Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2103 Come back to Yuhai with me quickly

What makes Yu Shenxian Zun feel afraid is of course the Yuhai group. Those dozen or so are all great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. Although they are hundreds of thousands of feet apart, they can all feel the force that they cannot see. The weak team in sight suddenly burst out with terrifying combat power. Since the friendly forces are so strong, this battle will be fought!

A strange ripple first rippled beside Gongsun Chong. The ripple was like a wave of water and a wave of spiritual power. It expanded very quickly. When he moved, all the great monks guarding him started to move. For a moment, The wind and clouds surged, and the already changed color of the world was stirred up into even more chaos. Some demon cultivators showed their original appearance, with huge bodies scattered in the air, and all kinds of chilling roars and roars.

As soon as the Yuhai gang took action, Yu Shenxian Zun disappeared and escaped, leaving behind a group of terrified Lingbo disciples. A few of them were timid and fled in panic, while the rest hurriedly formed a defensive formation. , they believed that their master would definitely be able to deal with this group of people, but it was hard to say whether they could save their lives in this battle.

Yushenxianzun really launched a counterattack as his disciples and grandsons thought. A golden giant turtle dozens of feet long fell from the air, and then there was a fierce spiritual power surge in the air. Seven or eight Jade Sea Masters The monks took action at the same time, beating the area where the Immortal Goddess of Heaven appeared until a crack in the void almost appeared. However, the Immortal God of the Gods had already escaped thousands of miles away, and then he stopped taking action.

His attack this time was not the kind of counterattack that his disciples and disciples thought. He was just doing it casually while escaping to save some face. This was dangerous enough. If anything went wrong, he would have to fight hard. Those little guys from Nanjingzhou could kill him if they came over.

After a brief battle, the battlefield fell into a dead silence. The Jade Sea monks were on full alert to guard against another sneak attack by the God-Resisting Immortal Lord. The disciples of the Lingbo Sect began to retreat quietly outside the battlefield in fear. Their strength was so strong. It's not enough to help, so staying here will only lead to death in vain.

Xieyun and the others gathered around Langxing. To find an invisible monk in the form of feathers, all they could rely on was Langxing's mental power.

The range of perception of the magical power of the mind was only about a thousand miles, so Langxing could not detect the traces of Yushenxianzun. He led several brothers to join Gongsun Chong. The disciples of Lingbo Sect have already run away at this moment.

A circle of Jade Sea monks formed a defensive formation on the outside. Qian Yun and others set up defense in the inner circle. Even the Huayu monks could not get close to within a hundred miles quietly. Langxing put away his shining light, and Gongsun Chong It was the first time I met this mysterious figure who dared to shout with Yu Shen Xianzun. I was a little stunned by the opponent's early Nascent Soul cultivation level.

"Senior Brother Gongsun, I am Xiyang and Jiangxiao's good friend Lang Xing. I often hear them mention you. Thank you for coming." Lang Xing saluted Gongsun Chong with his eyes filled with sincerity.

"Nice to meet you." Gongsun Chong returned the gift somewhat perfunctorily. He did not dare to relax too much when facing a powerful enemy, and then he said, "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Come back to Yuhai with me quickly, so as to ensure safety. "

Langxing hesitated and said, "I think it's better for us to return to Nanjingzhou as soon as possible."

Gongsun Chong frowned and said, "No, Yu Shen Xian Zun will definitely hunt you down. If you can't go back, go to Yuhai first, and then I will find a way to send you back."

Lang Xing was a little undecided, because he felt that the Gongsun Chong in front of him was very different from the Gongsun Chong that Xiyang showed him back then. The sense of closeness he had in his heart before was now reduced.

A lot.

"You came here specifically to save Xiyang, right?" Although the fact was obvious, he still asked.

Gongsun Chong nodded vigorously, "Yes! Let's go quickly. Xiyang and I are close friends of life and death. You can trust me."

Langxing asked Xieyun, "What do you think we should do?"

Xie Yun said resolutely, "I'm not going to Yuhai." Given Gongsun Chong's tone when he spoke to them before, he would not go with such a person.

Langxing looked at Huahu and the three of them again and asked, "What about you?"

"We're not going either." Before Huahu could speak, Lingxiang rushed to answer. He was good at guessing other people's thoughts and had already seen that Langxing didn't want to go to Yuhai.

"Yes! We're not going either." Hua Hu followed suit. He, like Xieyun, disliked Gongsun Chong.

