Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2095 You guessed it right again!

There is no need to fight over emotions! Langxing sighed bitterly in his heart. When he said that there was a woman in his heart that he couldn't reach, he really meant to be vindictive with Su Wan, because it was not worth it to cause so much trouble by talking too much.

"I don't have much contact with her, I only met her once."

"There's no need to tell me this, we don't have that deep a friendship."

Lang Xing was choked and had nothing to say, so he could only say, "The war is about to begin. Lingxiang and the others are going to find out the news. Don't talk about these unimportant matters. I will have to go up and be ready to meet them in a moment."

"Then go quickly." Su Wan was afraid that he would misunderstand the tone of this sentence, and then added, "Be more careful, Xiang'er still needs your care."

"There's enough time." Lang Xing was reluctant to end the conversation like this, but he didn't know what to say, so he hurriedly found a topic and said, "I met a weirdo, and he took Shu Yan away."

"What kind of weirdo?" Su Wan immediately realized that this matter must be unusual. There was no way that Lang Xing would let anyone take Shu Yan away at will.

"My cultivation level is very high, the highest I have ever seen. Only when my cultivation level catches up with his will he be willing to let Shu Yan come back. I will have to practice harder in the future.

"Does he want to be friends with you?" A strange feeling arose in Su Wan's heart that made her want to laugh. It came again, and the incredible blessing came again. Xunyi fell into love before he embarked on the path of cultivation. He met Immortal Zhengtian who was at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, followed by Flower Immortal, Immortal Xiaoyao, and Yuchan. How many blessings did this kid accumulate? He never used them up in his previous life. Life begins to flow out again.

"Well, you guessed it right, we have the same goals, and he is quite friendly to me." Lang Xing did not expect that Su Wan guessed it right.

"Oh, how can he be a like-minded person? Like you, he just wants to live a mediocre life?"

"You guessed it right again! So smart!"

Su Wan was speechless. Her words were purely teasing, but she didn't expect them to hit the mark. This was really a fish looking for a fish and a shrimp looking for a shrimp.

"Then your life and death is also related to Shu Yan's fate, so you have to protect yourself even more."

Lang Xing seemed to see himself trapped in the web of heaven. At this point, he could no longer escape. None of the burdens on his shoulders were easy, but could he not save Xiyang, could he leave Shu Yan alone? Shen Qing could cut the love thread with the sword of wisdom, but he couldn't. He had restrained himself enough to try not to cause trouble, but now that he had entered the net of heaven, it was beyond his control.

Thinking of Shen Qing, he couldn't help but think a step further. If he died here, what impact would it have on Shen Qing? Will Shen Qing come to avenge him? Will Shen Qing be dragged into the net of heaven?

Probably not, definitely not. Shen Qing would probably be sad for a few years at most.

Thinking of this, Lang Xing finally felt a little relaxed. Shen Qing still made people worry-free. It was a blessing to have such friends.

He agreed with Shen Qing on this point, but he couldn't learn from it. If Shen Qing was killed, he would definitely have to avenge Shen Qing. Although he knew that Shen Qing didn't want him to do that, he still had to avenge Shen Qing. This Is this emotion a form of stupidity? Are emotion and intelligence opposites?

"Don't be distracted, you have to be alert at all times now." Su Wan warned.

"Okay, let me concentrate on

Xiyang was rescued, and then" Langxing frowned slightly, and couldn't condense the following words for a long time. He wanted to say that after rescuing Xiyang, he could practice peacefully, but the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop, Xiyang Didn't the whole mess with Jiangxiao just happen out of nowhere? Lu Gang still didn't know what was going on. Being in the web of heaven, he could only be led by God.

"Don't think too much first. It's important to deal with the things in front of you." Su Wan said knowingly.

"Then I'll put the scroll away and talk to you later."

"I want to understand. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do." Su Wan was afraid that he would be distracted by her.

Langxing nodded, put away the wild residence picture and dived to the ground.

In the dead silence, Su Wan looked at the mountains in the distance and frowned. She used to worry about Xun Yi, but Xun Yi hid everything from her, so she didn't even have the chance to get angry. Now it's different. She spent time with Lang Xing day and night, and deeply felt how ups and downs this boy's life was. Forming a team to challenge Wanfu Xiuyu, how could this be something ordinary people do? It's not hard to imagine what kind of life the troubled Xun Yi was living when he could see the whole story at a glance. The honest and honest Lang Xing was like this.

