Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2102 Get out of here!

Xie Yun retreated worriedly. He could guess that Gongsun Chong would definitely not dare to take action against a monk who transformed into feathers. Only Lang Xing had the ability to control the battle situation. With the ability to breathe, under the joint attack of everyone, the Yushen Immortal Lord will probably be planted here, but he can't force Lang Xing to take action, and Lang Xing's concerns are reasonable, let alone letting the Yushen Immortal Lord run away. , even if he was killed, another Fei Yu monk from the Lingbo sect, the Immortal Concubine of the Immortal God, would come to hunt them down. Of course it would be best if they could not take action, but he felt that this was quite embarrassing.

On the other side, Wang Chaozi was begging Huahu and the others to help him unlock the ban. He was scared to death. Yushenxianzun didn't even look at him until now. He knew what it meant.

Yu Shenxian Zun was not very at ease at the moment. The combat power displayed by Lang Xing and his group already gave him a headache. Suddenly there were more than a dozen great monks from Yuhai. If this group of people swarmed up If so, he could only escape first. If he fought hard, he felt that he didn't even have half a chance of winning.

"Stay in Xiyang and let your master come and talk to me." He told Langxing and his group his conditions, and then said to Gongsun Chong, "You guys should go back too. If you have anything to say, let your master Come and tell me, I promise not to hurt your friend, but this matter must have an ending that satisfies everyone. My disciple cannot die in vain."

Gongsun Chong, who was full of grief and indignation, gritted his teeth and said, "My two friends are facing the tragic fate of being cut off, and this is all due to the evil deeds of your disciple. If you insist on asking for an explanation from him, then today you Just give us an explanation first!”

"Yes!" Huahu shouted. He didn't dare to be overly arrogant in the face of a Yuyu monk, but he was very brave to dare to beat the drum like this. Of course, he could also see what Qiyun could see, so he held it back He tried hard to encourage Yu Hai and the others to take action first.

Yu Shenxian looked at Gongsun Chong and said calmly, "What explanation do you want me to give you? You are worthy of me."

Say this? "

Gongsun Chong had just said harsh words out of anger and grief. Now he felt a little guilty when he was asked this question. He was silent for a moment before saying, "Give Xiyang to us first, and then we can talk about other things."

At this time, Langxing said, "What's wrong with it? The truth is on our side. Do we need to be of equal status to reason with you? Today we are going to take Xiyang away. Whoever stands in the way will die. And will we come back to avenge this in the future?" We have the final say. I advise you to take your disciples and leave as soon as possible. Wading into this muddy water will not end well."

These words were domineering enough, because Lang Xing heard that Yu Shenxian Zun meant that he did not intend to let Xi Yang go. In this case, there was nothing to discuss.

Xianyun and the others cheered up, and Langxing finally decided to take action! Nervously and anxiously, they moved forward slowly, forming a formation of guarding Lang Xing on the left and right wings. Even Hua Hu felt his scalp was a little numb. After all, he was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and was in the perfect state, which was different from the Feather stage. There are several levels.

The faces of Yuhai's gang suddenly became serious. In their opinion, if they fought as the main force, even if they could win, they would be defeated miserably, and most of them would die.

"Damn it!"

"court death!"


"I'll kill you!"


After hearing these arrogant words, the Lingbo disciples yelled and cursed, and some wanted to rush over to teach Lang Xing a lesson. They had nothing to fear with their master by their side.

"Please give me some peace of mind!" Yu Shen Xianzun shouted.

He scolded, and then looked at Lang Xing with an unhappy expression. He really wanted to shout and shock this arrogant person to death, but the other person was the twelfth generation disciple of Qianxu Palace, so he had to be more cautious.

"You guys don't talk for now." Gongsun Chong said to Lang Xing and the others across the Lingbo faction's camp. His tone was a little harsh. Firstly, he didn't want these people to cause trouble anymore. Secondly, In order to save some face for Yu Shenxian Zun.

Hua Hu snorted, and Qi Yun glanced at Gongsun Chong with a mocking look. Gongsun Chong's tone that sounded like he was threatening his life made them feel unhappy. If they didn't have to rely on the power of this group of people, They both must have choked back.

Yu Shenxianzun looked at Lang Xing coldly and said, "Do you think your little ability can support your wild words? Whoever stands in the way will die? I'll make my words clearer to you. No one can take Xiyang away today. I'm blocking your way, come and kill me. I don't want to embarrass you because you are a disciple of Fang Xianzun. You have to know how to behave. Don't think that I don't dare to touch you." Lang Xing's arrogance. He had to say some harsh words, but the conversation softened later. He really didn't want to touch the disciples of Qianxugong and Qianjie Sect.

What he didn't expect was that Lang Xing actually accepted the challenge, "Okay, let your disciples and grandsons stay away. I don't want to hurt innocent people. If you have the guts, just stand there and receive my three moves!"

"Presumptuous!" Yu Shenxian Zun shouted angrily, but did not immediately send away the disciples and disciples around him.

The bright flashing light shook for a moment, and Lang Xing's heart felt as if he had been hit with a heavy hammer. His face suddenly turned pale, and Yushen Xianzun had shown mercy.

"Get out of here!" Langxing roared fiercely at the disciples of the Lingbo Sect. He was a little impatient. With this fierce shout, the glow of the Purple Sun Sword reflected the world in strange colors. , in purple

In the blue sky, a vague white mist swayed, which was the "little whiteboard" of the newly refined Yuanqing spiritual treasure.

The chanting, which had weakened just now, became louder. Hei Si pushed the Immortal Sacrifice Flag to the extreme, with a desperate light shining in his eyes.

Xieyun finally took out the magic weapon, but it was not the cyan dagger, but a golden long sword. He held the sword in his right hand and raised his left hand to pinch the magic spell. The index finger pointed to the sky, and a crimson bead made of spiritual power was spun on the fingertip. The bead was only the size of a pigeon egg, but the terrifying aura it exuded made people dare not look at it. Of course, this was all a feint. His The secret treasure is still the cyan dagger. Huahu and the three of them are enough to attract the enemy's main force. He doesn't want to expose his strength too early. It would be too dangerous.

As soon as this team showed its power, billowing clouds immediately formed in the sky. Five high-grade offensive spiritual treasures were revealed. Langxing also activated a high-grade defensive spiritual treasure. This kind of combat power was enough to make the Monk Yu was shocked.

The situation changed beyond the expectations of the other two groups. When Langxing roared, the Lingbo group wanted to yell back, but then the Purple Sun Sword rose into the air, and these people's minds were suddenly taken away. The ones with the highest cultivation level among them were only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Under the distant finger of the Purple Sun Sword, their expressions changed, and they didn't dare to curse at each other.

The figure of Yu Shen Xianzun disappeared in a flash. He neither expected that Lang Xing would dare to take the initiative to attack him, nor did he expect that this boy would be so fierce. He activated three high-grade spiritual treasures at the same time. This was definitely not a Nascent Soul. What the early monks could do was that others could not see clearly the vague white mist, but he could see it clearly. Whether it was the Purple Sun Sword or the white mist, if he was hit, either one would be enough for him. Damn it, the spirit treasures of the other three could also hurt him, and the one who looked the hardest to deal with must have a killer move that he hadn't revealed yet. He didn't dare to stand there and resist.

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