Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2096 You can’t escape

After flying more than three thousand miles with Yun and Lingxiang, he suddenly turned around and rushed back. This was also a common method to lure the enemy into revealing their traces.

Hua Hu didn't notice anything unusual. Just when he was about to show up to greet Lang Xing, he saw a red light suddenly shot out from the tree crown. It was Lang Xing's red spear. Then there was a wave of spiritual energy in the air, and the spear It must have hit something.

"Don't move!" Langxing ordered Huahu and Hei Si with his mind. He didn't know what he just killed. He just used his mind to sense what seemed to be a small hidden spiritual being. Following Xianyun and Lingxiang, they thought it must be a small spiritual beast that could become invisible, so they killed it directly with a spear.

Xianyun and Lingxiang, who were flying this way, immediately stopped when they saw this, and took a vigilant posture to meet the enemy.

After a moment, a middle-aged monk with a sallow complexion flew over with a solemn expression, and stopped when he was still hundreds of miles away from the big tree where Langxing was. He stared at the crown of the tree and spoke about two thousand miles away. Xieyun and Lingxiang outside asked, "Who are you?"

Lingxiang and Xieyun stared at him silently and flew over slowly.

In the eyes of this great monk, two monks who have reached the perfect state of the middle stage of Yuanying are nothing. What makes him fearful is the person who killed him for tracking the spirit beast. But in the eyes of Lingxiang and Xieyun, it is a Yuan Ying. A great monk in the late infant stage is nothing. The difficult thing is how to keep him.

At this time, the tacit understanding came into play again. When Lingxiang and Xieyun approached, Hei Si, who was closer to the big tree of Langxing, suddenly jumped out and quickly joined Lingxiang and the others, pretending to be him just now. With their hands out, Lingxiang and Xieyun acted as if they were coming to rescue Hei Si. The three of them stared at the great monk with wary eyes and slowly backed away. Although Xieyun cooperated with these three people for the first time, but with his calm His state of mind didn't reveal many flaws.

"You can't escape." The great monk was still staring at the crown of the big tree. He slowly approached as the three of them retreated. Hei Si's appearance relieved most of his suspicions.

But he is still quite cautious, still afraid that there are powerful hidden opponents.

Lingxiang and the three of them suddenly started running away, and now the great monk had to give chase.

As he flew over the hill, a green light shot out from below. Hua Hu, who was lying in wait there, finally had the opportunity to take action!

Almost at the same moment as the green light flashed, a purple light flashed behind the great monk. Langxing's Purple Sun Sword took action. He quietly moved his position after sending his thoughts to Hua Hu and Hei Si, but Zi The sun sword did not shoot at the great monk, but at a position thousands of feet behind him, and a white light flashed there at the same time. The white light hit the painted pot that had just appeared.

The other party is actually not alone! Lingxiang and the other three used their skills to rush back quickly.

Two muffled groans sounded one after another. The one who suffered first was the sallow-faced monk. The machete struck his body-protecting divine light firmly. Although he was on careful guard, the power of the machete could inflict damage to Yuan Yuan. The cultivator in the late infant stage severely injured Huahu. He knew clearly that Langxing was fighting with someone, but he ignored it and ran straight towards the injured sallow-faced cultivator. He waved his hand and struck a Heaven-Destroying Seal, taking advantage of the opportunity. The great monk did not regain his composure and immediately dismissed him.

Xie Yun watched the white light that hit the painting pot turn sharply to meet the Purple Sun Sword. He immediately slowed down, and then as expected, he heard the muffled groan, a man with a sallow face. The monk wearing the same robe was beaten until his figure appeared. He originally thought that Lang Xing would use the second treasure to hit this person again, but unexpectedly he saw Lang Xing flying towards the person leisurely, and the person seemed to He was struggling with a painful expression as if he had been sealed, unable to move at all.

This boy's sealing method is actually so superb, Xianyun

I feel a bit toothache, and I feel a little uncomfortable all over my body. This kid is so amazing. It’s not surprising that Qianxu Palace has such magical spells. The question is how he understood it at such a young age.

"Get out of here!" Hua Hu said as he turned the body of the great monk who was killed into the invisible.

Langxing took action and sealed the great monk who was trapped by the God-Binding Technique, and threw him to Hei Si who came over. The five people immediately fled into the distance.

Flying to a dense forest tens of thousands of miles away, Huahu grinned and asked Langxing, "What did you kill with a long gun? How did you find it?"

"It should be a spiritual beast following them. I didn't see its appearance clearly. I just sensed its existence with my mind and supernatural powers. How did you provoke these two people?" Lang Xing gave a brief explanation and then refused. Talkatively asked Lingxiang and Xieyun.

"Did you also discover him with your mental power?" Huahu pointed at the sealed monk and asked, refusing to give up.

Lang Xing hummed, but still had no intention of explaining more.

"Damn it, your grandma, this is so unbelievable, any invisibility method will be useless against you." Huahu looked at Lang Xing with a bewildered look. The other three people's looks were similar to his.

Lang Xing said helplessly, "It's precisely because it's so outrageous that I never wanted others to know. I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Hei Si patted Lang Xing on the shoulder and said, "We can understand. It's great that you have this ability. Our chances of winning are even greater."

"What's the chance of winning? I think he can defeat Wanfu Xiuyu alone." Huahu looked at Langxing with complicated eyes.

"I don't have that ability." Lang Xing glanced at the four people staring at him, and asked Xieyun and Lingxiang again, "How did you get into trouble with them? Have you found out the whereabouts of Xiyang?"

r\u003e Xie Yun took a breath, suppressed the curiosity and doubts in his heart, and replied, "We arrested several people from different sects to search for their souls. After Xiyang was captured, he was taken away by the Lingbo sect. Yes. We don’t know whether he is alive or dead. In order to avoid mistakes, we captured all those who are in the middle stage of Yuanying. It seems that we were not careful enough and were targeted. Now this person in the late stage of Yuanying has arrived at our door. Let’s search for his soul. ”

Lang Xing unlocked the seal on the great monk. The man looked at Lang Xing with a horrified look and asked, "What is your cultivation level?"

Langxing ignored him and asked the four of them, "Which of you has a better soul-searching technique? Don't hurt him, maybe you can use him to exchange for Xiyang." Although his soul-searching technique has undergone some practice, he knows that it is still good. In the unpopular stage.

"I'll do it." Lingxiang volunteered with a smile on his face. He loved doing this kind of thing. Because of his calm temperament and careful thinking, the three brothers let him do it whenever they had to search for souls.

"Don't search for souls! Just tell me the truth about what you want to know." The great monk begged.

Lingxiang said with a sophisticated smile, "It's okay. As long as you don't resist, I won't hurt you. Be smart and don't ask for trouble."

The great monk hesitated for a moment and then closed his eyes obediently. He could see that these people were ruthless and did not take him, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, into consideration at all. It was sad, he A well-established figure in the Wanfu Xiu Domain could not maintain any dignity in the hands of a group of brats who were one or two thousand years old.

In addition to feeling pathetic, he also felt panicked in his heart because he couldn't see through the cultivation level of the youngest monk. On the surface, he undoubtedly seemed to be a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, but as soon as he took action, he was beaten to nothing in the late stage of Yuanying. There was no room for fighting back. This was definitely not something that a monk in the early stage of Yuanying could do. When he fell into the hands of such an unfathomable person, he was so flustered that he lost the courage to resist. Moreover, it was difficult for him to resist the restraint imposed on him. Escape in a short time.

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