When Gongsun Chong was hanging out with Xunyi and the others, he was the deepest one in the city. Of course he could tell that these people were angry with him, so he bowed his hands to Xianyun, Huahu and the others and said, "Just now, you have so many talents." Offended, I bear the late Nascent Soul cultivation in the sky, but at critical moments, I am far less calm than a few Taoist friends. I was a little out of touch just now, and I spoke without consideration. Please forgive me, Taoist friends, this is not the time to be impulsive. I implore you all to follow me to Yuhai immediately. You risked your lives to save Xiyang. This friendship will never be forgotten. I am Xiyang's life and death friend, and Xiyang suffered because of me. , so I have to take good care of him and you no matter what."

These words were affectionate and sincere, which made Langxing feel embarrassed. Most of Huahu's resentment had dissipated. He rolled his eyes and his attitude was shaken. He longed for a big kill, and joining the Yuhai camp would undoubtedly satisfy him. His wish.

"I'm not going. If you want to go, then I'll go back first." Xieyun's attitude has not changed. His identity has been exposed. For him, this place is already a dangerous place. In fact, at this point, The same goes for Langxing. Disciples from famous families like them not only carry treasures that are easy to be coveted by others, but the spells they learn can also make people think wrongly. As the saying goes, the son of a rich man cannot sit down in court, but now Xiyang has been rescued. , he didn’t want to put himself in danger anymore.

“Then let’s go back.” Lang Jiangxiao is seriously injured. She must be worried about Xiyang's safety at this moment. Let her see Xiyang earlier so that she can heal her injuries earlier. If it is convenient for me, Senior Brother Gongsun, please take the time to visit her later. She is really I miss you very much.”

Gongsun Chong said anxiously, "It's impossible for you to escape the pursuit of a great supernatural power, and we, the people, can't escort you to such a far place. This is absolutely impossible. If you insist on going back, you have to hand over Xiyang." Take care of him, I can't let him fall into the enemy's hands again."

Xiyun said, "I think it's okay." Carrying Xiyang is a burden, so leaving it to Gongsun Chong is a good choice.

Huahu objected, "No, either we go to Yuhai, or we take Xiyang back." He took such a big risk to rescue Xiyang, and he was worried about whoever he left it to.

Gongsun Chong said anxiously, "We don't have time to delay like this. Yushen will soon be able to recruit other great powers from Wanfu Xiuyu, and then we will all die here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the west, obviously noticing something unusual. What makes Yu Shenxian Zun feel afraid is of course the Yuhai group. Those dozen or so are all great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. Although they are hundreds of thousands of feet apart, they can all feel the force that they cannot see. The weak team in sight suddenly burst out with terrifying combat power. Since the friendly forces are so strong, this battle will be fought!

A strange ripple first rippled beside Gongsun Chong. The ripple was like a wave of water and a wave of spiritual power. It expanded very quickly. When he moved, all the great monks guarding him started to move. For a moment, The wind and clouds surged, and the already changed color of the world was stirred up into even more chaos. Some demon cultivators showed their original appearance, with huge bodies scattered in the air, and all kinds of chilling roars and roars.

As soon as the Yuhai gang took action, Yu Shenxian Zun disappeared and escaped, leaving behind a group of terrified Lingbo disciples. A few of them were timid and fled in panic, while the rest hurriedly formed a defensive formation. , they believed that their master would definitely be able to deal with this group of people, but it was hard to say whether they could save their lives in this battle.

Yushenxianzun really launched a counterattack as his disciples and grandsons thought. A golden giant turtle dozens of feet long fell from the air, and then there was a fierce spiritual power surge in the air. Seven or eight Jade Sea Masters The monks took action at the same time, beating the area where the Immortal Goddess of Heaven appeared until a crack in the void almost appeared. However, the Immortal God of the Gods had already escaped thousands of miles away, and then he stopped taking action.

His attack this time was not the kind of counterattack that his disciples and disciples thought. He was just doing it casually while escaping to save some face. This was dangerous enough. If anything went wrong, he would have to fight hard. Those little guys from Nanjingzhou could kill him if they came over.

After a brief battle, the battlefield fell into a dead silence. The Jade Sea monks were on full alert to guard against another sneak attack by the God-Resisting Immortal Lord. The disciples of the Lingbo Sect began to retreat quietly outside the battlefield in fear. Their strength was so strong. It's not enough to help, so staying here will only lead to death in vain.

Xieyun and the others gathered around Lang Xing, and the only thing they could rely on to find an invisible Yu Yu monk was Lang Xing's mental power.

The range of perception of the magical power of the mind was only about a thousand miles, so Langxing could not detect any trace of the Yushen Immortal Lord. He led several brothers to join Gongsun Chong. The disciples of Lingbo Sect have already run away at this moment.

