Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2107 Don’t trust the Master too much

When Gongsun Chong came out of the lake, a woman who was sitting on the edge of the cliff waiting stood up. This woman was dressed in an extremely simple and elegant dress, wearing a white skirt and no other accessories except a jade hairpin on her head.

"I'm a little tired, so I came here to rest my mind first." Gongsun Chong explained as he flew over with a smile.

"You're not hurt at all." The woman stepped forward and gently held Gongsun Chong's arm. Although they had been together for more than a thousand years, she still seemed a little shy when making this intimate gesture. This is Su'er, the tree spirit who is in love with Gongsun Chong. It was for him that Gongsun Chong followed Xunyi back to Nanjingzhou from the South China Sea.

"Nothing dangerous." Gongsun Chong took Su'er and sat on the bluestone. This made Su'er feel a little strange. She realized that Gongsun Chong probably had something to say to her, so she snuggled up to Gongsun Chong meekly.

Gongsun Chong lifted Su'er's chin and kissed her lovingly. When their lips were about to meet, he opened his body-protecting divine light. Although this was his territory, he had many eyes and ears for his slaves.

After a kiss, Su'er's face immediately turned red, but her shy temperament did not change at all.

Gongsun Chong secretly conveyed his thoughts and said, "Today, I have to tell you something. You have to stay calm. Although there is a protective divine light between you, you still have to be cautious."

These words made Su'er's heart immediately panic. She had never experienced any storms under Gongsun Chong's protection. This was the first time she saw Gongsun Chong talking to her about something so solemnly, "What's the matter? Don't scare me." She held Gongsun Chong's arm tightly.

"Don't be so nervous." Gongsun Chong gently stroked her shoulders and waited for her to calm down before continuing to convey his thoughts, "Actually, I went to save Xiyang this time. Xiyang and Jiangxiao came here to look for her a few years ago. As a result, I got into a fight with Wanfu Xiuyu's gang, Xiyang was captured, and Jiangxiao was wounded and escaped. "

Su'er tried hard to stay calm, but her arms became tighter and tighter. Although she had only met Xunyi, she was no stranger to Jiangxiao and Xiyang. Gongsun Chong had often talked about these three friends with her before.

Friend, but I didn’t say much about it later.

"Have you been rescued?" she asked nervously. In her heart, she had already regarded these friends of her husband as her own relatives.

"I've been rescued. Don't be happy yet. Listen to me."

Su'er's eyes already flashed with joy. When her husband said this, she immediately guessed that Xiyang might have been seriously injured, and her heart that had just been so excited sank again.

Gongsun Chong could tell what she was thinking, and said, "Xiyang's injury is not a big problem. What I want to tell you is a huge secret, which is not only related to Xiyang's safety, but also the safety of both of us."

Su'er buried her head in Gongsun Chong's arms. She was so nervous that she couldn't keep calm.

Gongsun Chong stroked Su'er's back with pity and continued, "I told you everything about the four of us getting along, but there was one big secret that I didn't tell you. The cave that the four of us left behind in Jiangxiao Ancestor In fact, we found a treasure, which is a treasure that contains four kinds of magic. The cloud and water technique I used is one of them. At that time, we wanted Xunyi, who had the highest level of cultivation, to learn those skills. But Xun Yi was too lazy and didn't have enough perseverance, so he forced us to learn it separately in a whimsical way. We were forced to have no choice but to listen to his words at the risk of losing our lives. Fortunately, we learned it separately. But there was no trouble in learning. One of us learned a spell. Speaking of it, Xun Yi is really nothing to say. Except for being a little unenterprising, he is good at everything. In terms of not being greedy, no one can compare with him. It is thanks to him that I can learn this technique, otherwise I may not be able to achieve what I am today.”

Su'er urged, "I don't know how many times you've heard your praise for him. Please tell me the main thing."

Gongsun Chong lowered his head and kissed Su'er's hair, his eyes deep.

A hint of bitterness flashed in the light, it was probably the last time he mentioned Xun Yi, and he would have no shame in thinking about this friend again.

"These four spells are extremely mysterious. We have never dared to reveal them to others easily, let alone let others know the existence of that treasure, because the spells we have learned will return to that treasure after we die. You should understand this. It’s dangerous.”

Su'er hugged Gongsun Chong tightly. She understood the reason why pregnant with a jade was a crime, but Gongsun Chong revealing this secret to her at this moment was obviously related to the arrival of Xiyang, which made her feel vaguely uneasy. Could it be that Gongsun Chong wanted to be wary of Gu? Narcissus Lord?

Gongsun Chong continued, "I have never wanted them to come to me. I also left jade slips for them at the agreed meeting place before. What I said at that time was that we would wait until everyone has reached the late Nascent Soul cultivation level before we meet again. I thought at that time What’s more, with our magic, we don’t have to fear anyone in the late Nascent Soul stage, including the Huayu monks. What I didn’t expect was that they were in trouble before we even met.”

Su'er tentatively asked, "Isn't Xiyang rescued? Can't we just bring Jiangxiao back?"

Gongsun Chong let out a bitter sigh and was silent for a while before saying, "Let me tell you straight, I can't trust Master too much. I suspect that when he accepted me as a disciple, he must have noticed that I have some strange skills. Master's city is extremely Shen Shen, I was very grateful that he was willing to take me on a long journey to pick you up. Later, I thought about it, he wanted to use you to tie me here. Over the years, he has been asking me about the origin of this spell. I had no choice but to tell him something, because only by finding that treasure can I learn this kind of magic, so he tried his best to win over me. I guess he must have been desperately looking for that treasure these years. This is all thanks to Xun Yi's wisdom. We really don't know where he hid the treasure, and searching for the soul is useless. If it weren't for that, alas..."

"Is the Immortal Lord that kind of person?" Su'er couldn't accept this. In her opinion, the Ancient Water Immortal Lord was an upright and loving elder. Why?

How could he be such a cunning and despicable villain?

"You can't see through him. It was only later that I slowly got a taste of him."

"I still don't believe it. How is this possible?" This change was too sudden for Su'er.

"You have to believe that we are already in danger. If Master asks Xiyang about the whereabouts of that treasure, we will be in trouble, but there is no need to worry too much. I think even if Xiyang knows, that treasure The treasure is probably in the hands of his master. His master is a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of feathering. I just wanted to say hello to you so that you can be on guard so that you won't be too panicked if there is any sudden change. "

"Then can we secretly take Xiyang away?"

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Gongsun Chong's mouth, "It's not that easy, and the environment here is a blessed place for cultivation. I don't want to leave easily. If I can advance to become a feather, there will be nothing to fear." He knew that this was like being here. Seeking skin from a tiger, but he has no other choice.

"Then... Xiyang has left the dragon pond and entered the tiger's den again? Will the Immortal Lord torture him?" Su'er was too kind and immediately thought of Xiyang's situation.

"Not for the time being. When I led people to kill the Lingbo sect, I happened to catch up with several people from Nanjingzhou who also came to rescue Xiyang. I brought them with me, and one of them returned to Nanjingzhou. , the news of Xiyang in Yuhai will be leaked soon, the master must observe the development of the situation, and if the master of Xiyang and the Huayu monk from Nanjingzhou are involved, he will deal with it as appropriate. "

"Does he want to exchange Xiyang for that treasure?"

Gongsun Chong shook his head slightly and said, "It's hard to say. I can't figure out his thoughts. That treasure is enough to make a Yu Feather monk fight for it. I want you to do something for me."

Su'er raised her head from Gongsun Chong's arms, looked at him and asked, "What's the matter?"

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