Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2090 The gift of pot drawing

Hei Si found an opportunity to secretly pass on the process of Xieyun's killing of the late Nascent Soul cultivator to Lang Xing. Langxing said nothing. He had expected Xieyun to have such combat power. He killed a disciple of the Xianlin Academy with only five breaths without using any treasures. This was what he saw with his own eyes. The disciples of the Xianlin Academy were not given in vain, and most of them had the strength to challenge the monks of the first level above.

As for Xianyun's housekeeper Lingbao, Langxing didn't want to ask about it, and others didn't ask too much about his treasure. This respect is necessary, as long as he knows that he can easily kill a late Nascent Soul cultivator. enough.

Another month passed, and the scenery on the ground was even more different from that of Nanjingzhou. Langxing and Xieyun had both traveled far away, so they had already become accustomed to it. Huahu and the three of them did not go. After traveling too far away, while refining spiritual treasures, the three of them loved to do together and point at all kinds of novel sights.

On this day, Huahu pointed forward again and happily said to Hei Si and Ling Xiang beside him, "Look! It's red and yellow. It's so beautiful. Look at the red area. I guess it must be a large red grassland." , look at that green place..." He stopped here and narrowed his eyes before continuing, "I guess it must have been caused by the monster." After saying this, excitement flashed in his eyes. Guang Guang took out the machete, held it in his hand and said to everyone, "It must be a big monster, hang it for me, and don't do anything."

"Let me do it." Lingxiang took out the ink heart cone. Both of them had almost melted their spiritual treasures, and now they were eager to find a strong opponent to test them.

"I saw it first, don't grab it from me!" Huahu was afraid that Lingxiang would grab his hand, so he hurriedly took a few steps forward and stepped on the neck of the giant roc. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't fly as fast as the giant roc, he would He jumped up early and rushed forward.

The four-winged giant roc slowed down after sensing the danger. No matter how much Huahu urged him, Huahu simply abandoned the giant roc and flew forward on his own, with Lingxiang and Hei Si following behind him.

"Be careful, its Taoist skills are definitely not weaker than those in the late Yuanying stage." Xie Yun warned, but did not follow. The strength of these three people should be more than enough to deal with a large monster in the late Yuanying stage.

Lang Xing frowned and chased after him. He didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but he could understand Hua Hu and Ling Xiang's eagerness to practice, so they were more entangled in their hearts. As the saying goes, you can't help yourself in the world, but your friends are there to help you. When it brings help, it must also bring some trouble.

On the other hand, this also shows how powerful this team is. Normal monks in the middle stage of Yuanying would be afraid to run away when encountering a big monster in the late stage of Yuanying, but this group of people rushed forward to find trouble. , Those who don’t rush forward are calm and at ease, with no panic in their hearts.

"What do you want?" Following this divine thought, a dark green cloud rose from the forest. Above the cloud was an emerald-green giant python with blue eyes. Its body was more than a hundred feet long, and its crystal scales were Glowing with holy brilliance, the power swimming in the clouds and mist is like a descending dragon.

"Take your inner elixir!" Huahu said with a cruel smile on his face.

"You are seeking death!" The giant python's spiritual thoughts were filled with anger, and the green clouds outside it suddenly expanded to a hundred miles. In the surging clouds, its power became even more terrifying.

"Be careful." Langxing sent out his spiritual message, but it was not sent to the three people in front, but to the giant python. In a tangled mood, he could only help the giant python so much.

The giant python was confused. Although it had high intelligence, it rarely interacted with humans and could not understand what Langxing was.

What does it mean, but it has already been more careful, because the actions of these people are too abnormal, and the momentum is obviously relying on it. It does not want to provoke these people, but they bully them to the point. As a person with Yuan The great demon cultivators who practice Taoism in the later stage of infancy also have temperament and dignity.

The best strategy for low-level monks when fighting against high-level monks is to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. They are very good at playing Xunyi, and Langxing is even better than others. Of course, Huahu also understands this principle, but in the first place, it is his own battle. He was extremely powerful, and secondly, he was afraid that Lingxiang would attack him, so he attacked fiercely.

The green clouds and mist have magical power. Huahu felt the delayed power as soon as he came into contact with the clouds and mist. With his cultivation in the middle Nascent Soul stage, the delayed magical power did not have a great impact on him, and he rushed there in the blink of an eye. Within a range of seven or eight thousand feet.

Half of the giant python's magical power is in its pair of blue eyes, but the three people rushing towards it made it unable to concentrate too much on Hua Hu, and the power of this magical power was greatly reduced. Hu and the three of them all felt like their hearts and souls were being captured under the glance of those pair of blue eyes. They have been fighting with the monsters of Shui Qingzhou for hundreds of years. They have seen almost all the strange magical powers of the monsters and fought against them. Experience is also a type of combat power. Even if the giant python can concentrate on using the magical power of its eyes, these three people will not be afraid.

