Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2108 The past reappears

Gongsun Chong hesitated and began to ponder. Su'er was not good at interacting with others and her mind was too pure. It was not only too dangerous but also embarrassing to get her into this whirlpool of intrigues. But the only one he could trust was his own. A beloved wife.

"Just tell me, I am willing to do anything no matter what." Su'er looked at her husband firmly. At this moment, she had realized how dangerous his situation was.

Gongsun Chong made up his mind and said, "One of the people who came from Nanjingzhou was named Lingxing. Although he was only a little guy about a thousand years old, his identity was extremely unusual. He was a disciple of an immortal in Qianxu Palace. People seem to have more than one extraordinary ability. The people who came with him are all higher in cultivation than him, but they are dominated by him. His relationship with Xiyang and Jiangxiao also seems to be very close. Master asked me to follow He tried to get some information, but he misunderstood me and refused to tell me anything. I want you to give it a try. Whatever you can find out, don’t be too pushy. "

"This..." Su'er was in trouble. This was what she was least good at doing.

Gongsun Chong smiled and said, "Let's forget it. I guess you won't be able to tell anything. That guy is very shrewd. I'm a little worried that he will take out what's in your heart."

"I'll go!" Su'er said bravely. She knew that if her husband had other ways, he would not make it difficult for her to do such a thing.

"Then you have to be more strict with your mouth." Gongsun Chong looked at his wife who didn't know much about worldliness with worry.

Su'er pursed her lips and asked cautiously, "Do you want to help the Immortal Lord deal with them?"

Gongsun Chong considered his words and said, "It depends on the situation. First of all, our safety must be ensured. If Master sees that we have second thoughts, we will suffer immediately. Don't make your intentions too obvious." , It doesn’t matter if you can’t ask anything. Lingxing seems to be a very kind person. I feel pretty good about him. Just go visit him as a brother and sister-in-law, care about him, and ask him what he needs. Just say a few words of kindness to me, take your time, don’t rush it.”

"Okay." Su'er nervously calculated in her heart. She had no experience at all in doing this kind of thing.

Lang Xing has been meditating calmly since Gongsun rushed away. He can be aware of the dangerous aura. There is no use in being anxious in this situation. The most important thing to do is to break the seal that locks his cultivation as soon as possible. , he could tell that most of the seals in his body were sealed by Gongsun Chong. Previously, he had forcibly cracked the seal of Fifth Senior Sister Qi Jia, and he had devoted himself to studying the study of restraints in the previous period, so he was quite confident.

The seal was indeed sealed by Gongsun Chong. If the Ancient Water Immortal Lord did such a thing, he would be in trouble. No matter who thinks that the seal of a late Yuan Ying great monk is enough, and the Ancient Water Immortal Lord does not want to embarrass this Qianxu Disciple of the palace.

"Little Junior Brother Lingxing."

Hearing this timid call, Langxing opened his eyes and saw a shy woman walking in with a fruit plate. In the afternoon sunshine, this picture made him feel a little dazed for a moment. There was a bit of a dreamy feeling, but that feeling quickly disappeared.

"I am the wife of Gongsun Chong. Although I have never met Xiyang and Jiangxiao, I have been in love with them for a long time. I heard that you are their good friend, so I came here to see you." Su'er put the fruit plate on the table and said this After two words, a charming blush appeared on his face.

Langxing stood up and saluted, "I have met Madam-in-law, and I am sorry that Madam-in-law is thinking about her."

"No need to be polite." Su'er stepped aside, and the reserved smile on her face became a little brighter. She came here with all her strength, but the moment she saw Lang Xing, she felt inexplicably... Relaxed, she thought it was the reason why Lang Xing looked so honest, but she didn't know that the two had a previous relationship. Xun Yi was still thinking about her and Gongsun Chong until his death, and kept in mind Mrs. Hua's entrustment to him.

"Just call me sister-in-law.

, Junior Brother, I’m here to ask if you need anything. No matter what you need, just say it and I will help you buy it. "

Langxing smiled calmly and said, "I don't need anything else. Just ask Senior Brother Gongsun to help me break the seal." Although he had a good impression of this woman, he had to be careful about anyone when he was in danger, so after seeing the gift, Just put on a business-like attitude.

Su'er, who had just felt a little more relaxed, immediately became nervous again, and said with a clumsy mouth, "He is not..., he is afraid that you will misunderstand him, don't misunderstand him, he is kind-hearted, you must not misunderstand him..."

Seeing her like this, Lang Xing felt a little unbearable and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, don't worry. I didn't misunderstand him. I know he means well. Are you from the Huamu Clan?"

"Well, I am Shou Xiu. When we first met Gongsun, Xun Yi and the two of them were together. My mother and Xun Yi's master, Fairy Su Wan, are sisters who are in love, so I will not harm you." Su'er was anxious. Gaining Lang Xing's trust, he told the story of their relationship without concealing anything.

"Oh? Your Majesty is familiar with Fairy Su?" Lang Xing showed a sincere expression again.

"Yes, if you don't believe it, I will send you some images." Su'er used her spiritual mind to send him the scene of Su Wan getting along with Mrs. Hua and the scene of her first meeting with Gongsun Chong and Xun Yi.

The old Su Wan and the old Xun Yi came together.

Lang Xing fell into a dreamlike feeling again, and his eyes became blurred.

Su'er waited for a while and saw that Lang Xing was lost in thought, so she called out in a low voice, "Junior brother..."

Lang Xing woke up from his daze, smiled at Su'er, and then frowned slightly and began to think.

"Is there something wrong?" Su'er asked confused.

This disturbed all the remaining feelings in Lang Xing's mind. He smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong. It's just how she was before seeing Fairy Su."

Zi felt a little weird, she looked quite silly at that time. "

"Uncle Su is not stupid, you are talking nonsense!" With Su Wan as a bond, the two of them felt closer, and Su'er spoke more smoothly, "It sounds like you and Uncle Su are also familiar with each other. of?"

"Yes, very familiar." Lang Xing subconsciously touched the sleeve with the picture of Yeju. Because nothing on his body had been touched, it was difficult for him to judge Gongsun Chong's intention. In the picture that Su'er just sent , he saw the familiar Gongsun Chong, which made his feelings towards Gongsun Chong more complicated.

"How did you guys meet?" Su'er asked in a hurry.

Langxing looked at her with friendly eyes and said, "Xunyi and I also have some connections. Because of Xunyi's relationship, I became friends with Xiyang, Jiangxiao and Su Xianzi.

Su'er said happily, "That's it! Then we are not outsiders anymore."

Lang Xing did not laugh, but looked at her with calm eyes and said, "Sister-in-law, I know why you are here, but you are not the person to do such a thing. If Senior Brother Gongsun wants to inquire about something, let him ask me in person." , I don’t want to engage in intrigues with you, that will destroy the sincere relationship between us.”

Su'er said in embarrassment, "Don't make wild guesses, I just came to visit you."

Langxing showed a warm smile and said, "I know you are kind-hearted, so I don't want to embarrass you. If Senior Brother Gongsun doesn't want me to misunderstand, it's very simple. Unlock my seal and let me and Xiyang and the others Just live together. He said he was afraid that I would lose my temper. Do you think I am that reckless person? Sister-in-law, you might as well put yourself in your shoes, would you think about this problem like me? "

Su'er stared at him and nodded hesitantly, "You really don't look like a person who loses his temper. I'll go tell him and let him break your seal, but the Immortal Lord is healing Xiyang, so you can't disturb him. So we can’t let you live together now.”

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