Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2091 Arriving at Wanfu Xiuyu

"Go!" Following this shout, Huahu held the magic formula with both hands and pushed forward.

Langxing's inner thoughts burst out loudly. Although he sympathized with the giant python, he still had to help paint the pot at a critical moment of life and death. Hei Si and Lingxiang were quite calm. They knew very well that the key to painting the pot was this. A heaven-destroying seal, at such a close distance, the giant python will definitely suffer a big loss.

Sure enough, with the flash of seven light blue runes, the giant python was so frightened that it desperately threw its huge head to the side, trying to avoid the killing move that hit its forehead, but it was too late, Hua Hu was just a few steps away from it It was only five to six hundred feet long, and seven runes arranged in strange shapes came in front of it in just a flash. Even though it had the Taoist skills of the late Nascent Soul, it could not avoid it. All seven runes hit it and twisted it. Half of the cheek.

The dark green brilliance burst, and the giant python that was hit hard fled in panic. Its huge body stirred up the clouds and fog, and the powerful magic power it erupted suddenly pushed out the painting pot that was close at hand. In an instant, the ball was The green clouds and mist reached thousands of miles away.

"Chase!" Huahu shouted and then used the magic power of shrinking the ground to an inch and stepped out. The giant python was already seriously injured. Of course, he would not let go of this ten thousand-year inner elixir.

Hei Si and Ling Xiang tacitly understood each other and surrounded them one to the left and the other to the right.

Lang Xing stood there without moving, and flew to his side with Yun Fei and said, "This seal is really powerful. He must not have fully understood it yet. It is estimated that this is an ancient spell that can kill the Feather Monk."

Langxing nodded. The giant python that had been cultivating for tens of thousands of years was killed innocently. At this moment, he was a little distracted from talking. With his knowledge, he could also see that this seal was unusual, but he did not want to ask Huahu for details. .

After a cup of tea, the three people came back. Hua Hu's face was pale but full of excitement. He threw a green inner elixir the size of a fist to Lang Xing and said loudly, "Happy! Killing demon cultivators were not like this before." It’s easy, there’s a powerful spiritual treasure that’s different, even though it hasn’t been completely refined yet, it can still play a big role.”

"Look at how you look like you have never seen the world." Lang Xing threw the inner elixir back to him.

"I can't take your spiritual treasures and Taoist robes as gifts for you." Hua Hu wanted to throw the inner elixir back.

Lang Xing waved his hand and said lightly, "No, I don't like it."

Hua Hu was so angry that he said to the two brothers beside him, "Did you hear that? Looking at his madness, even the Ten Thousand Years of Neidan has looked down upon him."

Lingxiang and Heisi both smiled and said nothing. They felt that Langxing was not crazy, but wanted to refuse to accept the inner elixir in this way.

The value of the inner elixir is not determined by its size. Although this inner elixir is very large, it is of average quality among the ten thousand year inner elixirs. However, the value of the ordinary ten thousand year inner elixir will not be less than one million spiritual stones. Lang Xing It was not the inner elixir that was rejected, but the millions of spiritual stones.

Lingxiang took the inner elixir from Huahu and gave it to Lang Xing, saying, "Just take it if you don't like it. Huahu almost lost his life just now in order not to damage this inner elixir."

Lang Xing couldn't refuse anymore, so he took the inner elixir and asked the painting pot, "How is the injury? It doesn't look good to see your face."

Hua Hu sat on the back of the giant roc and said carelessly, "It's okay. The Qi Palace has been a bit shaken. Monsters like pythons are particularly resistant to beatings. You must be careful when you encounter them in the future. You must be ruthless."

Just fine. After saying that, he glanced at Lingxiang and Heisi and cursed, "The most hateful thing is these two bastards. Seeing that I was at a disadvantage, they didn't go up to help, so they just watched me get beaten." "

Hei Si and Ling Xiang looked at each other and smiled. It wasn't that they didn't want to help, they just thought that Hua Hu could deal with a seriously injured python. Later they found out that Hua Hu was afraid of hurting the inner elixir in the python's belly. But it was a bit of a trap, and the dying python counterattacked twice in vain. It was boring to distinguish, so the two of them just laughed it off as a joke. Anyway, hurting each other was a great pleasure for the three of them to get along.

From then on, Hua Hu and Ling Xiang worked harder to refine the spirit treasures. In their spare time, they kept their eyes wide open to look for big monsters that could practice their skills. Big monsters were not easy to encounter. Although this place was a barbaric place. There are little monsters everywhere in the world, but those at the Nascent Soul stage and above are not so easy to find.

Whenever Jupeng needs to rest, Hua Hu and Ling Xiang must drag Hei Si to look for the monster. The hard work pays off. The three of them came back this day with obvious excitement.

Hua Hu handed a black inner elixir to Lang Xing and showed off, "Let's take a look. This one should be stronger than the last one."