She was completely involved this time. Su Wan felt like a fish living in calm waters. She was just dragged into the turbulent waves by the undercurrent of Xun Yi. She didn't blame Xun Yi, because the calm waters She couldn't turn a fish into a dragon. If she wanted to become a dragon, she had to go through rough waves, but she felt that she was not ready yet. The waves were too fast.

Look at the events he has experienced since he got together with Lang Xing, fighting against the Junlu Sect, entering the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag, learning about the magical power of thoughts, killing the monk who transformed into a feather and being drunk, and finally being trapped in the Wilderness Map. Everything is... She had never dreamed of it before. Her life had completely changed. Although Xunyi had opened her eyes a lot in the past, it was nothing compared to now.

"Don't die again, otherwise I really don't know how to live anymore. I can't go back to my old life." After silently praying to Langxing in her heart, she tried hard to clear away her worries and distracting thoughts, and said fiercely After understanding, she is a very smart person. She understands that it is useless to be anxious at this time. The most important thing to do is to go out as soon as possible to help Langxing.

After returning to the ground, Langxing found a big tree and hid it in the canopy. The picture of living in the wild in his arms was like a huge stone pressing on his chest, making him unable to breathe smoothly. Su Wan entrusted his life to him. He must The need to ensure Su Wan's safety is contradictory to the desperate desire to rescue Xiyang. There is no middle ground between the two, how difficult it is!

At dusk, two figures flew rapidly from the sky, probably carrying clouds and listening to incense.

"Don't move yet." Hua Hu, who was lying in ambush, sent a spiritual message to Lang Xing. He was afraid that Lang Xing would go forward to greet him due to lack of experience.

Lang Xing really didn't have much experience in this area. He was about to put away the invisible magic weapon. After receiving the spiritual thought of painting the pot, he was stunned for a moment before he understood what he meant. He then urged the invisible magic weapon to continue to be vigilant.

As expected, those who came were Xianyun and Lingxiang. Not only did they not stop when they came over, they even accelerated and flew over their heads.

The three of them, Huahu, have become experts after long battles, and their cooperation is so tacit that they don't need to discuss too much. After Lingxiang and Xianyun flew over, Huahu and Heisi concentrated on sensing whether anyone was following them. , if someone is following them, the acceleration of Xianyun and Lingxiang will inevitably expose some traces of the other party. There is no need to fight over emotions! Langxing sighed bitterly in his heart. When he said that there was a woman in his heart that he couldn't reach, he really meant to be vindictive with Su Wan, because it was not worth it to cause so much trouble by talking too much.

"I don't have much contact with her, I only met her once."

"There's no need to tell me this, we don't have that deep a friendship."

Lang Xing was choked and had nothing to say, so he could only say, "The war is about to begin. Lingxiang and the others are going to find out the news. Don't talk about these unimportant matters. I will have to go up and be ready to meet them in a moment."

"Then go quickly." Su Wan was afraid that he would misunderstand the tone of this sentence, and then added, "Be more careful, Xiang'er still needs your care."

"There's enough time." Lang Xing was reluctant to end the conversation like this, but he didn't know what to say, so he hurriedly found a topic and said, "I met a weirdo, and he took Shu Yan away."

"What kind of weirdo?" Su Wan immediately realized that this matter must be unusual. There was no way that Lang Xing would let anyone take Shu Yan away at will.

"My cultivation level is very high, the highest I have ever seen. Only when my cultivation level catches up with his will he be willing to let Shu Yan come back. I will have to practice harder in the future.

"Does he want to be friends with you?" A strange feeling arose in Su Wan's heart that made her want to laugh. It came again, and the incredible blessing came again. He met Immortal Zhengtian who was at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, followed by Flower Immortal, Immortal Xiaoyao, and Yuchan. How many blessings did this kid accumulate? He never used them up in his previous life. Life begins to flow out again.

"Well, you guessed it right, we have the same goals, and he is quite friendly to me." Lang Xing did not expect that Su Wan guessed it right. ??

"Oh, how can he be a like-minded person? Like you, he just wants to live a mediocre life?"

"You guessed it right again! So smart!"

Su Wan was speechless. Her words were purely teasing, but she didn't expect them to hit the mark. This was really a fish looking for a fish and a shrimp looking for a shrimp.

"Then your life and death is also related to Shu Yan's fate, so you have to protect yourself even more."

