Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2097 Don’t be tempted

Lingxiang's soul-searching technique was indeed skillful and efficient, and he took his hand back from the great monk's forehead in less than a cup of tea.

"His name is Wangchaozi, the third elder of the Golden Immortal Sect. The one who painted the pot and beat him to death was Xingyizi of the Tianyan Sect. The spiritual beast that Langxing killed was named Xingque, and it was only the size of a little finger." Because Xingque was too big. It was difficult to be discovered, which made him even more impressed by Langxing's detection ability, so he couldn't help but tell everyone. Of course, this was not the point, so he immediately continued, "Xiyang is still alive, because they tried to attack Xiyang." When Yang was searching for his soul, they found that there was an extremely clever guardian spirit in his spiritual platform. They couldn't figure out Xi Yang's origin, so they didn't dare to deal with Xi Yang easily. "

"Is he being imprisoned in the Lingbo Sect?" Langxing asked. He guessed that the guardian spirit in Xiyang Lingtai should be cast by Concubine Chan.

"Yes." Lingxiang nodded and continued, "The Lingbo sect has two Huayu monks and eighteen late Yuanying monks. The Tianyan Sect has three late Yuanying monks. The dead Xingyizi was the third elder. The members of these sects in Wanfu Xiuyu are relatively mixed, and many of them are outsiders. This Wangchaozi came from Nanjingzhou, and he is burdened with a lot of blood debts." .??.

Langxing looked at Wangchaozi with some disappointment and said, "Then do you think it's okay to trade him for Xiyang?"

Without waiting for Lingxiang's reply, Huahu rushed to say, "I think it won't work. Let's grab a few more heavier ones."

Wang Chaozi looked at Lang Xing with eager eyes and said, "If you can change it, they will definitely change it!"

Lang Xing took action to seal him away again.

Lingxiang said, "Now there is one thing that is beneficial to us. The forces on the Yuhai side are launching an attack on Wanfu Xiuyu. The offensive is quite fierce. Almost all of Wanfu Xiuyu's side went out to meet the enemy. These two goods are left behind. Officers, Xieyun and I were unlucky and were discovered by them during the inspection, so we followed them. "

"Have the two feathered monks sent by Lingbo gone to the battlefield?" Lang Xing's eyes flashed brightly.

Lingxiang smiled slightly and said, "I should go, because Yuhai

The army is approaching fiercely, and the troops are divided into three groups. It looks like they are going to have a decisive battle. Wanfu Xiuyu is retreating steadily. In a battle of this scale, the Feathered Monk must be in charge. We are just in time. "

Hua Hu clenched his fists excitedly and said, "Then what else is there to say? Break into the Lingbo sect and rescue Xiyang. Then we will make a big fuss in the rear and let Wanfu Xiuyu's gang start a fire in the backyard and help Yuhai." If those people win, they can be considered as avenging Xiyang He Jiangxiao."

"Just rescue Xiyang, there is no need to cause more trouble." Lang Xing said with a frown.

Huahu said disapprovingly, "In this big bustle, how can we not stir up the chaos? After rescuing Xiyang, you three should go back with Yun first. The three of us will get more benefits, but can you persuade Xiyang to leave?" Yang seems to be a problem."

Seeing that Lang Xing was looking displeased, Hei Si said to Huahu, "Let's discuss how to save Xiyang first. Whether there will be trouble or not will be decided after Xiyang is rescued."

Lingxiang said, "Without further delay, we should attack the Lingbo sect immediately. There are at most one or two great monks stationed in the Lingbo sect now." After saying that, he passed on a map obtained from the soul search to everyone, and then The layout of the Lingbo Sect's location was also displayed.

"Xiyang should be imprisoned here." He pointed to a canyon and said.

Hua Hu took out a white pill, pointed at Wang Chaozi and said to Lang Xing, "Unlock his seal. I'll feed him a poison pill and ask him to take us to Lingbo Sect."