Seeing that his face was pale again, Lang Xing couldn't help frowning and asked, "Are you injured?"

Hua Hu glanced at Ling Xiang with disgust, and said with a sigh of relief, "I could have gotten two of them, but this idiot was so impatient that he used the black ink cone to beat the big monster to ashes." , A ten thousand year inner elixir was wasted in vain.”

Lingxiang kept his calm and reserved smile as always, smiling when he shouldn't. This was his unique way of fighting back against others. Even if Huahu had been with him for thousands of years, he would still get angry.

Lang Xing felt deeply about the painting pot and sincerely advised, "There is no need to take such a risk. I really don't need the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill. Alchemy is just a pastime for me, and I won't spend too much time on it in the future." If you work hard, there will be no shortage of spiritual stones, so you won’t go to the extent of exchanging inner elixirs for spiritual stones. If you get hurt because of this, I will feel guilty.”

Lingxiang said, "You don't need to feel guilty at all. He has this problem. He's dangerous. Don't listen to what he says. In fact, he didn't wholeheartedly want to get you the inner elixir. He deserves to be injured and deserves to die."

Hua Hu snorted and went to meditate to recover. Ling Xiang's shortcoming made him feel a little aggrieved. He really wanted to repay Lang Xing more, but what Ling Xiang said was not wrong. He himself couldn't tell the difference. Which of the two ideas is lighter and which is heavier.

It took them more than ten months to get close to Wanfu Xiuyu. It took them more than ten months to fly at the speed of a four-winged giant roc. It took the injured Jiangxiao two years to rush back. It can be imagined that this How hard she worked along the way.

Along the way, they killed a total of five big demonic beasts and two big monks who robbed the road. In Langxing's Qiankun bag, there were five more ten-thousand-year inner elixirs and an additional medium-grade spiritual treasure. As for the Nascent Soul, I don’t know how many monsters have been killed in the middle stage and below. Killing these low-level monsters depends entirely on whether the hands of Painting Pot and Lingxiang are itchy. Lang Xing has not made any moves since the battle with the Soul Cleansing Sect. Continue to implement his principle of not killing indiscriminately.

After looking at the astrology, Tianlangxing stopped the giant roc, pointed ahead and said, "A few hundred thousand miles away is the boundary of Wanfu Xiuyu. As we said before, Lingxiang and I will go to investigate first. The three of you are here." As backup, what do you think?" "Go!" Following this shout, Huahu held the magic formula with both hands and pushed forward.

Langxing's inner thoughts burst out loudly. Although he sympathized with the giant python, he still had to help paint the pot at a critical moment of life and death. Hei Si and Lingxiang were quite calm. They knew very well that the key to painting the pot was this. A heaven-destroying seal, at such a close distance, the giant python will definitely suffer a big loss.

Sure enough, with the flash of seven light blue runes, the giant python was so frightened that it desperately threw its huge head to the side, trying to avoid the killing move that hit its forehead, but it was too late, Hua Hu was just a few steps away from it It was only five to six hundred feet long, and seven runes arranged in strange shapes came in front of it in just a flash. Even though it had the Taoist skills of the late Nascent Soul, it could not avoid it. All seven runes hit it and twisted it. Half of the cheek.

The dark green brilliance burst, and the giant python that was hit hard fled in panic. Its huge body stirred up the clouds and fog, and the powerful magic power it erupted suddenly pushed out the painting pot that was close at hand. In an instant, the ball was The green clouds and mist reached thousands of miles away.

"Chase!" Huahu shouted and then used the magic power of shrinking the ground to an inch and stepped out. The giant python was already seriously injured. Of course, he would not let go of this ten thousand-year inner elixir.

Hei Si and Ling Xiang tacitly understood each other and surrounded them one to the left and the other to the right.

Lang Xing stood there without moving, and flew to his side with Yun Fei and said, "This seal is really powerful. He must not have fully understood it yet. It is estimated that this is an ancient spell that can kill the Feather Monk."

Langxing nodded. The giant python that had been cultivating for tens of thousands of years was killed innocently. At this moment, he was a little distracted from talking. With his knowledge, he could also see that this seal was unusual, but he did not want to ask Huahu for details. .

After a cup of tea, the three people came back. Hua Hu's face was pale but full of excitement. He threw a green inner elixir the size of a fist to Lang Xing and said loudly, "Happy! Killing demon cultivators were not like this before." It’s easy, there’s a powerful spiritual treasure that’s different, even though it hasn’t been completely refined yet, it can still play a big role.”

"Look at how you look like you have never seen the world." Lang Xing threw the inner elixir back to him.

"I can't take your spiritual treasures and Taoist robes as gifts for you." Hua Hu wanted to throw the inner elixir back.

Lang Xing waved his hand and said lightly, "No, I don't like it."

