Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2110 Ice Water Fairy Princess

Yu Chan has been trapped for thousands of years, and she has really complied with what Minglan said. This forced tranquility is indeed good for her. Her realm has improved, and the relationship between Lang Xing and Su Wan has also changed from the beginning. Her desire to break up has turned into a cold-shoulder attitude, so she doesn't really want to see Minglan disrupt the situation.

Although Ming Lan has the strength to compete with the monks in the middle stage of Yu Chan, she is not very old. Others may not be qualified to say that she is a little girl, but Yu Chan definitely has this qualification, but with her wisdom, she will not let Yu Chan She could see the change in Yu Chan's attitude on this matter. At first, Yu Chan obviously meant to facilitate her relationship with Lang Xing, but now he started to pour cold water on it.

She couldn't guess what Yu Chan was thinking, but even if a great fairy concubine was quibbling, the truth she said was very confusing, so she had to think about it more or less.

"Do you think it would be better for me to kill Su Wan, or make her face look ugly? I think it's worth a try." Minglan pretended to think seriously.

"It would be better to scratch her face." Yu Chan gave a decent suggestion, then looked at the sky and said, "As long as you think God can keep it a secret for you." She knew very well that Minglan couldn't do such a thing. So this kind of temptation is meaningless to her.

Who will God spare? In the past, she would complain about the unfairness of the sky, but not anymore. Looking at the right and wrong in the world from the perspective of reincarnation, everything has cause and effect. Mortals are afraid of consequences, but those who have insight into mysteries will be afraid of causes. Both she and Minglan are afraid of consequences. Having reached this state, you will not act recklessly. This is also a kind of heavenly law, and you will naturally understand it when you reach the corresponding state.

"He's going to be with Su Wan, and I won't care about him anymore." After Ming Lan finished speaking, she stared at Yu Chan, waiting to see her reaction.

"It's up to you." Yu Chan said calmly.

"You can't blame me if something happens to him." .??.

"Of course not. You have taken care of him for a thousand years. If I were to take care of him personally, it would be nothing more than that. As long as you feel that everything you owe him has been repaid, you can let him go. But I think Liegan Gong should be returned to him. ”

Ming Lan didn't say a word, silently turned around and flew towards the outside of the magic circle.

Yu Chan looked at her back with a leisurely expression and said, "Don't just see his faults. How much are you sincere towards him for your ethnic group, and how much are you calculating? You can deceive yourself with this kind of thing. You can deceive yourself." People can’t deceive God.”

Ming Lan did not look back because Yu Chan's words left her speechless. It must be said that Yu Chan's eyes were extremely vicious and he could always find her weakest point to attack. She tried her best to show her sincerity during the thousand years they had been together. , hoping to get Yu Chan's forgiveness, but she could see that Yu Chan would not let go of his resentment towards her, let alone become friends with her. When he was free, he would not follow her for the sake of Lang Xing. It would be good if she settled the accounts.

This conversation made Ming Lan feel bored. She felt bored with life. She couldn't be interested in anything she watched while flying.

Could it be that I have such deep affection for Xun Yi? Even when she learned that Xun Yi was dead, her mood was not so bad, because there was still hope that Xun Yi would be reborn, but if Xun Yi's heart belonged to someone else, there would be no hope. Xunyi, who fought side by side with her in the Xuantu Rift, really wanted to cry.

Xunyi gave her the fruit of Zhenghui that she dreamed of, and at the same time buried a bitter fruit seed in her heart. Now that seed has blossomed and bear fruit, but this bitter fruit tree cannot be obtained by relying on the fruit of Zhenghui.

Wisdom can be plucked out. This is true to the saying that every gain must come with a loss. Did you gain a lot, or lose a lot?

If we use karma to explain it, then was Xunyi using the Zhenghui Fruit to repay the debt owed to him in his previous life? The funny thing is that I was so stupidly happy at the time.

"Damn thing! It's not that cheap!" She cursed fiercely in her heart, and then accelerated towards the direction of Yuhai.

Langxing, who was scolded by Minglan, was still being paced in the courtyard and was in danger. The sense of crisis made it difficult for him to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

"My little fellow Taoist, there is no need to be so anxious." Following these friendly words, the Ancient Water Immortal and a woman with a beautiful face and sharp eyes walked into the courtyard.

Langxing stopped and looked at the two men with calm eyes.

"This is my junior sister Ice Water Immortal Concubine." Ancient Water Immortal Venerable introduced the woman beside him.

"I've met the Immortal Concubine." Lang Xing bowed slightly, and there was another Feathered Monk, and his mood became heavier.

The Ancient Water Immortal Lord smiled and said to his junior sister, "Look, this boy has such determination at such a young age. The name of Qianxu Palace is well-deserved."

