Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2080 Once it’s done, I can drag him to death

Langxing stopped the spirit crane, and after waiting for the four-winged giant roc to fly over, he flew up and jumped onto the back of the wide roc, and then said to Huahu and Xianyun, "Come here, don't worry about the spirit crane, it will Follow us."

The wingspan of the four-winged giant roc exceeds sixty feet. Its broad back is more than enough to cover two houses, and it is not enough to carry a few monks with light bones.

After Xieyun came up, Langxing made an introduction to him, Hei Si and Lingxiang. He heard that Xieyun was the eldest disciple of Qianjie Sect's Yun generation, so Hei Si and Lingxiang had to take a high look at him. The three powerful characters had all won the title of Xuan Jin Sha in the Yuan Sha battle at Yilingwei, and Qian Yun also showed enough respect.

A person who can prosper in Yilingwei must not only be capable enough, but also ruthless enough. It is obvious at a glance that these three people are highly qualified and have great ideas, which makes Xian Yun curious. How could such three rebellious people get together harmoniously? In fact, the answer lies beside him. The person who brought these three people together was Lang Xing's previous life - the one who was in trouble in Yilingwei. Xunyi became more prosperous.

After a while of greetings, Hei Si looked at Lang Xing with a solemn expression and said, "Tell us about the situation at Wanfu Xiuyu. No matter how dangerous it is, we must rescue him."

As soon as Hua Hu came over, he used his spiritual thoughts to tell these two people what he knew. There were not many secrets between the three brothers. He even told these two people that Lang Xing was a disciple of the Lingzi generation of Qianxu Palace. said.

Langxing showed them the memories that Jiangxiao had passed on to him, and then said with an angry look, "It's so lawless over there. Xiyang and Jiangxiao didn't take the initiative to provoke anyone. They were beaten as soon as they arrived there." They were targeted because they just wanted to rob them of money and sex. They haven’t stopped since they entered the Wanfu Cultivation Realm. It’s also because they are too trusting. If they had left earlier, they wouldn’t have caused such trouble. "

Huahu said disapprovingly, "Can you blame them both? It's because Wanfu Xiuyu and this gang of bastards are too bullying. You should all look at it clearly. Don't let any of these people who have fought against Xiyang Jiangxiao go. I must Kill them all!"

Hei Si frowned and said, "Don't be in a hurry to fight and kill people. You have to consider rescuing people first. We can talk about it after Xiyang is rescued."

Lingxiang said slowly, "I think these people deserve to be killed." .??.

Hua Hu happily said, "Yes! Let's kill a few more!"

Xieyun said nothing with a smile on his face. Since he declared that he was just a helper, it was inconvenient for him to participate in formulating strategies.

Hei Si glanced at Lingxiang dissatisfied. Lingxiang, who used to be the most stable, was now led by Hua Hu to become more and more keen on causing trouble.

Lingxiang gave Hei Si a peaceful smile. Although his usual smile was like this, it seemed a bit vindictive to smile like this at this moment.

Hei Si snorted helplessly and asked Lang Xing, "What are your plans?"

Langxing shook his head slightly and said, "Xiyang and Jiangxiao didn't find out much information. After we get there, we can only capture the two leaders of the Zhenhai League and ask about Xiyang's whereabouts. If Xiyang is still alive, it will be easy." If it is possible to save, we will directly rescue him. If it is not easy to save, we will capture an important figure of the other party and use him to bring Xiyang back. If Xiyang is already dead, then we will kill a few of the culprits and avenge Xiyang. "When he finally said the word "revenge", there was a fierce light in his eyes.

"We have to kill a few more!" Huahu said through gritted teeth.

Lingxiang should use his bag, which doesn't matter.

He said in a slow tone, "You really wish Xiyang was dead, right?"

Huahu immediately stopped gritting his teeth and said with a smile, "I will kill a few more whether they die or not. If they dare to mess with us, I will make them regret it!"

Langxing looked at the painted pot and said, "You, Senior Brother Xieyun, and Senior Brother Heisi can support you from the back, while Senior Brother Lingxiang and I will fight in the front."

Huahu chuckled and said, "You are the youngest here. Do you think it is your turn to be the master of the house?"

Lingxiang praised Lang Xing and said, "The strategy that little brother Lang Xing just mentioned is very good. If you can attack with force, attack with force. If you can't attack with force, use wisdom. Little brother is very smart, and arranging you as backup can be said to be a wise man. ”

Huahu laughed angrily and cursed, "You can just fucking say that you are better than us. You really know how to praise yourself in a roundabout way. You know how to know people and how to do them. That's bullshit. What he said is also a strategy." ? He needs to say something that a three-year-old can think of?"

Lang Xing said angrily, "Then what do you think we should do? What's your plan?"