Seeing the painting pot coming towards him with great force, the python became so ferocious that it opened its bloody mouth and sucked the painting pot directly into its belly. The sudden strong suction force caused the green clouds to rush in quickly. In that bloody mouth, the sluggish magic power of the green cloud is now like a viscous force, making it difficult for those trapped in it to escape.

Huahu had already taken precautions against the giant python's move. He couldn't resist the powerful suction. He had his own unique way to deal with this move, which was - risk his life! Not only did he not try to break free, but he also accelerated forward with the help of suction. His body was horizontal in the air and shot straight towards the giant python's mouth like a sharp arrow. The machete of light is the arrowhead of this sharp arrow!

Playing bravely and fighting ruthlessly is the innate magical power of painting pots. In terms of bravery, he may not be as good as Xiyang, and in terms of ruthlessness, he may not be stronger than Lu Gang, but he is not weak in either of them, and he is very good at fighting for his life. Xi Yang and Lu Gang enjoyed it, and Xi Yang and Lu Gang couldn't compare to him in this aspect. During the fight, both Xi Yang and Lu Gang were willing to risk their lives, but they had no choice but to paint pots for fun. On the one hand, he was born with this temperament, and on the other hand, it was related to the skills he practiced. Only the feeling of being between life and death could make him make progress.

The giant python's fighting experience cannot be compared with Lu Gang. It has never encountered such an opponent. The most important thing is the ferocious power of the machete. It is frightened. If this continues, both sides will suffer.

This is Lu Gang. It would be difficult for anyone else to be able to use all his cultivation skills to activate Lingbao without fear in this situation.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

The giant python became timid and hurriedly used his body skills to dodge to the side. Fortunately, it was still far away. Fortunately, Lu Gang's control over this spiritual treasure was still weak. The machete grazed the giant python's huge body and slid past. While curling its tail towards the machete, it opened its bloody mouth towards the painting pot.

At this time, the painting pot was less than three thousand feet away from the big mouth. With one level of cultivation difference, the painting pot was sucked like a dead leaf and floated rapidly towards the big mouth. The two sharp pythons were as sharp as doorposts. Behind the teeth is a deep throat like a tunnel. Once it is sucked in, the cultivation level will not be of much use.

Hua Hu, who wanted to test the spirit treasure, had no time to activate the machete at this moment. Hei Si found an opportunity to secretly pass on the process of Xieyun's killing of the late Nascent Soul cultivator to Lang Xing. Langxing said nothing. He had expected Xieyun to have such combat power. He killed a disciple of the Xianlin Academy with only five breaths without using any treasures. This was what he saw with his own eyes. The disciples of the Xianlin Academy were not given in vain, and most of them had the strength to challenge the monks of the first level above.

As for Xianyun's housekeeper Lingbao, Langxing didn't want to ask about it, and others didn't ask too much about his treasure. This respect is necessary, as long as he knows that he can easily kill a late Nascent Soul cultivator. enough.

Another month passed, and the scenery on the ground was even more different from that of Nanjingzhou. Langxing and Xieyun had both traveled far away, so they had already become accustomed to it. Huahu and the three of them did not go. After traveling too far away, while refining spiritual treasures, the three of them loved to do together and point at all kinds of novel sights.

On this day, Huahu pointed forward again and happily said to Hei Si and Ling Xiang beside him, "Look! It's red and yellow. It's so beautiful. Look at the red area. I guess it must be a large red grassland." , look at that green place..." He stopped here and narrowed his eyes before continuing, "I guess it must have been caused by the monster." After saying this, excitement flashed in his eyes. Guang Guang took out the machete, held it in his hand and said to everyone, "It must be a big monster, hang it for me, and don't do anything."

"Let me do it." Lingxiang took out the ink heart cone. Both of them had almost melted their spiritual treasures, and now they were eager to find a strong opponent to test them.

"I saw it first, don't grab it from me!" Huahu was afraid that Lingxiang would grab it, so he hurriedly took a few steps forward and stepped on the neck of the giant roc. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't fly as fast as the giant roc, he would He jumped up early and rushed forward.

The four-winged giant roc slowed down after sensing the danger. No matter how much Huahu urged him, Huahu simply abandoned the giant roc and flew forward on his own, with Lingxiang and Hei Si following behind him.

"Be careful, its Taoist skills are definitely not weaker than those in the late Yuanying stage." Xie Yun warned, but did not follow. The strength of these three people should be more than enough to deal with a large monster in the late Yuanying stage.

Lang Xing frowned and chased after him. He didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but he could understand Hua Hu and Ling Xiang's eagerness to practice, so they were more entangled in their hearts. As the saying goes, you can't help yourself in the world, but your friends are here to help you. When it brings help, it must also bring some trouble.