Hua Hu was so angry that he said to the two brothers beside him, "Did you hear that? Looking at his madness, even the Ten Thousand Years of Neidan has looked down upon him."

Lingxiang and Heisi both smiled and said nothing. They felt that Langxing was not crazy, but wanted to refuse to accept the inner elixir in this way.

The value of the inner elixir is not determined by its size. Although this inner elixir is very large, it is of average quality among the ten thousand year inner elixirs. However, the value of the ordinary ten thousand year inner elixir will not be less than one million spiritual stones. Lang Xing It was not the inner elixir that was rejected, but the millions of spiritual stones.

Lingxiang took the inner elixir from Huahu and gave it to Lang Xing, saying, "Just take it if you don't like it. Huahu almost lost his life just now in order not to damage this inner elixir."

Lang Xing couldn't refuse anymore, so he took the inner elixir and asked Huahu, "How is the injury? It doesn't look good to see your face."

Hua Hu sat on the back of the giant roc and said carelessly, "It's okay. The Qi Palace has been a bit shaken. Monsters like pythons are particularly resistant to beatings. You must be careful when you encounter them in the future. You must be ruthless."

Just fine. After saying that, he glanced at Lingxiang and Heisi and cursed, "The most hateful thing is these two bastards. Seeing that I was at a disadvantage, they didn't go up to help, so they just watched me get beaten." "

Hei Si and Ling Xiang looked at each other and smiled. It wasn't that they didn't want to help, they just thought that Hua Hu could deal with a seriously injured python. Later they found out that Hua Hu was afraid of hurting the inner elixir in the python's belly. But it was a bit of a trap, and the dying python counterattacked twice in vain. It was boring to distinguish, so the two of them just laughed it off as a joke. Anyway, hurting each other was a great pleasure for the three of them to get along.

From then on, Hua Hu and Ling Xiang worked harder to refine the spirit treasures. In their spare time, they kept their eyes wide open to look for big monsters that could practice their skills. Big monsters were not easy to encounter. Although this place was a barbaric place. There are little monsters everywhere in the world, but those at the Nascent Soul stage and above are not so easy to find.

Whenever Jupeng needs to rest, Hua Hu and Ling Xiang must drag Hei Si to look for the monster. The hard work pays off. The three of them came back this day with obvious excitement.

Hua Hu handed a black inner elixir to Lang Xing and showed off, "Let's take a look. This one should be stronger than the last one."

Seeing that his face was pale again, Lang Xing couldn't help frowning and asked, "Are you injured?"

Hua Hu glanced at Ling Xiang with disgust, and said with a sigh of relief, "I could have gotten two of them, but this idiot was so impatient that he used the black ink cone to beat the big monster to ashes." , A ten thousand year inner elixir was wasted in vain.”

Lingxiang kept his calm and reserved smile as always, smiling when he shouldn't. This was his unique way of fighting back against others. Even if Huahu had been with him for thousands of years, he would still get angry.

Lang Xing felt deeply about the painting pot and sincerely advised, "There is no need to take such a risk. I really don't need the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill. Alchemy is just a pastime for me, and I won't spend too much time on it in the future." If you work hard, there will be no shortage of spiritual stones, so you won’t go to the extent of exchanging inner elixirs for spiritual stones. If you get hurt because of this, I will feel guilty.”

Lingxiang said, "You don't need to feel guilty at all. He has this problem. He's dangerous. Don't listen to what he says. In fact, he didn't wholeheartedly want to get you the inner elixir. He deserves to be injured and deserves to die."

Hua Hu snorted and went to meditate to recover. Ling Xiang's shortcoming made him feel a little aggrieved. He really wanted to repay Lang Xing more, but what Ling Xiang said was not wrong. He himself couldn't tell the difference. Which of the two ideas is lighter and which is heavier.

It took them more than ten months to get close to Wanfu Xiuyu. It took them more than ten months to fly at the speed of a four-winged giant roc. It took the injured Jiangxiao two years to rush back. It can be imagined that this How hard she worked along the way.

Along the way, they killed a total of five big demonic beasts and two big monks who robbed the road. In Langxing's Qiankun bag, there were five more ten-thousand-year inner elixirs and an additional medium-grade spiritual treasure. As for the Nascent Soul, I don’t know how many monsters have been killed in the middle stage and below. Killing these low-level monsters depends entirely on whether the hands of Painting Pot and Lingxiang are itchy. Lang Xing has not made any moves since the battle with the Soul Cleansing Sect. Continue to implement his principle of not killing indiscriminately.

After looking at the astrology, Tianlangxing stopped the giant roc, pointed ahead and said, "A few hundred thousand miles away is the boundary of Wanfu Xiuyu. As we said before, Lingxiang and I will go to investigate first. The three of you are here." As a backup, what do you think?”

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