Hua Hu said seriously, "According to my wishes, we will hide after we get there, and kill a few more big monks while they are unprepared. Aren't there just dozens of big monks in total? This is called striking first, and wait." After they recover, there are only a few left, maybe we can uproot the Zhenhai League, and finally not only save Xiyang, but also get revenge. "

Hei Si objected, "You think it's too easy. How can a great monk be so easy to kill? If we miss once, we will be exposed, and then we will be chased and killed."

Hua Hu looked at Lang Xing and Xie Yun with a meaningful look and said, "If the three of us alone are really easy to miss, but with the addition of the two major disciples of Qianjie Sect and Qianxu Palace, this matter may not be so difficult." ”

Xie Yun smiled and said, "I don't have much ability. I can only cope with those in the late stage of Nascent Soul. If I'm lucky, I can win. If I encounter those with strong means, I can only save my life." He was originally a arrogant person, but You have to be restrained in front of these people. There is no way. What these people are planning is too big. Several people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul are actually thinking of uprooting a gang with dozens of great monks. He wants to If they don't hold back, this plan may really be implemented, and then they all may have to die in Wanfu Cultivation Domain.

Hua Hu raised a finger at Xie Yun and said, "Since you dare to say that, then it will definitely be no problem to deal with one late Yuanying person. The three of us are not much different. It will definitely be difficult to deal with three late Yuanying people. If The three of us can defeat two late Nascent Souls and win more than they lose." After saying that, he continued to look at Lang Xing with a meaningful look, waiting for him to reveal his strength.

Lang Xing glanced at everyone, frowned slightly and said, "If the Feathered Monk appears during the fight, don't panic. Let me hold him back. You can get rid of your opponents and retreat calmly. Leave me alone."

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other with different expressions. Huahu and the others knew something about Lang Xing's character. Whether it was Xiyang, Jiangxiao, Lu Gang, or Shu Yan, they all told them that Lang Xing was an honest man. My child, what you are saying is too ridiculous to hold back Monk Huayu. He has to rely on defensive magic weapons to support him while riding the spiritual crane. With this level of cultivation, if Monk Huayu snorts, his meridians will be severed and he will die. , why are you procrastinating?

Xieyun asked implicitly, "How long can you hold me back?"

Lang Xing said with his unique serious expression, "I can drag him to death once this is done."

Everyone looked at each other again, and then couldn't help but smile. Langxing stopped the spirit crane, and after waiting for the four-winged giant roc to fly over, he flew up and jumped onto the back of the wide roc, and then said to Huahu and Xianyun, "Come here, don't worry about the spirit crane, it will Follow us."

The wingspan of the four-winged giant roc exceeds sixty feet. Its broad back is more than enough to cover two houses, and it is not enough to carry a few monks with light bones.

After Xieyun came up, Langxing made an introduction to him, Hei Si and Lingxiang. He heard that Xieyun was the eldest disciple of Qianjie Sect's Yun generation, so Hei Si and Lingxiang had to take a high look at him. The three powerful characters had all won the title of Xuan Jin Sha in the Yuan Sha battle at Yilingwei, and Qian Yun also showed enough respect.

A person who can prosper in Yilingwei must not only be capable enough, but also ruthless enough. It is obvious at a glance that these three people are highly qualified and have great ideas, which makes Xian Yun curious. How could such three rebellious people get together harmoniously? In fact, the answer lies beside him. The person who brought these three people together was Lang Xing's previous life - the one who was in trouble in Yilingwei. Xunyi became more prosperous.

After a while of greetings, Hei Si looked at Lang Xing with a solemn expression and said, "Tell us about the situation at Wanfu Xiuyu. No matter how dangerous it is, we must rescue him."

As soon as Hua Hu came over, he used his spiritual thoughts to tell these two people what he knew. There were not many secrets between the three brothers. He even told these two people that Lang Xing was a disciple of the Lingzi generation of Qianxu Palace. said.

Langxing showed them the memories that Jiangxiao had passed on to him, and then said with an angry look, "It's so lawless over there. Xiyang and Jiangxiao didn't take the initiative to provoke anyone. They were beaten as soon as they arrived there." They were targeted because they just wanted to rob them of money and sex. They haven’t stopped since they entered the Wanfu Cultivation Realm. It’s also because they are too trusting. If they had left earlier, they wouldn’t have caused such trouble.”

Huahu said disapprovingly, "Can you blame them both? It's because Wanfu Xiuyu and other bastards are too bullying. You should all look at it clearly. Don't let any of these people who have fought against Xiyang Jiangxiao go. I must Kill them all!"

Hei Si frowned and said, "Don't be in a hurry to fight and kill people. You have to consider rescuing people first. We can talk about it after Xiyang is rescued."