On the other hand, this also shows how powerful this team is. Normal monks in the middle stage of Yuanying would be afraid to run away when encountering a big monster in the late stage of Yuanying, but this group of people rushed forward to find trouble. , Those who don’t rush forward are calm and at ease, with no panic in their hearts.

"What do you want?" Following this divine thought, a dark green cloud rose from the forest. Above the cloud was an emerald-green giant python with blue eyes. Its body was more than a hundred feet long, and its crystal scales were Glowing with holy brilliance, the power swimming in the clouds and mist is like a descending dragon.

"Take your inner elixir!" Huahu said with a cruel smile on his face.

"You are looking for death!" The giant python's spiritual thoughts were filled with anger, and the green clouds outside it suddenly expanded to a hundred miles. In the surging clouds, its power became even more terrifying.

"Be careful." Langxing sent out his spiritual message, but it was not sent to the three people in front, but to the giant python. In a tangled mood, he could only help the giant python so much.

The giant python was confused. Although it had high intelligence, it rarely interacted with humans and could not understand what Langxing was.

What does it mean, but it has already been more careful, because the actions of these people are too abnormal, and the momentum is obviously relying on it. It does not want to provoke these people, but they bully them to the point. As a person with Yuan The great demon cultivators who practice Taoism in the later stage of infancy also have temperament and dignity.

The best strategy for low-level monks when fighting against high-level monks is to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. They are very good at playing Xunyi, and Langxing is even better than others. Of course, Huahu also understands this principle, but in the first place, it is his own battle. He was extremely powerful, and secondly, he was afraid that Lingxiang would attack him, so he attacked fiercely.

The green clouds and mist have magical power. Huahu felt the delayed power as soon as he came into contact with the clouds and mist. With his cultivation in the middle Nascent Soul stage, the delayed magical power did not have a great impact on him, and he rushed there in the blink of an eye. Within a range of seven or eight thousand feet.

Half of the giant python's magical power is in its pair of blue eyes, but the three people rushing towards it made it unable to concentrate too much on Hua Hu, and the power of this magical power was greatly reduced. Hu and the three of them all felt like their hearts and souls were being captured under the glance of those pair of blue eyes. They have been fighting with the monsters of Shui Qingzhou for hundreds of years. They have seen almost all the strange magical powers of the monsters and fought against them. Experience is also a type of combat power. Even if the giant python can concentrate on using the magical power of its eyes, these three people will not be afraid.

Seeing the painting pot coming towards him with great force, the python became so ferocious that it opened its bloody mouth and sucked the painting pot directly into its belly. The sudden strong suction force caused the green clouds to rush in quickly. In that bloody mouth, the sluggish magic power of the green cloud is now like a viscous force, making it difficult for those trapped in it to escape.

Huahu had already taken precautions against the giant python's move. He couldn't resist the powerful suction. He had his own unique way to deal with this move, which was to risk his life! Not only did he not try to break free, but he also accelerated forward with the help of suction. His body was horizontal in the air and shot straight towards the giant python's mouth like a sharp arrow. The machete of light is the arrowhead of this sharp arrow!

Playing bravely and fighting ruthlessly is the innate magical power of painting pots. In terms of bravery, he may not be as good as Xiyang, and in terms of ruthlessness, he may not be stronger than Lu Gang, but he is not weak in either of them, and he is very good at fighting for his life. Xi Yang and Lu Gang enjoyed it, and Xi Yang and Lu Gang couldn't compare to him in this aspect. During the fight, both Xi Yang and Lu Gang were willing to risk their lives, but they had no choice but to paint pots for fun. On the one hand, he was born with this temperament, and on the other hand, it was related to the skills he practiced. Only the feeling of being between life and death could make him make progress.

The giant python's fighting experience cannot be compared with Lu Gang. It has never encountered such an opponent. The most important thing is the ferocious power of the machete. It is frightened. If this continues, both sides will suffer.

This is Lu Gang. It would be difficult for anyone else to be able to use all his cultivation skills to activate Lingbao without fear in this situation.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

The giant python became timid and hurriedly used his body skills to dodge to the side. Fortunately, it was still far away. Fortunately, Lu Gang's control over this spiritual treasure was still weak. The machete rubbed against the giant python's huge body and slid past. While curling its tail towards the machete, it opened its bloody mouth towards the painting pot.

At this time, the painting pot was less than three thousand feet away from the big mouth. With a cultivation level difference of one level, the painting pot was sucked like a dead leaf and floated rapidly towards the big mouth. The two sharp points of the giant python were like doorposts. Behind the teeth is a deep throat like a tunnel. Once it is sucked in, the cultivation level will not be of much use.

Hua Hu, who wanted to test the spirit treasure, had no time to activate the machete at this moment.

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