The Ice Water Fairy nodded slightly and looked at Lang Xing calmly. This fairy was not easy to talk to at first glance.

Langxing said to the Ancient Water Immortal Lord in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, "Excuse me, the Immortal Lord, is it the Immortal Lord's intention or Gongsun Chong's intention to imprison us here?"

Ancient Water Immortal Lord smiled and waved his hand and said, "Young fellow Taoist, you are serious. We have no intention of imprisoning you. We are just afraid that you will not listen to the advice and run back secretly, so we have temporarily blocked your cultivation. You will kill everyone in Lingbo Sect." How can they let you go after a chop? This journey back is too dangerous. I mean, wait until your master comes to pick you up, so that we won't complain."

After that, he turned to the Ice Water Fairy Concubine and said, "You can go back and ask Shuang'er and Ying'er to accompany the little Taoist friends to go out and see the customs of Jade Sea. It's not in vain to come all the way here."

"Okay." The Ice Water Fairy replied briefly.

Lang Xing didn't say anything. It was better to go out and walk around than to be trapped here.

The Ancient Water Immortal Lord waved his hand and grabbed the Purple Sun Sword that was placed on the tables in the room. He handed it to the Ice Water Immortal Concubine for inspection and asked Lang Xing, "How can you activate such a level of spiritual treasure?" ?”

"This is the master's secret, I'm sorry to tell you." Lang Xing thought it would be better to push this matter to the master.

"But you passed on this secret technique to three other people, right? The level of the spiritual treasures they used exceeded their cultivation level."

"No." Lang Xing flatly denied that Hei Si's spiritual treasure was his own, and he had extraordinary talents in listening to incense and painting pots. It was not impossible to say that he could barely melt his own spiritual treasure, and besides, he was only helping them to melt it. There is no secret technique taught.

Ancient Water Immortal Lord smiled and shook his head, and stopped asking further questions in a very graceful manner.

"I have never heard of such a secret technique." The Ice Water Fairy handed the Purple Sun Sword to Lang Xing and stared at Lang Xing with her sharp eyes.

Lang Xing said plausibly, "Although the fairy concubine is a monk, she may not know everything about the world. The way of heaven is mysterious, and the most indispensable thing is the weird things."

"You push it and show me." The Ice Water Fairy grabbed Lang Xing's wrist and released the restriction that blocked his meridians. Yu Chan has been trapped for thousands of years, and she has really complied with what Minglan said. This forced tranquility is indeed good for her. Her realm has improved, and the relationship between Lang Xing and Su Wan has also changed from the beginning. Her desire to break up has turned into a cold-shoulder attitude, so she doesn't really want to see Minglan disrupt the situation.

Although Ming Lan has the strength to compete with the monks in the middle stage of Yu Chan, she is not very old. Others may not be qualified to say that she is a little girl, but Yu Chan definitely has this qualification, but with her wisdom, she will not let Yu Chan She could see the change in Yu Chan's attitude on this matter. At first, Yu Chan obviously meant to facilitate her relationship with Lang Xing, but now he started to pour cold water on it.

She couldn't guess what Yu Chan was thinking, but even if a great fairy concubine was quibbling, the truth she said was very confusing, so she had to think about it more or less.

"Do you think it would be better for me to kill Su Wan, or make her face look ugly? I think it's worth a try." Minglan pretended to think seriously.

"It would be better to scratch her face." Yu Chan gave a decent suggestion, then looked at the sky and said, "As long as you think God can keep it a secret for you." She knew very well that Minglan couldn't do such a thing. So this kind of temptation is meaningless to her.

Who will God spare? In the past, she would complain about the unfairness of the sky, but not anymore. She looks at the right and wrong in the world from the perspective of reincarnation. Everything has cause and effect. Mortals are afraid of consequences, but those who have insight into mysteries will be afraid of causes. Both she and Minglan are afraid of consequences. Having reached this state, you will not act recklessly. This is also a kind of heavenly law, and you will naturally understand it when you reach the corresponding state.

"He's going to be with Su Wan, and I won't care about him anymore." After Ming Lan finished speaking, she stared at Yu Chan, waiting to see her reaction.

"It's up to you." Yu Chan said calmly.

"If something happens to him, you can't blame me."

"Of course not. You have taken care of him for a thousand years. If I were to take care of him personally, it would be nothing more than that. As long as you feel that everything you owe him has been repaid, you can let him go. But I think Liegan Gong should be returned to him. ”

Ming Lan didn't say a word, silently turned around and flew towards the outside of the magic circle.

Yu Chan looked at her back with a leisurely expression and said, "Don't just see his faults. How much are you sincere towards him for your ethnic group, and how much are you calculating? You can deceive yourself with this kind of thing. You can deceive yourself." People can’t deceive God.”