Lingxiang said slowly, "I think these people deserve to be killed."

Hua Hu happily said, "Yes! Let's kill a few more!"

Xieyun said nothing with a smile on his face. Since he declared that he was just a helper, it was inconvenient for him to participate in formulating strategies.

Hei Si glanced at Lingxiang dissatisfied. Lingxiang, who used to be the most stable, was now led by Hua Hu to become more and more eager to cause trouble.

Lingxiang gave Hei Si a peaceful smile. Although his usual smile was like this, it seemed a bit vindictive to smile like this at this moment.

Hei Si snorted helplessly and asked Lang Xing, "What are your plans?"

Langxing shook his head slightly and said, "Xiyang and Jiangxiao didn't find out much information. After we get there, we can only capture the two leaders of the Zhenhai League and ask about Xiyang's whereabouts. If Xiyang is still alive, it will be easy." If it is possible to save, we will directly rescue him. If it is not easy to save, we will capture an important figure of the other party and use him to bring Xiyang back. If Xiyang is already dead, then we will kill a few of the culprits and avenge Xiyang. "When he finally said the word "revenge", there was a fierce light in his eyes.

"We have to kill a few more!" Huahu said through gritted teeth.

Lingxiang should use his bag, which doesn't matter.

He said in a slow tone, "You really wish that Xi Yang died, right?"

Huahu immediately stopped gritting his teeth and said with a smile, "I will kill a few more whether they die or not. If they dare to mess with us, I will make them regret it!"

Langxing looked at the painted pot and said, "You, Senior Brother Xieyun, and Senior Brother Hei Si can support you from the back, while Senior Brother Lingxiang and I will fight in the front line."

Hua Hu chuckled and said, "You are the youngest here. Do you think it is your turn to be the master of the house?"

Lingxiang praised Lang Xing and said, "The strategy that little brother Lang Xing just mentioned is very good. If you can attack with force, attack with force. If you can't attack with force, use wisdom. Little brother is very smart, and arranging you as backup can be said to be a wise man. ”

Huahu laughed angrily and cursed, "You can just fucking say that you are better than us. You really know how to praise yourself in a roundabout way. You know how to know people and how to do them. That's bullshit. What he said is also a strategy." ? He needs to say something that a three-year-old can think of?"

Lang Xing said angrily, "Then what do you think we should do? What's your plan?"

Huahu said seriously, "According to my wishes, we will hide after we get there, and kill a few more big monks while they are not prepared. Aren't there only dozens of big monks in total? This is called striking first, and wait." After they recover, there are only a few left, maybe we can uproot the Zhenhai League, and finally not only save Xiyang, but also get revenge. "

Hei Si objected, "You think it's too easy. How can a great monk be so easy to kill? If we miss once, we will be exposed, and then we will be chased and killed."

Hua Hu looked at Lang Xing and Xie Yun with a meaningful look and said, "If the three of us alone are really easy to miss, but with the addition of the two major disciples of Qianjie Sect and Qianxu Palace, this matter may not be so difficult." ”

Xie Yun smiled and said, "I don't have much ability. I can only cope with those in the late stage of Nascent Soul. If I'm lucky, I can win. If I encounter those with strong means, I can only save my life." He was originally a arrogant person, but You have to be restrained in front of these people. There is no way. What these people are planning is too big. Several people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul are actually thinking of uprooting a gang with dozens of great monks. He wants to If they don't hold back, this plan may really be implemented, and then they all may have to die in Wanfu Cultivation Domain.

Hua Hu raised a finger at Xie Yun and said, "Since you dare to say that, then it will definitely be no problem to deal with one late Yuanying person. The three of us are not much different. It will definitely be difficult to deal with three late Yuanying people. If The three of us can defeat two late Nascent Souls and win more than they lose." After saying that, he continued to look at Lang Xing with a meaningful look, waiting for him to reveal his strength.

Lang Xing glanced at everyone, frowned slightly and said, "If the Feathered Monk appears during the fight, don't panic. Let me hold him back. You can get rid of your opponents and retreat calmly. Leave me alone."

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other with different expressions. Huahu and the others knew something about Lang Xing's character. Whether it was Xiyang, Jiangxiao, Lu Gang, or Shu Yan, they all told them that Lang Xing was an honest man. My child, what you are saying is too ridiculous to hold back Monk Huayu. He has to rely on defensive magic weapons to support him while riding the spiritual crane. With this level of cultivation, if Monk Huayu snorts, his meridians will be severed and he will die. , why are you procrastinating?

Xieyun asked implicitly, "How long can you hold me back?"

Lang Xing said with his unique serious expression, "I can drag him to death once this is done."

Everyone looked at each other again, and then couldn't help but smile.

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