Lang Xing seemed to see himself trapped in the web of heaven. At this point, he could no longer escape. None of the burdens on his shoulders were easy, but could he not save Xiyang, could he leave Shu Yan alone? Shen Qing could cut the love thread with the sword of wisdom, but he couldn't. He had restrained himself enough and tried not to cause trouble, but now that he had entered the net of heaven, it was beyond his control.

Thinking of Shen Qing, he couldn't help but think a step further. If he died here, what impact would it have on Shen Qing? Will Shen Qing come to avenge him? Will Shen Qing be dragged into the net of heaven?

Probably not, definitely not. Shen Qing would probably be sad for a few years at most.

Thinking of this, Lang Xing finally felt a little relaxed. Shen Qing still made people worry-free. It was a blessing to have such friends.

He agreed with Shen Qing on this point, but he couldn't learn from it. If Shen Qing was killed, he would definitely have to avenge Shen Qing. Although he knew that Shen Qing didn't want him to do that, he still had to avenge Shen Qing. This Is this emotion a form of stupidity? Are emotion and intelligence opposites?

"Don't be distracted, you have to be alert at all times now." Su Wan reminded.

"Okay, let me concentrate on

Xiyang was rescued, and then" Langxing frowned slightly, and couldn't condense the following words for a long time. He wanted to say that after rescuing Xiyang, he could practice peacefully, but the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop, Xiyang Didn't the whole mess with Jiangxiao just happen out of nowhere? Lu Gang still didn't know what was going on. Being in the web of heaven, he could only be led by God.

"Don't think too much first. It's important to deal with the things in front of you." Su Wan said knowingly.

"Then I'll put the scroll away and talk to you later."

"I want to understand. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do." Su Wan was afraid that he would be distracted by her.

Langxing nodded, put away the wild residence map and dived to the ground.

In the dead silence, Su Wan looked at the mountains in the distance and frowned. She used to worry about Xun Yi, but Xun Yi hid everything from her, so she didn't even have the chance to get angry. Now it's different. She spent time with Lang Xing day and night, and deeply felt how ups and downs this boy's life was. Forming a team to challenge Wanfu Xiuyu, how could this be something ordinary people do? It's not hard to imagine what kind of life the troubled Xun Yi was living when the honest and honest Lang Xing was able to see the whole thing at a glance.

She was completely involved this time. Su Wan felt like a fish living in calm waters. She was just dragged into the turbulent waves by the undercurrent of Xun Yi. She didn't blame Xun Yi, because the calm waters She couldn't turn a fish into a dragon. If she wanted to become a dragon, she had to go through rough waves, but she felt that she was not ready yet. The waves were too fast.

Look at the events he has experienced since he got together with Lang Xing, fighting against the Junlu Sect, entering the Immortal Treasure Universe Bag, learning about the magical power of thoughts, killing the monk who transformed into a feather and being drunk, and finally being trapped in the Wilderness Map. Everything is... She had never dreamed of it before. Her life had completely changed. Although Xunyi had opened her eyes a lot in the past, it was nothing compared to now.

"Don't die again, otherwise I really don't know how to live anymore. I can't go back to my old life." After silently praying to Langxing in her heart, she tried hard to clear away her worries and distracting thoughts, and said fiercely After understanding, she is a very smart person. She understands that it is useless to be anxious at this time. The most important thing to do is to go out as soon as possible to help Langxing.

After returning to the ground, Langxing found a big tree and hid it in the canopy. The picture of living in the wild in his arms was like a huge stone pressing on his chest, making him unable to breathe smoothly. Su Wan entrusted his life to him. He must The need to ensure Su Wan's safety is contradictory to the desperate desire to rescue Xiyang. There is no middle ground between the two, how difficult it is!

At dusk, two figures flew rapidly from the sky, probably carrying clouds and listening to incense.

"Don't move yet." Hua Hu, who was lying in ambush, sent a spiritual message to Lang Xing. He was afraid that Lang Xing would go forward to greet him due to lack of experience.

Lang Xing really didn't have much experience in this area. He was about to put away the invisible magic weapon. After receiving the spiritual thought of painting the pot, he was stunned for a moment before he understood what he meant. He then urged the invisible magic weapon to continue to be vigilant.

As expected, those who came were Xianyun and Lingxiang. Not only did they not stop when they came over, they even accelerated and flew over their heads.

The three of them, Huahu, have become experts after long battles, and their cooperation is so tacit that they don't need to discuss too much. After Lingxiang and Xianyun flew over, Huahu and Heisi concentrated on sensing whether anyone was following them. , if someone is following them, the acceleration of Xianyun and Lingxiang will inevitably expose some traces of the other party.

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