocking the Purple Sun Sword's pursuit. He could tell with his eyesight that he would not be able to dodge this attack when he lost the opportunity. This spiritual treasure was too Now that he is strong, it will be considered good if he can save his life today.

The movements of the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage were really fast, and after two flashes, they were three thousand miles away.

Feng Chunzi was originally prepared to run away after being hit hard, but the attack that was supposed to come did not come. He observed that people had taken away the spiritual treasure in time and did not really attack him. After escaping three thousand miles, he watched with horror as the spirit crane flew past him, and then ran away without looking back. He felt that he must have made a mistake, and that the little monk who took action must be a People are already showing mercy to strange people who have hidden their cultivation. He can no longer be ignorant.

After Langxing used a sword to scare away a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, he hurriedly used his thoughts to comfort the frightened Linghe, his face as calm as if nothing had happened.

Huahu blinked twice and scratched his back with his hands. He looked at Lang Xing and was speechless. He also had the means to repel the great monks in the late Nascent Soul, but he could never do it so neatly. He might be able to do it with the ink heart cone that Lang Xing gave him, but he was far from perfecting the spiritual treasure.

Xie Yun looked at Hua Hu, who was scratching his head, with a smile. He had to admit that Lang Xing's hand was really beautiful, and he also knew that Lang Xing did this mainly because he didn't have time to talk to Feng Chunzi.

Hua Hu scratched his left and right hands for a while before he breathed in the cold air and said, "How many other spiritual treasures do you have?" The last time Langxing gave Mo Xintui to him, he had already shown him a Phoenix Spirit Hairpin, and he showed it off again just now. With two pieces, plus this sword, this kid must have at least four powerful spiritual treasures in his hands.

"There are probably two or three more." Lang Xing answered lightly.

"You can use it?" Huahu asked with disbelief.

Lang Xing snorted and didn't answer. He didn't want to say this.

"Can you really use it?" Xie Yun couldn't help but asked. He also wanted to get an answer. Refining spiritual treasures was not an easy task. He guessed that Lang Xing must have some unique secret skills. .

Lang Xing couldn't ignore Xieyun's questioning, so he had to say perfunctorily, "I can barely use it."

"I don't believe it." Huahu said, shaking his head.

"I can't believe it either." It was not convenient for Qiyun to ask Langxing directly, so he seized every opportunity to help Huahu.

Lang Xing looked at the painting pot hesitantly and asked, "Are you determined to save Xiyang?"

Hua Hu nodded firmly and said, "Of course! I will die without regrets. Xiyang is so righteous. It is worth my risking my life to save him!"

Langxing turned his head to look at Xieyun wordlessly.

Xie Yun smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about me. Now that I've caught up with this matter, I can help as much as I can. I'm confident that I have the ability to save my life. I will escape when I have to. Don't Expect me to fight to the end, but I will do my best.”

Lang Xing nodded and said, "That's the best. Thank you, senior brother. I do need help, but I just don't want to drag you down. Since you insist on this, let's go together. On behalf of Xiyang and Jiangxiao, I would like to thank you for your kindness in drawing your sword to help." As he spoke, he bowed his hands to the two of them.

Huahu said happily, "That's right. Don't mention whether to thank me or not. You should thank Xieyun. The three of us are brothers with Xiyang, so there is no need for you to thank us. Okay, since we have to fight side by side, let's Show us all your abilities so that we can have confidence and stop hiding them."

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