Langxing unlocked the seal, Huahu shook the pill in front of Wangchaozi, and said, "If you don't take the antidote within three days, you will die miserably. Take us into the Lingbo Sect and take away Xiyang Hou." I'll give you the antidote." After saying that, he opened Wang Chaozi's mouth and stuffed the white pill into it.

As soon as the poison enters the mouth, you will see the tide immediately

He let out a scream, and a layer of bead-sized sweat appeared on his forehead.

Hua Hupi smiled and said, "No need for me to say more, right? First tell me the secret to entering your Lingbo Sect's magic circle."

Wang Chaozi endured the severe pain and said with difficulty, "If you just want to save that Xiyang, you can just exchange it with me, or you can let me go back and I will help you bring him. You can give me the antidote then." That’s it.”

Xieyun said to Lang Xing, "This is also a way." He thought Wang Chaozi was quite sincere.

Hua Hu waved his hands repeatedly and said, "We can't trust him easily. What if he wants to bring someone to catch us? Rather than taking that risk, we might as well go there."

Wang Chaozi vowed, "I can swear with my Taoist heart. I am not a member of the Lingbo sect. I only join to settle down and make a living. After sending Xiyang to you, I will most likely find another place to live. There is no need to take it for this." You can risk your own life, you can trust me.”

Langxing looked at Lingxiang and Heisi hesitantly. The Lingbo Sect was located in the center of Wanfu Xiuyu, and the risk of killing them was not small.

Hei Si didn't say anything. He tended to let Chao Zi go and bring Xi Yang, but this was definitely not what Hua Hu wanted.

Lingxiang rolled her eyes and said, "Let's go with them. Anyway, they are all out to fight Yu Hai's army. Even if there is an accident, we can still fight out."

Langxing looked at Xieyun again. This was a decision related to everyone's safety, and he didn't want to make his own decision.

Xie Yun smiled and said, "Then let's do what they want. Since we have come all the way here, I wouldn't be sorry for the long journey these few months if I don't take a tour of the Wanfu Cultivation Domain."

Huahu became happy and said, "That's right! You two even went for a walk. I haven't even seen what Wanfu Xiuyu is like." After saying that, he no longer cared about Langxing's attitude and looked at Chaozi. "You pretended to capture us," he said.

Son, take us directly to the place where Xiyang is imprisoned. After rescuing Xiyang, send us out, and then you can get the antidote. "

Wang Chaozi nodded helplessly with a grimace on his face. Since these people had reached an agreement, he did not dare to say anything more.

Lang Xing said to Wang Chaozi seriously, "You make an oath to me with your Taoist heart." He first sealed some of Wang Chaozi's cultivation levels, and then took away the God Binding Art.

Wang Chaozi immediately forced out a drop of blood and made an oath.

Hua Hu looked sideways, feeling quite disdainful about this. He felt that Lang Xing was just a child, and that poison pills were far more effective than oaths, so this was completely unnecessary.

Xie Yun looked at Wang Chaozi with a mocking look and said, "Don't be wrong. Even if you summon ten or eight late Nascent Soul monks, it won't be enough for us to kill. If you don't believe it, you can gamble with your life." bet."

Wang Chaozi showed a humble look and said, "Don't dare, I have seen the methods of several fellow Taoists. I can see this clearly, and I will never dare to have any evil thoughts."

Langxing pulled Xieyun aside and secretly said, "You can provide support here. The four of us will be enough."

Xie Yun showed a sly smile and said, "Don't you think of me as a friend?"

Lang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "You are trying to flatter me by saying that."

Xie Yun patted his shoulder and laughed and said, "I'm just trying to tease you because I don't want to miss this opportunity to make friends with you. I have to take the opportunity to make you owe me some favors. I won't tell you anything secretly." That’s what I think, if you don’t want to get too close to me, then I will follow your arrangements and be here to support you.”

Lang Xing patted him on the shoulder gratefully, "Thank you very much. I owe you this favor, but you must exercise caution and run away as soon as possible when it's time to escape. Don't get yourself involved."

"I'm not that stupid, let's go." Xie Yun showed a warm smile.

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