Ming Lan did not look back because Yu Chan's words left her speechless. It must be said that Yu Chan's eyes were extremely vicious and he could always find her weakest point to attack. She tried her best to show her sincerity during the thousand years they had been together. , hoping to get Yu Chan's forgiveness, but she could see that Yu Chan would not let go of his resentment towards her, let alone become friends with her. When he was free, he would not follow her for the sake of Lang Xing. It would be good if she settled the accounts.

This conversation made Ming Lan feel bored. She felt bored with life. She couldn't be interested in anything she watched while flying.

Could it be that I have such deep affection for Xun Yi? Even when she learned that Xun Yi was dead, her mood was not so bad, because there was still hope that Xun Yi would be reborn, but if Xun Yi's heart belonged to someone else, there would be no hope. Xunyi, who fought side by side with her in the Xuantu Rift, really wanted to cry.

Xunyi gave her the fruit of Zhenghui that she dreamed of, and at the same time buried a bitter fruit seed in her heart. Now that seed has blossomed and bear fruit, but this bitter fruit tree cannot be obtained by relying on the fruit of Zhenghui.

Wisdom can be plucked out. This is true to the saying that every gain must come with a loss. Did you gain a lot, or lose a lot?

If we use karma to explain it, then was Xunyi using the Zhenghui Fruit to repay the debt owed to him in his previous life? The funny thing is that I was so stupidly happy at the time.

"Damn thing! It's not that cheap!" She cursed fiercely in her heart, and then accelerated towards Yuhai.

Langxing, who had been scolded by Minglan, was still being walked around the courtyard and was in danger. His sense of crisis made it difficult for him to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

"My little fellow Taoist, there is no need to be so anxious." Following these friendly words, the Ancient Water Immortal and a woman with a beautiful face and sharp eyes walked into the courtyard.

Langxing stopped and looked at the two men with calm eyes.

"This is my junior sister Ice Water Immortal Concubine." Ancient Water Immortal Venerable introduced the woman beside him.

"I've met the Immortal Concubine." Lang Xing bowed slightly, and there was another Feathered Monk, and his mood became heavier.

Ancient Water Immortal Lord smiled and said to his junior sister, "Look, this boy has such determination at such a young age, Qianxu Palace is well-deserved for its reputation."

The Ice Water Fairy nodded slightly and looked at Lang Xing calmly. This fairy was not easy to talk to at first glance.

Langxing said to the Ancient Water Immortal in a neither humble nor arrogant tone, "Excuse me, Immortal Lord, is it the Immortal Lord's intention or Gongsun Chong's intention to imprison us here?"

Ancient Water Immortal Lord smiled and waved his hand and said, "Young fellow Taoist, you are serious. We have no intention of imprisoning you. We are just afraid that you will not listen to the advice and run back secretly, so we have temporarily blocked your cultivation. You will kill everyone in Lingbo Sect." How can they let you go after a chop? This journey back is too dangerous. I mean, wait until your master comes to pick you up, so that we won't complain."

After that, he turned to the Ice Water Fairy Concubine and said, "You can go back and ask Shuang'er and Ying'er to accompany the little Taoist friends to go out and see the customs of Jade Sea. It's not in vain to come all the way here."

"Okay." The Ice Water Fairy replied briefly.

Langxing didn't say anything. It was better to go out and walk around than to be trapped here.

The Ancient Water Immortal Lord waved his hand and grabbed the Purple Sun Sword that was placed on the tables in the room. He handed it to the Ice Water Immortal Concubine for inspection and asked Lang Xing, "How can you activate such a level of spiritual treasure?" ?”

"This is the master's secret, I'm sorry to tell you." Lang Xing thought it would be better to push this matter to the master.

"But you passed on this secret technique to three other people, right? The level of the spiritual treasures they used exceeded their cultivation level."

"No." Lang Xing flatly denied that Hei Si's spiritual treasure was his own, and he had extraordinary talents in listening to incense and painting pots. It was not impossible to say that he could barely melt his own spiritual treasure, and besides, he was only helping them to melt it. There is no secret technique taught.

Ancient Water Immortal Lord smiled and shook his head, and stopped asking further questions in a very graceful manner.

"I have never heard of such a secret technique." The Ice Water Fairy handed the Purple Sun Sword to Lang Xing and stared at Lang Xing with her sharp eyes.

Lang Xing said plausibly, "Although the fairy concubine is a monk, she may not know everything about the world. The way of heaven is mysterious, and the most indispensable thing is the strange and weird things."

"You push it and show it to me." The Ice Water Fairy grabbed Lang Xing's wrist and released the restriction that blocked his meridians.

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