A circle of Jade Sea monks formed a defensive formation on the outside. Qian Yun and others set up defense in the inner circle. Even the Huayu monks could not get close to within a hundred miles quietly. Langxing put away his shining light, and Gongsun Chong It was the first time I met this mysterious figure who dared to shout with Yu Shen Xianzun. I was a little stunned by the opponent's early Nascent Soul cultivation level.

"Senior Brother Gongsun, I am Xiyang and Jiangxiao's good friend Lang Xing. I often hear them mention you. Thank you for coming." Lang Xing saluted Gongsun Chong with his eyes filled with sincerity.

"Nice to meet you." Gongsun Chong returned the gift somewhat perfunctorily. He did not dare to relax too much when facing a powerful enemy, and then he said, "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Come back to Yuhai with me quickly, so as to ensure safety. "

Langxing hesitated and said, "I think it's better for us to return to Nanjingzhou as soon as possible."

Gongsun Chong frowned and said, "No, Yu Shen Xian Zun will definitely hunt you down. If you can't go back, go to Yuhai first, and then I will find a way to send you back."

Lang Xing was a little undecided, because he felt that the Gongsun Chong in front of him was very different from the Gongsun Chong that Xiyang showed him back then. The sense of closeness he had in his heart before was now reduced.

A lot.

"You came here specifically to save Xiyang, right?" Although the fact was obvious, he still asked.

Gongsun Chong nodded vigorously, "Yes! Let's go quickly. Xiyang and I are close friends of life and death. You can trust me."

Langxing asked Xieyun, "What do you think we should do?"

Xie Yun said resolutely, "I'm not going to Yuhai." Given Gongsun Chong's tone when he spoke to them before, he would not go with such a person.

Langxing looked at Huahu and the three of them again and asked, "What about you?"

"We're not going either." Before Huahu could speak, Lingxiang rushed to answer. He was good at guessing other people's thoughts and had already seen that Langxing didn't want to go to Yuhai.

"Yes! We're not going either." Hua Hu followed suit. He, like Xieyun, disliked Gongsun Chong.

When Gongsun Chong was hanging out with Xunyi and the others, he was the deepest one in the city. Of course he could tell that these people were angry with him, so he bowed his hands to Xianyun, Huahu and the others and said, "Just now, you have so many talents." Offended, I bear the late Nascent Soul cultivation in the sky, but at critical moments, I am far less calm than a few Taoist friends. I was a little out of touch just now, and I spoke without consideration. Please forgive me, Taoist friends, this is not the time to be impulsive. I implore you all to follow me to Yuhai immediately. You risked your life to save Xiyang. This friendship will never be forgotten. I am Xiyang's life and death friend, and Xiyang suffered because of me. , so I have to take good care of him and you no matter what."

These words were affectionate and sincere, which made Langxing feel embarrassed. Most of Huahu's resentment had dissipated. He rolled his eyes and his attitude was shaken. He longed for a big kill, and joining the Yuhai camp would undoubtedly satisfy him. His wish.

"I'm not going. If you want to go, then I'll go back first." Xieyun's attitude has not changed. His identity has been exposed. For him, this place is already a dangerous place. In fact, at this point, The same goes for Langxing. Disciples from famous families like them not only carry treasures that are easy to be coveted by others, but the spells they learn can also make people think wrongly. As the saying goes, the son of a rich man cannot sit down in court, but now Xiyang has been rescued. , he didn’t want to put himself in danger anymore.

“Then let’s go back.” Lang Jiangxiao is seriously injured. She must be worried about Xiyang's safety at this moment. Let her see Xiyang earlier so that she can heal her injuries earlier. If it is convenient for me, Senior Brother Gongsun, please take the time to visit her later. She is really I miss you very much.”

Gongsun Chong said anxiously, "It's impossible for you to escape the pursuit of a great supernatural power, and we, the people, can't escort you to such a far place. This is absolutely impossible. If you insist on going back, you have to hand over Xiyang." Take care of him, I can't let him fall into the hands of the enemy again."

Xiyun said, "I think it's okay." Taking Xiyang with him is a burden, so leaving it to Gongsun Chong is a good choice.

Huahu objected, "No, either we go to Yuhai, or we take Xiyang back." He took such a big risk to rescue Xiyang, and he was worried about whoever he left it to.

Gongsun Chong said anxiously, "We don't have time to delay like this. Yushen will soon be able to recruit other great powers from Wanfu Xiuyu, and then we will all die here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the west, obviously noticing something unusual.

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